… rance.html
If the Guardian of the Pines letter is from the Zodiac, the phrase "Guardian of the Pines" – the only reference I can find is to a thousand-year-old pine tree in HUANGSHAN, China.
A man Guards the tree(referred to as The Guardian of the Pine) and the task is passed down generationally, there has been over 19 Guardians over the past 1000 years and it is China’s most famous tree. However, it was not a widely or even remotely known reference in the USA, at least at the time the Zodiac was active. … th-n899496
However, HUANGSHAN was the city where "SACO" – Sino-American Cooperative Association – A Top Secret Operation, only starting to be discussed fully in the past decade
This was the fighting ground for the OSS(Which turned to the CIA) They taught Chinese Rebels Crypto and other Intelligence techniques
Amphibious Scouts and Raiders(Now th Navy SEALS) – They taught the Chinese Rebels Combat Tactics as well as assisted in Battle of Japanese Forces
III Marine Amphibious Corps fighting with SACO Intel in Operation Beleaguer
These Men would have heard the story of The THOUSAND-YEAR-OLD TREE with a GUARDIAN if Ever posted or on R&R at Headquarters HUANGSHAN – maybe Patrolling the Base or on Overwatch
Also at There is a post about a Letter intercepted by the FBI from a little known San Francisco Marine Posting in 1968, where two Marines mailed back to one another, One called "The Riddler" the other Calling himself "The Zodiac" – Oh and Guess what the Division was —– III Marine Amphibious Corps (That’s a pretty big Coincidence) Not Sure if the FBI ever questioned the men were but they tested the Handwriting – and it came out inconclusive. … dler-notes
Personally I believe The Zodiac to be some sort of Amphibious Marine or Navy Seal, Possibly Amy but only if they Were Part of the Mobile Riverine Force at Mare Island. Calls himself the Zodiac(Military Amph Boat), used the cross from the Zodiac Seawolf Watch(Used by Marine, Adopted By the Navy SEALS) He knows Suppressors, Home Made Bombs, Crypto(Basic) and Patrolling Tactics(Stine Letter) He probably fought in Korea as well but definitely World War 2… If the letter was sent by him of course.
… It would make him 40 or over in 1969
Few things I noticed here. Why is everyone saying is should say HEED instead of HEAD
Suggestion…We should NEVER "EDIT" these or correct the grammar or spelling etc.
I wish we could see the original notes.
These Cryptos know exactly what they are doing, they are not illiterate, they are spelling it the way it is suppose to be.
My opinion of course… But the police report is not clear when they TYPE out something that is HANDWRITTEN, so much "gets lost" when they do that. ugh.
If we could see the originals there might also be little "somethings" in these notes(all commumications)
This is what they do. We have no idea what was said in between … … or was this all of it? if all of it, then the rest comes later in another message.
It is so hard to tell without looking at the original.
"Dear Gunny Kramer, This is the Zodiac " and ending "take head Zodiac"
Did it actually say… This is the (small t?) Zodiac speaking(was speaking actually on there? )
if that is a small "t" that is different that if the "t" was capitalized. The examiner is typing that as a small "t" (but I wonder)
gee "take" can mean so many things. if this is the Riddler also writing this one(Riddler identified themself in the other one for sure)
the take might mean "get ahold of" "head zodiac" (nothing to CHECK that with so who knows) we don’t have the whole thing BOO
head is also direct, lead the way, be in charge etc. but nothing to check it with.
and why would the Riddler be sending something way over there? where exactly was this it was sent?
Gunny is a burlap sack. burlap is a pal rub.. .meaning… problem pal. that could be why The Riddler was actually identifying themself. there was a problem.
that would make sense with "take head" Now I am really wondering if the word "speaking" was in there. or did it just say this is the Zodiac, small "t" and no Speaking?
"IF" there was a problem then this would make sense why The Riddler was identifying themself as the AUTHOR, rather than The Zodiac.
dang is there anyway in the world we can get these documents? no wait a minute… they have a problem of some kind.
ok let’s try this
Take head Zodiac. Did someone get arrested? What is the date of this and on that date who was getting arrested. let me look
"Dear Jim; Here I am again"… and ending… "the Zodiac & The Riddler".
I am assuming the 3 dots (…) are from the person typing this out. if not, then it would mean that the other part of this is going to come later, and not included now. so again, without the originals, we can’t tell what is going on.
The Riddler is Capitalized T
this is interesting as the RIDDLER can mean meaning things. We assume it means a person writing or saying something in a mysterious way to be figured out.
