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In this Cipher is my Identity

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Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Six words authored by the man claiming responsibility for attacking two couples at remote locations in the Bay Area, six words that saw the top code breakers in the United States trying to decipher the authors Cryptogram. Don & Bettye Harden succeeded where all others failed and decoded the cipher to reveal it’s message, a message that contained the ramblings of a man who either was a delusional psychotic nut case, or just wanted to give that impression to his audience. Unsurprisingly, the killer hadn’t written his name, address, DOB and SS No. in the message, instead informing the reader "I will not give you my name." That’s where the hope, or wishful thinking, for his identity to be revealed via the message stops. But is this one of Z’s games? A double bluff? Telling the audience that ‘In this Cipher is my Identity’ before the message deciphered reveals "I will not give you my name" and thus, disappointment all round. What if Z anticipated this because he knew people would read his words ‘In this Cipher is my Identity’ and would automatically interpret this as the Author is implying he’s put his name in the coded message? He doesn’t say in the Letter that accompanies the Cipher "I want you to print this cipher on your front page. In this cipher is my Name." But does he know that’s what people will assume he was implying?

I don’t know why, and obviously have no evidence or facts to point to in support of it, but I have always thought that somewhere in this Cipher (Either the Cipher itself or the message that lay hidden behind it) is a clue to Z’s identity. Not necessarily his name, but something that hints at his identity. The only reason I thin this idea persists in my head is, I think, because Zodiac loved to outsmart those who sought him. This is the man who asked the SFPD: "Hey pig doesn’t it rile you up to have your nose rubbed in your booboos?" after they failed to apprehend him when he was stood in front of them, a fact which he seems to relish reminding them publically. Wouldn’t he also be rubbing their noses in it if a clue to his identity really were in the cipher and he knows they can’t see it because he stated in the same Cipher he wouldn’t give them his name? I suppose I’m just curious what other’s think about the possibility and plausibility of Z doing this and, more importantly, has anyone really looked at the cipher code and its message specifically looking for clues to his identity?

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : January 27, 2014 9:03 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

The Zodiac Killer wrote in the Debut of Zodiac Letter on August 4th 1969 ‘ By the way, are the police having a good time with the code? If not, tell them to cheer up; when they do crack it, they will have me ‘. The Zodiac unfortunately was a master of misdirection in his rhetoric, to the point of almost being literal. He was not lying in the Debut of Zodiac Letter or the letter sent to the Chronicle on July the 31st.
Firstly he says ‘when they do crack it, they will have me’ and they literally did ‘have me’, on the cracking of the cipher the words ‘have me’ are visible in close proximity.

Secondly he states to the Chronicle ‘In this cipher is my idenity’, but he never says when the cipher is deciphered it will reveal his identity. There is a subtle difference. He is saying in the cipher (ie unbroken) is his identity .
Now the only name to have been possibly found in order,in the unbroken cipher, may be GYKE.
I don’t believe this to be the answer, but the Zodiac Killer, despite being a despicable human being, undoubtedly was a clever wordsmith.

Posted : January 27, 2014 10:03 pm
Posts: 764
Prominent Member

Hello to all
All codes, despite the 340 undeciphered to this day, the map is the most important because of a margin location of any physical evidence, it seems fiction, but I think this was very vain infamous for he had done so many things and then nobody knew what he done. I also believe that all letters, figures, dates and contexts is that they give us something that we can conclude something, if not definitive, at least somewhat plausible, there is no possibility of numerous "coincidences" happen.

Happy 2014 to all :D


Posted : January 27, 2014 10:37 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

A lot of people have looked for an "identity" in the cipher. Of course we have "GYKE", but Richard Gaikowski never called himself that, he used GAIK, and IMO it appears to be a chance happening of four letters. Is his "identity" a hunter of man and a fan of the film "Most Dangerous Game"? Or is his identity somewhere in the last 18 letters that appear to be gibberish?

First he says "in this cipher is my identity", then he says "i will not give you my name." To me the possible emphasis is on the word "GIVE". As in, I am not going to just give it to you plain and simple, you will have to work for it.

Thus if you examine the unsolved 18, rearrange the letters, apply a Caesar shift of 0-3-6-9, you arrive at the name of a SF Bay area resident who was expert in codes and bombs and was a serial killer.

An analysis by Aquiman showed a low edit decison/closely grouped recovery like this would happen by chance less than 1% of the time. For most that is still too high and the recovery method has too many steps. I still think it is very likely correct, and so do some others, but is has not yet gained wide acceptance in the Zodiac research world or the cryptography world.

You can see more about the proposed solution and details here: http://unazod.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f … a&start=20


Posted : January 27, 2014 11:08 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Too many names of popular POI’s come out of this cipher. I have to wonder what that alone tells us?

