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Doranchak's NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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AK Wilks, Subject: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:46 pm

Though we have had some pretty good arguments, urr, "debates" over the the possible Caesar solutions to the Zodiac ciphers, Doranchak has agreed to let me post his new software, which he says that all can use for free. So thanks to Doranchak for that. And these are some excellent and very useful programs!


Here’s something I whipped up over the last few weeks:


You can use it to explore various statistical properties and patterns of an assortment of cipher texts. You can enter your own cipher texts as well.

It’s probably full of bugs right now since this is an early release. Please find them and let me know about them! Would also love to hear suggestions for improvements.

Documentation is a work in progress.

And be careful which Search buttons you click on towards the bottom – some of them take a few minutes to run. :)

For best results, use Google Chrome, since CipherScope is very JavaScript-intensive, and Google Chrome has an extremely efficient JavaScript engine.

For worst results, use Internet Explorer. You can get by with it, though (I think I killed many of the IE-specific bugs already).

Quick update: I’ve finished the first cut of the documentation. Hopefully it isn’t too confusing.

http://wiki.zodiac-ciphers.dreamhosters … Scope_Help

I would love to hear any suggestions about how to improve the application.

AK Wilks: I asked Doranchak if he could add the Zodiac 340 Graysmith Raw/Bullitt/Obiwan/Kite/Wilks Proposed Solution to the available ciphers to be analysed, along with a way to expose Caesar shifts, and this was his reply.

Doranchak: Here’s a link that will put that text into CryptoScope:


If you want to expose the Caesar shift grid, the best way is to use the tool I posted here:


You can put whatever message and text you’d like there, then click "Search", and it will show the Caesar shift grid if there’s a match. To force the grid to display, make sure the message can be matched (for instance, you can use any letter of the text as the message, and you’ll force a match).

AK Wilks: Special thanks to Doranchak for making his software available to us guys (and gals) on the "other side" of the cipher debate! Hopefully people will experiment with this and post any interesting results.

Nin, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:04 pm

Yes, great program! I’ve been using it and it really cuts down time looking for stats and patterns. Had to get used to the 0-1-2 column..count :D

Thank you Mr Oranchak, awesome work!! And nice to promote such great work, AK!


morf13, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:58 am

Yes, great program! I’ve been using it and it really cuts down time looking for stats and patterns. Had to get used to the 0-1-2 column..count :D

Thank you Mr Oranchak, awesome work!! And nice to promote such great work, AK!


NIN, any of that stuff useful for the ‘my name is’ cipher?

Nin, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:52 am

Yes, great program! I’ve been using it and it really cuts down time looking for stats and patterns. Had to get used to the 0-1-2 column..count :D

Thank you Mr Oranchak, awesome work!! And nice to promote such great work, AK!


NIN, any of that stuff useful for the ‘my name is’ cipher?

No, not for the MYNAMEIS cipher, but for checking the 340 according to my approach. I also use it for some other non Zodiac related stuff (= fun).. ;)


AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:08 pm

Yes, great program! I’ve been using it and it really cuts down time looking for stats and patterns. Had to get used to the 0-1-2 column..count :D

Thank you Mr Oranchak, awesome work!! And nice to promote such great work, AK!


NIN, any of that stuff useful for the ‘my name is’ cipher?

I think D’s program would work on any code.

Morf, I might try to run some stuff for the MY NAME IS cipher, but the probem is since it is only 13 symbols long, there are any number of "solutions" which could fit perfectly and all would be equally "right".

This is part of the reason NIN and others have wondered if the MY NAME IS is really just a clue to how to solve the 340.

morf13, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:58 pm

Yes, great program! I’ve been using it and it really cuts down time looking for stats and patterns. Had to get used to the 0-1-2 column..count :D

Thank you Mr Oranchak, awesome work!! And nice to promote such great work, AK!


NIN, any of that stuff useful for the ‘my name is’ cipher?

I think D’s program would work on any code.

Morf, I might try to run some stuff for the MY NAME IS cipher, but the probem is since it is only 13 symbols long, there are any number of "solutions" which could fit perfectly and all would be equally "right".

This is part of the reason NIN and others have wondered if the MY NAME IS is really just a clue to how to solve the 340.

NIN and I discussed the name of the suspect I found in Vallejo that had gone to school with Cheri Bates……NIN knows the name and how it fits very well with the ‘my name is’ cipher. If clues from that cipher can be used towards the 340, and that suspect was Zodiac, then maybe the 340 can be deciphered. AK, I will shoot you the name of the guy, and you can play around with it as it relates to the ‘my name is’ cipher, and maybe it would gie clues to the 340 too. I hope NIN could maybe play around with his name too as it relates to the cipher

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:19 pm

Got the name via PM Morf, so sure, I will give it a shot too.

