Homophonic substitution:
Consider a 5-symbol cycle:
Now meet the anti-cycle, its opposite.
Anti-cycling can be detected by finding the period with the lowest cycle score (it cycles negatively versus randomizations), or symbols that uniquely appear in certain sections only. And it forms fake cycles at higher periods! The impossible achieved, transposition after encoding, very far fetched though but certainly interesting.
Example cipher (low ioc):
.#.X"X.##AW%5"M58 -?-Y3PE-A7AE(M,PY S49WA7A(,I*-49_/S 3_XA88D_%>D#!06<- D_/@-4I*TF(/?FY6P (F<6_.(/@F<IZ/!6H 0FTI9Z6HD<G8I4G88 'QXDRRZQO&'@DH00= )&ZO&'@&OQ':@*=R #=H0&^5;T;HY;=:= ;);H?;7:+T:NG10+B B=10UQ9CC[YX[44> 2BNG02*RBN+?+$5G C$[42$.$NG$>N+12 !2V2>KRR?VCV?[C1K 15LCL!KYVL1!LJJ$N VKSL)]XKJ#]!>KJJ? ]Y[O]OUJL)]K>KJ J1[$%K)]U[9OUWL,] ?]Y39E"UMP>.J#7*U
I wonder if it could act as a pivot and/or box marker mechanic with certain transpositions because of many palindromic patterns in the ciphertext (see next codebox):
Though I think it may actually be the other way around. In terms of probability, if anti cycles create these palindromic patterns at its encoding direction and cycles at a higher periods, then normal cycles would create cycles at its encoding direction and palindromic patterns at higher periods.
Input versus reverse: 17.64% ------------------------------ .#.X"X.# -?- A7A A7A QO& &OQ ;T; =:= ;); +?+ 2 !2V2 ?VCV? 1K 1 LCL O]O K>K ] ?]
The "#.X"X.#" fragment comes from "LIKEKIL" (ilikekilling), and because of the nature of the anti-cycle, "AAAAABBBBBCCCCCDDDDDEEEEE", short fragments of the ciphertext act as 1:1 substitution and make these kind of repeats much more probable.
I have this new encoder spreadsheet where I can transpose and encode 96 messages at a time, and a whole book in just a few minutes.
I am still fine tuning it, but am considering adding a cycle pattern library. A list of different types of cycle patterns that I can think up, like moonrock. Then select from the list before encoding. I have to figure out how to do it.
At some point consider using the library to score the cycles, and detect which of the patterns have been used for encoding. See what level of accuracy the detection is, and if pretty accurate, then apply to the 340.
doranchak: The TV show was excellent. Thanks.
Thanks smokie. Glad you liked the episode.
Your cycle pattern library idea sounds awesome!
Now meet the anti-cycle, its opposite.
Interesting idea. If anti-cycling is used, we should see a lot of symbol imbalances (all A’s occurring before all B’s, all B’s occurring before all C’s, etc). A symbol balance test should reveal this.
Another test could be to look for the anomalous pairs of symbols where all occurrences of one symbol are seen before/after all occurrences of a second symbol.