Let’s say, for "kicks", the z13 was a simple substitution cipher… Has anyone found suspect or POI names whose lettering fits with the code letter assignments? i.e. If you were to take the Zodiac by his word, using the letter assignments (A and A are the same letter).
What I mean by this is, let’s say we were searching for a name, that must meet the following criteria:
– 13 characters in length (could be a combo of first name, middle name and last name) — I know this leads to many, many possibilities, but bear with me.
– Name has same 1st letter as 2nd last letter (i.e. #1 placement is same letter as #12 placement)
– Name has same 3rd letter as 3rd last letter (i.e. #3 placement is same letter as #11 placement)
– Name has same 8th letter as last letter (i.e. #8 placement is the same letter as #13 placement)
– This is an assumption (red flag) but that the Circled 8’s must represent something specific, like a wildcard VOWEL. So for the same of this example, let’s assume he obfuscated the Z13 a bit more with the 8’s representing vowel placements. I realize this is completely arbitrary, but if it’s a simple substitution cipher I can’t think of any other logical explanation for the circled 8’s. So let’s assume that they are vowel representations for this example. So placements #5, #7, and #9 must be a VOWEL (A,E,I,O or U).
– No re-arranging of letters. Taking the Z13 for what it is as a standard english writing from left to right.
This narrows the field in terms of names that qualify quite a bit. There are actually NOT a lot of names that have vowel placements in those spots where the circled eights are. (And note: I’m not saying these are the only vowels in the Z13, but just the ones Zodiac decided to encode this way to make the Z13 more difficult to decipher).
Does anyone have any suspect or POI names that fit that criteria?
If not, you could frankly search the school database names for names that fit this criteria and probably come up with a decent sized list.
I often wonder if the Z340 can be worked out backwards from entering assignments into the Z13, and using the same substitutions as a partial starting point to the Z340. Although, this still leaves much to solve in the Z340. But it’s certainly a possibility because the Zodiac specifically references the "last cipher I sent you" (the Z340) in his Z13 letter, and possibly used the same encryption key.
Does anyone have any suspect or POI names that fit that criteria?
It is easy to produce names that fit. Here are 500 examples:
Ali James Elias, Eddie Julio Del, Noah Amos Evans, Eddie Miles Del, Eric Abel Ariel, Noe Hayes Owens, Noel Ira Eugene, Steve Jose Jess, Noe James Edens, Lee Moye Lowell, Arlie Dan Allan, Ed Lauren Allen, Al Grover Edgar, Lee Rene Lovell, Almeida Newman, Alex Ayala Neal, Chase Maki Jack, Ruano Jake Mark, Alex Avina Sean, Earl Ojeda Fred, Chavez Ike Jack, Lee Howe Lovell, Lee Dave Lowell, Ingram Alan Gil, Le Amado Donald, Noe Hugo Eugene, Chase Lake Jack, Lee Dana Lowell, Noe Gale Eugene, Noe Rosa Eugene, Ash Pete Nathan, Ali James Urias, Earl Evan Efren, Ali Lewis Arias, Noe Dana Eugene, Lea Gino Donald, Ed Leo Ian Allen, Eric Ira Rozier, Lee Cecil Odell, Noe Lane Eugene, Eddie Ron Alden, Estrada Ritter, Eddie Dan Elden, Noe Pete Eugene, Lea Rene Donald, Alan Alec Isaac, Arlie Rene Alan, Ian Reyes Ennis, Nye Pete Eugene, Roane Mike Mark, Lee Milo Lowell, Arlie Don Allan, Andre Leland Al, Noe Mike Eugene, Eddie Don Elden, Earl Amado Fred, Ashley Alan Hal, Noah Otis Evans, Luigi Dale Bill, Lee Cote Lowell, Noe Beau Eugene, Ake Eugene Sean, Ali Lewis Elias, Eddie Jan Alden, Lee Jame Lowell, Lee Lupe Lowell, Lee Dana Lovell, Steve Jose Hess, Azure Dana