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What is everyone's opinion of the Tarbox suspect?

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Zero, Subject: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 3:30 am

Hi. Long long time lurker, first time poster here. I got hooked on this case after seeing the Fincher movie. I know it isn’t factually accurate, but I think it is a great movie. I’ve been reading up on the case over the past year or so. There is quite a bit of information out there, and also quite a bit of junk, unfortunately.

I did a couple searches but nobody here seems to be discussing the Tarbox suspect. To me, this story seems to be a lot more plausible than most of the other ones surrounding this case. I think Tarbox is being honest and has tried to give us as much information as he can without breaking client confidentiality.

Things I like:
* We know Zodiac contacted at least one lawyer, Belli.
* Tarbox’s office was located close to Belli’s office and home.
* The Merchant Marine angle is consistent with what is generally assumed about the Zodiac (military-affiliated, some specialized training).
* Tarbox is not seeking money or publicity. He also seems to be of sound mind.
* Merchant Marine records are fairly easy to research.

Things I don’t like:
* It could have just been a crank.
* Tarbox is a disbarred lawyer.

What do researchers here think?

Nachtsider, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 6:13 am

I wonder if the victims’ families know about Bob Tarbox. Perhaps I should alert them to the fact that he may be sitting on the name of the man who robbed them of their loved ones, and see what they have to say about it.

morf13, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 7:09 am

I personally don’t buy it.

Nachtsider, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 7:42 am

Forgot to add one more thing. People like Bob Tarbox should either shit, or get off the damn pot.

, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 9:08 am

Disbarred, enough said really.

Scared Kid, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 2:01 pm

So what is in it for Tarbox?

He is retired and not trying to make money off the case. He actually spent money to take a full page ad out in the Times Herald saying it was not ALA and it was the mystery mariner. Since the Times Herald ad, he was in the San Fran paper once. So he apparently is not looking for publicity. Why would he make the story up?

Who cares that he was disbarred? It could have been for something really minor that he did not fight. California disbars lawyers every month, no big whoop!

All Merchant Mariners have an ID card issued by the US Coast Guard called a Merchant Mariners Document or Z Card. The Zodiac may have a Z Card, pretty funny if you ask me! Back on topic, to get a Z Card you must give the US Coast Guard at least a thumb print. This is for every sailor from the Captain down to the guy who swabs the deck. It is how the USCG keeps track of every merchant marine sailor. I do not really remember as I got my Z Card in 1983, but you may have had to give them a complete set of prints. So if Z really is a Merchant Mariner the US Coast Guard has his prints, or at least a thumb print.

It seems as if Tarbox just gets laughed off. There may be something to his story. The gap in Z activity could be that he killed then shipped out for a few months and killed again after he got off the ship. These guys work for 3 to 6 months at a stretch, are away from home during that time then come home with a pocket full of money and nothing to do until they ship out again.

Sailors are also very familiar with lawyers. Since they are gone for extended periods they have divorces to settle, they get arrested while home and have to deal with that, they get hurt on the job and sue under the Jones Act or they just have matters that need to be attended to while sailing and they hire lawyers to care for these things.

I think the Tarbox angle could be the truth, could be with a question mark. I really don’t know. Why doesn’t he give up the name since it has been so many years and his family is now out of harms way?

Who knows?

Zero, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 2:53 pm

My understanding is that Tarbox will not give up the name due to attorney-client privilege. Some people have said Tarbox should just give out the name but I don’t think it is quite that simple. I would really like to hear the opinion of a California lawyer about this for an educated response.

Scared Kid, since you were in the Merchant Marines, do you know if a 60s-70s era MM ID would have a person’s picture on it? I’m wondering if Z would have been brazen enough to use his own ID instead of just borrowing someone else’s.

Seagull, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 3:34 pm

Zero my husband is retired from the merchant marine. He got his Z Card in the mid ’60’s and yes it does have his picture on it as well as the thumb print that Scared Kid mentioned. He had the same Z Card the entire time and the picture or other information was never updated on the card.

My husband did not go to sea in the sense that he was away for months at a time. He did tugboat work which for the most part was in the SF Bay. He did haul barges coastwise, too. In other words a merchant marine working out of San Francisco did not necessarily ship out for months at a time. I mention this because of the many letters that were mailed over a long period of time by Zodiac.

Personally I like Tarbox’s theory that Zodiac was a merchant marine. Whether the incident he related actually happened or if he was telling that story because it had been his pet theory is something I’m not sure about. I do know that a fellow union member of my husband was questioned and investigated as a suspect at the time. He is in the police report posted at ZK so it does seem that LE was covering that angle then.


Besides the other pros you’ve listed for Tarbox I’d like to add that he was from Vallejo.

, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 3:56 pm

Wouldn’t hurt to look into I guess, But I seriously doubt his ‘suspect’ is the Zodiac for a variety of reasons.

One is the fact Zodiac only contacted Belli because someone else was out there claiming to be the Zodiac, and our man wasn’t going to tolerate counterfeit killers.

Two, California was full of nuts, and arguably still is full of people with questionable levels of sanity. Anyone could have come in and pulled the guy’s leg, and what surprises me more, few actually did.

Three, there’s nothing really to suggest the Zodiac was ever in the military. Wing Walker like shoes, some terrible ciphers and a joy in killing doesn’t make him anything more than a wanna-be nut IMO. And, like I said, there was plenty of those kinds of people aroound then.

Four, Tarbox hasn’t offered anything at all to make his case, save the fact the guy claimed to be the Zodiac, and it’s even more likely this guy may have thought he was the Zodiac like some people believed they were Anastasia: because they’re not right in the head.

So, look into it, sure, but I wouldn’t want to bet my life the guy Tarbox met wasn’t just another disturbed individual.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 4:10 pm

One is the fact Zodiac only contacted Belli because someone else was out there claiming to be the Zodiac, and our man wasn’t going to tolerate counterfeit killers.

Care to elaborate? Curious about your thoughts on this.

Zero, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 4:29 pm

I think he is talking about Eric Weil.

The whole Jim Dunbar show fiasco happened Oct. 22, 1969.
The Zodiac letter to Belli was mailed Dec. 20, 1969.

I hadn’t considered that before. That is an excellent point.

, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 20, 2011 5:02 pm

Yes, Eric Weil, pretender to the throne, stealing Zodiac’s limelight.

Can you imagine how Zodiac must have felt when this wimpy sounding guy got on the phone pathetically begging for help? :lol:

Nowadays, we call that a PR nightmare.

, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon May 23, 2011 3:27 am

Mr Tarbox claims that he cannot provide information to his peers to validate the proof?That is false,attorney client privilege is used only in US State and Federal Courts.I do not think his suspect is the Zodiac.

Zero, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon May 23, 2011 4:44 am

Mr Tarbox claims that he cannot provide information to his peers to validate the proof?That is false,attorney client privilege is used only in US State and Federal Courts.I do not think his suspect is the Zodiac.

I’m not sure that is accurate, but I have a tangentially related thought about this:

Tarbox stated that this meeting took place in the early 1970s. According to a news article Tarbox told his client that turning himself in could lead to life in prison or the death penalty (1).

