Could the zodiac be using pig Latin to develop his ciphers? He’s always writing about blue pigs, and piggies, and so forth. Pig Latin has been around for a long time. It’s just something that came to mind. His first puzzle was solved by the school teachers pretty quickly. What if he just substituted simple pig Latin words, and did a simple substitution code for those words.
Oh forget that idea. Others have already addressed it. I just don’t know people, as far as I can tell, every conceivable angle has been looked at. I suppose I will have to google every notion I have about this case, to find out if my thoughts on the matter have been looked into already.
I suppose I will have to google every notion I have about this case, to find out if my thoughts on the matter have been
looked into already
Now you’re getting the hang of it lol.
I think that was the advice on the terms & cond’s for Do a search in the forum first to see if something you have just thought of has been discussed before. I tended to just google though because there are a few sites and things get mentioned or suggested on different forums. It’s a good practice because at the very least it saves you having to think about stuff if others have already hashed it out and if you feel you have something to add you can refer to those discussions and link to them.
It keeps good discussions and theories from lots of places current,accessible,relevant and contextual. That’s the theory anyway.
Hey Holmes201,
If you could make an example plaintext of your Pig Latin idea I could encode it (or you encode it) and we can take a look at it.
Hey Holmes201,
If you could make an example plaintext of your Pig Latin idea I could encode it (or you encode it) and we can take a look at it.
Ok Jarive, there is a pig Latin translator online. I guess they are trying to preserve these languages. There are also various dialects of pig Latin. In fact there are quite a few. I will use the standard style and translate words the Zodiac has repeatedly used in his correspondence. The funny thing is, I remember my aunt hated pig Latin. My cousin used to use it to talk to her friends on the phone. My aunt couldn’t understand it and therefore couldn’t easdrop on her calls. This was back in the late 60’s too, when my cousin was a teenager. Pig Latin was quite commonly used back then.
I will start putting this information together.
I started with Zodiacs written letters and the decoded letter solved by the school teachers. Using one of the English to pig Latin translators I translated some common words.
I= Iway
My= Myay
Kill= Illkay
They= Eythay
The= Ethay
Zodiac= Odiaczy
The word (1) becomes a 4 letter word in Pig a Latin.Words in pig Latin have on average two or more letters added. The word (kill) doubles the letters used when turned into a pig Latin word, and becomes a six letter word. I just don’t see enough of the same symbol combinations in his letters, to fit with the (AY) ending of the words, as they all end with.
I agree.
iyayikelayillingk ayeoplepayecauseb ayityayisyayosayu chmayunfayityayis yayoremayunfayant hayillingkayildwa yamegayinyayethay orestfayecausebay anmayisyayethayos tmayangerousdayan imalyayofyayallya yotayillkayomethi ngsayivesgayemaye thayostmayillingt hrayexperienceyay ityayisyayevenyay etterbayanthayett inggayyouryayocks rayoffyayithwayay ayirlgayethayestb ;-b('ATp3U@)S;[4A EDfh*=7*5:98P]1<B Fl'"-b(@CU3DG%E:6 8!J5l]mYP-;V(FU'? Db:WIgZ3l6,YE-5+ nP(@p);[LAFU'SdMb D3J#4E:@ml5-j>!P( h_T1RYFUf8b]C7B3D E,Z5:;%lP-9inF(G? "JbU3+L<IW61dED5[ 'ZP=:FlhY-b(3p)UE DGV5:@S=APlWJg!; m4CF-'&#%Lb(jZ3UT >nEDh?RJ5:@p);,4i !_PlfN*7I'9+8<-F( @"UbD;1:3lg&#[-E( jVT_B5UPm>nFDfRi ',L4b:lG]I-3(W8AC _EUhYYD5:@"!MPlF- b(;ISL3U7VnED9%B
Bigram direction distribution is like that of a normal cipher (or even a bit more horizontal) and counts are very high. We are looking for something that disturbs the bigram distribution.
Cool story, you must be… old. Anyway you lived in the times of the Zodiac so that’s rather cool!
I agree.
iyayikelayillingk ayeoplepayecauseb ayityayisyayosayu chmayunfayityayis yayoremayunfayant hayillingkayildwa yamegayinyayethay orestfayecausebay anmayisyayethayos tmayangerousdayan imalyayofyayallya yotayillkayomethi ngsayivesgayemaye thayostmayillingt hrayexperienceyay ityayisyayevenyay etterbayanthayett inggayyouryayocks rayoffyayithwayay ayirlgayethayestb ;-b('ATp3U@)S;[4A EDfh*=7*5:98P]1<B Fl'"-b(@CU3DG%E:6 8!J5l]mYP-;V(FU'? Db:WIgZ3l6,YE-5+ nP(@p);[LAFU'SdMb D3J#4E:@ml5-j>!P( h_T1RYFUf8b]C7B3D E,Z5:;%lP-9inF(G? "JbU3+L<IW61dED5[ 'ZP=:FlhY-b(3p)UE DGV5:@S=APlWJg!; m4CF-'&#%Lb(jZ3UT >nEDh?RJ5:@p);,4i !_PlfN*7I'9+8<-F( @"UbD;1:3lg&#[-E( jVT_B5UPm>nFDfRi ',L4b:lG]I-3(W8AC _EUhYYD5:@"!MPlF- b(;ISL3U7VnED9%BBigram direction distribution is like that of a normal cipher (or even a bit more horizontal) and counts are very high. We are looking for something that disturbs the bigram distribution.
Cool story, you must be… old. Anyway you lived in the times of the Zodiac so that’s rather cool!
I’m as old as the hills my friend. I’ve got a white beard 2 feet long and I can barely walk anymore. Ha, ha, only kidding. In fact I’m one of those guys that hasn’t gotten old and gray, at an age that I should be old and gray. I’m not complaining though. As far as stories, I have a million of them. On another note, the pig Latin angle was my idea, but I don’t think much of it.
So… you’re a mountain without snow. If you have more ideas feel free to share them.