It can also mean a SPOILER. which made me think of the Halloween card. ( just something that clicked in my brain, means nothing, but my brain works that way)
a Riddler can be a shooter, but because it says "take head" and it said "the Zodiac" we know the word is Riddler
but if in this case the writer is separating the Zodiac from "The Riddler" . so know it is "The Riddler" identified for sure.
(this is MY NOTE myself and again MY opinion)
but The RIDDLER is ONE of the parts of The Zodiac. and if they really did not capitalize the "t" in "the Zodiac", then this person
is identifying themself as The Riddler (of the Zodiac). This is very interesting to me that The Riddler would be identifying themself. The Riddler has never identified themself in The Zodiac communications, and to use the small "t" for Zodiac they are being very distinctive in letting this KRAMER person know EXACTLY PERSONALLY who they are. why would The Riddler be writing this communication (IF it is an authentic Zodiac Communication?, that is very strange) I wish I could see these communications, I could tell right off if this is real or not. It’s odd, that is for certain. But then again this is what 1963? or so? so maybe at the time The Riddler was writing their own correspondence.
I also believe there is a FROG MAN involved in this mess because that keeps coming up inn different communications as well.
These are other communications other than the ones specifically involved on this board. but just keep that in mind, that I have seen it elsewhere in the same kind of coding where zodiac is mentioned, so that is strange also that you mention this. I also know there is a connection to military and divers. again in other communications I have worked on.
now of course no one has to take into consideration anything I say, as most people just blow me off and think I’m crazy hahah.
but if what I say helps you or matches to your thoughts, let me know, I’ll share more with you about it.
there are many fish in the sea. that is my opinion. and The Zodiac is the sea. a few of these little fishies and frogs just were in the military and went "whacky" out here. the birds are always mentioned and here is one that will really "hit you" phoenix.. I won’t say anymore about that, but if you get that, let me know. and my name is LUcY
ok so now we have gnats buzzing around
oh and I don’t know if you saw it on your other thread or not where you were posting something, I asked about seals and the Golden Gate. I hope you saw that. if not go read that and see if it might help you. I was wondering if the seals ever were used to protect the Golden Gate bridge, or if they still do by chance. it might be a good idea, for you to look at. It might help you match up something you have.
okay on looking at this RIDDLER communication some more…
November 2, 1963… at least that looks like the date.
what is this ?
victim; communicating a threat
I’ll get back to the above later, I just ran into this
what the holy hell???
Rubislaw posted this>>>> way back in march of this year…..
”Gunny Kramer” could be Jewish film director,Stanley Kramer,known more a multitude of successful films,including ”High Noon”,”It’s a mad,mad,mad,mad world”,and ”On the Beach”…a film about a submarine,post nuclear holocaust,and featured The Golden Gate Bridge.
”On the Beach”…a film about a submarine,post nuclear holocaust,and featured The Golden Gate Bridge.
hmmm so very interesting.
Very interesting, I’m truly in the “ team zodiac camp” so these coded messages are intriguing to say the least, as are the advertisements in the paper the DAY AFTER Fred Manallis death and also the note in the paper after the swindles murders. I’ve always thought there were different murderers throughout the zodiac cases as for different height/weight/age descriptions and different weapons used, it’s no secret a lot of people think Manalli wrote the correspondence in the zodiac case and he was also suspect in the Santa Rosa hitchhiker murders, Fred’s style/same phrases and words ect are the most compelling I’ve ever seen who’s going to suspect a creative writing teacher, i think Fred was definitely in on the act but who was the other two people? I think one of them walked with a limp or “waddled like a duck” , one of these men definitely had a walking impediment imo
Very interesting, I’m truly in the “ team zodiac camp” so these coded messages are intriguing to say the least, as are the advertisements in the paper the DAY AFTER Fred Manallis death and also the note in the paper after the swindles murders. I’ve always thought there were different murderers throughout the zodiac cases as for different height/weight/age descriptions and different weapons used, it’s no secret a lot of people think Manalli wrote the correspondence in the zodiac case and he was also suspect in the Santa Rosa hitchhiker murders, Fred’s style/same phrases and words ect are the most compelling I’ve ever seen
who’s going to suspect a creative writing teacher, i think Fred was definitely in on the act but who was the other two people? I think one of them walked with a limp or “waddled like a duck” , one of these men definitely had a walking impediment imo
ahhhh, thank you for this post. I was about to take off to greener pastures, but I saw your post and, YES, you are my kind of people. Kinda LOL
I have not looked at much of the case stuff, I’m just a …. well…. I just understand the codes. I see it everywhere, in Everything. and I mean EVERYTHING.
