Quicktrader, Subject: Donna Lass cipher… Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:39 am
…regarding the Donna Lass cipher…it appeared on her reward poster, her body has never been found.
Anybody knows where the cipher itself came from? Was there a postcard or letter sent to her family, employer or a local newspaper?
Somebody assumed that the last ciphers may be substituted with the name of the victim, therefore ‘Donna Lass’. Careful cipher interpretation leads to the following result, although the first word (‘clear’) could still be changed into few other words, preferably ‘gleam’, ‘gloat’ or ‘plead’.
Therefore a possible solution for the cipher might be:
Other cipher interpretations might end with the description of a location, such as ‘hills’ or ‘falls’, then of course without any exclamation mark at the end.
Generally language doesn´t allow four letters like ‘K’ one after another, however letters like ‘S’ or ‘H’ might work (like in ‘shhhh’).
Seagull, Subject: Re: Donna Lass cipher… Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:20 pm
QT See this thread
http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … ard-poster
Quicktrader, Subject: DL cipher Mon May 21, 2012 2:02 pm
Thanks for the hint, actually I do believe bruce3 when he says that the poster was created by Donna´s family. Nobody else would´ve done it.
However I am not sure if they also ‘created’ such a mock code…if so, who was the creator? Is he still alive? And further, if they created such a mock code, they at least must have known about the various symbol types Z had used previously in his other ciphers (as they were very similar).
I somewhere read that Donna Lass’s sister (?) had received a Z postcard – not sure if it´s true. Of course between creating the poster including a cipher to attract Z and creating the poster including a fake cipher to attract Z the difference is very little, might have been reported without mentioning the postcard. My systemic approach allows rumors to come the goal, proving time is later.
Bruce3, I am fully aware of your great input regarding your phone calls, things I have not yet been able to put in as a value. Is there any more profound information such as who created the cipher, why it should have attracted Z etc.? It also would´ve been interesting if a police officer would´ve recommended to publish such a mock cipher…wasn´t Bruce Davis recognized as an off-duty officer by a Brenda Harrison?
‘Earlier in the same year when Robin was abducted’ (this was mentioned by ‘Brenda Harrison’), the lady (Brenda Harrison) was driving southbound on the Harbor Freeway, four miles after she got on the Harbor freeway at the 5th or 8th street on-ramp, not far from downtown. Sedan with two men came near to her, Corvette driver talked to her to whom she had to ‘look up’ as he was about 6ft tall. His voice was calm and authoritative. There was something memorable about his eyes. Clean-cut light curly brown or light brown hair. He mentioned to be an off-duty officer. Later she identified Bruce Davis as the man, he also had access to a Corvette. Date is estimated, however happened in Summer 1970. Bruce also wore a cowboy outfit and (Brenda) mentioned worn cowboy boots. On December 9, 1969, Shorty Shea’s 1962 Mercury was found with a footlocker of his possessions and a pair of bloodstained cowboy boots belonging to him. A palm print of Bruce Davis was found on the footlocker.’ (Zodiachronology)
Please mention that two cars stopped her…a Sedan and a Corvette…this incident would imply a Manson connection to at least this case.
Seagull, Subject: Re: Donna Lass cipher… Mon May 21, 2012 2:24 pm
Link to the card that Mary Pilker received.
http://www.thezodiacmansonconnection.co … _card.html
Link to Donna Lass main page.
http://www.thezodiacmansonconnection.co … _lass.html
Link to Donna Lass additional information page.
http://www.thezodiacmansonconnection.co … lated.html
tahoe27, Subject: Re: Donna Lass cipher… Mon May 21, 2012 2:27 pm
I somewhere read that Donna Lass’s sister (?) had received a Z postcard – not sure if it´s true. Of course between creating the poster including a cipher to attract Z and creating the poster including a fake cipher to attract Z the difference is very little, might have been reported without mentioning the postcard.
A few years ago a women sent Donna’s sister a bunch of weirdness. Thanks to Howard sharing this info along with photos, a couple of us were able to figure out who the sender was. She had sent me a private message via zk.com’s mb a few years prior to the letter to Donna’s sister. Luckily I remembered the things she said. Not from Zodiac…just a a lady who thought she would send Donna’s sis some very odd things and not give her name.
http://zodiackiller.21.forumer.com/view … 67&start=0
In regards to the poster and the cipher, I think it was eye-candy more than anything. Just to get peoples attention. And maybe, more people would take an interest if it involved the Zodiac case.