The death penalty was repealed in California on February 18, 1972. This means the meeting must have taken place before that date.

Tarbox has stated that he would have blown the case open if he believed his client would have committed more murders (2). But he believed that his client was changing his life’s path and would no longer kill.

However, in the 1974 Exorcist letter Zodiac issues a new threat (along with an inflated kill score): "if i do not see this note in your paper, I will do something nasty, which you know I am capable of doing". Implying that he is going to kill again.

By Tarbox’s own criteria he should release the name. Would he do so if he was made aware of the ’74 letter? I don’t know but it could be worth a shot.

1: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c … zz1NA4TPkK
2: http://www.gamesmafia.de/Smitecleric/zchat.txt

Scared Kid, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue May 24, 2011 10:46 pm

Nobody has answered the question what is in it for Tarbox? He is not trying to make a buck off this, he does not want publicity and he actually spend some of the dollars he cheated widows and orphans out of as a lawyer to run the ad in the Times Herald!

Then there is the alleged Z. Why would someone go in there and pay 50 bucks to make such a confession? Fifty bucks was a lot of money in the early seventies.

Seagull, you make a good point. merchant mariners work the barges and tugs plying the waters also. Those guys, like your husband are not gone for months on end. The long sailing times of ocean going mariners could explain the time between killings though!

I got my Z Card in the 80’s. The picture is priceless though. My kids get a real kick out of those old photos.

Zero, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue May 24, 2011 11:29 pm

Nobody has answered the question what is in it for Tarbox? He is not trying to make a buck off this, he does not want publicity and he actually spend some of the dollars he cheated widows and orphans out of as a lawyer to run the ad in the Times Herald!

Then there is the alleged Z. Why would someone go in there and pay 50 bucks to make such a confession? Fifty bucks was a lot of money in the early seventies.

I think Tarbox came forward because the meeting actually happened and he’d been ruminating on it for 38+ years. The newspaper wouldn’t pick up his story so he had to pay to get the story out. I can’t think any other reason why he would make the story up. Maybe to advance a theory, like someone else pointed out above, but that would be a really expensive and creative way to express an opinion. I honestly think Tarbox knows he can’t divulge the name because of attorney-client confidentiality and wanted to disclose as much information as he legally and ethically could.

Why would Z confess? Maybe he felt the police were getting close and was looking for legal advice. He did stop writing from 1971-1974. Or maybe he had to tell someone his secret. That is a hell of a thing to keep quiet about. Or maybe what Tarbox said was true, and the confession was a cathartic one.

Was it actually Z, though? Only the client knows for sure. I’d say there is a less than 50% chance of this being the actual Z, but those odds are a heck of a lot better than most everything else I’m seeing.

Besides the DNA testing, I think the clues in Tarbox’s ad were the most important developments in this case in the last 40+ years.

Scared Kid, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Thu May 26, 2011 2:47 pm

I like your opinions and comments Zero. You are correct, only one guy knows the truth.

Boilermaker, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Thu May 26, 2011 5:49 pm

If TB was/is Disbared, wouldnt Attorney/Client privlidge be null?

Seagull, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Thu May 26, 2011 5:57 pm

Boilermaker, I don’t think so because it’s the client that has the expectation of confidentality. I bet that if Tarbox were to divulge the name and an arrest was made because of what Tarbox divulged the arrest would not stand up in court. Fruit from a poisonous tree.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 27, 2011 5:04 pm

http://articles.sfgate.com/2009-07-19/n … ial-killer

Nachtsider, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 27, 2011 5:14 pm

That looks like a pretty plush house. Which implies he’s probably wealthy.

And which may invalidate the argument that he wouldn’t have run a costly ad for nothing. If he had enough money to throw around, and if he was an attention seeker…

Again, I feel like alerting the victims’ families to him.

Zero, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 pm

Here is a thread where someone (not me) was asking about the attorney/client privilege issue at LawInfo:
http://chat.lawinfo.com/attorney_client … 69&p=55009

There is also a picture of the newspaper ad and some background info on Tarbox. I hope no one tries to interrogate or harass Tarbox about this issue. I’d hate for him to clam up and not talk to anyone about it ever again.

Bill Baker (a retired investigator) met with Tarbox around the time of the ad and a Q/A transcript with him is also linked in that LawInfo thread. I also linked to it in one of my earlier posts. It sounds like Baker was trying to have some ongoing dialogue with Tarbox but it has already been a couple years I guess. Does anyone here know if Bill Baker is still active on any message boards? Has he kept talking to Tarbox?

Seagull, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 27, 2011 7:32 pm

Thanks for posting that Zero. I do know that Tarbox was disbarred for misappropriating client’s funds. Greygost/Mencrates sent for the disbarment records back when the story came out and shared the gist of what was in the records with the ZK message board.

The way I see it, IF Tarbox is telling the truth and a man did come to him claiming to be Zodiac, Tarbox would still be bound by the confidentiality rules even though he was disbarred. Tarbox said he was reasonable certain that Zodiac would not kill again and indeed there have been no more known Zodiac murders. If there had been another Zodiac murder then Tarbox would have been at liberty to name his client.

Look at it this way, what if every attorney that has been disbarred were to spill their guts about their clients and their clients activities? There would be no reason to have rules and laws to protect the client. It is the client that is protected by the rules not the attorney.

I have no idea if Tarbox is telling the truth or if it is just a fantasy in his mind. If the story is true I have no idea whether the client was telling the truth, he could have been messing with Tarbox for one reason or another.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 pm

Seagull–Curious, if he is no longer a client, does that rule still apply? Would Tarbox go to jail?

And, wouldn’t Zodiac threatening school kids count as a reason for Tarbox to say something then?

Zodiac continued to threaten to kill people. I think that would count as a legal reason to disclose his client info.


Nachtsider, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 27, 2011 8:22 pm

What’s the rule on a lawyer, told by his client about some dreadful crime, anonymously tipping off the police? Would an anonymous tip, if it led to the discovery of proof that a crime was committed, hold up in court?

Zero, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri May 27, 2011 8:36 pm

Here’s an interesting story I read a few years ago about client confessing a crime to his lawyers. A different guy was convicted for the crime and spent 26 years behind bars. The lawyers had no way of telling anyone the truth even while an innocent man’s life was ruined. Lawyers take attorney-client privilege VERY seriously.

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/03/ … ontentBody

Dice, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat May 28, 2011 2:53 am

I have always wondered why Tarbox did not come forward in the 90’s when Arthur Allen was still alive. If Tarbox was concerned for Allen’s family, wouldn’t it be more beneficial to make his statements when Allen was still alive and actively being accused of being Zodiac?

I would think Tarbox could have contacted ALA or his family back then; if he was concerned with an innocent man having his life affected by Z accusations.

Seagull, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat May 28, 2011 12:09 pm

And, wouldn’t Zodiac threatening school kids count as a reason for Tarbox to say something then?

Zodiac continued to threaten to kill people. I think that would count as a legal reason to disclose his client info.


