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Dear Melvin Belli l…
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Dear Melvin Belli letter has a possible cipher?

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Posts: 3583
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Glurk and doranchak have made valid criticisms and raised legit questions. Don’t take it personal. Prove them wrong, if you can, and forge ahead with your work in greater detail and clarity. Or better yet thoughtfully examine what they say and question if they could be right, and streamline and correct your work to make it better.

Excellent advice, AKW.

Daniel, as I have mentioned privately, you have a knack for making observations that others overlook. I do not claim to understand your theories, but you have made at least 3 observations that have astounded me:

1) Your observation, in the Halloween Card, that the skeleton hand with 3 raised fingers and the number 14 relates to the value pi. It astonished me that I had completely overlooked that, and even more so that I had never heard anybody else suggest the same. (They may have done so, but if so, I missed it.) It should seem obvious to anybody who doesn’t buy into Penn’s theory (or it’s derivatives) that Z’s reference to radians would almost necessarily require a cryptic reference to pi.

2) Your observation that Z had, for some reason, caused 5 O’s to line up on the Belli letter. Although I have not fathomed to my own satisfaction Z’s reasons for having done this, it seems highly improbable that it was merely a coincidental lining up of letters. In any case, it would be imprudent to dismiss the matter as a coincidence without having given it serious attention. For my part, I have been mulling this over in my head for awhile now, trying to understand what it might signify. I suspect it will prove relevant, if we ever get answers to this damn mystery.

3) Your observation, in a PM to me, that my name, Gerhardt, is an anagram of Dr. Gareth. That was hilarious and caught me completely by surprise. I am most certainly not Gareth Penn, but even if I am not, the fact that you spotted that connection once again displayed your penchant for observing what others do not. It’s my name, and I never even noticed that.

I may not get your theories, but I very much do get the fact that you have a knack for looking at what everybody else has looked at thousands of times and seeing things that none of them even noticed. That may be a two-sided skill, but in my books, it is a skill worth having.

Best regards,


Well said G. This is why we are a forum. We learn from each other and unfortunately, that sometimes involves being harsh. As AK said, and you picked up on, it’s not personal. Stings a little though, that’s ok though, no-one likes to be corrected. A nice and thoughtful post.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : November 20, 2013 2:27 pm
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