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Time Laps between BRS and LB Murders and Phone Calls

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There exists speculation by various sources as to whether or not the Zodiac made the calls after the BRS and LB Murders.
With that said, however, there is mention of the following:
an estimated 40 min time laps from the call to the Vallejo Police and the BRS murders
an estimated 20 min time laps between the LB Murder

As a what if – I performed a map quest to determine what area might account for this time difference if the Zodiac was traveling home (for instance)

Basically in checking, it appears to take approximately
19 Mins from the LB murder site to Moscowite Corners in Napa / Lake Berryessa.
38 Mins from the BLS murder site to Moscowite Corners in Napa / Lake Berryessa.

I also recall reading somewhere that a park ranger (Dennis Land?) came under some suspicion.

So, I find it interesting that when using these too locations BRS and LB and accounting for “the missing time” that this location Moscowite Corners fits quite nicely.

And if I remember correctly, from my youth, there was at least before cell phones – he he, a payphone out side the Moscowite Store.

Additionally, I think (not sure however) there may have been a mobile home park right in the Moscowite Corner Area at the time of the Zodiac murders.

So just curious if there are any thoughts on this, if the Zodiac was really one person, maybe he was just going home or to work after committing the murders?

Posted : April 7, 2016 8:56 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

The time lapse after Lake Berryessa to the phone call at 1231 Main Street, Napa was 1 hour 10 minutes approximately.
The attack was likely 6.30 pm, the call was 7.40 pm.
After the BRS attack the call was from Springs and Tuolumne, about 10 minutes driving time from the crime scene. This renders any link to Moscowite Corners in Napa redundant.
"I also recall reading somewhere that a park ranger (Dennis Land?) came under some suspicion."
This was put forward by Zodiac Hoax theorist Thomas Horan, along with other suspects such as Harold Snook, Robert Graysmith, a Chronicle reporter, Uncle Tom Cobley, Daffy Duck, and just about anybody connected with the investigation. If you want my advice, ignore this nonsense, otherwise you will just get misinformation from the start.

Posted : April 7, 2016 9:22 am
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Thank you, good to know. I will follow up on the info you provided and try and figure out where I found my info and try and determine if I had my facts wrong and if the site was credible. You seem to be very knowledgeable on the subject so following up on the info you provide will be a pleasure. No ego here just searching for the truth. Thanks

Posted : April 7, 2016 9:42 am
Posts: 1772
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What is interesting Dee is the ‘missing’ 40 minutes after the BRS attack. The Zodiac clearly didn’t make the call straight after the attack, as he could have made the call at approximately 12.10 am, the question everybody asks is what did he do with the rest of his time. One thought is he drove home, ditched the weapon, and returned back the the payphone, placing his residence relatively close to the payphone. There is only so much time he could spend on this round trip, if this were the case. ie: 20 minutes away from Blue Rock Springs and 20 minutes back to Springs and Tuolumne, allowing for time at his residence, you get a radius of the area around BRS that he could likely navigate. But this is just one theory.

Posted : April 7, 2016 9:54 am
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Dear UKSpyCatcher. I obtained the BRS 40 min time frame from the following site http://www.zodiacciphers.com/zodiac-new … phone-call created by Richard Grinnell.

The article is titled The First Phone Call a portion of the text reads — "Of course, if the killer had drove to the payphone immediately after the attack on Michael Mageau and Darlene Ferrin, the call would have been received at approximately 12.10 am, but it was taken at 12.40 am, leaving a notable discrepancy."

and here as well SAME SITE http://www.zodiacciphers.com/blue-rock- … ttack.html

"After the attack, the Zodiac Killer exited Blue Rock Springs parking lot at approximately midnight and made the phone call to Nancy Slover at 12.40 am at the intersection of Springs and Tuolumne. The intervening 40 minutes are unknown. It has been stated many times that we have a missing 30 minutes, as we know the journey time to the payphone is roughly 10 minutes. This however is factually incorrect, as it makes the assumption of redundant time. If the killer for example, headed to his Benicia home and returned to the payphone, he had 40 minutes available to him, as he did if he lived en route to the payphone or right beside it. The missing 30 minutes takes a premise that 10 minutes is wasted time.
But the question still remains, he made a phone call 40 minutes after the attack, when it could conceivably have been made as early as 12.10 am. So what was the Zodiac Killer doing during this timeline."