The thing is, we don’t know when the conversation between Tarbox and the client took place. It can only be gauged by when the death penalty was recinded. That was Feb. 18, 1972 so the conversation would have to have taken place before then. Zodiac wrote the last letter that threatened to kill March 13, 1971 before he went on a letter writing hiatus. The next time Zodiac wrote again was the Exorcist in 1974 where he threatened to do something nasty which isn’t exactly a death threat. The remainder of the letters in 1974 aren’t really threatening. The 1978 letter did say that Zodiac was going to start killing again but I do not know how well publicised that letter was or when it was declared authentic. That letter, for me, doesn’t look in the least like any of Zodiac’s other letters.

If the conversation between Tarbox and the client took place after the March 13, 1971 letter but before the death penalty was recinded then there were no letters threatening to kill from Zodiac. I don’t see that Tarbox would have been obligated to reveal his client if that was the case.

calman, Subject: well at least Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:00 pm

well at lest he cleared ALA of the zodiac kilings a few years after dna clered him a lifetime after he ws cleared through handwriting analysis. now we know for sure who it isnt….or do we?????

Luke68, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:48 am

The article linked to above states that the persons claimed responsibility for the Zodiac killing spree – a total of 5 murders. Presumably the person writing the article is going by what they know rather than the confession.

Does anyone actually know if this guy confessed to a certain number or murders or just that he was Zodiac?

bentley, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:48 am

Don’t know Luke.

Tarbox also wrote about the Moscone/Milk murders.

http://redneckonomics.blogspot.com/2009 … arbox.html

Zero, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:18 pm

The article linked to above states that the persons claimed responsibility for the Zodiac killing spree – a total of 5 murders. Presumably the person writing the article is going by what they know rather than the confession.

Does anyone actually know if this guy confessed to a certain number or murders or just that he was Zodiac?

There is a chat transcript between Bill Baker (a retired detective that spoke with Tarbox) and some guys from Tom Voigt’s message board that talks about this. I think it is linked somewhere earlier in this thread.

If I remember right, the client confessed to the canonical 5 Zodiac murders.

Nin, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:34 pm

There is a chat transcript between Bill Baker (a retired detective that spoke with Tarbox) and some guys from Tom Voigt’s message board that talks about this. I think it is linked somewhere earlier in this thread.



Zero, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:42 pm

Thanks, Nin.

Does anyone know if Bill Baker is still active on the internet? I understand he was trying to keep in touch with Tarbox and I’d be interested in what he has to say now that a few years have gone by.

Nin, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:42 pm

Edwards’ “metamorphosis” happened around the time the individual went to see Tarbox. The MM card was fake in my view. Way too risky to share his true ID with the lawyer, unless it was all a hoax. The hoax still cost the guy 50$.
http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/ … z1VOTIZbSb
‘It was a correctional officer in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary who helped him turn his life around, Edwards wrote in his 1972 book, "Metamorphosis of a Criminal: the True Life Story of Ed Edwards." For a few years, Edwards even supplemented his living with lectures about his transformation from criminal to family man.’

Tarbox said he has never heard from the seaman again. He said he often wondered why the seaman chose him to hear his confession and concluded it might be a matter of the city’s geography.

Geography? Uh..
Edward W Edwards:
May 18 1962: Sentenced to 16 years in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary.
Read more: http://host.madison.com/wsj/article_160 … z1VP22nspK
(from TF post)
San Francisco 1970 Directory:
Home address: Tarbox Robert E 2430 Leavenworth ……771-3287
Office address in 1970 was: 1090 Montgomery St Apt 294, San Francisco


Nin, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:44 pm

Thanks, Nin.

Does anyone know if Bill Baker is still active on the internet? I understand he was trying to keep in touch with Tarbox and I’d be interested in what he has to say now that a few years have gone by.

You are welcome, Zero. I sent Bill Baker a note recently and have not heard back from him. Not sure how active he still is online.


Zero, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:03 pm

That reminds me of the "connections to Vallejo" remark from Tarbox.

Hmm, I wonder how many Merchant Marines were from Vallejo?

calman, Subject: TARBOX THREAD Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:26 pm

not only do i have copies of the full page article by tarbox but i have the entire tarbox discussion thread after the bill baker interview. a lot of people asked the wrong questions on the thread and were forever banned from chat. very interesting thread. if anyone wants to examine it i will prepare email copies. then you can decide for yourself……calman

Scared Kid, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:46 pm

That reminds me of the "connections to Vallejo" remark from Tarbox.

Hmm, I wonder how many Merchant Marines were from Vallejo?

I would suspect thare are quite a few given its location to the ports of San Francisco, Oakland, Martinez and Benecia. I know some of them, me included.

In case you did not know, there is The California Maritime Academy located in Vallejo. It is now part of the CA University system, but it is a school that trains young men and women to become officers in the US Merchant Marine. So while they may not have been from Vallejo or lived in Vallejo after being educated, thousands of merchant mariners have been to Vallejo and lived there while in college.

Wasn’t Tarbox’s connections to Vallejo in reference to himself? I have this vague recollection that he went to school in Vallejo.

morf13, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:41 pm

This guy may have been a candidate-
http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … thur-xxxxx

Zero, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:17 pm

I would suspect thare are quite a few given its location to the ports of San Francisco, Oakland, Martinez and Benecia. I know some of them, me included.

In case you did not know, there is The California Maritime Academy located in Vallejo. It is now part of the CA University system, but it is a school that trains young men and women to become officers in the US Merchant Marine. So while they may not have been from Vallejo or lived in Vallejo after being educated, thousands of merchant mariners have been to Vallejo and lived there while in college.

Wasn’t Tarbox’s connections to Vallejo in reference to himself? I have this vague recollection that he went to school in Vallejo.

No, I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for the information. I’ve never been to California so it’s kind of hard to have context to these areas sometimes. :)

This is the relevant text from the Tarbox ad: "The big question I ask of myself is ‘why me’. I think it was my connections to Vallejo and the fact that I practiced both ADMIRALTY and CRIMINAL law."

I took this to mean that the client may have some connection to Vallejo as well. I suppose training there would be enough. Tarbox was a Vallejo High grad, class of ’44.

calman, Subject: maybe just a coincidence Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:18 am

I know a woman from where i live and in 2007 i overheard her talk about partying with her rich godfather in san fransisco in the 1980s. she spoke about all of his gay friends. she knew richard gaikalski as one of her godfather’s friends. without me telling her much, she placed her godfather, rjg and bob tarbox at candlestick park in the late eighties. They all knew each other. maybe its just a coincidence. This woman does not use the internet and never has. she still knew their names.
i guess a person never knows who they might have run into during their life. the woman does not want to be interviewed and has turned down cash offers.

mike_r, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:55 pm


I just learned (and pardon me if somebody else already nailed down this time line) that Robert Tarbox and Michael A. Aquino, Jr., who was a biggie in the Satanist movement, lived in the same building (2640 Leavenworth) in different apartments at the same time. This is from the 1971 Polk’s Guide.


tahoe27, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:59 pm


I just learned (and pardon me if somebody else already nailed down this time line) that Robert Tarbox and Michael A. Aquino, Jr., who was a biggie in the Satanist movement, lived in the same building (2640 Leavenworth) in different apartments at the same time. This is from the 1971 Polk’s Guide.