definitely get the santa rosa murders and ALL the others ALL over heck and back. well sometimes when living things have a defect in one sense, it is made up by being so much more perceptive in another sense, just the
way living creatures are made. We are just designed that way. many a blind man are the best musicians, they just here a note and they have perfect pitch even if they never have taken a music lesson it their life. Animals are the same way, they might limp but they still get there. waddling ducks sway back and forth to the rhythm of the beat, why, because they are dancing to the music as they go… why… because they are musicians, singing out songs like crazy, for all the world to here. There are explanations to things that are unexplainable but few people believe in them, its just too spooky for them to contemplate, they really don’t want to know how things work within a realm they don’t understand. Myself, I’ve always be inquisitive and studied everything I could absorb, and when you do that from even before you can read, you can rely on other things within ourselves to open our eyes so we can see where we are waddling LOL. Now try to teach that to someone LOL. It’s hard, but it’s not really necessary, it is just what it is. I think John Lennon probably had a little more sense than I do; about 2 minutes into it, he probably realized it was time to let it go and the other crazy thing about this song, is. the LINK. take a look at it. yep, it’s spooky LOL.. and how do I possibly explain THAT… so I just sit here watching the wheels go round and round. And people say I’m Crazy. I’m mixed up but I’m not crazy haha
but when people say it’s never to late, sometimes they are wrong, it’s more like you can check out anytime you want but you can never leave. so welcome to the hotel california by the eagles aka CRC . which by the way use to be al Capones fave place. yes I was a offset printer there, editor, plate maker, dark room developer, type setter, designer, etc and being he let ME be the Proof Read, which he should have NEVER allowed anyone to see that stuff, let alone Proof Read it and trust me that it should go out like it should haha, I amended the whole thing at it went on to a state convention in boxes of bulletins for the whole state of california CONVENTION, and man, he flipped. but hey, he deserved it, he told the dang warden on me for threatening someone with an exacto knife all because I refused to work if I could not listen to my music, and he had to let me because without me he had no one to do his dirty work haha . so yep, I’m not too afraid of this stuff. about 1 year after I was out, I called him one day and told him, Yep I did it… he told I KNEW YOU DID THAT. haha…YEP, I find humor in everything. I wonder if he is still alive? Shine on you crazy diamond . … and I printed up some off the wall non public stuff. my teacher was a drunk and left me in charge of everything, even the calendars( very interesting calendars of frank, norma jean, and all these fat men, and TALL men. yep made off of REAL photos of them all there together before it was CRC I tried to smuggle one out but never did, I wish now I had of. but instead I made a deal with him. I would do his printing for him, if he would show me how to make the plates for counterfeiting and what kind of ink to use. Did he, he sure as hell did. I went to prison for robbing banks just to have the prison system to teach me how to counterfeit, now isn’t that ironic hahaha… so you see, he trusted me with his projects. htey were not a sanctioned projects by the way, it was a very secret "something" … I know it now, did I then, well he told me it was, but I did not even think about it, my whole life is a secret so just another day in the crazy life of ME. so since I was also the My whole life has been surrounded with this realm of craziness. looking back, guess it was just meant to be. so LET IT BE ( you would surprised at the things that come out of prison. Lots of great writers sitting in there. I’m a collector or prison art and poetry. I just love the stuff. I just seem to find meaning in it.) HE KNEW… AND HE DIED.
December 8, 1980, The Dakota, New York, NY
It ended as fact when Lennon was shot to death by a deranged fan, Mark David Chapman, in front of his Manhattan apartment building on December 8, 1980.
Lennon was characterised for the rebellious nature and acerbic wit in his music, writing, drawings, on film and in interviews. He was controversial through his political and peace activism. After moving to New York City in 1971, his criticism of the Vietnam War resulted in a three-year attempt by the Nixon administration to deport him. In 1975, Lennon disengaged from the music business to raise his infant son Sean, and in 1980, returned with the Ono collaboration Double Fantasy. He was shot and killed in the archway of his Manhattan apartment building three weeks after the album’s release.
so I would really love setting together some time to discuss all of this with you.
