Resolved the crash with custom alphabet files and increased the IoC weight just a bit.
Keep at it jarlve .. A thankless task. Until your project unravels the code..
Keep at it jarlve .. A thankless task.
Thanks, jarlve. And glurk. And Dave. And the rest of you computer fiends who have contributed over the years.
Hello Jarlve
I downloaded your program, I’m trying to learn to use it, I think it will take.
I got used to using the Zkripto until gradually incorporating a "dictionary" in Latin.
Just miss in a way, of the program itself, to work with the symbols distinct from classic slots (horizontal, vertical, reverse etc.), but I have made several figures editing maneuvers for new "buildings". Once i learn to messing this alternative version , ishare some results (if they are interesting)
What makes me happy is to see available and have bright people developing this
Congratulations for the program, you are genius
Hey Marclean,
I don’t understand everything you said but thanks for trying out the program and I want to include support for other languages such as latin in the future.
Hey Marclean,
I don’t understand everything you said but thanks for trying out the program and I want to include support for other languages such as latin in the future.
Again sorry (my bad English)
What I am doing is creating new forms of Z340 readings through zkripto
1- trying to find something in latin (I have a good knowledge)
2- assembling new shapes and positions of the code itself.
and cheer everyone here, like you, David D, etc. Glurk the work and programs developed, which for laymen like me are very helpful.