Searching Michael Aquino Jr. (sorry…I didn’t know who he was) I found this. Would this guy (on left of course) be Michael Jr or was Dad into it to?

Seagull, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:07 pm

I believe that is the same Aquino that Mike R is referring to, La Vey looks awfully young in that pic.

mike_r, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:00 am


That could be Aquino because he claimed that Sammy Davis, Jr. was into Satanism, or something like that. However, I don’t know that LaVey was into the business of "evil," per se. I heard he was more of a showman. Even Aquino founded something called the Temple of Set, which sounded like a self-realization group more than a sinister bunch. However, I know there has been a lot written about Aquino and I don’t know everything about his past.


Nachtsider, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Jul 31, 2012 4:33 pm

That’s Aquino, all right. The photo must’ve been taken before he walked out on the Church of Satan.

LaVeyan Satanism is nothing to be afraid of. Mike is right when he says the good Doctor was a showman.

sandy betts, Subject: Robt Tarbox Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:14 am

Robt Tarbox did live in Vallejo before going to S.F. He once lived with the Chief of police Stiltz ! there is a very good chance that he did go to school in Vallejo.
I am with NIN on the idea that if it were the Z who spoke to Tarbox , the ID was probably a fake with an fake name, but with his picture of course . I doubt the Z would trust anyone with his real name.
The idea that the Z would do this is plausible , he liked to toy with people . Perhaps he even knew that Tarbox was from Vallejo ?

Bill Baker and Dahlia did talk to Tarbox ( more than once I believe ?) He would not give up the name of the man who claimed to be the Zodiac. Robt, Tarbox’s wife is very protective of him and didn’t seem to like the idea that he was talking about it to anyone. Tarbox is still in fear of Zodiac harming his family if he were to mention his name. I do hope that he puts it someplace that can be found after his family is gone !

mike_r, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:21 pm

Tarbox is claiming attorney-client privilege. He claims that the encounter was in "early 1970’s." He can’t even remember what year!? He claims that he has had a course in psychology that allows him to know that Z was somehow choosing a new path in life. Ergo, the argument is created that if this man was "no longer a threat to the community" presumably being Tarbox’s rationale for not turning over this man’s name to the authorities. (I also believe that Z would never have imagined that for $50 he had found an attorney who would hold himself to such dizzyingly high standards of the profession that he would not divulge that name for 40 years.) But when Z came along in 1974 and claimed "37" as his apparent body count, Tarbox could have in good conscience had imagined or rationalized every reason to come forward, since Z was clearly stating that he was a continuing threat to society.

The irony is that Tarbox was disbarred in 1975 (he says not rightfully so) and has STILL upheld the most idealistic standards of a profession to which he no longer belongs for some 37 years now. What a man! What a great $50 investment Z made in 197X! How many other attorneys would have done this for him? Few, I’m guessing. Virtually none? Tarbox was in Canada and Costa Rica for long periods of time. He could have safely provided the name of the man to SFPD from Canada or Costa Rica safe in the knowledge that Z would have had a very difficult time finding him.

I think Tarbox is a cruel old dude who is playing some game for his own satisfaction. I also think he does not have the name of the Zodiac killer (who was too smart to ever be that stupid) but if police had the name of the card holder, they may have been able to trace the stolen or forged card somewhere and then eventually back to Z–assuming that this was Z in the first place, which is not a given. It could have been some dude out to get a thrill one evening instead of going to the theater, as Richard Walter pointed out.

Tarbox says that as long as he doesn’t die suddenly of a heart attack, he will whisper the man’s name to someone on his deathbed. I do know that the same producer who touted that fake DNA on the 2002 ABC show has been wining and dining this man in order to try to weasel the name out of him. This guy can’t do his own original research and develop his own suspect in order to solve the case. He comes and tries to get your suspect and then makes his money that way. You, well you get left in a heap by the roadside with the famous "laurel and hearty handshake" from Blazing Saddles and get sent on your miserable way. After all, they don’t pay people for the news, LOL! But what you have to know is that THEY make money on you either way–whether you are right or wrong! BTW, in 2000, this same guy told me that mine was the "most compelling" research he has ever seen on the Zodiac case. Guess who now has that distinction, LOL!


sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:11 pm

Very well put Mike R. ,and you could be right on all counts. If the military card was a stolen card and the Z replaced the picture but left the real owners name on it, that would be interesting to know who it belonged to.

I didn’t know about this person who is trying to get Tarbox to give up the name. By the sounds of it, Tarbox may not remember that name ? I would love to hear what the description was of the man ? I doubt that Zodiac would ever feel remorse ! But it wouldn’t be unlike him to pretend to .

I know you have had many people who are very interested in your suspect , I was with Ed N looking up information on him , back in the 90’s and yes he looks very good. I recently found that Mr. X owned two homes on that street ?

A very dear friend who has since passed away, was a friend of Mr. X , he had race horses as well . His sister lived on Washington in 1969. Of course he liked him and felt he was a very nice man ,as many people who knew serial killers say.

Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:53 am

Robert Tarbox’s Suspect
Robert Tarbox purchased a full page ad in the Oct. 17, 2007 edition of the Vallejo Times. Tarbox, 80 years old as of this writing, is a former attorney who once resided in Vallejo, CA.

The text of the advertisement appears below.

My name is BOB TARBOX. I practiced law in San Francisco with an office on upper Montgomery St. My law partner was Joseph Git Jue. One night in Early 1970’s, I was sitting at my secretary’s desk around 5:30 p.m. A male approached the office door which was open and I motioned him to come into the office. He indicated he wanted to have a legal consultation so I locked the front door and went into my office. In the office, the individual produced as identification a MMD (Merchant Marine Document). Since I did Jones Act cases (personal injury at sea), I assumed he had a Jones Act case. He indicated to me that it was not a Jones Act case but a criminal case, and wanted to pay for an hour of legal consultation. We agreed upon the amount of $50.00 for the hour consultation.

The individual proceeded to inform me that he was the Zodiac Killer and we proceeded to talk about this legal jeopardy based on the facts provided. Having been pre-med at UC, I took some courses in psychology and I perceived this confession to be of a cathartic nature wherein the individual is changing his life’s path.

For many years, I have been under both legal and personal constraints with regard to this matter. The legal constraints still remain, but the personal constraints were severed by the death of my law partner and recent death of his wife RITA MOK JUE.

To the family of Mr. Allen: I have for years monitored Mr. Allen’s trails and tribulations in the investigation of the Zodiac Killer until his death in the early 1990’s. If he had been placed in actual legal jeopardy for these crimes, I would proffer my limited testimony to his defense attorney and I would have testified at any trial as to the prior confession of another individual. Since I have seen photos of Mr. Allen, I can express unequivocally that he was not the individual that confessed to me!

The big question I ask of myself is "why me". I think it was my connections to Vallejo and the fact that I practiced both ADMIRALTY and CRIMINAL law.

My conclusion as to why he was so elusive to law enforcement departments was his occupation as merchant seaman. He had the ability if the trail became too hot to make a pier jump to exit the Bay Area without people becoming suspicious by his absence.


Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:25 am



traveller1st, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 9:54 am

Hi Dan,

I can’t I’m afraid, sorry.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:10 am

Merchant marines are sailors on US flagged cargo ships.

Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:45 am






Seagull, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:59 am

Daniel here is Rita’s obit. I think that if someone is interested enough, they should contact one of the relatives and ask about Tarbox, what was the opinion of him and if they ever heard of Tarbox’s story before it was published in the paper.

Rita Mok Jue August 3, 1934 – January 7, 2007 Passed away peacefully at home with her children Jaime Gilbert Jue and Renata Mae Jue at her bedside after a long battle with myelofibrosis. Born in Hong Kong, Rita attended school in Hong Kong and Melbourne, Australia. She married her beloved husband the late Joseph Git Jue in 1962 and moved to San Francisco. After living in Chinatown and Diamond Heights, Rita and Joe moved to Hillsborough in 1972 where they raised their family. Because of her love of children and her strong belief in education, she began work as an instructional aide in West Hillsborough School in 1977. She continued to work in the Hillsborough City School District for the next 29 years and was also a dedicated private tutor. In her later years, she was also active as a volunteer at Self-Help for the Elderly in San Mateo. She is survived by her son and daughter; stepmother, Eleanor Mok; sisters, Vivienne Chan, Carole Chau, Jeanne Mok, Selena Mok, Priscilla Wong; brother, Michael Mok; brothers-in-law, Warren Chin, Christopher Chan, Chamson Chau, Eddie Wong; sisters-in-law, Minnie Jung, Michaelyn Chou, Frances Mok; nieces, Caryn Frank, Janet Chin, Haven Watanabe, Jennifer Mok, Carina Kwok, Joanna Kwok; nephews, Calvin Chau, Wayne Mok, Cedric Chau, Cary Jung, Kevin Jung, Jonathan Chin, Avery Tsui, Jeremy Kwok, Nicholas Wong, Gavin Wong, Michael Mok, Terence Mok as well as many other extended family. A Funeral Service will be held at Crosby N. Gray, 2 Park Road in Burlingame on Saturday, January 13th at 3 pm. In lieu of flowers, donations preferred in the memory of Rita Mok Jue to Self-Help for the Elderly, 407 Sansome St., S.F., CA 94111.

http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/sfgate … bLoggedOut

Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:23 pm




sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:38 pm

Daniel, my take on this, is that I believe the Zodiac could very well have gone to Tarbox to pretend to be turning over a new leaf in his sick life. Somehow knowing that Tarbox had once lived in Vallejo and could have a interest in that case, would make for a good subject to toy with.
I doubt that Zodiac would give anyone his real name, so the name on that Merchant Marine card had to be someone else’s, or the card was a stolen card and he just put his own picture in it, to make it more believable ? Zodiac liked talking about himself and confessing , loved to shock and scare people ( I think ). Maybe he had hoped that Tarbox would go to the police and then he would have front page news again ? I would like to start by looking for a missing or murdered Merchant Marine prior to this little visit to Tarbox’s office.
I would like for Tarbox to at least give us a good description and age of this guy before he dies , or would that be breaking any of the laws ?

tahoe27, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:44 pm

I don’t doubt Tarbox’s story of what happened, just doubt very much it was Zodiac.

Seagull, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:55 pm

I’m a little less certain about Joseph Git Jue but this is what I think are his records.

California Birth Index, 1905-1995 about Joseph Gitcha Jue
Name: Joseph Gitcha Jue
Birth Date: 24 Jun 1926
Gender: Male
Mother’s Maiden Name: Dos
Birth County: Tulare

I was not able to find a death record for Joseph in the social security death index but did find evidence of two obits that ran in the Chronicle and San Mateo Times July 10, 1999.

Web: Obituary Daily Times Index, 1995-2011 about Joseph Git Jue
Name: Joseph Git Jue
Publication Date: 10 Jul 1999
Publication Place: United States
Death Date: Abt 1999
Death Place: Hillsborough, CA
Age at Death: 73
Birth Date: abt 1926

JUE, Joseph Git; 73; Hillsborough CA; San Mateo T; 1999-7-10; jch
JUE, Joseph Git; 73; Hillsborough CA; SF Chronicle; 1999-7-10; bjw

From the California Bar Association, they do not post detailed info on deceased attorneys so the info is brief.

Name…………….Status……Number.. City…… Admission Date
Jue, Joseph Git Deceased 27167 San Mateo June 1956

sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:30 pm

I don’t doubt Tarbox’s story of what happened, just doubt very much it was Zodiac.

Please explain why you don’t think it could be Zodiac ? It’s ok that you don’t think it could be , but it would be interesting to know your reason why ? (Just curious )

Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:31 pm

thank you both…

if you google jolly roger, you get the flag of the skull and cross bones used by pirates…this could be a tie in to the jack the ripper oct letters of the skull and cross bones to the zodiac jolly roger which means the same thing…its clever… and didnt see until last night…maybe someone here can post the pirates jolly roger skull and cross bones flag here…i’m running late for work and will check in later on my droid.

oh.. if anything its possible that the zodiac is playing a part of a merchant marine..not that hes a real merchant marine anyone can make up an i/d just thinking out loud…

tahoe27, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:34 pm

I don’t doubt Tarbox’s story of what happened, just doubt very much it was Zodiac.

Please explain why you don’t think it could be Zodiac ? It’s ok that you don’t think it could be , but it would be interesting to know your reason why ? (Just curious )

I think Zodiac wouldn’t actually go to a lawyer. I think he believed they’d never catch him and I don’t think he would feel the need to go to an attorney for the "what if" factor.

I think he was mocking Melvin Belli in his letter to him and I have a feeling he would lump lawyers in with LE. Just my take of course.

sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:13 pm

I don’t doubt Tarbox’s story of what happened, just doubt very much it was Zodiac.

Please explain why you don’t think it could be Zodiac ? It’s ok that you don’t think it could be , but it would be interesting to know your reason why ? (Just curious )

I think Zodiac wouldn’t actually go to a lawyer. I think he believed they’d never catch him and I don’t think he would feel the need to go to an attorney for the "what if" factor.

I think he was mocking Melvin Belli in his letter to him and I have a feeling he would lump lawyers in with LE. Just my take of course.

Thanks Tahoe, I do agree that he might lump Lawyers and LE all together and both lawyers being near each other on the same street, I find that interesting. I think he still feels he will never be caught, but I am hoping that will change "very" soon !

Seagull, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:14 pm

Here ya go Daniel! I found many samples of the skull and crossbones. The first set is from looking for Jolly Roger and it seems that the bones can be both behind the skull and below it, too.

The second set is from looking for Poison, which was the universal picture to denote the stuff back in the days when not everyone could read. As with the Jolly Roger the bones can be both behind and below the skull.

Quicktrader, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:00 am

My opinion about the Tarbox suspect is that Z indeed might have seeked for help. I dont see any reasons why Tarbox should be a liar, also place and time for this event is a good match.

Regarding Allen I believe he either was the Santa Rosa hitchhiker killer or was responsible for some child abductions/killings.

The question is – why doesn’t Tarbox tell about the identity of Z? Is he afraid? Or doesnt he know Z’s ID anymore? Or did he even tell the authorities meanwhile?