I don’t know how to put up links to other threads but there have been other hidden coded messages in the paper after at at least 3 deaths connected to this case imo, Johnny and Joyce swindle murdered on a San Diego beach (Jonny was in the navy) and the ad placed in the paper after Fred Manalli death saying “zodiac your partner is in deep real estate, your next give yourself to the imperial wizard or I will terminate your case ra”. To me these are some sort of coded messages between more than a few people, Amazingates have a look at these messages it will be interesting to see what you can think?
I don’t know how to put up links to other threads but there have been other hidden coded messages in the paper after at at least 3 deaths connected to this case imo, Johnny and Joyce swindle murdered on a San Diego beach (Jonny was in the navy) and the ad placed in the paper after Fred Manalli death saying “zodiac your partner is in deep real estate, your next give yourself to the imperial wizard or I will terminate your case ra”. To me these are some sort of coded messages between more than a few people, Amazingates have a look at these messages it will be interesting to see what you can think?
hmmm sounds very interesting.. .I’ll do it, I just have to find them. again, I love words, I know quite a bit about a lot of different murder and unsolved cases because they interest me and especially the ones with communications. I just Love Stuff Like This. I just have to find it.
I would love, start to get somewhere to get all this stuff together in one place and then coincide all the murders and communications and news articles(as these are the Replies to the Communications). I believe, even though I have not looked at them enough to know yet, but I can almost guarantee they are the other side of the communications. And if they are, if we see more replies that we have Z communications, they we will (1), KNOW we are missing an ingoing Z communication we have a reply to (if we don’t have the ingoing) and (2), even if we don’t have the ingoing communication, we will at least be able to figure out something from the outgoing ones in the news. I’m hoping this is the case and it works. I can just about KNOW it will.
Now to try to gather this stuff up and get it all in one place before we derail incognitomesquito’s thread. I really hate cluttering someone elses thread. I’ll get as much of this stuff together today and get it all in one place and then work on it.
“zodiac your partner is in deep real estate, your next give yourself to the imperial wizard or I will terminate your case ra"
PS . (A) so someone sent this message out in the news? (B)NEW NEWS to me so I’ll have to check that out. …
well this is what I think about this… but since it it not in context with anything I have seen YET, but I will, sounds like a silly threat to me. maybe something to do with growing plants I think I red it somewhere just a bit ago actually but not sure. anyway I’ll find all the info and get it out here. I might have seen that before actually. But it would be with all my other 1000’s of papers I have stored at my friends’ houses. So if I can’t find it, I can probably have them dig through my boxes and find it for me.
I’ll check it out in a minute, I need to go get my furnace turned on as it is kinda cold out here today. Sunny and not foggy like SF. I don’t know if it is foggy over there or not, need to turn on the news channel and see how much of a span there is in the weather. I think temps are dropping over there too. Thank God we don’t get a lot of fog like the bay area. but we are not over near the water like SF. anyway, I need to go turn up the heat in here, I’m freezing.
oh hmmm… just noticed the IMPERIAL WIZARD part… that’s funny. haha. why would they say THAT. Well they just gave themself away when they said THAT in there in there. yes, that is definitely interesting, being the IMPERIAL WIZARD is usually always said he gave the TIN MAN A HEART but he really didn’t. The Wizard was never the star of the show. You rarely even saw him, but you always knew he was there, or at least I did… it’s not really hard to guess what is going on with that wizard. I’m not sure he is imperial. he probably thinks he is, but you know every GREAT KING usually has a QUEEN of HEARTS taking care of the bills. hmm. okay, I’ll get right on it
ok I’ll start a threat for that news article ( blip). I’ll also need the some dates or those murders etc posted over on the thread or anything else you have "eggs and bacon" , that connect up with that.
hmmm, I see there are already a lot of discussion on this board about this AD, so I’ll try to get on one of them and post so we don’t get things all over the place.
also, I’ll read up on this too, as I have not paid much attention to it before .
okay now what
I posted this over on the Imperial Wizard ad, but think I should post it on here incase it goes along with mesquito’s post, and I think it does
"BACON AND EGGS" asked me to take a look at this note, and see what I thought.
I don’t want to start a new thread; I also don’t want to derail a previous thread so I’ll start here
and if you think I should start a new thread then tell me.
okay this is my opinion what this is talking about. I don’t know anything about Manalli or the other murders "bacon and eggs" said happened right before this,
so I’ll probably know more after someone tells me and I read. someone more familiar with all of that might get a clue after I post my thoughts ONLY on the AD.
