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46 repeating bigrams by mirroring every other word

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Posts: 34
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What if every other word of the 340 is mirrored backwards? Meaning certain stretches of characters or rows are fully flipped as the characters are horizontally transposed (ie, ">T<H" becomes "H>T<").

This could explain:

  • Why ngram scoring can’t solve z340. The mirrored sections are tanking the overall score too much even as the forward sections get close to being decoded correctly. So the hill climber gets continuously pulled off course. A human analyst trying to crib out a message by hand would have an identical issue.
  • [/*:m:3nexsngx]

  • The crossed out K is backwards because he forgot he was encoding a mirrored section.
  • [/*:m:3nexsngx]

  • The z340 alphabet seems to be missing several backwards symbols. But perhaps they’re only missing from our current point of view? Mirroring portions of the text can increase (or decrease) the alphabet by up to 8 symbols.
  • [/*:m:3nexsngx]

  • The homophone cycles are only partially intact. If roughly half the text is mirrored, it would reduce homophone cycle consistency by a similar factor (25~50% interruption over otherwise regular patterns.)
  • [/*:m:3nexsngx]

  • Also, 1/2 mirroring would disrupt roughly half the bigrams and 2/3 of the trigrams. That’s about what we see going from 408 –> 340.
  • [/*:m:3nexsngx]

  • Many different, repetitive mirroring schemes can incidentally cause P=19-like phenomenon. We may just be seeing nearby sections of the original cipher being artificially separated by long distance mirroring of entire rows or large, periodic sections of several rows. A period 19 transposition could also accidentally pick up a small portion of the actual mirrored bigrams even without reversing the symbols, since ~20% of symbols are fully reversible across their own axis. Many of the P=19 bigrams are composed exclusively of these reversible characters.
  • [/*:m:3nexsngx]

  • This is the simplest transformation I can devise that an amateur code maker might implement without a computer… and it’s not available as an automated (or even hand solving) method in AZdecrypt, Peek-a-boo, CryptoScope, or any other tool that I know of.[/*:m:3nexsngx][/list:o:3nexsngx]
  • There are definitely lots of promising mirroring patterns to test out. It would be wonderful to automate a search for bigram frequency improvements and sequential homophone fidelity increases as different portions of rows or "words" are reversed, similar to how searches have been done across different periods. I was able to quickly find repeating bigram totals of 31, 37, and even 46 with three of the first ten mirroring patterns I tested out by hand. Mirroring the entire bottom-left quadrant seems especially promising. Can anyone find a better pattern?

    Posted : January 3, 2019 6:57 pm
    Posts: 2547
    Famed Member

    One could generate n-grams from text where every other words is mirrored or whatever you want. I am pretty sure I tried that a while ago, glurk once brought up a similar idea. AZdecrypt supports batching of n-grams if needed.


    Posted : January 3, 2019 7:30 pm
    Posts: 34
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    Unrelated to this, I did try a large 6-ngram file with half backwards words. Unfortunately, that file can’t solve the 340 if my mirroring hypothesis is correct.

    I’m proposing that the symbols themselves are horizontally flipped, not just a rearrangement to their horizontal order.

    Posted : January 3, 2019 7:56 pm
    Posts: 18
    Eminent Member

    The z340 alphabet seems to be missing several backwards symbols. But perhaps they’re only missing from our current point of view? Mirroring portions of the text can increase (or decrease) the alphabet by up to 8 symbols.

    What if all characters had an individual mirror, including characters that look the same both ways? For instance, a "forward" T, could represent a different plain text letter than a "reverse" T. Just like a forward R most likely is different from a reverse R.

    In order to correctly decode the cipher, you would have to know if the column (or row) was mirrored.

    If every other row were mirrored, the adjacent "+" symbols could represent different letter’s. I counted up the characters that could fall into this category a while back. I would have to look for my notes to see the exact number, but there were quite a few.

    Posted : January 4, 2019 3:17 am
    Posts: 2547
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    I’m proposing that the symbols themselves are horizontally flipped, not just a rearrangement to their horizontal order.

    Oh I see. If not more than 20 to 25% of the symbols are mirrored then the "substitution + sparse polyalphabetism" and 6 or 7-grams should be able to get it.

    I wonder if your hypothesis can be checked with statistics. Perhaps the cycles may react more favorable while mirroring symbols. Or put a hill-climber to work that scores cycles with symbol mirroring operations. The results could be tested against a random set of symbols such that the symbol "p" not becomes the symbol "q" but another random symbol such as "W". Then "p" can only become "W" and vice versa. Not sure if I am making sense.


    Posted : January 4, 2019 7:21 pm
    Posts: 2547
    Famed Member

    Hey beijinghouse,

    Can you show what you did to get 46 bigrams?


    Posted : January 6, 2019 12:15 pm
    Posts: 34
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    To get 46 repeating bigrams, I resized the 340 into a 5 x 68 grid. Then I mirrored every grouping of 5 that didn’t have a bigram. Then I unmirrored a handful of these swaps in the 1st half back because I could see they would match new bigrams formed in the 2nd half.

    I was using the webtoy transcription since I could mostly case swap to produce mirroring. T/t, <>, and a handful of numbers still need special handling.

    Posted : January 6, 2019 10:26 pm