I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : April 24, 2013 12:42 am
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Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sun Sep 02, 2012 10:31 am






Quicktrader, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:45 am






Of course he knew that Allen was the wrong person. He knew it at very early stage and wanted to protect him somehow – without blaming someone else. Questionable if
he would’ve made the newspaper ad if Z was a friend of him.


mike_r, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:44 pm


Someone I know had recent contact with this man. I truly believe that he believes that he spoke to Z that night. But even if he did, I am 100% convinced that Z would not be stupid enough to give him his real name so casually with the expectation that Tarbox would, in fact, keep it a secret until he (Tarbox) is on his deathbed.

If you were to have a crystal ball and you told Z that this man would be disbarred in 1975, would Z have expected a disbarred attorney to keep his name secret? I highly doubt he would have taken the risk of such a thing happening. If Tarbox is on the level, he is the one in a million attorney/person who would have been able to resist leaking this to the police in the name of justice for the victims. In that regard, since Tarbox believes he knows who Z was, I personally view him as sort of a cruel guy who owes Z nothing after forty years for a $50 fee and who, in his own mind, could end the suffering of the living victims and their families but chooses not to do so.


sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:37 am


Someone I know had recent contact with this man. I truly believe that he believes that he spoke to Z that night. But even if he did, I am 100% convinced that Z would not be stupid enough to give him his real name so casually with the expectation that Tarbox would, in fact, keep it a secret until he (Tarbox) is on his deathbed.

If you were to have a crystal ball and you told Z that this man would be disbarred in 1975, would Z have expected a disbarred attorney to keep his name secret? I highly doubt he would have taken the risk of such a thing happening. If Tarbox is on the level, he is the one in a million attorney/person who would have been able to resist leaking this to the police in the name of justice for the victims. In that regard, since Tarbox believes he knows who Z was, I personally view him as sort of a cruel guy who owes Z nothing after forty years for a $50 fee and who, in his own mind, could end the suffering of the living victims and their families but chooses not to do so.


Well put Mike_ r.
I think that Tarbox has more fear of the Zodiac harming his family, than keeping any oath. Even if he gave the name he saw on the I.D that he was shown, it wouldn’t be the real Zodiac’s name anyway . I am with you on the fact that Zodiac would never trust anyone with his name. He isn’t a stupid man, and I doubt he is even close to being a genius.
However, he did have a lot of luck !

Quicktrader, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:56 am

Let’s not forget that Z ‘wanted’ to be caught, or at least to be hunted. Otherwise he wouldn’t have sent any letters etc…Patricia Hautz – who definitely must know more (someone claimed she agreed to having addressed an envelope, however doesn’t want to talk more about it… (!!!!!)) once delivered even a ‘reason’ for his killings – a bad childhood. Remember Peter Nicholas Thoma, a LA sniper, who admitted that he sometimes ‘forgot’ about what he was doing as well as the fact that people like Z may be true schizophrenics with multiple personalities…

I see no problem with a Z walking into a SF lawyers office, eventually showing his ID card when paying 50 bucks. Even if he might’ve slightly hesitated, Tarbox could’ve convinced him with a promise that he will never in his life report to police. Z possibly wanted to give up, under these circumstances it is easy to show an (old?) military ID card. Did they have addresses on it at all, btw?


sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:44 am

Let’s not forget that Z ‘wanted’ to be caught, or at least to be hunted. Otherwise he wouldn’t have sent any letters etc…Patricia Hautz – who definitely must know more (someone claimed she agreed to having addressed an envelope, however doesn’t want to talk more about it… (!!!!!)) once delivered even a ‘reason’ for his killings – a bad childhood. Remember Peter Nicholas Thoma, a LA sniper, who admitted that he sometimes ‘forgot’ about what he was doing as well as the fact that people like Z may be true schizophrenics with multiple personalities…

I see no problem with a Z walking into a SF lawyers office, eventually showing his ID card when paying 50 bucks. Even if he might’ve slightly hesitated, Tarbox could’ve convinced him with a promise that he will never in his life report to police. Z possibly wanted to give up, under these circumstances it is easy to show an (old?) military ID card. Did they have addresses on it at all, btw?


My thoughts on this is ,I don’t think Zodiac wanted to be caught, he liked the idea of LE not being able to catch him. He sent the letters to taunt, not to help them catch him.
About Patricia Hautz, I did read that she did not remember writing that letter, but that the writing on the envelope did look like her writing. So that tells me that someone was able to copy her writing style, someone that probably knew her.
If Zodiac wanted to give up he would have by now I think . I just don’t see him wanting to give himself up , he is more about wanting attention than anything else.
Of course I am going by what I know about the man whom I believe is the Zodiac, he can not afford to be caught, he has too much to loose. And would not want to disgrace his family.

Quicktrader, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:40 am

Let’s not forget that Z ‘wanted’ to be caught, or at least to be hunted. Otherwise he wouldn’t have sent any letters etc…Patricia Hautz – who definitely must know more (someone claimed she agreed to having addressed an envelope, however doesn’t want to talk more about it… (!!!!!)) once delivered even a ‘reason’ for his killings – a bad childhood. Remember Peter Nicholas Thoma, a LA sniper, who admitted that he sometimes ‘forgot’ about what he was doing as well as the fact that people like Z may be true schizophrenics with multiple personalities…

I see no problem with a Z walking into a SF lawyers office, eventually showing his ID card when paying 50 bucks. Even if he might’ve slightly hesitated, Tarbox could’ve convinced him with a promise that he will never in his life report to police. Z possibly wanted to give up, under these circumstances it is easy to show an (old?) military ID card. Did they have addresses on it at all, btw?


My thoughts on this is ,I don’t think Zodiac wanted to be caught, he liked the idea of LE not being able to catch him. He sent the letters to taunt, not to help them catch him.
About Patricia Hautz, I did read that she did not remember writing that letter, but that the writing on the envelope did look like her writing. So that tells me that someone was able to copy her writing style, someone that probably knew her.
If Zodiac wanted to give up he would have by now I think . I just don’t see him wanting to give himself up , he is more about wanting attention than anything else.
Of course I am going by what I know about the man whom I believe is the Zodiac, he can not afford to be caught, he has too much to loose. And would not want to disgrace his family.

‘Wanting to be caught’ was meant in a figurative sense, true…he somehow hated SF Chronicle as well as ‘blue meannies’ and young couples spending a good (in his opinion immoral?) time..if he just would’ve preferred to kill, he’d done more like the speed freak killers. And he wouldn’t have spent any time on ciphers or letters. Taunting and hunting was his game. Inbetween I am 100% confident that Z had negative experiences with (Vallejo?) police – easy, just get a ticket – and the SF Chronicle (fired due to his dyslexic disease?). Most of his letters went to SF Chronicle. Furthermore, if Z contacted Melvin Belli and Tarbox, he somehow seemed to have some relations to lawyers. The more I think about it, I believe that Z hated Melvin Belli due to either a prior case or some lawyers’ competition, eg. with regard to the Hearst family – owner of the SF Chronicle. This may bring the SLA issue in again. It’s a pity that not much information is available about the members of the SLA.

