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Looking at each part individually with a 3 symbol cycles measurement, then:

Part 1 is 11.96 standard deviations away from the mean
Part 2 is 8.78 standard deviations away from the mean
Part 3 is 1.20 standard deviations away from the mean

By these results part 3 could be considered to cycle ever so slightly though it is not clear at all. And it is possible that some cycles may only seem to continue just by chance. The break down of the cycles in part 3 is complete and does not seem to caused by a missing line.


Posted : June 10, 2018 10:54 am
Posts: 2547
Famed Member

Addition: part 3 + the last 18 characters removed is 2.64 standard deviations away from the mean.


Posted : June 10, 2018 11:15 am
Posts: 767
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Does anybody know if this has been looked at through the eyes of a Cryptography machine of the times. The reason why i ask is on the Concerned Citizen card on the Q – their is 4 Letters F – K – L – M of which obviously only two are correct, the F & M which leaves the K L.

At the time the military was using a machine called the K L-7. Perhaps a clue to decipher the remaining 18 letters ?

Posted : December 6, 2018 5:54 pm
Posts: 810
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In attempts to try and understand cryptography and the 340 cipher I have been doing a lot of reading of cryptography and a study of the 408 cipher. I still have much reading to do and have questions. I wont ask those questions now but will address here the observations i have made regarding the 408 given the latest comments concerning the cycles and the citizens key.

At this point in time I am only slightly up in the air regarding whether or not the citizen was an individual not particularly related to the case or the Zodiac. However, given my take on the 408, I certainly lean towards the citizen being the Zodiac. I say this for the following reasons and observations:

We know what the 408 cipher reveals in terms of the message (with exception to the last 18 characters), that there were errors in the creation of the message and what the ciphertext reveals in terms of cycles; non corrected and corrected versions. We also know that the citizen key differs, to some extent, from what we know of the 408.

My take on the citizen key is that the Zodiac wrote the key. The information written on the left hand side of the citizen key page is the general cycle to follow and that the information on the right hand side of the page is, what I call, wild cards in the cycling process. The reason the cycles break down in the 3rd part of the cipher is due to 2 reasons:

1. The wild cards
2. The zodiac writing the cycles in reverse order in the last part of the cipher

I can show evidence of this for the plaintext letters A, E, I, O, S and T, however at this time, I will only mention the plaintext letter A. I am at present having gall bladder issues and will have it removed in the coming days. I am on my phone and quite frankly don’t feel up to creating and showing charts to back my claim. Discussing plaintext letter A without charts would be the easiest to do at this time.

Plaintext letter A:

The following symbols will be used for filled in triangle (*), triangle with dot (#) and empty triangle (@)

The cycles for A, when corrected for errors, follows this sequence:

G S L * G S L G S L * G L S L # G S * S G G *

The citizen key says the sequence is G S L and @

I think the empty triangle is a generalized symbol to represent the multiple wild cards * and # in the sequence. If we remove the wild cards (temporarily) from the sequence we end up with the following:

G S L G S L G S L G L. S L G S S G G

Potential wilds: * * # * *

From the above we can see that 1 L is breaking up the G S L sequence. This L, in my opinion, is another wild but more likely a null for this plaintext letter. Removing the L (temporarily) gives us the following:

G S L. G S L. G S L. G S L. – G S S G. G

Potential wilds: * * # * *
Potential nulls: L
The dash indicates where the cycle begins to break down and where wild cards are needed to finish the sequence.

If you notice, in the sequence above, there are 4 missing symbols that make up the latter part of the sequence. They are in this order: L, L, L and S. There are 4 filled in triangles. These 4 triangles are the wild cards for the sequence and the remaining triangle dot and L are nulls for this plaintext letter. The result is the following:

G S L. G S L. G S L. G S L. G S * * S G. * * G

Wilds: *
Nulls: L and #

As obvious, the plaintext letter never changes. It’s A all the way through the message. The ciphertext symbols are what changes. The nulls I think come at the end of the message in the order in which they fell originally: L and then #. This is only a temporary hypothesis. The triangle dot is also used with the plaintext letter S. The plaintext letter S follows the same routine as the plaintext letter A Meaning that there are 4 wild used for the sequence, the filled triangle, and that there are nulls for that plaintext letter: E E and #. The only exception is that, for the plaintext letter S, there is no reverse order of symbols as is the case for the plaintext letter A.

Before I continue I will wait to see if anyone understands what I have just written.


Edit: I suppose I should add the following:

I am of the opinion that the 340 cipher is an aperiodic running key cipher. I have a post entitled "408, dripping pen and 340" where I discuss lightly some initial observations regarding the 340. In order to understand whether my observations meant anything or not I went digging for ciphers that could potentially match my observations. I found a pdf from the university of Michigan regarding aperiodic running key ciphers, especially when considering "flush depth". The description, in my opinion, matches my initial observations. With this thought the 408 must be used in conjunction with the 340 to solve the cipher. I do not think, now, that the 408 can be used without a correction of the errors. Errors must be corrected. I also think that a manipulation of the ciphertext for the 408 must be performed as well.