I’m just going to decode this thing and then we can go from there, and as I know more I might be able to make more sense out of it. However, I have a good idea
what is going on here even without knowing anything else. (Again my opinion, as I really don’t KNOW anything)
ZODIAC YOUR PARTNER IS IN DEEP REAL ESTATE. You’re next. The Imperial Wizard can save you. Surrender to him or I’ll terminate your case RA
This is great stuff as it gives us a clue "what" THEY(whoever they are) KNOW they are dealing with in context of The Zodiac. The "author" of the AD is "communicating" with The Zodiac
and they know "something" just happened.(The Zodiac had to have sent in something, did that happen? if we don’t have it then we need to find it) So was there something happen right before this? well "bacon and eggs" posted to me in another thread there were 3 murders right before this AD came out. I don’t know anything about the murders yet, so after I post this I hope someone fills me in. Or is could be that someone who knows The Riddler is flipping out. Or the Queen of Hearts is in trouble or knows something the Riddler does not know yet.something is really wrong here.(you have to understand my theory of The Zodiac to understand these "characters".
I believe this to definitely be a REAL( the way it is coded) Zodiac communication. (btw I believe "The Zodiac" is more than one person) I believe "R.A." definitely
knows exactly "What" they are talking to. "WHAT" meaning the R.A. know which "group" they are talking to even if they don’t know exactly which individual. (they might even know who and can’t find them, or for some other reason do not want to find them until this person wants to be found)they know they have a loose cannon out here and they are trying to get something done about it. Either way we are looking at INSTRUCTIONS or WARNING, or someone asking for help to get this stopped>
I don’t believe they would have just randomly tossed that ad out in the "PERSONAL" AD SECTION, unless they had already received a message from "The Zodiac" to put it THERE. otherwise The Zodiac most
likely would never see it. So Zodiac has contacted them and told them to put it there or back and forth they have arrangements to do this. I believe they are "coding" back and forth in the NEWS all the time(for another thread)
sooo… Rule #1… never change anything in the communications, every detail means something. Don’t correct spellings, punctuation, spaces, anything, they all mean something(Very Complex)
Being this is an ad then it is not as complex as it is not WRITTEN OUT by "The Zodiac", you lose abilities to code more complex when it is typed out, especially, by the NEWS. I’m not sure why they put
it in the PERSONALS though. that is kind of lax as anyone can see that. so it is not hidden all that well. Why not put if over in something more hidden? that’s strange. And why put the word ZODIAC right in the front
where everyone is going to notice it? that’s a bit strange also. So that really makes me wonder if this is not another member of The Zodiac who put that out there. Would the authorities really stick that out there like THAT. They could just write up a whole article in the news and HIDE what they are saying, so I think some individual did this who personally has a concern about something.
so here we go…
ZODIAC is all caps. So is DEEP REAL ESTATE. And they mention the Imperial Wizard and the words start with Capitals so they are not hiding that either. that again is a sign of exposing someone.The whole thing has that tone. There are many ways they could have written that so no one would have ever noticed it. so someone is angry, really angry( or worried). it is equivalent to someone putting !!!!!!!!! all over it to get everyone’s attention.
ZODIAC Your partner is in DEEP REAL ESTATE. You’re next.
because this is in the PERSONALS, I’m assuming(bad to assume) this is "personal". and because this states ZODIAC right out in front of God and everyone, it is really not trying to be hidden. yet they are coding. so it is almost like a ditch effort on the part of the author as if okay if you don’t do this or that, I’m going to start exposing you… Look at this, I’m going to stick it right out here where everyone can notice it. why do that?
because you are at your wits end and mad and you have a threatening attitude, "you do this or else" kind of thing. And then to say DEEP REAL ESTATE out there like that(Capitals), again tells me they are not trying to be very hidden. So what happened to make someone so angry or so worried. It is really hard to say who the author is… TO Zodiac or FROM Zodiac. you almost wonder if it is not FROM someone who knows The Riddler. you would THINK the people in high places would not put out something LIKE THAT. very bizarre.
so we could have Zodiac=your partner) or Zodiac… Your partner(zodiac’s partner = one of the group) . is in DEEP REAL ESTATE… is in… hmm they are IN IT. part ner N er DEEP.. under… Real Estate.. land / house/ property… deep is UNDER… UNDER the sea C. drowning. something underwater. … now keep all of that in mind. we have to find a check/match out here. You’re… RE . there is the RE again. which is REAL ESTATE .
so. to part / cut/ slice/ separate.. (part . ner . N er) . (is in =N .. inside, within)–> (DEEP = under, down, watER, drown, sea=C) . ( REAL ESTATE = RE – house, land, propERty) You’re next = U /ER / next(following, beside)
The Imperial Wizard can save you. … (ImpERial = Royal, King, REgal) Wizard = person who can perform magic. astrologer – seer- sourcerer(oooh double) –(Can = containER, REceptacle vessel(hmm jar)
save you… save U. (save – ransom, REscUe).