SLA – Hearst – Melvin Belli – SF Chronicle – Paul Stine – Tarbox…this all somehow gives a picture of being connected to each other, all around the SF Chronicle. Any idea if Tarbox knew Melvin Belli? He probably did, as a member of the SF Bar association.

Did the Lamplighters had any contact with one of them?
What was the connection between the Lamplighters and Hearst-owned newspapers?
Regarding Stine, does anybody know if Stine had his cab light on or off when he was killed? Maybe he already knew his killer from the SF Chronicle..? Mason/Geary St. is just 4-5 blocks away from 901 Mission Street (SF Chronicle…). If Stine was killed at around 10 pm, the killer could’ve been at SF Chronicle, later having some dinner before killing Stine (being drunk?).


mike_r, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:14 am


I don’t buy into the notion of Zodiac "wanting to be caught." And it is ironic that we are talking about this issue over 40 years later…and he has NOT been caught yet! If he wanted to be caught, he is doing a pretty poor job of it.

As for Z locating him and threatening his family, this man lived in Canada and Costa Rica for several years after he was disbarred. So I think he would have been safe had he discreetly notified the police and they checked this guy out.


sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:15 pm


I don’t buy into the notion of Zodiac "wanting to be caught." And it is ironic that we are talking about this issue over 40 years later…and he has NOT been caught yet! If he wanted to be caught, he is doing a pretty poor job of it.

As for Z locating him and threatening his family, this man lived in Canada and Costa Rica for several years after he was disbarred. So I think he would have been safe had he discreetly notified the police and they checked this guy out.


I didn’t know that Tarbox was in Canada and Costa Rica for several years. Did he have children or other family members living in California ?

My poi for instance, has gone after just about every one of my family members, and a few friends. ( a few who died mysteriously)
I am not defending Tarbox, I agree that he should have found a way to get this sick nut case off of the streets !
The idea that Tarbox will give up the name on his death bed and not having a letter with all of the information in a safety deposit box , is foolish on his part.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:52 pm

If you were to have a crystal ball and you told Z that this man would be disbarred in 1975, would Z have expected a disbarred attorney to keep his name secret? I highly doubt he would have taken the risk of such a thing happening. If Tarbox is on the level, he is the one in a million attorney/person who would have been able to resist leaking this to the police in the name of justice for the victims. In that regard, since Tarbox believes he knows who Z was, I personally view him as sort of a cruel guy who owes Z nothing after forty years for a $50 fee and who, in his own mind, could end the suffering of the living victims and their families but chooses not to do so.

I couldn’t agree more.

Quicktrader, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:59 pm

Did Tarbox mention he still is aware of his name? Or did he just tell that he can remember the incident itself and that circumstance that Z showed his Marine ID card? Isn’t there still the possibility that Tarbox doesn’t know the name of the guy anymore?


Seagull, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:39 pm

Like many other people I do believe that Tarbox thinks he spoke to Zodiac but whether that person was really Zodiac is a big question. I would tend to think that Tarbox does remember the person’s name because he did say in his open letter published in the VTH that if Allen had actually been charged he would reveal the name.

QT to answer an earlier question you had about the merchant marine Z cards, yes, the person’s home address is listed on the front of the card. There is a picture on the front with the person’s name, Z number, birth date, place of birth and signature of that person. On the back is a thumb print along with a physical discription, the person’s rating, date of endorsement and the signature of the issuing officer. The cards are issued laminated.

I would post the card I have but it is my husband’s, it was issued 6-15-66.

mike_r, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:55 pm


Sure he knows the name! He said it is "very American" not foreign. He claims that he discarded the intake forms the man signed and also the notes he took on the conversation because the whole thing was so unnerving at the time. That pushes it into the realm of a "likely story" but still I believe it most likely happened as he described it.

I recently contacted a family member of the "other attorney" in the practice at the time and that person said that their deceased father never mentioned this incident to them at all. Nor can they think of a "trusted friend" or relative to whom he may have mentioned it.


AK Wilks, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:05 pm

IMO the future crime exception to attorney client privilege not only allows him to tell police the name it mandates it.

Quicktrader, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:11 pm


Sure he knows the name! He said it is "very American" not foreign. He claims that he discarded the intake forms the man signed and also the notes he took on the conversation because the whole thing was so unnerving at the time. That pushes it into the realm of a "likely story" but still I believe it most likely happened as he described it.

I recently contacted a family member of the "other attorney" in the practice at the time and that person said that their deceased father never mentioned this incident to them at all. Nor can they think of a "trusted friend" or relative to whom he may have mentioned it.


I am not so sure that Tarbox knows his name….if he claims to having discarded the intake and the notes of the conversation.

‘For decades, Tarbox says, he kept silent about the Zodiac case, bound by client confidentiality.’, if written in the newspaper doesn’t necessarily mean he still is aware of the seaman’s identity.

‘Tarbox said his strongest memory of the encounter was his own growing sense of fear…Tarbox says he has never heard from the seaman again.’


mike_r, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:21 pm

Well, as far as I can tell, he knows the name. Sure, one can argue that he has forgotten it with time, etc. But he claims to know it and who can say he doesn’t? Actually, anyone can say anything in this case but I still think he knows it.


tahoe27, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:33 pm

Some guy came in claiming to be Zodiac and he’s been concerned with it for over 40 years….I’d say he knows the name.

sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:54 pm

Well, as far as I can tell, he knows the name. Sure, one can argue that he has forgotten it with time, etc. But he claims to know it and who can say he doesn’t? Actually, anyone can say anything in this case but I still think he knows it.


When he spoke to Bill Baker a yr or two ago, he knew the name then, but would not give it up. I still say the name on that card, is not going to be Zodiac’s name anyway. It would only be a lead to the real owner of that card, who could be dead by now .
Zodiac is a liar, we know that, I doubt he was telling the truth to Tarbox about changing his ways. I still think it was done as a publicity stunt hoping Tarbox would go to the police and then the press would run with it on the front page of the S.F. Chronicle.

QT, you feel that Zodiac hated whom ever he contacted, even the S.F. Chron. I think he liked the Chron., because it was one of the largest news papers at that time and would be read by more people than the VTH. He probably didn’t like Paul Avery ,because of what Avery wrote about him. I don’t think he hated Dave Toschi either, I am sure he knew that Toschi was in charge of the case is why he would refer to him. He knew who’s buttons to push to get attention , that was his drug of choice is what I think.

AK, If you can send me a copy of the paper that shows that Tarbox no longer needs to keep the name to himself. I will hand deliver it to him when I am in Las Vegas. Or you can mail it to him along with your thoughts on the matter. Coming from an attorney is just what might be what it will take ?

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:03 am

Sandy, what I am saying is basic stuff taught to every law student and well known by every lawyer who does criminal law. But give me a day or two and I will post on it or send you something.

sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:47 pm

Thanks AK , maybe he needs a little reminder ?

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:50 pm

Thanks AK , maybe he needs a little reminder ?

The whole thing makes no sense to me. There are clear exceptions to attorney client privilege. He has to know this, but instead he grandstands with a newspaper ad.

