been spending LOTS of time with the 340…
trying to find new approaches, had been feeling skeptical about the pivots, but decided to try looking at 340 assuming the pivots held meaning.
working out from there I noticed these extra patterns… just symbols bearing the same position-relationship to the two pivots.
anyone have any thoughts?
p.s., the more I look at 340, the more I feel like the key probably used multiple symbols in multiple places… i.e. + probably stood for about 10 letters, B for a few, etc. etc…
thanks to D. Oranchak for the Cipher tools!!!
nice find..note each symbol coloured are the same distance apart, same as the pivots.
One more pic –
added the triangle repeat to lower left in yellow and added some curious (more speculative)/similar symbol repeats highlighted in red only.
the blue is just one of the known bigrams.
anyway, just wondering how far out this pivot-centric logic can be taken and what it could mean. The consistent distances do feel interesting when seen in relation to the pivots- Also I’m noticing how the repeats I’m finding – so far – are localized to the lower part of the cipher.
maybe lower half uses a transposition and upper does not?
(So far I buy into the idea the first part was enciphered "on the fly"…
maybe select areas are like mini crosswords?
these patterns are posted here:
Doranchak posted some more. There are quite a few of them
To me it looks still interesting that they cluster around the pivots
cool – I had to assume someone already saw these – thanks, will check out the link!
The "distance 39" repeats line up nicely if you rewrite the cipher to width 39:
Pivot symbols are marked in red and blue. Repeated unigrams are in green.
At width 78, there are almost twice as many repeated unigrams, the highest at any width:
It’s very interesting to me that the repeated unigrams "resonate" at twice the period of the pivots.
at width 78 all of the pivot symbols are on the same row
working out from there I noticed these extra patterns… just symbols bearing the same position-relationship to the two pivots.
anyone have any thoughts?
I have the same observation as you. Here is another attempt to make sense of it.
In the picture you see the 340 cipher being mirrored with all the colored non-gray squares being period 29 bigram repeats. The pivots are made up entirely of these repeats, which are period 39 not mirrored. The period number is equal to the offset, move 5 squares to the right and 2 squares up. I gave the pivots a darker color to more easily spot them since we are looking at the mirrored cipher.
Consider the 4 vertical sections that are set apart through column 4, 9 and 14.
Section 1: from column 1 to 3
Section 2: from column 4 to 8
Section 3: from column 9 to 13
Section 4: from column 14 to 17
To each section I assigned a specific color for squares that repeat in any one of the other sectors at the offset the pivots use without wrapping around the cipher. In red are the squares that do not repeat in such a way.
Upon careful examination of the picture it can clearly be seen that the pivots are part of a larger structure that tends to repeat from one section to another.
Yes I noticed that one too. It actually repeats perfectly across all 4 sections, you missed the part of the purple squares. I have called it a p29 repeating bigram structure in another thread so that will do for a name I guess.
408 period 10, the same thing: