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The Zodiac & The Imperial Wizard

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The Zodiac & The Imperial Wizard

I had posted this over on the "What is the meaning of the AD" thread,
but there is a lot more to this so started a new thread so as not to cluttered up the ideas of others on the other thread.

I was very tired last night when I was working on this (below) and I missed something . "I think" so I’m just going to
use this thread to keep adding to this.

"BACON AND EGGS" asked me to take a look at this note, and see what I thought.

I don’t want to start a new thread; I also don’t want to derail a previous thread so I’ll start here
and if you think I should start a new thread then tell me.

okay this is my opinion what this is talking about. I don’t know anything about Manalli or the other murders "bacon and eggs" said happened right before this,
so I’ll probably know more after someone tells me and I read. someone more familiar with all of that might get a clue after I post my thoughts ONLY on the AD.

I’m just going to decode this thing and then we can go from there, and as I know more I might be able to make more sense out of it. However, I have a good idea
what is going on here even without knowing anything else. (Again my opinion, as I really don’t KNOW anything)

ZODIAC YOUR PARTNER IS IN DEEP REAL ESTATE. You’re next. The Imperial Wizard can save you. Surrender to him or I’ll terminate your case RA

This is great stuff as it gives us a clue "what" THEY(whoever they are) KNOW they are dealing with in context of The Zodiac. The "author" of the AD is "communicating" with The Zodiac
and they know "something" just happened.(The Zodiac had to have sent in something, did that happen? if we don’t have it then we need to find it) So was there something happen right before this? well "bacon and eggs" posted to me in another thread there were 3 murders right before this AD came out. I don’t know anything about the murders yet, so after I post this I hope someone fills me in. Or is could be that someone who knows The Riddler is flipping out. Or the Queen of Hearts is in trouble or knows something the Riddler does not know yet.something is really wrong here.(you have to understand my theory of The Zodiac to understand these "characters".

I believe this to definitely be a REAL( the way it is coded) Zodiac communication. (btw I believe "The Zodiac" is more than one person) I believe "R.A." definitely
knows exactly "What" they are talking to. "WHAT" meaning the R.A. know which "group" they are talking to even if they don’t know exactly which individual. (they might even know who and can’t find them, or for some other reason do not want to find them until this person wants to be found)they know they have a loose cannon out here and they are trying to get something done about it. Either way we are looking at INSTRUCTIONS or WARNING, or someone asking for help to get this stopped>

I don’t believe they would have just randomly tossed that ad out in the "PERSONAL" AD SECTION, unless they had already received a message from "The Zodiac" to put it THERE. otherwise The Zodiac most
likely would never see it. So Zodiac has contacted them and told them to put it there or back and forth they have arrangements to do this. I believe they are "coding" back and forth in the NEWS all the time(for another thread)

sooo… Rule #1… never change anything in the communications, every detail means something. Don’t correct spellings, punctuation, spaces, anything, they all mean something(Very Complex)
Being this is an ad then it is not as complex as it is not WRITTEN OUT by "The Zodiac", you lose abilities to code more complex when it is typed out, especially, by the NEWS. I’m not sure why they put
it in the PERSONALS though. that is kind of lax as anyone can see that. so it is not hidden all that well. Why not put if over in something more hidden? that’s strange. And why put the word ZODIAC right in the front
where everyone is going to notice it? that’s a bit strange also. So that really makes me wonder if this is not another member of The Zodiac who put that out there. Would the authorities really stick that out there like THAT. They could just write up a whole article in the news and HIDE what they are saying, so I think some individual did this who personally has a concern about something.

so here we go…
ZODIAC is all caps. So is DEEP REAL ESTATE. And they mention the Imperial Wizard and the words start with Capitals so they are not hiding that either. that again is a sign of exposing someone.The whole thing has that tone. There are many ways they could have written that so no one would have ever noticed it. so someone is angry, really angry( or worried). it is equivalent to someone putting !!!!!!!!! all over it to get everyone’s attention.

ZODIAC Your partner is in DEEP REAL ESTATE. You’re next.

because this is in the PERSONALS, I’m assuming(bad to assume) this is "personal". and because this states ZODIAC right out in front of God and everyone, it is really not trying to be hidden. yet they are coding. so it is almost like a ditch effort on the part of the author as if okay if you don’t do this or that, I’m going to start exposing you… Look at this, I’m going to stick it right out here where everyone can notice it. why do that?
because you are at your wits end and mad and you have a threatening attitude, "you do this or else" kind of thing. And then to say DEEP REAL ESTATE out there like that(Capitals), again tells me they are not trying to be very hidden. So what happened to make someone so angry or so worried. It is really hard to say who the author is… TO Zodiac or FROM Zodiac. you almost wonder if it is not FROM someone who knows The Riddler. you would THINK the people in high places would not put out something LIKE THAT. very bizarre.

