Is there any connection between the 13 symbol My Name Is Code and the 340? If so, is it in the 13 letter section of the RAW Graysmith solution as modified by researchers that happens right before SEE A NAME?
What I found most interesting is that the My Name Is cipher matches that part of the Raw Graysmith.
NIN has looked at the Zodiac My Name Is Code as perhaps being a CLUE on how to solve the Zodiac 340, with a possible find of "POLISH NAME" or "MY NAME IS POLISH."
Now look what KITE and I have been cooking up…"THEO" discussed here and as found in the 340 3rd line is a male name and also means Greek for God. As Aqui and Doranchak showed, the 9 letters surrounding THEO would 0369 Caesar Shift to a "Polish Name" of a Berkeley based serial killer less than 1% of the time by chance. Another reason IMO to think that Graysmith probably got at least this part of the 3rd line and the 4th line SEE A NAME right.
I say one possible translation worth exploring could be S99=SEE.
In the 408 code an E=E and a backwards R=R, so that may provide a reason to at least try S=S.
Also in the 408 code 9=E.
This is the fourth line of the unsolved 340 and beneath it is the fourth line of the proposed solution.
This is the 13 letter sequence of the 3rd line of the 340, above it are the letters that 0369 Caesar Shift to a POLISH name of a bomb designing serial killer.
– – – – – – Z C A K . N Y .T H E O ..I K S
KITE (Edited BY AK Wilks): I’m wondering now if the April 20, 1970 My Name Is… code was, in part, meant to call attention or otherwise allude to the Line 3 possible cryptic in the 340 cipher? Look at the similarities: Both are 13 letters:
AEN+(8K8M8)^NAM (+ for Zodiac symbol and ^ for the Aries symbol)
Look at the letters from 4/20/70 and the letters from Line 3 (Not counting THEO):
[Also look at this:
– AK]
And look at the letters broken in sections of before, in, and after the center:
Notice how NAM are repeats from the five before and LHS are also repeats from the six before it.
The following comparison is possibly the most compelling of all: On the right, a breakdown of the 13 symbols from the My Name Is Code. The 13 from Line 3 of the 340 cipher on the left.
O………^ Aries Symbol
I……….+ Zodiac Symbol
Looks like a match. And the HHH=888 is a number for letter match additionally, no pun intended. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet.
A poster named NIN has been working on a possible MyNameIs/340 tie in, and came up with the possible clue of POLISH NAME.
The 1986 Graysmith Raw Solution has a 4th line asking the questions SEE A NAME.
On the 3rd line we have THEO, with 9 letters surrounding it.
Zodiac asks "BY THE WAY HAVE YOU CRACKED THE LAST CIPHER I SENT YOU?". Zodiac is of course refering to the 340. He then gives us a clue how to solve the 340, he says "MY NAME IS" then gives us the code. By telling us his 13 letter NAME, he is calling attention to the 4th line in the 340 which asks SEE A NAME, and the 13 letters that preceeded it.
There does seem to be a strong match between the 13 symbols Zodiac gives us in April of 1970 and the Graysmith solution to the 340, more evidence that the mostly ignored RAW Graysmith solution may be at least partially correct.
Both the My Name Is Code and the Graysmith 340 3rd line have:
One set of triples
Three sets of doubles
Four singles
Both can be expressed: AAA, BB, CC, DD, E, F, G, H
Coincidence? Maybe. What are the odds?
Lets look further:
HHH…..888 (MATCH as H is 8th letter in alphabet)
LL…….AA (+15 shifts)(matches 0369 caesar shift decode)
EE…….NN (+9 shifts)(matches 0369 caesar shift decode)
SS…….MM (-6 shifts)(matches 0369 caesar shift decode)
U………E (+10 shifts)(? no match apparent)
T………K (-9 shifts)(matches 0369 caesar shift decode)
O………^ Aries Symbol (In 408 similar ^ translates to O. Match.)