Posted : December 6, 2018 10:43 pm
smokie treats
Posts: 1626
Noble Member

I am of the opinion that the 340 cipher is an aperiodic running key cipher. I have a post entitled "408, dripping pen and 340" where I discuss lightly some initial observations regarding the 340. In order to understand whether my observations meant anything or not I went digging for ciphers that could potentially match my observations. I found a pdf from the university of Michigan regarding aperiodic running key ciphers, especially when considering "flush depth". The description, in my opinion, matches my initial observations. With this thought the 408 must be used in conjunction with the 340 to solve the cipher. I do not think, now, that the 408 can be used without a correction of the errors. Errors must be corrected. I also think that a manipulation of the ciphertext for the 408 must be performed as well.

I read the University of Michigan pdf, and wonder where more can be found discussing other ciphers.

Are what they are talking about vigenere type ciphers, with one time pads reused for multiple messages? Basically a vigenere, but with a long key? The 408 is really just a 390 with 18 extra symbols, and 390 / 5 = 78. There is a period 78 unigram spike in the 340, so it would be possible to create a vigenere cipher, that has 26 symbols, with a key of 78 and make such a spike. Then encode homophonic and there would still be a spike.

Let me know if you find the other chapters of the book. I would be interested in perusing it. Thanks.

EDIT: you would have to use the same 78 long key over and over again to make the spike, not use the five 78 long sections of the 390. So 390 / 5 = 78 doesn’t necessarily mean that much I think.

Posted : December 8, 2018 4:05 am
Posts: 810
Prominent Member


I stand corrected. The website I spoke of appears to have actually come from The Department of the Army. It’s A field manual. Chapter 10 that I initially spoke, which I got from the university of michigan, appears to have originated from the manual. Weird.

Here is the link: https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm34-40-2/

If you click on the link that says news at top of page it takes you to a page full of army links.


Posted : December 8, 2018 9:15 am
smokie treats
Posts: 1626
Noble Member


I stand corrected. The website I spoke of appears to have actually come from The Department of the Army. It’s A field manual. Chapter 10 that I initially spoke, which I got from the university of michigan, appears to have originated from the manual. Weird.

Here is the link: https://fas.org/irp/doddir/army/fm34-40-2/

If you click on the link that says news at top of page it takes you to a page full of army links.


Thank you. That one does look familiar.

Posted : December 10, 2018 5:26 pm
Posts: 7
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Posted : February 25, 2019 11:47 pm
Posts: 7
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18 lettere. 9 vocali e 9 consonanti. GiuseppeBevilacqua. E’ evidente che un nome italiano e’ difficile da riconoscere. Si sospetta sia il MdF.

Posted : February 25, 2019 11:50 pm
Posts: 2598
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Comprende un po l’Italiano ma non capisce io que quosa to voi dire con ‘MdF’? Grazie



Posted : February 26, 2019 12:54 am
Posts: 753
Prominent Member

I found this to be rather funny,

There is a certain book entitled "book of the dead ancient Egyptian translations" published circa 1910 that i believe offers a possible solution to EBEORIETEMETHHPITI and perhaps the 340.

In my pursuit I find that a university in Sweden "Linkoping university" has a copy of this particular book but was sadly "404’ed "

The funny part? click the link to see what greeted me: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~drokk

Of course its all coincidental and being "404’ed" by "Linkoping" was kinda expected :lol: .

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : February 27, 2020 11:40 am
Posts: 753
Prominent Member

But seriously did Linkoping university steal that logo from the Zodiac? its so uncannily Zodiac.

Ill add this article for it mentions the book of the dead.

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : February 27, 2020 11:52 am
Posts: 753
Prominent Member

Ill add that the book mentioned in the article is not the book i am looking for: https://www.academia.edu/28410143/THE_LOST_CONTINENT_OF_MU
I haven’t eyeballed the whole thing but there is nothing relating to "EBEORIETEMETHHPITI" in this book which mentions the book of the dead.

Those who are more cryptic inclined may find something interesting in the link above, here is a picture from this book to show that inspiration may have been derived from this book or one like it:
("I shall make no comment on this cosmogony. It is left for readers to draw their own conclusions", page 22)

I’m sure i don’t need to point out that "+" is apart of the common symbols and frequent symbols used by Mu and how that relates to the 340.

If anyone can facilitate the search it would be much appreciated, the book i speak of offers interesting possible interpretations for EBEORIETEMETHHPITI. Its a a rather nicely made book, coloured pictures in a classic style of possible English UK Origin circa 1910 i believe. You will know what book i am speaking off when you see it.

With that said "EBEORIETEMETHHPITI" was a little rough for myself to produce a clean result at the ending the double "H" really throws things off as "MET" means one thing, "METH" another and "HHPI" "HPI"" HPIT" equated to nothing.If the Double H is potentially wrong then we might have something, if not then its a waste of time.

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : February 27, 2020 1:14 pm
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

Wayback has a link to the original page:

http://www.lysator.liu.se/~drokk/BoD /”> https://web.archive.org/web/19970618002 … drokk/BoD/

Table of contents:

http://www.lysator.liu.se/~drokk/BoD/toc.htm l”> https://web.archive.org/web/19970813171 … D/toc.html

Doesn’t appear to have images though. Just transcriptions of text.


Posted : February 28, 2020 2:34 am
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

Oh – is this it?

http://www.etana.org/sites/default/file … /14900.pdf


Posted : February 28, 2020 2:35 am
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