He will give us his name? If you believe that then you deserve to have…. (not really, just reminds me of something he’d say ;) )

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 28, 2014 12:50 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

Too many names of popular POI’s come out of this cipher. I have to wonder what that alone tells us?

He will give us his name? If you believe that then you deserve to have…. (not really, just reminds me of something he’d say ;) )

I don’t consider GYKE a name.

He said he would NOT "give" us his name.


Posted : January 28, 2014 1:07 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

I don’t consider GYKE a name.

He said he would NOT "give" us his name.

I too think that is a coincidence.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 28, 2014 1:46 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

If it’s not a coincidence, then he:

– chose to put it in line 20 – not at the start, or in the filler (that would have been too easy)
– chose the end of the word "BECAUSE" to put it in (not an early 4-letter word such as "LIKE" or "THAN"
– used the word "BECAUSE" deliberately, three times, so it would fit the cycles of his substitutions
– managed the mis-spellings, to make sure he counted all occurences of A U S and E correctly.

Sensible conclusion?
It’s a coincidence.
Doh! :roll:

Posted : January 28, 2014 3:29 pm
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

If it’s not a coincidence, then he:

– chose to put it in line 20 – not at the start, or in the filler (that would have been too easy)
– chose the end of the word "BECAUSE" to put it in (not an early 4-letter word such as "LIKE" or "THAN"
– used the word "BECAUSE" deliberately, three times, so it would fit the cycles of his substitutions
– managed the mis-spellings, to make sure he counted all occurences of A U S and E correctly.

Sensible conclusion?
It’s a coincidence.
Doh! :roll:

I’m gonna play devil’s advocate on ya, smithy. :twisted:

First, we should acknowledge that GYKE is only a phonetic equivalent of a nickname Gaikowski used (Gaik). Nobody to my knowledge has ever found an example of him referring to himself as GYKE. That said, he didn’t have to put this any given place in the cipher. He could have and did (twice) choose other symbols to represent the word BECAUSE. Here’s why I find the appearance of GYKE in the cipher a bit more compelling than at first glance, although I still think it’s likely just coincidence.

The portion of the cipher where "GYKE" appears translates to the last four letters in the word BECAUSE when solved. Z also spells the word BECAUSE in part one of the cipher but uses different symbols for the "S" and "E".

Z uses four different symbols to represent the letter S and utilizes them in a repeating sequence. In the case of S, it just happens to be the letter K’s turn to represent S but the repeating sequence of letter substitution breaks down after the appearance of "GYKE".

Z uses seven different symbols to represent the letter E and utilizes them in a repeating sequence (going through the sequence five complete runs and halfway through a sixth) before altering the sequence to allow the last letter in BECAUSE to be represented by an E (forming GYKE). The sequencing then again breaks down for the remainder of the cipher.

You could also point out that GYKE appears just as Z is telling us in the solution "I WILL NOT GIVE YOU MY NAME…". Taunting?

The unwillingness to consider the possibility of coincidence by some always drove me nuts but I honestly find it one of the stronger cases for a "Ghost in the Machine" cipher identity.

Posted : January 28, 2014 9:41 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

I think it is very weak. Absolutely a coincidence. First, He never, ever refered to himself as GYKE. Not once. Secondly, three and four letter words appear by chance frequently. Thus, I don’t find instances of KANE, LEE or GYKE to be convincing. Give me an 18 letter name, or even a 9 letter name, will talk. For example, in the 408 as solved Doug and I noted the appearance of words like WAVE, TIDE, BELL. Even HAMMRER. Even a twisty TEDANDDAVE. Most people were not too impressed. In the raw Graysmith Proposed Solution there is – no anagrams – a diagonal LIST and BOMBS. And a vertical LEASH, BARS, TAKE, LOSE, SEAT, TIES. Coincidence? To me that is a lot more compelling than GYKE, but then I think evidence show Gaik was out of state for crucial Zodiac events – like Bates murder, Bates letters, LHR.

And few of the people who find GYKE so impressive care at all that KAC ZYN SKI appears in the unsolved 340. Just a coincidence they say! So, four letter words are not a coincidence, but a nine letter word is? Its because they don’t think much of Ted as a suspect and are focused on Gaikowski.

All the elements you cited are just the coincidence that produces those letters at that spot. I find no significance in them.

Is the following all a coincidence? Or does the 340 cipher reveal an "identity"?

This is the unsolved Zodiac 340 Code as it appeared in newspapers. I think there is a logic to a code maker putting his first name on the first line, middle initial on the middle of the middle line and last name on the last line or two.

You can see that the letters to make THEO (or even THEODOR) appear on the first line, J is on the middle of the middle line and most importantly and impressively there is KACZYNSKI on the last two lines, or KAZINSKI on the last line alone.

And here is a close up on the last two lines. The letters are there – KAC ZYN SKI. Or KAZINSKI on just the last line.