Surrender to him… SurREndER Sur-REndER… sur – Sir. Render, delivER, give, tendER, hand ovER, to pay back) pay back= go back
or – oar- oRE) I’ll = I-LL hmm . 15050? , 55000? or 50 +50= 100,000
terminate = end, stop, finish, detERmine, abort, sack(bur lap=rub pal = erase, kill) . secREt Pal. = (terminate, to end to wrap up = around and up. … wrap up = layer
your case – scrutinize, examine, view, case – KEYS
it is totally layered for sure, and definitely z stuff. there are keys mentioned in here, there is extortions in here (could even be a ransom, but I would think extortion)
omg this is crazy stuff. but it makes sense. I’ll have to go through and get all the CHECKS… but someone is going to give up the keys if someone does not get their money.
they are extorting money. there are also instructions in here with ER, U, C, oh CURE. that would be the Imperial Wizard which means Marine Pysche… hmmm
so we have a MARINE, vessel, gunboat. and the imperial wizard, who is the Marine pysche. we have DEEP water… a diver… we have some kind of money involved. 100,000 most likely. real estate is a house. a HUGE HOUSE… SIR RENDER(render to ceazer = money = ore =gold) wait a minute maybe they want gold bars. 50 is a gold bar unit of tael, chinese. that’s weird, why chinese. is that right, I need to work that out.
(note – In the Exorist Letter also mentions 100, so I never knew why only 100, so that was also probably 100,000. (so The Riddler has been on a time payment plan for how long at least 2 years. If I remember correctly when I figured this out years ago, there were more mentions of demanding money… more later)
so now we go back to the date of this ad. august 26, 1976… someone is extorting money from someone. someone has the KEYS. someone is threatening The Zodiac, or someone in The Zodiac is threatening someone else in the Zodiac. we have a marine involved. probably special ops … let me go look
Most Marines with combatant diver certification are either in the Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command or amphibious reconnaissance communities.
oh holy crap….. he’s a RAIDER… look at this…. RA . ID . ER
This is the RIDDLER and he is extorting money from The Zodiac. no wonder the docs and case are all listed as The Zodiac EXTORTION. oh holy crap Batman.
ok who died? someone trying to get to him? could be.. and he got mad and sent that note. telling them… they are next, telling them the Imperial Wizard can save them, then are next, and he want 100,000 in tael bars, two chinese bars, or he is going to terminate their case,… omg… it’s the dang riddler. RA .. the raider. totally Z all the dang way. who is he blackmailing is the question. someone for sure. they probably told him to turn himself in and see the imperial wizard and so he tells them, YOU go see the imperial wizard(marine psyche) and let him save YOU. and render to me 2 tael bars of gold or he is going to expose them. if this was not so sad it would be hilarious. shine on you crazy diamond Riddler. haha . yep, this is definitely him haha
added …. I started a new thread for this AD coding, as I see more now.
The Zodiac & Imperial Wizard
Mesquito… if you are still reading here….
do you know who the 19 guardians were? I’m looking but can’t find where the other 18 guardians are listed.
do you know who they were and when they guarded the tree
who were the 19 people of the jfk motorcade?
who were jfk’s bodyguards.
means nothing, I look at words and names and places and things. It’s just something i "use" to give me direction
Gunny is a burlap sack. burlap is a pal rub.. .meaning… problem pal. that could be why The Riddler was actually identifying themself. there was a problem.
that would make sense with "take head" Now I am really wondering if the word "speaking" was in there. or did it just say this is the Zodiac, small "t" and no Speaking?
"IF" there was a problem then this would make sense why The Riddler was identifying themself as the AUTHOR, rather than The Zodiac.
Gunny means Gunnery Sergeant
ZODIAC YOUR PARTNER IS IN DEEP REAL ESTATE. You’re next. The Imperial Wizard can save you. Surrender to him or I’ll terminate your case RA
Regarding "RA":
Let R be a common forename such as Ralph, Richard, Raphael, Russel, Robert, Roy. What common surnames do we know about that start with "A"? … names-list
I always had the feeling Rick Ashley was involved in that case…