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The Zodiac & The Riddler

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I have definitely got to get this article of Cragle’s over here, I am seeing stuff in it and OH BOY.
I never really paid attention to things told to me, I just blew it off as some drunk crazy person.
Of course I always knew how to let things go in my ears and compartmentalize them without giving them
any thought although I knew I should not even be hearing this crap. but I did hear it, and I remember a lot
of it, and now looking at this crap, I’m thinking, Man I thought running around with murderers off of death row
was bad, but now I’m thinking dang, they were angels compared to this stuff. oh wait, I was hanging out with
them also. Good Grief Charlie Brown, get out of the pumpkin patch LOL

Don’t worry I never mention names my friend. You’re safe. But am I? that is the real question here.
I think I am… I hope I am.

yep this "Crazy Girl" is still Insane, but oh well. Until the wind comes and blows out my candle I guess you’ll see the light

Posted : September 28, 2019 11:36 pm
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I really really have to wonder why no one else will tell this story???
come on, there are people out here who know it, much better than I do.
You let these people scare you? You gonna let some little crazy girl tell it.

You had to turn into The Riddler to tell it, and tell it in some kind of a mixed up mess
called The Zodiac. I think your name should have been The Zodiac Killer, not The Zodiac.
Right? You are The Riddler, Right? of course you are.
Well, I hope the heck you are still out here, cuz I have a few things to say to YOU.

Come on Riddler, I’ll be your scribe. Only this time I’ll know what the heck I’m writing about.
Dang you anyway, having me right all that crap. No f’ing wonder that sly fox ended up staring me in the face.
Just remember. I have boxes of your crap. I know you are still out here. Along with all the rest of you.
yep raw meat in the locker with the lock on tight. Well I just unlocked it

Posted : September 28, 2019 11:47 pm
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Back to the new article that Cragle posted.
I’m going to get it on here for sure, some how and I’m going through it all.
And RIDDLER I hope to heck you are swatching, and do you not think I don’t remember
that tye dyed T-shirt that faded in the wash. OMG… and then you just conveniently have be scribing away.
I can see now what you did, you did all that crap and then tried to turn it on me. You fool.
Phoenix Rising and I can’t call you what I want because I’m on a forum that is not my own.
I KNOW you are reading this because you always do. And I know you have resurfaced. For what reason?
If I were you I would go jump in the ocean and stay down there and hide.

Posted : September 29, 2019 12:09 am
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Sorry, I’m so pissed off. I’ll get this stuff together and start getting it out here.
I’ve just had the WAKE-UP call of my life is all, and I’m MAD…
well it will be IN THE AIR TONIGHT ( Phil Collins)

some people drank the cool aid… I ate the dang spaghetti.
Sheeeeman-EEEE . Well Para Dice… This is the SCRIBE speaking.
Master Forger my butt. Well you taught me how to play the game,
well how ’bout I play the game with YOU, only this time I’m not the pawn.

Posted : September 29, 2019 12:21 am
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October 27th 1970, the Zodiac Killer mailed the ‘Halloween’ card to the San Francisco Chronicle.

just making a note to myself so I don’t forget what I’m doing as soon as I get that article over here

means nothing, just thought it interesting but don’t think it fits anywhere, YET, anyway

October 27 1960 – U.S.A. Martin Luther King Jr
1960 : Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was released from the Georgia State Prison following a direct intervention from Robert F. Kennedy who had question his constitutional right to bail, while pending appeal of a traffic conviction.

On June 5, 1968, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was mortally wounded shortly after midnight at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Earlier that evening, the 42-year-old junior senator from New York was declared the winner in the South Dakota and California presidential primaries in the 1968 election. He was pronounced dead at 1:44 a.m. PDT on June 6, about 26 hours after he had been shot

U.S. attorney general and adviser during the administration of his brother Pres. John F. Kennedy (1961–63) and later a U.S. senator (1965–68). He was assassinated while campaigning for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination in 1968.
long-standing feud with James R. Hoffa

boy kennedy’s were really pissing people off back then, not that it means anything, but seems like everyone got killed over "something" that "someone" did not like going on.

the reason I mention the Halloween card is because once I get the article over here you will see that in the coding of the article that whoever is coding IN THE ARTICLE BEFORE THE HALLOWEEN CARD CAME OUT… they are talking to The Riddler and saying he never says BOO… so come the halloween card we see BOO… so was there BOO before that? and if so when, help me out here someone. I work with codes not cases. but I’m starting to see something going on here.

Once I get that article over here, you will see what I mean that it is all coded.

well we obviously know who says BOO… but we can’t assume that is what is meant, we have to work the article and make sure everything CHECKS and we have the right WORD meanings, we can’t just make up our own meanings.

Posted : September 29, 2019 4:00 am
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another note to myself..

