One of the things I’m currently doing is looking at the 340 as it just being a wildcard cipher (again). It was daikon who at the time cracked smokie’s purple haze cipher (a hard cipher just by its own) and then applied the same attack to the 340 which gave nothing (trying limited sets of high count symbols as wildcards). I’m using a more thorough approach to provide a more definite answer.
A wildcard is a symbol that is suspected to be polyalphabetic in a way. It was smokie treats who suspected that several symbols in the 340 could be wildcards. The approach I will next discuss looks at the 340 as being just a wildcard cipher without any other steps.
What I’ve done is added a new operation to AZdecrypt’s manipulation solver and the option to iterate every so many seconds (basic hillclimbing). The operator is called LengthSymbols(a,b,c). Where operand "a" allows to either remove or expand a set of symbols, and operands "b" and "c" provide the amount of symbols you’d like to remove. If "b" is at 1 and "c" is at 3 then the program will randomly roll a number between 1 and 3. If it rolls a 2 then 2 random sets of symbols will be removed or expanded. It only expands in this case, which means that a new unique symbol is created for every instance of the expanded symbol.
I opted only to expand one symbol at a time with an iteration time of 86400 seconds (one day). When the iteration time is met the program picks the highest scoring result and starts over with that cipher. 100.000.000 iterations per restart, Reddit 6-grams and a multiplicity weight of 1.3 so the program will not overvalue high count symbols. I will update the thread once a day with the new results/iteration.
I’m running the 340 and smokie ciphers (purple haze wildcard cipher) side by side and here are the base scores, no symbols expanded.
340: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Score: 17595.37 Ioc: 0.07714732 Entropy: 3.864259 Chi-square: 59.30035 Characters: 340 Letters: 20 gdhiscantopernotm estersilarlsoiamo edvastocorrorsegu nssmactingsitthat wastenimparttheop stharcinimnoritar satabletoaconserp rotumisitweletora mostitchtreadydea necontautismoredn othpandpalesinsai toachupianessther edandstepareareth coreamateisanentt deceiveandinocant pasgeearisasmsbot hantrednotrcrepor ttorneratingnpros promromnewlieinna isagesonecitypaet Multiplicity: 0.1852941 Characters: 340 Symbols: 63 Bigrams: 25 HER>pl^VPk|1LTG2d Np+B(#O%DWY.<*Kf) By:cM+UZGW()L#zHJ Spp7^l8*V3pO++RK2 _9M+ztjd|5FP+&4k/ p8R^FlO-*dCkF>2D( #5+Kq%;2UcXGV.zL| (G2Jfj#O+_NYz+@L9 d<M+b+ZR2FBcyA64K -zlUV+^J+Op7<FBy- U+R/5tE|DYBpbTMKO 2<clRJ|*5T4M.+&BF z69Sy#+N|5FBc(;8R lGFN^f524b.cV4t++ yBX1*:49CE>VUZ5-+ |c.3zBK(Op^.fMqG2 RcT+L16C<+FlWB|)L ++)WCzWcPOSHT/()p |FkdW<7tB_YOB*-Cc >MDHNpkSzZO8A|K;+ smokie: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Score: 17467.23 Ioc: 0.07398056 Entropy: 3.853114 Chi-square: 51.10486 Characters: 340 Letters: 19 iuhmedprideaoreas thatseeisasrulefu nctioncardntrader itehomestureitthe enausshyoudasapro ntelotouchesnshne ndaidesornooolice intcutneartaneaui thloameatsamischl entsdhsunersinhei rororifthemoretic asstanddomadssoia ntpetoushadmusion seinrealmandsshin esethatherulesthe rapistoinforactoc utmatecalofanatti eoriststohouchbut irundelchitandsam anncasionmoopendg Multiplicity: 0.1852941 Characters: 340 Symbols: 63 Bigrams: 11 041D,%(!9=:AN).-8 "1J@Q,T3KA8G?MO'2 E/X3FU-GL_R!-%:# 3W.&HBO8"4G]<CX[+ .E6IV8Z;H2=-K6()N U@+MFRS?Z+8EQ1E, _LJ9%TQN!EYHS$<^O 3EX/IWE]-#C-E.>40 P1$Y6B:-@VJD08^1M OEWQ=18IETGK5U1]3 )FGS!3'@1,DHG:R0 AQQX-_L%SD-=VKS0- UC(.PY?8[JLD4Q0N_ VT9E!,AMB-E=8KZ<E OQ+X[6W&]G2$:8C1. )>(38PH5E'YG-"N^ I@B>",/6MS'-E-WX< ]F)3QCQPS1YI^[*4R 3G?_%.$/&3@-ELKAD -UEJV0HEDNS(TE%7
And here are the first iterations/selections:
For the 340 the "+" symbol scored the highest return, so it will unfold further from there and for the smokie the "E" symbol was picked. These are for both ciphers the most frequent symbol. Nothing readable appears for both. Tomorrow I’ll have the next iteration.