Scared Kid, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:04 pm

This Tarbox situation is a very interesting twist of the Z case. While I do not have any answers, it certainly makes me think of a few questions.

1. Was this guy Z? I think yes. Why would this guy blow $50 to talk to a lawyer about the possible penalty for killing someone if he had not actually done it? Fifty bucks was a lot of money in the early 1970’s. Why do this if he was not a killer and concerned?

2. Merchant Mariners have a long history of dealing with attorneys. So a Merchant Mariner walking in and asking for guidance is not a stretch of the imagination. The sailors I know and used to deal with used lawyers to take care of all types of issues while they were away at sea. Spending some money to get an opinion from an attorney, especially one who had admiralty listed as something he did would not be unusual for a sailor.

3. If he was not the Z why not just ask about the penalty for murder? Why make it much more sensational by claiming to be the Z? Since he walked in off the street, this guy had no idea if Tarbox would call the cops once he declared he was a murderer or not. By claiming to be Z it makes me think the chances were higher that Tarbox would call the cops.

5. Obviously there is much more to the story that Tarbox is not telling. Why would some guy remember Tarbox after all these years? How would Z find him after all the years and his time out of the country? Why was Tarbox so scared for all those years? Why bring the whole thing up in 2007 by putting an ad in the paper?

tahoe27, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:17 pm

People do kooky things for kooky reasons.

Maybe someone thought Tarbox was an A-hole and wanted to scare him out of his mind! This person claiming to be Zodiac could have simply been hired by someone to walk-in and make this claim. Who knows…people are nuts. Why would someone write fake letters? Ya know?

bentley, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:25 pm

Thanks AK , maybe he needs a little reminder ?

The whole thing makes no sense to me. There are clear exceptions to attorney client privilege. He has to know this, but instead he grandstands with a newspaper ad.

And the guy happens to show up at closing time and Tarbox locks himself in so no other customers will stop by (was this a lawyer’s office or a 7/11?). Then Tarbox goes out and gets so drunk the bartender takes his car keys. All very dramatic. Then Tarbox gets disbarred for not giving his clients their award money.

Lawyers… present company excluded. ;)

I suppose if you looked in his eyes and heard the story first hand it all may be very believable.

sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:29 pm

It was believable to a seasoned Detective such as Bill Baker, and Dahlia who is quite intelligent !
For Zodiac to remember Robt. Tarbox after many years, is not hard for me to believe . This guy remembers details every anniversary , every victim, why wouldn’t he remember someone he confessed to ?

I think Tarbox was foolish to put that in the paper, if he wanted to make sure that he could prove Art Allen was not the Zodiac, he should have phoned VPD . Perhaps he did and did not get anywhere, like so many of us ? Tarbox has put himself in danger by doing so I think, unless Zodiac knew that the name he gave was not his. Which I believe is the case.

Quagmire, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:09 pm

Could be something as simple as one of Allen’s relatives knowing Tarbox and paying him a little backhander to put an ad in the Vallejo papers clearing their relative’s name? If someone wanted to do that, they’d choose someone of high social standing such as a lawyer or doctor – and I bet some lawyers would be more than happy to do this for a buck! (Sorry AK).

Of course, in this instance the lawyer in question wouldn’t want to get the police involved or give out some random innocent guy’s name – just an announcement stating "Hey everyone, poor old Allen is innocent cos I know who Z was but can’t say, move along please" would do the job.

Seagull, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:29 pm

I recall that Tarbox said in an interview the reason he took out the ad was because no one was interested in listening to his story. He said he did the ad as a last resort.

At the time Tarbox placed the ad ALA had been considered not to be the Zodiac because his DNA ruled him out. Tarbox’s statement about ALA made little sense.

sandy betts, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:51 pm

I recall that Tarbox said in an interview the reason he took out the ad was because no one was interested in listening to his story. He said he did the ad as a last resort.

At the time Tarbox placed the ad ALA had been considered not to be the Zodiac because his DNA ruled him out. Tarbox’s statement about ALA made little sense.

Except for those doubting Thomasa’s who still think that Allen was the Zodiac, and the DNA didn’t prove anything LOL.
Seagull ,I think you and I together can figure out a way to get the old man to talk !

Scared Kid, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:07 pm

These are all possible solutions to the puzzle. Unfortunately, we do not know who the one person who could answer all these questions is. He walked in and handed Tarbox fifty bucks over 40 years ago and was never heard from since. Unless you believe he is Z!

Theforeigner, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:45 am

I have previously found that Robert Tarbox and satanist Michael Aquino was listed on the same address in San Francisco but could not be sure what year MA was listed there, now I have found that they BOTH lived at the same address in 1969/70.

RT in Apartment 1
MA in Apartment 3:

Polk’s San Francisco (San Francisco County, Calif.) city directory 1969/70

Tarbox Robt E (Tarbox & Jue)
2430 Leavenworth St Apt 1

and Michael Aquino same address in 1969/70:

Polk’s San Francisco (San Francisco County, Calif.) city directory 1969/70

Aquino Michl A JR USAF
2430 Leavenworth St Apt 3

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:44 pm

It is also possible Tarbox knows who Zodiac is but doesn’t want to out him. He feels remorse knowing this for ALA and his family so he makes the ad. The whole Merchant Marine coming to see him could be just a made up story to help prove ALA innocence.

Theforeigner, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:53 pm

It is also possible Tarbox knows who Zodiac is but doesn’t want to out him. He feels remorse knowing this for ALA and his family so he makes the ad. The whole Merchant Marine coming to see him could be just a made up story to help prove ALA innocence.


tahoe27, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:19 pm

It is also possible Tarbox knows who Zodiac is but doesn’t want to out him. He feels remorse knowing this for ALA and his family so he makes the ad. The whole Merchant Marine coming to see him could be just a made up story to help prove ALA innocence.


Doesn’t that just make matters worse though–especially with the family?

If he truly cared about proving ALA’s innocence, he could have done more than take out an ad in the paper.

As an attorney, he would know his words of ALA’s innocece alone wouldn’t prove anything.

His intentions may very well been honorable…it’s just bizarre.

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:34 pm

It is also possible Tarbox knows who Zodiac is but doesn’t want to out him. He feels remorse knowing this for ALA and his family so he makes the ad. The whole Merchant Marine coming to see him could be just a made up story to help prove ALA innocence.


Doesn’t that just make matters worse though–especially with the family?

If he truly cared about proving ALA’s innocence, he could have done more than take out an ad in the paper.

As an attorney, he would know his words of ALA’s innocece alone wouldn’t prove anything.

His intentions may very well been honorable…it’s just bizarre.

Maybe he is protecting the Zodiac or the Zodiac’s family while trying to help Allen’s family. Could be he might be also scared of the Zodiac if still alive or his family and friends.

StitchMallone, Subject: Re: What is everyone’s opinion of the Tarbox suspect? Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:36 pm

It is also possible Tarbox knows who Zodiac is but doesn’t want to out him. He feels remorse knowing this for ALA and his family so he makes the ad. The whole Merchant Marine coming to see him could be just a made up story to help prove ALA innocence.


Have you look into Michael Aquino having anything to do with Zodiac ?

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : April 24, 2013 12:43 am