so we could have Zodiac=your partner) or Zodiac… Your partner(zodiac’s partner = one of the group) . is in DEEP REAL ESTATE… is in… hmm they are IN IT. part ner N er DEEP.. under… Real Estate.. land / house/ property… deep is UNDER… UNDER the sea C. drowning. something underwater. … now keep all of that in mind. we have to find a check/match out here. You’re… RE . there is the RE again. which is REAL ESTATE .
so. to part / cut/ slice/ separate.. (part . ner . N er) . (is in =N .. inside, within)–> (DEEP = under, down, watER, drown, sea=C) . ( REAL ESTATE = RE – house, land, propERty) You’re next = U /ER / next(following, beside)

The Imperial Wizard can save you. … (ImpERial = Royal, King, REgal) Wizard = person who can perform magic. astrologer – seer- sourcerer(oooh double) –(Can = containER, REceptacle vessel(hmm jar)
save you… save U. (save – ransom, REscUe).
Surrender to him… SurREndER Sur-REndER… sur – Sir. Render, delivER, give, tendER, hand ovER, to pay back) pay back= go back
or – oar- oRE) I’ll = I-LL hmm . 15050? , 55000? or 50 +50= 100,000
terminate = end, stop, finish, detERmine, abort, sack(bur lap=rub pal = erase, kill) . secREt Pal. = (terminate, to end to wrap up = around and up. … wrap up = layer
your case – scrutinize, examine, view, case – KEYS

it is totally layered for sure, and definitely z stuff. there are keys mentioned in here, there is extortions in here (could even be a ransom, but I would think extortion)

omg this is crazy stuff. but it makes sense. I’ll have to go through and get all the CHECKS… but someone is going to give up the keys if someone does not get their money.
they are extorting money. there are also instructions in here with ER, U, C, oh CURE. that would be the Imperial Wizard which means Marine Pysche… hmmm

so we have a MARINE, vessel, gunboat. and the imperial wizard, who is the Marine pysche. we have DEEP water… a diver… we have some kind of money involved. 100,000 most likely. real estate is a house. a HUGE HOUSE… SIR RENDER(render to ceazer = money = ore =gold) wait a minute maybe they want gold bars. 50 is a gold bar unit of tael, chinese. that’s weird, why chinese. is that right, I need to work that out.
(note – In the Exorist Letter also mentions 100, so I never knew why only 100, so that was also probably 100,000. (so The Riddler has been on a time payment plan for how long at least 2 years. If I remember correctly when I figured this out years ago, there were more mentions of demanding money… more later)

so now we go back to the date of this ad. august 26, 1976… someone is extorting money from someone. someone has the KEYS. someone is threatening The Zodiac, or someone in The Zodiac is threatening someone else in the Zodiac. we have a marine involved. probably special ops … let me go look

Most Marines with combatant diver certification are either in the Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command or amphibious reconnaissance communities.
oh holy crap….. he’s a RAIDER… look at this…. RA . ID . ER
This is the RIDDLER and he is extorting money from The Zodiac. no wonder the docs and case are all listed as The Zodiac EXTORTION. oh holy crap Batman.

ok who died? someone trying to get to him? could be.. and he got mad and sent that note. telling them… they are next, telling them the Imperial Wizard can save them, then are next, and he want 100,000 in tael bars, two chinese bars, or he is going to terminate their case,… omg… it’s the dang riddler. RA .. the raider. totally Z all the dang way. who is he blackmailing is the question. someone for sure. they probably told him to turn himself in and see the imperial wizard and so he tells them, YOU go see the imperial wizard(marine psyche) and let him save YOU. and render to me 2 tael bars of gold or he is going to expose them. if this was not so sad it would be hilarious. shine on you crazy diamond Riddler. haha . yep, this is definitely him haha

Posted : September 30, 2019 11:10 pm
Posts: 383
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Topic starter

now last night I was very tired and I missed something.

so now lets review my post above. and add some things

Imperial Wizard
CURE(from my decoding in post above)

ok DEEP = water. I forgot the word RIVERrivER… now if the correct word for deep is RIVER
then we could very easily have a Imperial Wizard on the Riverine Ambulance = RA … which is also Raider. but a special kind.
this wizard has the CURE, and SAVES the wounded… He’s basically a MEDIC (psyche)… could have been both. might have been the doctor with training in psychology as well, or just took on the

I still have to go through and rework all of this to MAKE SURE I have CHECKS to make CERTAIN I have the correct words. I still have not went through to work the CHECKS yet, so I HAVE to do that.

also I’m thinking I might need to Dust Off my computer screen so I can see better.

is there anyone familiar with Military Operations who understands what I am saying. I don’t want to have to go do a whole course study on the Dust Off Riverine Operations to figure out
which Imperial Wizard this is. If I have someone to help me out with the miliary history, I could do this so much more quickly.

my military questions I need help with???

did the riverine Dust Off operations also have a psyche ? would the Medic have also acted as the psyche? or did they have a specific psyche.

what operations where they on with the marines and navy that would coincide with this note?
what had happened that might have TRIGGERED this.

I’m not blind and i know there are some heavy military peeps reading this, so help me out here…

Posted : September 30, 2019 11:17 pm