340: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[+]) Score: 18199.15 Ioc: 0.07149054 Entropy: 3.969836 Chi-square: 34.12953 Characters: 340 Letters: 21 ceepttalbutisnorn ethestohingleisli edmaybeconsistica ntthatwilltothesr rayhimontorbutmus tweartoningurpris torswhoreadollist soralotofregionsa neycancerreadinms nitelyaanotheredn evesometigetanyso reateationmylater inandthetoreasowe torealormalalmman dediimmageplecons talliessotallywor eandsingeartnetis thinginaboncnssit trunnehmergoeinga pyicetunicowitsou Multiplicity: 0.2529412 Characters: 340 Symbols: 86 Bigrams: 18 HER>pl^VPk|1LTG2d Np!B(#O%DWY.<*Kf) By:cM"UZGW()L#zHJ Spp7^l8*V3pO$'RK2 _9M,ztjd|5FP0&4k/ p8R^FlO-*dCkF>2D( #5=Kq%;2UcXGV.zL| (G2Jfj#O?_NYzI@L9 d<MQb[ZR2FBcyA64K -zlUV^J]Op7<FBy- U`R/5tE|DYBpbTMKO 2<clRJ|*5T4M.a&BF z69Sy#eN|5FBc(;8R lGFN^f524b.cV4tgh yBX1*:49CE>VUZ5-i |c.3zBK(Op^.fMqG2 RcTmL16C<nFlWB|)L or)WCzWcPOSHT/()p |FkdW<7tB_YOB*-Cc >MDHNpkSzZO8A|K;+ smokie: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[E]) Score: 17884.74 Ioc: 0.07129967 Entropy: 3.949114 Chi-square: 36.16037 Characters: 340 Letters: 21 haosisshitanaltit worddimeontsuperc hereanaisinchisan entcaretwashegrea tquestlyactiousla ndapactualatedomi nirismdahemathere egreenthingintoah oohmuraidsrshtrop eandtotermsofnohe lastherdoisasacha nddrinistsitsothi ngstomuterisadhan smithinprinttoler edareunchschatgot losetoaformsiawar edrowieuptripinre haledgdotomerefac esunstheceditions incarshalsatsmysk Multiplicity: 0.2382353 Characters: 340 Symbols: 81 Bigrams: 8 041D,%(!9=:AN).-8 "1J@Q,T3KA8G?MO'2 `/X3FU-GL_R!-%:# 3W.&HBO8"4G]<CX[+ .a6IV8Z;H2=-K6()N U@+MFRS?Z+8bQ1c, _LJ9%TQN!dYHS$<^O 3eX/IWf]-#C-g.>40 P1$Y6B:-@VJD08^1M OhWQ=18IiTGK5U1]3 )FGS!3'@1,DHG:R0 AQQX-_L%SD-=VKS0- UC(.PY?8[JLD4Q0N_ VT9j!,AMB-k=8KZ<l OQ+X[6W&]G2$:8C1. )>(38PH5m'YG-"N^ I@B>",/6MS'-n-WX< ]F)3QCQPS1YI^[*4R 3G?_%.$/&3@-oLKAD -UpJV0HqDNS(TE%7
Great idea for an experiment! I look forward to your reports of its progress.
Second batch of iterations/selections just came through. For the 340 the "K" symbol has been additionally expanded, it occurs 7 times. Smokie’s cipher (4 wildcard symbols total) has been cracked and a very readable solution appears. For it, the "Q" symbols has been additionally expanded, it occurs 10 times. I saw 6 other readable solves sitting in the directory, all scored around and over 19500. I’ll keep smokie’s cipher in the running to have some gauge for a realistic multiplicity limit, though it is a very hard plaintext to catch.
