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Coordinates hidden in the 408 cipher

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Dunno if anybody has noticed this but if you take the decoded last 18 of the z408 and convert the letters to their positions of the alphabet,
you get coordinates to the MUSIC CITY CENTRAL TRANSIT STATION right next to the Tennessee State Capitol!

EBEORIETEMETHHPITI = 5 2 5 15 18 9 5 20 5 13 5 20 8 8 16 9 20 9

Posted : May 20, 2020 6:19 am
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

How do those convert to coordinates?

Looks like it’s just spuriously matching some of the bay numbers at the transit station.


Posted : May 20, 2020 2:02 pm
Posts: 63
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I have no idea. I searched for 5251518952051352088169209 in duck duck go and the only site that showed up put the exact spacing of the original back in and listed those coordinates. Just though it was really strange.

Posted : May 20, 2020 2:22 pm
Posts: 334
Reputable Member

"Music City Central (MCC) is the Nashville Metro Transit Authority (MTA) downtown transit station located at 400 Charlotte Ave. next to Municipal Auditorium. After several years of careful planning, design and construction, the facility celebrated its grand opening on October 24, 2008."

Posted : May 20, 2020 8:48 pm
Posts: 63
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"Music City Central (MCC) is the Nashville Metro Transit Authority (MTA) downtown transit station located at 400 Charlotte Ave. next to Municipal Auditorium. After several years of careful planning, design and construction, the facility celebrated its grand opening on October 24, 2008."

Yea I saw that, I don’t know what was there 50 years ago though. Maybe I can find an old map.

Posted : May 20, 2020 9:28 pm
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

"Music City Central (MCC) is the Nashville Metro Transit Authority (MTA) downtown transit station located at 400 Charlotte Ave. next to Municipal Auditorium. After several years of careful planning, design and construction, the facility celebrated its grand opening on October 24, 2008."

Yea I saw that, I don’t know what was there 50 years ago though. Maybe I can find an old map.


Posted : May 21, 2020 9:30 pm
Posts: 2547
Famed Member

I have no idea. I searched for 5251518952051352088169209 in duck duck go and the only site that showed up put the exact spacing of the original back in and listed those coordinates. Just though it was really strange.

It could not have known the spacing unless someone put it in there?


Posted : May 21, 2020 11:50 pm
Posts: 2547
Famed Member


Someone put it in there somehow, here is the name listing for "locations" that start with "5": https://www.gps-latitude-longitude.com/ … cations/5/

I had to put the number 5 in the url manually because only A to Z is shown.

The numbers "5 2 5 15 18 9 5 20 5 13 5 20 8 8 16 9 20 9" is thus a "location name" and there must be (or has been) a way to add these.

Another example: https://www.gps-latitude-longitude.com/ … of-9-12-19

Could have been anything really.


Posted : May 22, 2020 12:36 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

I think it is a number series and you need to study the pattern that results from that. He could not have known what would be built there so many years later imo.

Posted : May 22, 2020 2:39 am
Posts: 63
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Someone put it in there somehow, here is the name listing for "locations" that start with "5": https://www.gps-latitude-longitude.com/ … cations/5/

I had to put the number 5 in the url manually because only A to Z is shown.

The numbers "5 2 5 15 18 9 5 20 5 13 5 20 8 8 16 9 20 9" is thus a "location name" and there must be (or has been) a way to add these.

Another example: https://www.gps-latitude-longitude.com/ … of-9-12-19

Could have been anything really.

okay that is even MORE weird!

I looked through the rest of the entries that start with numbers and there are no other entries with a string of numbers like that. The other ones are either numbers from an address or coordinate format. So somebody entered just that exact string of numbers in that exact format. How strange is that?

Posted : May 22, 2020 3:33 am
Posts: 1
New Member

Dunno if anybody has noticed this but if you take the decoded last 18 of the z408 and convert the letters to their positions of the alphabet,
you get coordinates to the MUSIC CITY CENTRAL TRANSIT STATION right next to the Tennessee State Capitol!

EBEORIETEMETHHPITI = 5 2 5 15 18 9 5 20 5 13 5 20 8 8 16 9 20 9

So….i am new to the case…i found this probably quite a few weeks a go now….I went through many scenarios to come up with all sorts of similar numbers etc, this is the only answer id found…all other numbers i tried didnt work but this one…i figured this out by reading a lot into the killer…taking in how he spoke to how smart he is…Baring on the fact that the majority of people didnt think he was smart… and the fact i thought it might be another clue of him trying to tell people who he is and not neccessarily a name…i simply turned the letters into co ordinates…a method i have not seen people do yet….by simply putting a number against each letter of where they are in the alphabet…now the weird thing i found when it come up with a bus stop in nashville…Now im no expert i mean im not even from the us…and come across this when i was bored of doing my college work ahaha…But not only would it be nice to see if the same things are there from back in the 60’s-70’s there is no angle or websites of the correct angle…mostly all pictures are just pictures of high rise buildings….BUT…i noticed the department of records is there….Maybe its a clue to where he was born….I mean i have a what you call theory of who it is…but im not just gunna throw the name out there as i want others to either figure it out or ask if their intrigued by who i think it is and why…Id love to be proven wrong but…there must be some people out there that have studied this for years…a lot of things can easily slip through the cracks or are not dove into because people are scared to have an opinion…

Posted : May 22, 2020 2:30 pm
Posts: 2547
Famed Member

So somebody entered just that exact string of numbers in that exact format. How strange is that?

There must be a second you. :-)

I went through many scenarios to come up with all sorts of similar numbers etc, this is the only answer id found…all other numbers i tried didnt work but this one…

These numbers "5 2 5 15 18 9 5…" are a name string, such as "Abbeville": https://www.gps-latitude-longitude.com/ … -abbeville Now if you try to change "Abbeville" into "Obbeville" or "Ubbeville" it’s not going to work because it is not in the database. The numbers "5 2 5 15 18 9 5…" are not coordinates! It’s a place name.


Posted : May 22, 2020 6:37 pm
Posts: 7
Active Member

I also got the Nashville Stadium…built in 1962
home in the 60s to the local ice hockey league

a couple famous bands/people performed there late 60s

Maybe he worked there..
or maybe he didn’t mean the stadium but another building

or just downtown in general

or maybe something completely different

Posted : August 13, 2020 11:54 pm