I……….+ Zodiac Symbol (Symbol Is "I" to Zodiac? Match)
Zodiac My Name Is Code:
A E N + … 8 K 8 M 8 ^ … N A M
Zodiac 340 Graysmith 3rd Line:
I L U E … H S T H E O … L H S
Raw 340 Code
Graysmith 3rd line of Zodiac 340
Zodiac My Name Is
Kite Decode of Zodiac My Name Is To Graysmith 3rd Line
Wilks Decode of Zodiac My Name Is To Graysmith 3rd Line Caesar Shifted
M tU Z….G W o O L []….+ H J
I L U E … H S T H E O … L H S
A E N + …8 K 8 M 8 ^ …N A M
L U E I ….H T H S H O … E L S
C A K Z….H T N Y K O ….E I S
I propose above that the Zodiac symbol may translate to the letter "I", primarily because it fits the larger pattern of a match between the 13 translated letters that appear before SEE A NAME in the Raw Graysmith 340 Solution and the 13 symbol is the My Name Is Code, and also that to the person who is the Zodiac, the Zodiac symbol is "I".
On a different topic, The Foreigner mentioned the idea that the Zodiac symbol may translate to "I".
THE FOREIGNER: Don’t know if this has anything to do with the topic of this thread, but I´ll share a thought I had for a long time:
I believe that the zodiac symbol (crossed circle) used by Zodiac in his 340 ciphers might be an I (i)
Why do I think that?
Because, due to Zodiac’s apparent narcissism I believe that Zodiac perceived himself as the center of the universe.
In astrology "Zodiac" even symbolizes the center of the universe, and is called ‘The Sign of the Zodiac"
So, IMO it would be logical for Zodiac to use the Zodiac symbol (crossed circle) for the letter "I", in the meaning of "me"
Additionally, in the alphabet I(i) is the 9th letter, and in the 340 cipher there are 9 "I"’s
And I also believe some Zodiac researchers have had suspected that Zodiac was kind of obsessed by the number 9, can´t remember HOW or WHY that is, maybe someone knows and could post about it?
I know Seagull is one of the researchers that believe Zodiac had a thing for number 9:
AK WILKS: Also TRAV and DORANCHAK have at least contemplated what I discuss above – a possible link between the MNI Code and the 340.
TRAVELLER1ST: "and of course the possibility that the Z13 was a clue to the 340"
DORANCHAK: I can’t help but think they are connected in some way, because of the way he worded the beginning of the 4/20/1970 letter:
"By the way, have you cracked the last cipher I sent you? My name is ______."
It’s almost like he was giving an example. Or maybe it was just a continuation of the original tease that his name could be found in the 408.
AK WILKS: Doranchak/Trav – I know you guys don’t think much of even the Raw Graysmith, but just on the off chance there could a sliver of correctness in that, what do you think of what I see as the possible match up between the 13 symbols in Line 3 of the RG340 and the 13 symbols of the MNI? The fact that both can algebraically expressed as AAA BB CC DD E F G H? And the other possible matches I note?
DORANCHAK: So the question is:
What are the odds that a 13-character string will have the same symbol distribution as Zodiac’s 13-symbol cipher?
Here’s a simple test. Load up the entire book "Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. Remove all punctuation, spaces, and numbers, and count how many times 13 letters appear in a row with the same distribution (i.e., one letter appears three times, three letters each appear twice, and four letters each appear once).
The result: About 8% of all 13-character strings in "Tale of Two Cities" have the same distribution as the 13-symbol cipher. … esults.txt
In other words, within any block of 340 letters, you’d expect about 27 strings that have the same distribution. In fact, in the raw graysmith solution, it happens 34 times:
It even happens 188 times in your own post: … esults.txt
Sorry, but this is nothing but pure coincidence.
AK WILKS: Not shocked by his answer!
Thanks, that is interesting. So it happens by chance 6 to 8% of the time. OK. I would have two points to make. The first is that it happens right before the words SEE A NAME, and it is matching the My NAME Is code. The second is that I offer these other factors raising the possibility of a match, or as you yourself wondered, " I can’t help but think they are connected in some way, because of the way he worded the beginning of the 4/20/1970 letter:
"By the way, have you cracked the last cipher I sent you? My name is ______."