340: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[K]) Score: 18553.55 Ioc: 0.07160333 Entropy: 3.976389 Chi-square: 39.80777 Characters: 340 Letters: 21 ceepttalbutisnorn ethestopingleisli edmaybeconsistica ntthatwilltothear rayhimontorbutmus tweartoningurpris tocompareadollist soralotofregionsa neycancerreadinmi nitelyaanotheredn evesometigetanymo reateationmylater inandthetoreasawe torealormalalmman dediimmageplecons talliessotallymor eandsingeartnetis thinginaboncnssit trunnehmergoeinga pyicetunicowithaf Multiplicity: 0.2705882 Characters: 340 Symbols: 92 Bigrams: 18 HER>pl^VPk|1LTG2d Np!B(#O%DWY.<*sf) By:cM"UZGW()L#zHJ Spp7^l8*V3pO$'Ru2 _9M,ztjd|5FP0&4k/ p8R^FlO-*dCkF>2D( #5=vq%;2UcXGV.zL| (G2Jfj#O?_NYzI@L9 d<MQb[ZR2FBcyA64w -zlUV^J]Op7<FBy- U`R/5tE|DYBpbTMxO 2<clRJ|*5T4M.a&BF z69Sy#eN|5FBc(;8R lGFN^f524b.cV4tgh yBX1*:49CE>VUZ5-i |c.3zB{(Op^.fMqG2 RcTmL16C<nFlWB|)L or)WCzWcPOSHT/()p |FkdW<7tB_YOB*-Cc >MDHNpkSzZO8A|K;+ smokie: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[Q]) Score: 20323.20 Ioc: 0.05735728 Entropy: 4.235607 Chi-square: 68.87035 Characters: 340 Letters: 23 purplehaveallinmy brainlatelythings dontseemthesameac tinfunnybutidonok nowwhysousemewhil eikisslheskyourpl ehaveallacoulddon tknowifimcomingup ordownamihappyori ndiverywhateverit istlatgirlputaspe llinmehelpmehelpm eohnoohyoahpurple haveallinmyeyesdo ntknowifitsdayorn ightyouvegotmeblo wingblowilgmymind isittocolrowoojus ttheendoftimehelp meyeahpurpllhaveb Multiplicity: 0.2647059 Characters: 340 Symbols: 90 Bigrams: 8 041D,%(!9=:AN).-8 "1J@r,T3KA8G?MO'2 `/X3FU-GL_R!-%:# 3W.&HBO8"4G]<CX[+ .a6IV8Z;H2=-K6()N U@+MFRS?Z+8bs1c, _LJ9%TtN!dYHS$<^O 3eX/IWf]-#C-g.>40 P1$Y6B:-@VJD08^1M OhWu=18IiTGK5U1]3 )FGS!3'@1,DHG:R0 AvwX-_L%SD-=VKS0- UC(.PY?8[JLD4x0N_ VT9j!,AMB-k=8KZ<l Oy+X[6W&]G2$:8C1. )>(38PH5m'YG-"N^ I@B>",/6MS'-n-WX< ]F)3zCQPS1YI^[*4R 3G?_%.$/&3@-oLKAD -UpJV0HqDNS(TE%7
Third batch of iterations. The 340’s score progressed only very little (from 18554 to 18669) expanding the 4 times occuring "J" symbol. Smokie’s cipher is going very strong with a score of 21379 expanding the 8 times occuring "S" symbol. Note that scores display somewhat lower than they should be due to adding a multiplicity weight of 1.3.
AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[J]) Score: 18668.84 Ioc: 0.06657123 Entropy: 4.031511 Chi-square: 39.30825 Characters: 340 Letters: 21 deepttalbutisnorm stheshowingleinli edmaybeconsishido ntthatwilltothear rayhimymtorbutmus tweartonimgurpris houldwarearollist sorelyhoursgivesa meycancerreadinmi nitelyandotheredn evesometigetanymo reatentionmylater inandhistoreasawe torsalormalalmman deriimmageplecons talliessotallydor eandsingeartnetis thinginabondnssit trumnehmergoeinga pyidstunicowithaf Multiplicity: 0.2794118 Characters: 340 Symbols: 95 Bigrams: 18 HER>pl^VPk|1LTG2d Np!B(#O%DWY.<*sf) By:cM"UZGW()L#zH} Spp7^l8*V3pO$'Ru2 _9M,ztjd|5FP0&4k/ p8R^FlO-*dCkF>2D( #5=vq%;2UcXGV.zL| (G2~fj#O?_NYzI@L9 d<MQb[ZR2FBcyA64w -zlUV^]Op7<FBy- U`R/5tE|DYBpbTMxO 2<clRJ|*5T4M.a&BF z69Sy#eN|5FBc(;8R lGFN^f524b.cV4tgh yBX1*:49CE>VUZ5-i |c.3zB{(Op^.fMqG2 RcTmL16C<nFlWB|)L or)WCzWcPOSHT/()p |FkdW<7tB_YOB*-Cc >MDHNpkSzZO8A|K;+ AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[S]) Score: 21378.70 Ioc: 0.05720111 Entropy: 4.234512 Chi-square: 60.56536 Characters: 340 Letters: 23 purplehaveallinmy brainlatelythings dontseemthesameac tinfunnybutidonok nowwhyscusemewhil eikisstheskyourpl ehaveallarounddon tknowifimcomingup ordownamihappyori ndiverywhateverit isthatgirlputaspe llinmehelpmehelpm eohnoohyoahpurple haveallinmyeyesdo ntknowifitsdayorn ightyouvegotmeblo wingblowingmymind isittomorrowoojus ttheendoftimehelp meyeahpurplehaveb Multiplicity: 0.2852941 Characters: 340 Symbols: 97 Bigrams: 8 041D,%(!9=:AN).-8 "1J@r,T3KA8G?MO'2 `/X3FU-GL_R!-%:# 3W.&HBO8"4G]<CX[+ .a6IV8Z;H2=-K6()N U@+MFR{?Z+8bs1c, _LJ9%TtN!dYH|$<^O 3eX/IWf]-#C-g.>40 P1$Y6B:-@VJD08^1M OhWu=18IiTGK5U1]3 )FG}!3'@1,DHG:R0 AvwX-_L%~D-=VK0- UC(.PY?8[JLD4x0N_ VT9j!,AMB-k=8KZ<l Oy+X[6W&]G2$:8C1. )>(38PH5m'YG-"N^ I@B>",/6M€'-n-WX< ]F)3zCQP1YI^[*4R 3G?_%.$/&3@-oLKAD -UpJV0HqDNS(TE%7
Fourth iteration. The 340’s score again progressed just a bit by expanding the "4" symbol that occurs 6 times. At the moment it doesn’t look good for the 340 (score wise) but as long as smokie’s cipher keeps solving it should be worthwhile to keep the experiment running. Smokie’s cipher seems to have maxed out, don’t think a much better solution can be achieved. The 4 times occuring "[" symbol has been expanded.
340: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[4]) Score: 18767.09 Ioc: 0.0654954 Entropy: 4.065185 Chi-square: 33.51322 Characters: 340 Letters: 22 deepttalbutisnorm stheshowingleinli edmaybeconsishido ntthatwilltothear rayhimymtorbutjus tweartonimgurpris houldwarearollist sorelyhoursgivesa meycancerreadinfi nitelyandotheredn evesometigetanymo reatentionmylater inandhistoreasawe torsalormalallmur deriimmageplecons talliessotallydor eandsingeartnetis goinginabondnssit trumnehmergoeinga pyidstunicowithaf Multiplicity: 0.2941177 Characters: 340 Symbols: 100 Bigrams: 18 HER>pl^VPk|1LTG2d Np!B(#O%DWY.<*sf) By:cM"UZGW()L#zH} Spp7^l8*V3pO$'Ru2 _9M,ztjd|5FP0&€k/ p8R^FlO-*dCkF>2D( #5=vq%;2UcXGV.zL| (G2~fj#O?