The chicken man…. who is that?
another piece of code in the news article

Posted : September 29, 2019 4:37 am
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another note to myself

Jimmy Hoffa, in full James Riddle Hoffa, (born February 14, 1913, Brazil, Indiana, U.S.—disappeared July 30, 1975, Bloomfield Hills, near Detroit, Michigan), American labour leader who served as president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters from 1957 to 1971 and was one of the most controversial labour organizers of his time.
On July 30, 1975, he disappeared from a restaurant in suburban Detroit
presumed legally dead 1982( I need a month and day date on that)

U.S. Pres. Richard M. Nixon commuted Hoffa’s sentence in December 1971, stipulating that he could not engage in any union activity until 1980

note to myself more on this later

yes let’s never forget Michigan.
you do know this all crazy communication started there, right… way back a long time ago. before WE heard of The Zodiac, but they knew about it. The FBI knew about it long before we did. They new about SK’s before we ever heard that word.

and here is my famous line.

"as time went on, more things happened" = I’m not saying haha

Posted : September 29, 2019 4:41 am
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another note to myself

boo = decry= do a number on

so BOO, who are they going to or did they "do a number on"?
they will tell you in the communication if one is done and who it is.

on the skeleton of course, see it… so who is the skeleton?
what is a skeleton? think about it… and what is the skeleton doing?
He is picking them off. And who is he picking off. Again layered.
always layers. never one set of instructions for a cipher, and never only one layer to each.
But you always have the instructions to know what to do when it changes up.
There are many Keys to the Gates. You will always be told which key to use to open which GATE.

btw, the 14 is Victory and also = Minors that you PICK OFF as they come out of the bus. your bus you drive around and pick up the cids/minors/. but the other layer is you have MINERS, which you are actually mining for the GOLD, and where do you mine for GOLD, why the MOTHERLODE of "course" and how do you do that, on the Course / route where you drive your bus (bomb) that BLOWS it up. but it goes a different route all the time. your minors are also cids… = C id’s… A Cid is telling you = SEE ID(name) I’ll explain that later.

but remember everything is triple( or more) layered and used over and over and in different way; and the Halloween Card changes, depending on the instructions of the communications, sometimes you have REFLECTIONS, you drive left, sometimes right, sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes around, or back and to or over and under. You just have to have your map to know where to go. Then after you pick up all your minors, it will tell you what to do with them, some you drop off somewhere else, some you reseat, some you move them to the back of the bus. But we are alway told what to do, and every instruction we are given has a CHECK, and if you don’t find the CHECK you know you have it wrong. If you do find the CHECK you know you have it right. There is no way you can be mistaken
which again we don’t have all of the communications/instructions; we have a MINUTE part of them. So we only have bits and pieces, but they are all over out here.
They were even sent to random people if they KNEW those people would turn them in to the police, then the police turn them over to the FBI.
Another form of communication. So don’t discount the normal every day people who received notes. Every time that normal Citizen sent that note to the police, it still got to the fbi, and then that communication was answered in the NEWS.

so everyone with different POI’s, you might ALL be right… The Zodiac is not one person.

I’ll keep going, is going to take me a long time to get all the communications and News Articles out here and show you what they say.

and of course the deeper level of the 480(multi-layered, other layers not solved), the 340 (the route), the bus bomb(which blows up the 340) code and all the rest of the crazy communications which are actually instructions to tell you what to do and/or where to drive your bus.
btw, these are not the only "wise cracks" who sent in this stuff. Other Sk’s did it too. very weird.

they are all very real and coded. you just have to know how they were written up and what the keys are, and the keys will change. They work the same way basically, but the route will change. but the communications always tell us how they change. they tell us how to use the Halloween card and the bus bomb. among other things in other communications.

Posted : September 29, 2019 5:12 am
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Now I know you really think I’m crazy here, but think about this…
Dennis Rader, aka the BTK Killer “How many people do I have to kill before I get a name in the paper or some national attention?

you see he knew what he had to do to get national attention. He understood how to get the attention to get his messages out there in the NEWS…
how did he do it, by killing people. Of course he worked differently but he UNDERSTOOD the concept… and he was right.
even the news article is going to tell you this when I get it on here. this is exactly what the Zodiac does. I’m not the only one saying it, the news article is saying it also.

The Riddler kills to get attention in the NEWS… why? because that is where he communicates. And who is he communicating with? The Zodiac.. and who is The Zodiac. any number of people. Like I said, some close knit people, and some loosely connected. Does the Riddler write the letter? Rarely ever that I have seen. This is why I thought it so weird that The Riddler would identify themself in the Zodiac and The Riddler communication. I’ve never seen them do that, they normally have someone else do it. Maybe at one time way back they did do it and then got worried and talked some unknowing scribe into doing it. Yes, I am sure that is what they did. And when one scribe was not around, they found another. How in the hell would a scribe realize what they were doing? Just writing some joke letter and not know what it meant or who it went to. And of course there were scribes who did know what they were doing, I’m sure. But instead of doing it themself, they had someone else do it; thus, many different forms of handwriting with the same code. You tell which communications are real by the code, not by the handwriting. So you had a bunch of Zodiacs out there with a bunch of scribes and here comes all these crazy communications all over and people dying all over; some assassinated, some killed for other reasons, some random just to get the attention for the news. And for what purpose?? I think some where political, some to shut people up, some because someone was mad, some just because. And how many people figured this out, most likely a few, but I know this, there are still people out here, even this very minute, still doing this. why? good question.