It’s almost like he was giving an example."
HHH…..888 (MATCH as H is 8th letter in alphabet)
LL…….AA (+15 shifts)(matches 0369 caesar shift decode but extended)
EE…….NN (+9 shifts)(matches 0369 caesar shift decode)
SS…….MM (-6 shifts)(matches 0369 caesar shift decode)
U………E (+10 shifts)(no match)
T………K (-9 shifts)(matches 0369 caesar shift decode)
O………^ Aries Symbol (In 408 virtually same symbol translates to an O. Match.)
I……….+ Zodiac Symbol (The Zodiac Symbol Is "I" to the Zodiac? Maybe match)
AK Wilks: Any one of these can be dismissed, and individually none are super compelling, yet for 12 of the 13 I can offer some type of possible match.
Anyway the totality of it is not going to be enough to convince you or most others.
HOWEVER…Lets just do a hypothetical for a minute. Lets say a letter came in with a bit of Stine’s shirt and said:
"Still here and still crackproof. Its become clear that you are not going to get off your fat asses and actually solve the cipher. So I have decided to give you a little clew. Greysmeth, Kipe and Welks are wrong about most everything, but I do give them credit for stumbling across the fact that the start of the 4th line says SEE A NAME and before that it says ILUEHSTHEOLHS. Yours truly, you know who."
AK WILKS: OK, lets say that happened, and as Z would have little fear of the cipher being solved, it seems very likely this is an honest clue.
Armed with the knowledge of these 21 correct translations, how would you proceed? Would that be enough to generate enough letters that you could word solve other parts of the cipher, or run computer programs to generate likely word solves?
DORANCHAK: If we assume those decodings are correct, then you will have the correct assignments for these symbols (if I’m not mistaken):
Those symbols account for 133 out of the 340 symbols in the cipher text, which is almost 40% of it. If the 340 is a simple substitution cipher, read in a single direction, then the solution would probably be apparent at this point, since you could easily search for words that fit the partially revealed plaintext.
If I knew that those partial decodings were correct (which I don’t), and I expected that something was funky about the 340’s construction (which I do), then I would probably start by trying to find words that fit in the partially revealed plaintext in different orientations, under the premise that the plaintext might be flowing in different directions. Or try to find split points where blocks of text might have been re-arranged (for example, the FBI’s suggestion that the two halves are joined into a 34-column block).
Searching via computer, we’d need to establish what the expected baseline of "found words’ would be (i.e., by chance), then have it look for outliers.
AK WILKS: Using Doranchak’s excellent "Webtoy" [ ] and assuming that ONLY the 4th line SEE A NAME and the 3rd line ILUEHS THEO LHS are the parts that may be correct, this is what we have. In other words lets say Graysmith maybe got quite a bit wrong.
Can we go from here and make more possible word solves using eye, mind, paper and pencil?
Doranchak can you do a search for possible word solves via computer?
Could the 9th line 2nd column be KILLLER?
Instead of using Graysmith’s HERCEANB as a 340 opening, which he thought was an anagram for columnist HERB CAEN, just for experimental purposes I tried instead HERCULES as an anagram opening. As HERCELSU. Not claiming a huge breakthrough here, but it did lead to some interesting results! Well, fragments of interesting results anyway.
Why did I choose an anagram for HERCULES as an opener? One, I have never been totally sold that Zodiac knew or cared about Herb Caen. He never mentioned him in any confirmed letters. Two, Ted K used HERCULES as an alias in his letter to the math professor. And three, the very letters and symbols Zodiac picked for his opening bring to mind the word HERCULES, in my opinion.
Heracles was the Greek god/hero, and Hercules the Roman version of that myth, adopted in the west. Hercules beat his enemies to death with a wood club. A man who may have been Zodiac tried to abduct a college girl in Riverside in November 1966. He mentioned the Bates case, said he was not Jack the Ripper but if he wanted to kill her he would beat her to death with a piece of wood.
Now look at the first part, the opening 8 letters of the raw unsolved Zodiac 340 Code:
Let us "turn around" the fourth and sixth symbols, so they are: < and L
So what migth we have?
