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"Stalking Zodiac"

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Posts: 794
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Much like a Mediterranean fruit fly, a thought has been buzzing around inside my skull lately. Since joining this site, I’ve become aware that I’m not the only one who thinks s/he has a handle on Z. There are a number of shrewd individuals who either have a worthy POI, or have contributed significantly to the possible unmasking of Z. What say we pool our resources, and cobble together viable profiles/motivations, etc. of Z? We might start with the acknowledged Zodiac victims, and add possibles, such as Cheri Bates and Donna Lass. I’ve thought of a title: "Stalking Zodiac" by Zodiackillersite.com. Before getting too involved, we might check out potential publishers who, incidentally, could protect us from any legal liabilities.
Maybe I’m just blowing smoke but, dammit, I truly believe that we can at least assist/shame Law Enforcement into solving the Zodiac killings.

Posted : August 18, 2013 5:07 am
Posts: 794
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Well, THAT went over like a lead balloon! But, so be it; the majority rules.

Posted : August 18, 2013 11:25 pm
Posts: 764
Prominent Member

Much like a Mediterranean fruit fly, a thought has been buzzing around inside my skull lately. Since joining this site, I’ve become aware that I’m not the only one who thinks s/he has a handle on Z. There are a number of shrewd individuals who either have a worthy POI, or have contributed significantly to the possible unmasking of Z. What say we pool our resources, and cobble together viable profiles/motivations, etc. of Z? We might start with the acknowledged Zodiac victims, and add possibles, such as Cheri Bates and Donna Lass. I’ve thought of a title: "Stalking Zodiac" by Zodiackillersite.com. Before getting too involved, we might check out potential publishers who, incidentally, could protect us from any legal liabilities.
Maybe I’m just blowing smoke but, dammit, I truly believe that we can at least assist/shame Law Enforcement into solving the Zodiac killings.

I have the same idea, many theories filtered could get a result, but the vanity of individual men, sometimes away from the truth. I can not contribute much, I’m learning about the Z yet.


Posted : August 18, 2013 11:40 pm
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

Much like a Mediterranean fruit fly, a thought has been buzzing around inside my skull lately. Since joining this site, I’ve become aware that I’m not the only one who thinks s/he has a handle on Z. There are a number of shrewd individuals who either have a worthy POI, or have contributed significantly to the possible unmasking of Z. What say we pool our resources, and cobble together viable profiles/motivations, etc. of Z? We might start with the acknowledged Zodiac victims, and add possibles, such as Cheri Bates and Donna Lass. I’ve thought of a title: "Stalking Zodiac" by Zodiackillersite.com. Before getting too involved, we might check out potential publishers who, incidentally, could protect us from any legal liabilities.
Maybe I’m just blowing smoke but, dammit, I truly believe that we can at least assist/shame Law Enforcement into solving the Zodiac killings.


Are you suggesting that we attempt to publish a collective book? If so, I think there a couple of issues. First of all, we simply don’t agree on Zodiac’s psychological profile, motivations etc. There are honest disagreements between smart posters on just about every topic discussed here. For those of us with POIs, the ideas are honestly all over the map. There’s disagreement about whether Bates and Lass were Zodiac victims and disagreements about at least a dozen possible communications.

Secondly, I really don’t think it’s a good idea to publish hypotheses about persons of interest (dead or alive) for all to see. Legal liability aside, a book outlining suspicion about a bunch of individuals in this case would be irresponsible, IMHO. That’s kind of what message boards like this are for and I’m not even comfortable with some of the POI discussion here.

Appreciate your enthusiasm though… why not let the fruit fly free and express what it’s been telling you here? :)

Posted : August 19, 2013 1:16 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

"Are you suggesting that we attempt to publish a collective book?"

Yes I think we should. Now as most members know, I am not one for stating my opinions in public and I am the most modest type of personality and it is because of this that I must absolutely insist that I make only a Cameo appearance. Now if members want to dedicate the opening 3 pages of ‘Acknowledgement’s’ to Alex, known to most as Welsh Chappie, then as much as I protest, I do not want to cause a fuss so I will reluctantly say….. "Ohh go on then" :-)

PS. I certainly will not have any talk of Chapter One being entitled: ‘How Welsh Chap, AKA Alex, solved the Zodiac case." I will have nothing of the kind written in relation to myself! Unless you want to, that is!

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : August 20, 2013 2:55 am