Hi guys,
Students of an university found out (through rumours and tales from ex-students) about an underground tunnelsystem below the university. Some guys entered the system and came to a place called "the beach", a huge area with lots of sand in it. Near a ladder going to the surface they found a coded message. It ends with plain English text saying "forgive me".
In the attachment you can see the mysterious message
Chi-square English: 100.02
Chi-square first-letter English: 63.79 <===
Doesn’t look "secret", but rather "normally not accessible to students". Looks well maintained and in use, probably by Facilities and Operations. As for the message, it looks quite recently written. Do we know which university this is? When the images were captured? What is the connection with Z?
You are right, not really secret. I found newsarticles about the underground system from 1956 and 1969. The images I sent were screencaptures from a documentary I saw that was made in 2005. The photo’s they showed in it were a few years older. So the message is not recent. Btw the University is the University of Texas…