H E R < _ L _ _ .
Just looking at that one possible code solution jumps to mind to fill in the blanks:
H E R C_ L _ _
Word finds, most as is, some with mild anagrams. Some interesting words and even a few phrases. But it lacks overall coherency. Most researchers think the 340 is a multi stage cipher. If there is anything of value here, a second stage decode is still needed. This was just an experiment to consider all possibilities. AT this point I still think the HERCEAN BIG translation is probably correct. And that may not be an anagram for HERB CAEN as Graysmith thought, but instead as Kite has mentioned may be a reference to Hercules and a big task.
Still trying to solve a fragment of the 340, as the Harden’s did, not using computers, but instinct, feelings about the nature of Zodiac and word solves. Hoping that if we can solve even a fragment we can proceed from there with computer work.
I say one possible translation worth exploring could be S99=SEE.
In the 408 code an E=E and a backwards R=R, so that may provide a reason to at least try S=S.
Also in the 408 code 9=E.
This is the fourth line of the unsolved 340 and beneath it is the fourth line of the proposed solution.
Using Doranchak’s excellent "Webtoy" [ ] and assuming that ONLY the 4th line SEE A NAME and the 3rd line ILUEHS THEO LHS are the parts that may be correct, this is what we have. In other words lets say Graysmith maybe got quite a bit wrong.
Can we go from here and make more possible word solves using eye, mind, paper and pencil?
Trav, Glurk, Smithy, Dan G, NIN, Jem, Luke, everyone – any thoughts?
Doranchak – can you do a search for possible word solves via computer?
Could the 9th line 2nd column be KILLLER?
I still think the majority of the RAW Graysmith solution, as deduced by Kite, Bullit, Obiwan and others, is likely correct or at least partially correct. I just believe in keeping an open mind.
The one problem I have is that Zodiac never mentioned Herb Caen in a confirmed letter. But that is just Graysmith’s anagram reading. It actually says HERCEAN BIGIVE THEM HELL TOO. So it may be a reference to Hercules and a big task as HERCEAN BIG.
I am just exploring if we start with what IMO are the very solid 3rd and 4th lines but leave the rest open, can we end up with a better and overall more cohesive and readable solution?
IMO Zodiac is referring to Herb Caen, as he refrences several known people in this message.
It says see a name BELOW, not a line above it. Also, notice all the extra included "L"s in this
message. I had a dream last night about Zodiac’s syllibus (sp?). I dreamt he had one. He must have
kept a code decypher with him. One other thing, Hercules is a City very near to Vallejo, on the
other side of the Carquinez bridge in Contra Costa County. It is next door to Pinole. Hercules is
the site of many crimes for which I believe and have been told that my suspect was involved in.
Hercules is where the shack is, which was discribed to me as being used by my suspect to kill people.
Hercules is where the Abernathy’s were killed. Whoever killed the Abernathys sent a letter to a church
in Hercules, which said something like, "Regarding the Abernathy’s, there are no tears" A man and his
13 year old son were tied up and shot in their home in the middle of the day. No sexual assault, no robbery
except for a necklace owned by Mrs. Aberanthy’s grandmother.
Well "BELOW" is Graysmith’s anagram reading. It does not actually say BELOW. Given that Zodiac tells us his name is 13 letters long in the My Name Is Code, if we agree that the 4th line starts as SEE A NAME, to me it is logical to look to the 13 symbol sequence that proceeds that, as if the code is asking SEE A NAME? But both interpretations have merit, that is the problem with anagram solutions, there are many different possibilities.
I don’t know about crimes in Hercules.
In Graysmith’s anagrammed solution he reads it as something like SEE A NAME BELOW KILLERS FILMS. He uses extreme anagrams. IMO his final solution is mostly wrong, I only rely on parts of his RAW solution as deduced by researchers.
I think the 3rd and 4th line raw are solid and I am trying to get computer code solvers to go from there, not much luck so far.
This is the fourth line of the unsolved 340 and beneath it is the fourth line of the proposed solution.