_NYzI@L9 d<MQb[ZR2FBcyA6w -zlUV^]Op7<FBy- U`R/5tE|DYBpbTMxO 2<clRJ|*5T‚M.a&BF z69Sy#eN|5FBc(;8R lGFN^f52ƒb.cV„tgh yBX1*:49CE>VUZ5-i |c.3zB{(Op^.fMqG2 RcTmL16C<nFlWB|)L or)WCzWcPOSHT/()p |FkdW<7tB_YOB*-Cc >MDHNpkSzZO8A|K;+ smokie: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[[]) Score: 21792.60 Ioc: 0.05746139 Entropy: 4.226827 Chi-square: 60.22518 Characters: 340 Letters: 23 purplehaveallinmy brainlatelythings dontseemthesameac tinfunnybutidontk nowwhysousemewhil eikisstheskyourpl ehaveallarounddon tknowifimcomingup ordownamihappyori ndiverywhateverit isthatgirlputaspe llinmehelpmehelpm eohnoohyeahpurple haveallinmyeyesdo ntknowifitsdayorn ightyouvegotmeblo wingblowingmymind isittomorroworjus ttheendoftimehelp meyeahpurplehaveb Multiplicity: 0.2941177 Characters: 340 Symbols: 100 Bigrams: 7 041D,%(!9=:AN).-8 "1J@r,T3KA8G?MO'2 `/X3FU-GL_R!-%:# 3W.&HBO8"4G]<CX‚+ .a6IV8Z;H2=-K6()N U@+MFR{?Z+8bs1c, _LJ9%TtN!dYH|$<^O 3eX/IWf]-#C-g.>40 P1$Y6B:-@VJD08^1M OhWu=18IiTGK5U1]3 )FG}!3'@1,DHG:R0 AvwX-_L%~D-=VK0- UC(.PY?8ƒJLD4x0N_ VT9j!,AMB-k=8KZ<l Oy+X„6W&]G2$:8C1. )>(38PH5m'YG-"N^ I@B>",/6M€'-n-WX< ]F)3zCQP1YI^[*4R 3G?_%.$/&3@-oLKAD -UpJV0HqDNS(TE%7
deep ttal but is norms the showing lein lied may beconsish i dont that will tot hear
ray him ymtor but just wear tonimgurpri should ware a roll ist sorely hours gives a
mey cancer read infinitely and other ed neve some ti get anymore atention my later
in and his tore as awetorsalormal all murder i immage pleconstal lies so tally dor
e and sing eartnet is going in a bond nssittrumnehmer goeing apyidstunico with af
lots of words: murder, should roll deep cancer going lies showing infinitley etc
sentences: but just wear…get anymore atention,, my later,,, all murder… and sing
it feels like its trying to give up something but its misaligned?
Thanks Mr lowe.
Fifth iteration. More of the same. For the 340 the "f" symbol has been expanded which occurs 3 times. And for smokie’s cipher the "Z" symbol which occurs 2 times.
340: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[f]) Score: 18830.81 Ioc: 0.06710047 Entropy: 4.049648 Chi-square: 25.57621 Characters: 340 Letters: 22 deepttalbutisnorn stheshowingleisfi edmaybeconsishido ntthatwilltotheir daytimentorbutjus tweartoningurpris houldwarearollist sortheholdsgivesa neycancerreadinfi nitelyanyotheredn ecesometigetanymo reatentionmylater inandhistoreasawe torsaformalallmur deriimmageplecons talliessotallydor eandsingeartnetis goinginabondnssit trunnehmedgoeinga pyidstunicowithaf Multiplicity: 0.3029412 Characters: 340 Symbols: 103 Bigrams: 18 HER>pl^VPk|1LTG2d Np!B(#O%DWY.<*s…) By:cM"UZGW()L#zH} Spp7^l8*V3pO$'Ru2 _9M,ztjd|5FP0&€k/ p8R^FlO-*dCkF>2D( #5=vq%;2UcXGV.zL| (G2~†j#O?_NYzI@L9 d<MQb[ZR2FBcyA6w -zlUV^]Op7<FBy- U`R/5tE|DYBpbTMxO 2<clRJ|*5T‚M.a&BF z69Sy#eN|5FBc(;8R lGFN^‡52ƒb.cV„tgh yBX1*:49CE>VUZ5-i |c.3zB{(Op^.fMqG2 RcTmL16C<nFlWB|)L or)WCzWcPOSHT/()p |FkdW<7tB_YOB*-Cc >MDHNpkSzZO8A|K;+ smokie: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[Z]) Score: 21822.93 Ioc: 0.05697553 Entropy: 4.24129 Chi-square: 61.93594 Characters: 340 Letters: 23 purplehaveallinmy brainlatelythings dontseemthesameac tinfunnybutidontk nowwhyyousemewhil eikisscheckyourpl ehaveallarounddon tknowifimcomingup ordownamihappyori ndiverywhateverit isthatgirlputaspe llinmehelpmehelpm eohnoohyeahpurple haveallinmyeyesdo ntknowifitsdayorn ightyouvegotmeblo wingblowingmymind isittomorroworjus ttheendoftimehelp meyeahpurplehaveb Multiplicity: 0.3 Characters: 340 Symbols: 102 Bigrams: 7 041D,%(!9=:AN).