Kaczynski loved to play games with his name and hide it in things. He once wrote a musical composition (he played trombone, like the character in The Mikado) and told a friend he had "the 18 letters in his name" hid in the composition by putting one letter in the last line in each part. I can see him coming up with the name "The Zodiac" out of the letters in his name, and getting a thrill out of seeing his name on the front page of the paper, hidden in plain sight in the Zodiac code.

On the other hand MANSO appears in the last line.
But none of these things impress people much unless they think other evidence points to the suspect. You can get dozens of names from the raw 408 and 340 and cant prove or disprove intent.


Posted : January 28, 2014 11:00 pm
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

Not advocating Gaikowski as a suspect, AK, or necessarily GYKE in the 408 cipher as relevant. I think its proponents would point out that it occurs visually, in left to right order, without any anagramming or rearrangement of letters. I’m just pointing out that its appearance COULD have been manipulated to appear that way and you could make the case that the sequences of letter substitution appear to be altered right around the point that it appears in the 408 cipher.

Posted : January 28, 2014 11:17 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

First, we should acknowledge that GYKE is only a phonetic equivalent of a nickname Gaikowski used (Gaik). Nobody to my knowledge has ever found an example of him referring to himself as GYKE. That said, he didn’t have to put this any given place in the cipher. He could have and did (twice) choose other symbols to represent the word BECAUSE. Here’s why I find the appearance of GYKE in the cipher a bit more compelling than at first glance, although I still think it’s likely just coincidence.

The portion of the cipher where "GYKE" appears translates to the last four letters in the word BECAUSE when solved. Z also spells the word BECAUSE in part one of the cipher but uses different symbols for the "S" and "E".

Z uses four different symbols to represent the letter S and utilizes them in a repeating sequence. In the case of S, it just happens to be the letter K’s turn to represent S but the repeating sequence of letter substitution breaks down after the appearance of "GYKE".

Z uses seven different symbols to represent the letter E and utilizes them in a repeating sequence (going through the sequence five complete runs and halfway through a sixth) before altering the sequence to allow the last letter in BECAUSE to be represented by an E (forming GYKE). The sequencing then again breaks down for the remainder of the cipher.

You could also point out that GYKE appears just as Z is telling us in the solution "I WILL NOT GIVE YOU MY NAME…". Taunting?

The unwillingness to consider the possibility of coincidence by some always drove me nuts but I honestly find it one of the stronger cases for a "Ghost in the Machine" cipher identity.

Another strange coincidence is that if you
Go to the 20th line on the 408 cipher, symbols 4 to 7 and transplant these four letters GYKE onto the 20th line, symbols 4 to 7 of the 340 cipher like so, to form GYKES ZODIAC or GYKEAUSEKEYS ZODIAC.

Posted : January 29, 2014 1:53 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Thanks Entropy, but I don’t want anyone to play Devils Advocate on, with, or indeed for, me. Just agreeing with me would be best.

It’s possible that I’m going to win the lottery this week, sleep with Scarlet Johannsen on Friday, and that I’ll be voted Playgirl magazines "Man of the Year" on Monday. Great. But I’m not talking about if it’s possible, I’m trying to get across the fact that if Gaikowski killed all the Z suspects and more, if he also did Jimmy Hoffa and John Kennedy too, that even if he couldn’t spell his own nickname, the idea that he (or someone else) put GYKE in the 408 intentionally really aint all that friggin’ likely.

Saying "people will contend that it’s possible" doesn’t help. Yes, they already have. And they’re wrong. They’re deluded. They have an agenda. (AK Wilks was doing a nice job, then damn me, he had to go and muddy it up again with Ted. *Sigh*)

Now – if you want to create a 408-type cipher with your initials or your name (or reasonable intended facsimile thereof) on the 20th line, composed just like the original with cycling use of homophonics and with a couple of spelling mistakes in, that’d aid understanding all round, maybe.
Or maybe it wouldn’t. :lol:

Posted : January 29, 2014 7:02 pm
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

Aww smithy. Maybe you won’t be so cranky after Friday. ;) Points taken though. I recall Tom’s response to similar challenges was something along the lines of "It says Gyke right in the frigging cipher!" So at least I hope that I’m a slightly better devil’s advocate. Again, I’m really just suggesting that this is a better than average effort, requiring minimal manipulation to interpret because afterall… it says Gyke right in the frigging cipher.

I think I made the point in the "Ghosts in the Machine" thread that if just about everyone can find some secret clew to their own person of interest in a cipher, it kinda calls into question the method of looking for these types of secret clews. I somehow think that Zodiac, wherever he is, would have found profound enjoyment out of each and every suspect clew discovered.

Posted : January 29, 2014 11:00 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

I’m REALLY looking forward to Friday.

Posted : January 30, 2014 11:37 am
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