I will find also try and provide the site where I obtained the LB 20 min data and reply.

Do you have any additional comments you would like to provide concerning the validity of this site and the data?

Posted : April 7, 2016 10:04 am
Posts: 1772
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That’s my site Dee. :o

Posted : April 7, 2016 10:10 am
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Dear UKSpyCatcher,

At this site I do see info that confirms the LB 6:30 murder time and LB 7:40 call time you specified. http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com/lakeberryessa.htm .

I am still looking for the 20 min data I found and will provide a status.

Finding information and validating it on the internet at times can be difficult. Once I find the 20 min data (hopefully). I will then see if I can find the police reports and see what if any info that they can provide

Posted : April 7, 2016 10:15 am
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Dear UPSpyCatcher,

I am a bit confused by your comment "That is my site". Is it really your site and do you now agree with that portion of my previous comment?

Posted : April 7, 2016 10:17 am
Posts: 1772
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Yes it is my site and the 6.30 and 7.40 are correct. There is some argument over whether the Zodiac wrote on the car door at 6.30 and committed the attack slightly earlier, let’s say 6.20, or he was specifying the exact time of the attack at 6.30.

Posted : April 7, 2016 10:26 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Are you referring to this "The journey time from Lake Berryessa to 1231 Main Street is approximately 50 minutes, but if he left the crime scene at 6.30 pm, he should have arrived at the payphone at 7.20 pm, leaving 20 minutes unaccounted for. There was of course greater traveling distance, but even allowing for this, the killer could not have taken the most direct route from Lake Berryessa to the payphone and placed the call immediately, to allow it to be logged at 7.40 pm."

Posted : April 7, 2016 10:29 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

The lost 20 minutes article is an early one written 3 years ago, with slight errors. It says "The attack occurred at 12.10 am", whereas it should say around 12. I corrected it in the comments section. It really should be titled ‘the unaccounted 40 minutes’.

Posted : April 7, 2016 10:53 am
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Dear UKSpyCatcher,

The data you listed below concerning the 20 min discrepancy for LB could be where I found the 20 min info, but for now I can’t really say.

The case is of interest to me because I actually grew up in Vallejo (ages 3-18). I lived around the corner from Wallace Street (where Darlene Farrin lived at one point). My best friend lived on Jordan Street, Vallejo where Darlene Ferrin’s sister and parents lived. My brother went to school with David Farad (Vallejo High) and my younger brother worked at Ceaser’s with Dean Ferrin. Growing up in Vallejo, I was also very familiar with a very dangerous undercurrent that existed.

I later moved to Napa and am very familiar with Napa, UpValley, Lake Berryessa and Knoxville Road (Loved Knoxville Road Area) areas. So the case is interesting to me.

Anyhow I guess I thought if there are 40 mins missing from BRS Vallejo and 20 mins missing in from LB timeframe where could the time possibly meet, overlap or be spent – so to speak. It was more or less a what if and I thought it curious that the Muscowite area could work.

Posted : April 7, 2016 11:38 am
Posts: 810
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Moscowite Corners….what’s this near by?


Posted : April 7, 2016 7:13 pm
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Moscowite Corners is one of the few stores (the only one I knew of), in what is considered The Lake Berryessa area.

It is a place were locals (Napa Area) traveling on Monticello Road (Highway 121) to The Lake would stop to get a coke, candy, sandwich … and I think they the store even had bait there at one point.

It is also a place where locals from the (Vacaville/Fairfield Area) would take Highway 128 to reach The Lake.

Basically it is the approximate point where those traveling from the Napa Area would intersect with those traveling from the Vacaville/Fairfield Area and stop for refreshments and other items to be used at the Lake.

The store has a pay phone and is approximately 20 mins from the Zodiac Lake Berryessa Murder site.

Posted : April 7, 2016 7:41 pm
Posts: 5315
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The police reports are always the best source of information:

**Darlene & Mike: http://zodiackiller.com/DFR1.html

Phone calls to Nancy Slover" http://www.zodiackiller.com/DFR4.html

What I find interesting is the report does read "12:10" am. They don’t write "approximately" and I wondered why. Read the phone call report by Nancy. When the first call is made to her by the three teens, it reads "BEING" shot. Could have just be interpreted incorrectly, but makes me wonder.

**Cecelia & Bryan":

Phone call received by Officer Slaight: http://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport32.html

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : April 7, 2016 8:24 pm
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