-8 "1J@r,T3KA8G?MO'2 `/X3FU-GL_R!-%:# 3W.&HBO8"4G]<CX‚+ .a6IV8…;H2=-K6()N U@+MFR{?†+8bs1c, _LJ9%TtN!dYH|$<^O 3eX/IWf]-#C-g.>40 P1$Y6B:-@VJD08^1M OhWu=18IiTGK5U1]3 )FG}!3'@1,DHG:R0 AvwX-_L%~D-=VK0- UC(.PY?8ƒJLD4x0N_ VT9j!,AMB-k=8KZ<l Oy+X„6W&]G2$:8C1. )>(38PH5m'YG-"N^ I@B>",/6M€'-n-WX< ]F)3zCQP1YI^[*4R 3G?_%.$/&3@-oLKAD -UpJV0HqDNS(TE%7
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trunnehmed goeing apyid stun ico with af
Multiplicity: 0.3029412 Characters: 340 Symbols: 103 Bigrams: 18
Some good strings
Sixth iteration. Smokie’s cipher did not improve its previous score and I decided to stop its run. I’ll keep the 340 running for a few more days but I feel that if the 340 has 4-5 wildcards it should have been cracked by now. I’m thinking about rerunning this test while expanding 2 symbols at a time so that there is more depth to the search, which would possibly allow to crack ciphers with up to 8-9 wildcards if multiplicity permits.
340: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[Y]) Score: 18903.36 Ioc: 0.06695297 Entropy: 4.061836 Chi-square: 24.20345 Characters: 340 Letters: 23 deepttalbutisnorn stheshowingleisfi edmaybeconsishido ntthatwilltotheir daytimentorbutjus tweartoningurpris houldwarearollist sortheholdspicksa neycancerreadingi nitelyanyotheredn evesometimetanymo reatentionmylater inandhistoreasawe torsaformalallmur deriimmageplecons talliessotallydor eandsingeartnetis goinginabondnssit trunnehmedtoeinga pyidstunicowithaf Multiplicity: 0.3117647 Characters: 340 Symbols: 106 Bigrams: 18 HER>pl^VPk|1LTG2d Np!B(#O%DWˆ.<*s…) By:cM"UZGW()L#zH} Spp7^l8*V3pO$'Ru2 _9M,ztjd|5FP0&€k/ p8R^FlO-*dCkF>2D( #5=vq%;2UcXGV.zL| (G2~†j#O?_N‰zI@L9 d<MQb[ZR2FBcyA6w -zlUV^]Op7<FBy- U`R/5tE|DŠBpbTMxO 2<clRJ|*5T‚M.a&BF z69Sy#eN|5FBc(;8R lGFN^‡52ƒb.cV„tgh yBX1*:49CE>VUZ5-i |c.3zB{(Op^.fMqG2 RcTmL16C<nFlWB|)L or)WCzWcPOSHT/()p |FkdW<7tB_YOB*-Cc >MDHNpkSzZO8A|K;+ smokie: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[^]) Score: 21783.26 Ioc: 0.05645497 Entropy: 4.250528 Chi-square: 62.11928 Characters: 340 Letters: 23 purplehaveallinmy brainlatelythings dontseemthesameac tinfunnybutidontk nowwhyyousemewhil eikisscheckyourpl ehaveallarounddon tknowifimcomingup ordownamihappybri ngiverywhateverit isthatgirlputaspe llinmehelpmehelpm eohnoohyeahpurple haveallinmyeyesdo ntknowifitsdayorn ightyouvegotmeblo wingblowingmymind isittomorrowasjus ttheendoftimehelp meyeahpurplehaveb Multiplicity: 0.3088235 Characters: 340 Symbols: 105 Bigrams: 7 041D,%(!9=:AN).-8 "1J@r,T3KA8G?MO'2 `/X3FU-GL_R!-%:# 3W.&HBO8"4G]<CX‚+ .a6IV8…;H2=-K6()N U@+MFR{?†+8bs1c, _LJ9%TtN!dYH|$<‡O 3eX/IWf]-#C-g.>40 P1$Y6B:-@VJD08ˆ1M OhWu=18IiTGK5U1]3 )FG}!3'@1,DHG:R0 AvwX-_L%~D-=VK0- UC(.PY?8ƒJLD4x0N_ VT9j!,AMB-k=8KZ<l Oy+X„6W&]G2$:8C1. )>(38PH5m'YG-"N‰ I@B>",/6M€'-n-WX< ]F)3zCQP1YI^[*4R 3G?_%.$/&3@-oLKAD -UpJV0HqDNS(TE%7
Wow, I am impressed. I guess I don’t have to try to figure out how to solve a cipher like that anymore. Perhaps you will solve it soon.