Algebra style we can express the My Name Is Code (and coincidentially or not line 3 of the Raw Graysmith/Bullitt 340 solution) as:


AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:35 pm

From Doranchak:

I’ve updated CryptoScope with a new version that has a boatload of new features.

Documentation for all the new features: http://oranchak.com/zodiac/webtoy/new_c … tures.html

New version of CryptoScope: http://oranchak.com/zodiac/webtoy/stats.html

Please note that the same caveats apply now like they did in my original post: http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com/forum/ … =11&t=1024. The main ones are: 1) CryptoScope kinda sucks in Internet Explorer; use a browser with a good javascript engine such as Google Chrome or Safari. 2) There may be bugs afoot. 3) See #2.

I welcome suggestions, comments, complaints, bug reports, and amusing anecdotes. And also of course the solution to the 340 once your flash of inspiration leads you to it!

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Thu May 10, 2012 1:20 am

I am bumping this thread so new people can learn about doranchak’s great code solving programs posted above.

In particular, my favorite is this one: http://oranchak.com/zodiac/akwilks.html

You can type in any suspect name or word to search for in any text and see if it is in there is Caesar shifted form.

And here is the original amazing Zodiac Webtoy CodeSolving Tool:


This is the 340 using HERCEAN B I GIVE THEM HELL TOO SEE A NAME THESE FOOLSHALL SEE as a starting point, but NOT applying the rest of the Graysmith proposed solution, on the grounds that he may have gotten other parts wrong.

Does anyone see any potential word solves? Any ideas?

On the 9th line could the first four be MAIL and the last four be LOOK?

patinky, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Thu May 10, 2012 3:37 pm

AK, did you say somewhere on this board that you suspect that not only substitution code but also anagrams and misspellings might occur in Zodiac’s ciphers? TIA

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Thu May 10, 2012 4:08 pm

Yes IMO misspellings for sure and some mild tight anagrams possibibly. Why? What do you see?

patinky, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Thu May 10, 2012 4:23 pm

Yes IMO misspellings for sure and some mild tight anagrams possibibly. Why? What do you see?

Just wondering if the first line, which begins as Herc, could be an anagram and intentional misspelling (or natural for that matter) of Cheri. Such as "Chere and I give them big trouble…."

I am going to spend some time with Doranchak’s Zodiac cipher app. I played with it for a few minutes a while ago and I am totally impressed.

Being old and retired does have some perks. :sunny:

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Thu May 10, 2012 4:42 pm

Sure it could be ‘gev hem cheri bate in hell too’. But that kind of wide and extreme anagram use is impossible to prove or disprove and one of dozens or hundreds of possible anagrams. As such I now tend to steer away from them. More interetinn.g to me is the end of line seven BLLEI. There with just one shift of the letter E to put it to the right of the letter B and what do you have but none other than BELLI. That is a mild tight anagram and thus better but even there its hard to say. Try to stay away from too many anagrams. I do think that end of the 9th line could be LOOK.

Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Fri May 11, 2012 8:06 am

Thank you for all of your hard work Dave…I personally think your “Zodiac Web Toy” is Brilliant… reasons that are too long to explain this early… I have sleepy eyes so everything is a little fuzzy.

I personally use many other programs… my fav is the same one Trave uses and the one Dave actually introduce to us a while back. Crypto tool, something, Trave or Dave please post a link if you can.

Ak, if you post some of the plain text that you think is important, other then the 18 characters from the 408. I will use a different shift then the 0369 that I believe is just as important.


doranchak, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Fri May 11, 2012 8:16 am

Thanks for the nice comments. I’m glad folks are still finding the tools useful. I will try to continue to improve them.

I personally use many other programs… my fav is the same one Trave uses and the one Dave actually introduce to us a while back. Crypto tool, something, Trave or Dave please post a link if you can.

Daniel, are you referring to CryptoScope, my more recent enhancements to the webtoy’s analysis tools?


Or zkdecrypto, a program that can automatically solve homophonic ciphers?


Or perhaps CrypTool:


Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Fri May 11, 2012 9:17 am

Thanks Dave,

That’s it…

I want to thank you again on all of the hard work you put into this research.


I have an idea…can we have a “cipher tool” front page where our forum members can easily access to select and use these great programs listed here.

This will be useful for members who want to dabble in cipher work and didn’t know where or how to start. This is just an idea and any input is welcome.


morf13, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Fri May 11, 2012 9:43 am

Thanks Dave,

That’s it…

I want to thank you again on all of the hard work you put into this research.


