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A chart of all the symbols?

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I have looked on here and on google and haven’t found anything yet. Was wondering if anyone has made a chart with all of the different symbols used in all of the ciphers, and where each symbol could possibly come from. If somebody could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : August 1, 2018 8:10 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Well, guess you know this one


A-Z and reverse A-Z symbols are obvious..the rest of the symbols could come from a ruler.



Posted : August 1, 2018 11:17 am
Posts: 1798
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Well, guess you know this one


A-Z and reverse A-Z symbols are obvious..the rest of the symbols could come from a ruler.


Yeah… that’s not what I meant though. Sorry, I am dumb and didn’t explain it very well. I am looking for something that shows each symbol from all of the Zodiac ciphers and shows the origins of each symbol; what languages/alphabets it comes from and what it stands for. I’m exhausted and it was just 420 so I hope I am making sense. :D

I started making a chart, but I’m lazy and figured I would see if someone has already made one. But here is what I am talking aboot…

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : August 1, 2018 12:00 pm
Posts: 2598
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Certain symbols we are still not aware where they actually do come from.



Posted : August 1, 2018 11:34 pm
Posts: 1798
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Certain symbols we are still not aware where they actually do come from.


That’s true. I have never really done much research on the ciphers and symbols, but I’m running out of shit to research and pass the time at work so figured I would start learning more.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : August 2, 2018 7:01 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

I think to do research on symbols the VF symbol from one of his letters is more interesting…imo it might be a brand sign. Checked out some cattle signs, even made a request to Nevada authority – negative. Some of the brand books are online, others are not. It also could very well be a HORSE brand sign.



Posted : August 2, 2018 10:59 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

that is what it is if I am remembering the explanation my poi gave me years ago while sitting on the beach and he was showing me how he wrote his name in code! And it began like the "aen" line. He told me it meant "born" and I questioned this, saying that is usually written as "nee". He said he’d thought it was spelled "nae" but reversed the letters as in "leapfrog"…and then went on to explain the rest of the line which was obvious to me then once he explained it. However, I can’t explain here as it would reveal his name. (He was using a stick or piece of driftwood to write the letters in the sand after first looking around as if to make sure nobody was watching him which struck me as "odd" at that time).

Then he went on to explain what he’d written above this line but I can’t remember exactly, positively what it was but it was a symbol and very much if not identical to what we see here. I do remember him talking about cattle brands, ranches and fences used to keep cattle confined.

With all due respect, this is becoming extremely redundant imo. There is no new information to be had and I feel I am wasting my time reading this or Tom Voight’s board other than very occasionally as we’ve been strung along now for weeks/months waiting for dna results that could come any day! Same with purported DMV letter and then nothing but rude sarcasm when pointing out no release of letter after an insinuation/hint that it was going to be released imminently.
I remember posting my comments above on this at least a couple of years ago and these symbols have been discussed ad nauseum. Nobody knows for sure and probably never will. DNA will be the proof needed…all else seems totally pointless to me now. All the guessing and speculation about this or that means zilch, nada = big waste of time!

Posted : August 3, 2018 3:30 am
Posts: 2614
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I kind of like these:


Posted : August 3, 2018 5:33 am
smokie treats
Posts: 1626
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I think to do research on symbols the VF symbol from one of his letters is more interesting…imo it might be a brand sign. Checked out some cattle signs, even made a request to Nevada authority – negative. Some of the brand books are online, others are not. It also could very well be a HORSE brand sign.


Cattle brands are registered in California. One time I purchased online the book of all cattle brands registered in California at the time of the murders and compared all of them to the VF symbol. There are quite a few that are very similar, but none exactly the same.

Posted : August 3, 2018 4:40 pm
Posts: 1798
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I think to do research on symbols the VF symbol from one of his letters is more interesting…imo it might be a brand sign. Checked out some cattle signs, even made a request to Nevada authority – negative. Some of the brand books are online, others are not. It also could very well be a HORSE brand sign.


I personally lean towards a freemason symbol, but a horse brand is very interesting. I hadn’t heard of that idea before.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : August 5, 2018 9:16 am
Posts: 1798
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I kind of like these:

Wow, thank you!! Very cool stuff. The one with the numbers 1-99, what are the origins of that? Have never ran across that one.

ps, I really dig the web toy on your site!

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : August 5, 2018 9:18 am
Posts: 1798
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Are there any specific threads you guys would recommend to someone who is a beginner when it comes to ciphers?

What are the general thoughts about this particular symbol in the 340? It appears 24 times, twice as much as any other symbol, and there are three times that it appears next to each other "++" in the cipher. Can’t really cancel out anything because of it. One could be at the end of the word and the other at the beginning, but the odds of that happening three times are probably not likely. The most likely letters would be E, O or S. L could be also (shall, will, kill etc…)….. There are three times that an M appears before the + symbol. The word "ME" showing up three times would not be surprising at all.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : August 5, 2018 11:00 am
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

Wow, thank you!! Very cool stuff. The one with the numbers 1-99, what are the origins of that? Have never ran across that one.

I found it here: http://thisthestoryofthezodiackillerspe … -results=7

The poster refers to it as "The Table of The Alchemists". Here’s a source:

Alchemical Symbols from a work by Annibal Barlet
From Le vray et methodiqve covrs de la physiqve resolvtive : vvlgairement dite chymie … Paris, 1657.
Engraved table of characters with a key in French.


Posted : August 5, 2018 4:31 pm
Posts: 1798
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Wow, thank you!! Very cool stuff. The one with the numbers 1-99, what are the origins of that? Have never ran across that one.

I found it here: http://thisthestoryofthezodiackillerspe … -results=7

The poster refers to it as "The Table of The Alchemists". Here’s a source:

Alchemical Symbols from a work by Annibal Barlet
From Le vray et methodiqve covrs de la physiqve resolvtive : vvlgairement dite chymie … Paris, 1657.
Engraved table of characters with a key in French.

Thank you. Very interesting!!

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : August 6, 2018 8:54 am