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Lots n lots of words and mini sentences.. Especially in the top two thirds .. How do you judge a good partial "solve"
Not sure if it’s just garble or needs further investigation..
Not sure if breaking it down helps.. If not let me know.
Multiplicity: 0.3117647 Characters: 340 Symbols: 106 Bigrams: 18
Seventh iteration.
340: AZdecrypt 0.993 (Reddit corpus 6-grams) Manipulation operation(s): LengthSymbol(2,1,1,[l]) Score: 18964.26 Ioc: 0.06583377 Entropy: 4.08104 Chi-square: 18.84333 Characters: 340 Letters: 23 keepthalbutisnorn stheshowongleitri edmaybeconsishido ntthatwilltotheir daytimentorbutjus twearsoningurpros houldwarearollist sortheholdsgivesa neycancerreadinfi nitelyandotheredn evesometogetanymo reasectionmylater inandhistoreasawe sorsaformalallmur deriimmageplecons talliessotallydor eandsingepronetis thinginabonanssit trunnehmedgoeinga pyoustunicowithaf Multiplicity: 0.3294118 Characters: 340 Symbols: 112 Bigrams: 17 ˆER>p‹^VPk|1LTG2d Np!B(#O%DWY.<*s…) By:cM"UZGW()L#z‰} Spp7^Œ8*V3pO$'Ru2 _9M,ztjd|5FP0&€k/ p8R^FO-*dCkF>2D( #5=vq%;2UcXGV.zL| (G2~†j#O?_NYzI@L9 d<MQb[ZR2FBcyA6w -zŽUV^]Op7<FBy- U`R/5tE|DYBpbTMxO 2<cRJ|*5T‚M.a&BF z69Sy#eN|5FBc(;8R GFN^‡52ƒb.cV„tgh yBX1*:49CE>VUZ5-i |c.3zB{(Op^.fMqG2 RcTmL16C<nFlWB|)L or)WCzWcPOSŠT/()p |FkdW<7tB_YOB*-Cc >MDHNpkSzZO8A|K;+
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Multiplicity: 0.3294118 Characters: 340 Symbols: 112 Bigrams: 17
Lots n lots of words and mini sentences.. Especially in the top two thirds .. How do you judge a good partial "solve"
Not sure if it’s just garble or needs further investigation..
It’s hard to answer that. In most cases, you can just tell when a partial solve is right via visual inspection, because the sentences and phrases require very few edits to finalize. They will have more "high order structure" to them, such as properly applied grammatical rules. Most solvers maximize the resemblance of "low order structure" (ngrams and words) to real language. So recognizable words and small phrases will often appear in a false solution. But if someone ran the false solution through a grammatical parser or some other measurement of high order structure, it would score very low.
Solvers can try to correct for this by supporting larger ngram statistics, as Jarlve has done by generating 6-gram and 7-gram statistics. But it gets challenging as you get higher, because of the storage and memory requirements imposed by such large sets of data. But, I think there’s another tradeoff with larger ngrams, since it may be harder to hillclimb with such large "building blocks". For example, on your way to reaching a valid, large ngram (such as a 7- or 8-gram), you will encounter valid, small ngrams (such as a 4- or 5-gram). It may help the solver to look for the small ngrams (smaller structure) while looking for the large ones (larger structure), so the "hill" it’s climbing might be a bit smoother.