So let’s find out… Why have you resurfaced RIDDLER. I’m waiting to hear your answer. I remember what you did several years ago, telling me to say something out there and I did not know what the heck I was saying. Talk about a bomb(figuratively speaking) going off. do you really know how much crap that caused? well of course you do. And then you got me on the Zodiac Case, and then looked what you caused then. and now here you are back. so this time, why don’t YOU tell your own story.

so why are you back? I can just about Guess that answer. You saw the same thing I saw. now what?

and as Dylan said, in Patterson that’s just the way things go

Posted : September 29, 2019 6:32 am
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so now we have 1000’s of writings out here that no one understands. oh but wait, that’s not right, SOME people do understand them hmmmm
And then I have 1000’s of my own in boxes, and I certainly understand mine. And I understand the others too.(most of them). I understand the words, I’m not that good with the math part. I know what it is doing, but not in depth. I see what he is doing, but I don’t know what he is doing WITH it, in the sense that I don’t know where to PUT IT. but I know someone who does know what he is doing with it. And I can bet you 100000% they have seen all this stuff out there and are reading here now. I know that code for sure, because it is the same dang code I know. So how is this connected? I have a good idea. I have a really good idea. Do I know for sure? well, I don’t know how it can not be. It has to be. I think there is enough of it to figure it all out. just going to take some time.

Time is NOT on our side, that is for sure. As the stones said, Time waits for know one. How in the heck are we ever going to get through all this stuff and get this done? I certainly can’t do it all by myself, relentless can’t do it all by herself; and then we still need someone to do that math, and so where are they??? I don’t think they will surface out here. I know they are alive. I know that for a fact. but will they surface out here. I don’t think so. I’ll be dang surprised if they do. I’m just hoping they might surface at least under the surface. They have no need to worry about me, I’m not going to OUT THEM. Haven’t all this time. but this needs to be resolved.

Posted : September 29, 2019 7:25 am
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I cannot get this article uploaded on here and I’m tired of trying. Boo
until someone else can get it on here, I can’t show you what is going on

can sommeone else get it over here ??? please

here is the link to it

Posted : September 29, 2019 9:14 pm
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OK I am spending way too much time to try to navigate this board, that I don’t have time to put together what I need to put together to show you what is going on here.
And it is stressing me out here. So I’m going to have to go do this elsewhere.

Sorry, but I’m not techie at all unless it is something I already know how to do and do it all the time. I might seem to know how to set things up, and I do; but in my OWN way. LIke I have said, I can’t navigate this
board, and there is soooooo much scattered all over on there that no way can I put it together like this. I’m going to have to go ORGANIZE all this stuff. this is all so unorganized(no disrespect to anyone) but I can’t work like this. I’m very detailed and my brain works differently than most people and to have stuff scattered everyone and all conglomerated in the midst of other threads, I can’t weave in and out like that and make anything sensible. And I am wasting time if I can’t be sensible. And who else can? It can’t be just me.

although there are SOME things on here I need to respond to now and then, so I’ll be posting if I see something I need to respond to, but otherwise I have to go set up something that I can have organized in a manner in which I can work. Doing this is killing me BOO… it is like trying to hit the bullseye with the wrong gun. if your site isn’t right on, when you are scoping things out, the bull moves and if you f’ with the bull long enough you’ll get the horn if you don’t have the right gun, instead of you shooting the bull, the bull HORNS you.

I’m still going to be around doing this, just not here.

Posted : September 29, 2019 11:05 pm
Posts: 753
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I cannot get this article uploaded on here and I’m tired of trying. Boo
until someone else can get it on here, I can’t show you what is going on

can sommeone else get it over here ??? please

here is the link to it

That’s the first time i have ever seen anyone mention the “ancient egyptian book of the dead” There is one particular version printed circa 1930~ that produces fascinating results for “EBEORIETEMETHHPITI” .

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : September 30, 2019 12:33 am
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I cannot get this article uploaded on here and I’m tired of trying. Boo
until someone else can get it on here, I can’t show you what is going on

can sommeone else get it over here ??? please

here is the link to it

That’s the first time i have ever seen anyone mention the “ancient egyptian book of the dead” There is one particular version printed circa 1930~ that produces fascinating results for “EBEORIETEMETHHPITI” .

Simplicity, do you know how to upload that dang news article on here so I can go through it and explain what I am seeing.

Posted : September 30, 2019 8:59 am
Posts: 753
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Here, his mentioning of the “book of the dead” hit me, not because of the ominous name but rather it’s something i previously followed on my own accord. The Zodiac doesn’t appear to use Ancient Egyptian glyphs. It is only the English translation of Ancient Egyptian words that bare a resemblance. Anyway please carry on.

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : September 30, 2019 9:07 am
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