I have an idea…can we have a “cipher tool” front page where our forum members can easily access to select and use these great programs listed here.

This will be useful for members who want to dabble in cipher work and didn’t know where or how to start. This is just an idea and any input is welcome.


Sorry, not sure how to create that. The tools & resources for this free forum are pretty limited

Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Fri May 11, 2012 9:52 am

Hi Morf:

Ok…just an idea…members can access these cipher tools from this thread…


patinky, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Fri May 11, 2012 10:18 am

Yes IMO misspellings for sure and some mild tight anagrams possibibly. Why? What do you see?

I just noticed something else, which I think has already be posted here somewhere. The first several letters are also an anagram for HERB CAEN. I think this idea is better than the "Chere" one I previously had. :D

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Fri May 11, 2012 2:19 pm

Yes IMO misspellings for sure and some mild tight anagrams possibibly. Why? What do you see?

I just noticed something else, which I think has already be posted here somewhere. The first several letters are also an anagram for HERB CAEN. I think this idea is better than the "Chere" one I previously had. :D

Yes Graysmith thought this was a likely mild anagram of HERB CAEN from HER CEAN B. I have thought it might be inspired by the Jack the Ripper letter that opens MR LUSK FROM HELL, and here we have HERB CAEN I GIVE THEM HELL TOO. Or it could just be HERCEAN BIG, as HERCULEAN task is a BIG task.

In any event if you solve the 4th line as SEE A NAME and the 8th as THESE FOOLSHALL SEE, you pretty much get most of that opening solved as HERCEANB, whatever it means.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Sat May 12, 2012 2:24 pm

Doranchak –

if you take a look here:

http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … art-cipher

What do you think?

Would it be possible for you to create a program that would look at the 340 as TWO seperate codes, lines 1 to 10 and lines 11 to 20?

In other words, so if I solve the "+" as a L in lines 1 to 10, I could then solve it as an E in lines 11 to 20? And so forth?

Thanks for taking a look!

doranchak, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Sun May 13, 2012 6:19 am

I am working towards consolidating the online tools (webtoy and cryptoscope) into a single unified tool that can also run heuristic search algorithms such as zkdecrypto. Then, you can try to crack any cipher in any configuration or arrangement you please. It’ll be a while before I finish this effort, though.

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Sun May 13, 2012 4:05 pm

Sounds brilliant Dave,

Thanks for having the interest in doing this. Can’t wait to see the results and not understand how to work it lol.

EDIT: Can it include a way to turn the cipher text by 45 degree increments?

doranchak, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Sun May 13, 2012 4:16 pm

45 degree increments? Can you give an example?

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Sun May 13, 2012 4:34 pm

So that the cipher can be read from corner to corner rather than top to bottom or in reverse or at 90 degree turns.

doranchak, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Sun May 13, 2012 4:49 pm

Ah; interesting. I’ll add that to my todo list. :)

morf13, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Sun May 13, 2012 4:58 pm

One thing I notice about the 340, it seems as if both the first & last lines of it seem to have very few of the same symbols found in the middle part or majority of the cipher

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Sun May 13, 2012 5:07 pm

Ah; interesting. I’ll add that to my todo list. :)

You da man! :D

One thing I notice about the 340, it seems as if both the first & last lines of it seem to have very few of the same symbols found in the middle part or majority of the cipher

I noticed that too, my thinking was that he started encoding it there thus he could assign each symbol to the letters without having to use alternative/multiple symbols at that stage.

morf13, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Sun May 13, 2012 7:53 pm

Ah; interesting. I’ll add that to my todo list. :)

You da man! :D

One thing I notice about the 340, it seems as if both the first & last lines of it seem to have very few of the same symbols found in the middle part or majority of the cipher

I noticed that too, my thinking was that he started encoding it there thus he could assign each symbol to the letters without having to use alternative/multiple symbols at that stage.

If this is the case, does that mean that there are less symbols per letter of the alphabet?

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Mon May 14, 2012 1:05 pm

I am working towards consolidating the online tools (webtoy and cryptoscope) into a single unified tool that can also run heuristic search algorithms such as zkdecrypto. Then, you can try to crack any cipher in any configuration or arrangement you please. It’ll be a while before I finish this effort, though.

That sounds good. I can understand that will take awhile to perfect. We will look forward to seeing it and using it when it is done. Thanks.

traveller1st, Subject: Re: Doranchak’s NEW Code Analysis and Code Breaking Software   Mon May 14, 2012 1:55 pm

If this is the case, does that mean that there are less symbols per letter of the alphabet?

I have no idea.


Posted : April 7, 2013 3:19 pm