Retired Vallejo Patrolman Steve Baldino Reports to listening to the Call to Vallejo Dispatch by Zodiac the night after the call. He seems positive that the recording existed. Just curious how that has been kicked around in here or other forums in the past and wonder what theories some of you may have on that. My thoughts are that if there was a recording and it has always been denied, then there must be a motive behind its lack of disclosure. Law Enforcement should not be expected to reveal such information during an active investigation, but practically 50 years later, there hardly seems to be any reason to hold back now. Thoughts?
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance
George Bernard Shaw
There was never a recorded phone call. I created this back in the day when we joked about it. Sure would have been nice if it existed!
There was never a recorded phone call. I created this back in the day when we joked about it.
Sure would have been nice if it existed!
Thanks, I actually would have expected Reel to Reel, but fictional cassette works just as well…
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance
George Bernard Shaw
there are also rumors of a tape left by the Zodiac… in a phone booth? in…Santa Jose?
In San Jose? Never heard that before.
Pretty sure Baldino admitted to not hearing the tape. Would have to go back and look. It was false one existed, although it seems if they had the tracing capabilities they did, recording the call would be plausible at that time. …and yes, no cassette.