Juan, Noe Rose Eugene, Noe Jake Eugene, Ali Louis Elias, Nye Levi Eugene, Noel Ali Eugene, Steve Vito West, Alex Arana Jean, Earl Erin Efren, Lee Jamal Odell, Lea Lupo Donald, Lee Jerome Helm, Orr Loren Aaron, Louie Cole Hull, Nye Dana Eugene, Noe Lake Eugene, Roe Lewis Ayers, Noe Dave Eugene, Lea Levi Donald, Lee Hare Lowell, Estrada Reiter, Noe Vera Eugene, Lear Ali Donald, Ridge Joe Andre, Steve Hite West, Steve Pete Best, Ott Dale Newton, Eddie Ken Arden, Ruano Luke Mark, Lee Wade Lovell, Lee Hugo Lovell, Li Ayala Donald, Ault Alan Allan, Aho Eugene Joan, Chase Mike Pack, Lee Mora Lowell, Austin Amos Sam, Nye Mike Eugene, Otto Alan Alton, Eddie Gene Eden, Otto Alan Eaton, Ott Robin Alton, Lea Mota Donald, Noe Gene Eugene, Art Eugene Stan, Otto Alan Elton, Noe Mora Eugene, Lee Cole Lowell, Lee Luke Lovell, Alex Emile Neal, Orr Carol Errol, Ma Alexis Adams, Lee Jerome Kelm, Otto Erin Anton, Nye Jose Eugene, Lee Case Lowell, Lea Cate Donald, Ott Jason Elton, Arena Gene Jean, Ly Amado Donald, Lee Rene Lowell, Arena Dana Jean, Rae Leroy Avery, Luevano Lowell, Acuna Gene Juan, Eddie Jon Elden, Lea Dane Donald, Steven Asa Jess, Orr Lujan Aaron, Ochoa Jonathon, Ali Jesus Elias, Andre Toney Dan, Alex Acuna Jean, Arlie Gene Alan, Steven Asa Hess, Noe Dale Eugene, Andre Lima Adam, Chase Jake Jack, Ayala Jose Haas, Lea Pina Donald, Lea Hare Donald, Al Moore Norman, Noe Baca Eugene, Oh Shane Nelson, Abe Medina Sean, Reese Ray Emery, Reese Roy Emery, Austin Elias Al, Ott Kevin Anton, Arlie Dana Alan, Ash Aaron Ethan, Lea Romo Donald, Noe Rene Eugene, Noel Abe Eugene, Eddie Ian Elden, Chase Duke Jack, Chase Luke Mack, Al Hai Jonathan, Andre Money Dan, Orr Keven Aaron, Abreu Reyes Ray, Otto Evan Alton, Lee Wade Lowell, Lee Dino Lowell, Arlie June Alan, Noe Pope Eugene, Rae Eugene Vern, Lee Dane Lowell, Eddie Ron Arden, Isaiah Eli Gail, Arena Lane Jean, Steve Jose Ness, Noe Davis Owens, Lee Jose Lowell, Reese Jay Avery, Ryan Anaya Mary, Noe Vito Eugene, Lea Cole Donald, Lee Gale Lowell, Ash Pace Nathan, Lee Jake Lowell, Ashley Alec Hal, Lea Mose Donald, Szabo Jose Bass, Roy Lozada Byrd, Abel Acuna Jean, Roane Jake Mark, Andre Lane Adan, Lee Cone Lowell, Orr Eugene Aron, Earl Ivan Efren, Abe Lozano Jean, Rae James Evers, Noe Mayo Eugene, Crane Jake Jack, Eddie Don Alden, Eddie Jon Arden, Reed Otis Ayers, Noe Duke Eugene, Noe Vega Eugene, Steve Rose Jess, Lee Lino Lowell, Orr Roman Aaron, Noe Wise Eugene, Ashley Omar Ham, Al Moore Newman, Rod Jamie Andre, Estrada Reuter, Reagan Ali Carl, Wilde Samuel Wm, Lee Hugo Lowell, Dee Maria Ojeda, Alex Urena Sean, Ryan Emile Earl, Lee Luce Lowell, Lee Cecil Abell, Noe Hale Eugene, Lea Razo Donald, Earl Alexis Rex, Noel Eli Eugene, Leija Dale Bill, Ira Eugene Bain, Orr Rubin Aaron, Lee Lane Lowell, Eddie Don Arden, Noel Ike Eugene, Eddie Ian Alden, Lea Maye Donald, Eddie Ian Arden, Ash Dana Nathan, Ian Davis Ennis, Sousa Jose Russ, Andre June Adan, Andre Denis Dan, Ott Dale Santos, Noe Meza Eugene, Ali Hayes Elias, Orr Devon Aaron, Lee Mace Lowell, Ivan Emile Gail, Oshea Jonathon, Orr Mike Negron, Chase Luke Jack, Lee Mose Lowell, Noe Luna Eugene, Lee Basil Odell, Noe Levi Eugene, Ault Erin Allan, Almeida Norman, Earl Alan Efren, Alan Eric Isaac, Ash Vega Nathan, Noe Gore Eugene, Eddie Felix Del, Lee Beau Lowell, Reece Roy Avery, Ira Davila Gail, Eddie Ron Elden, Al Lauren Allan, Austin Alan Sal, Lee Carol Odell, Lee Meza Lowell, Ake Eugene Dean, Lee Gage Lowell, Estrada Rutter, Ojeda Rene Leon, Reed Erin Ahern, Eric Emil Ariel, Eddie Ron Ogden, Noe Cole Eugene, Lee Jude Lowell, Dana Anaya Andy, Ash Jason Ethan, Noe Howe Eugene, Chase Mike Mack, Ott Coleman Tom, Noe Pike Eugene, Andre Jonas Dan, Noe Sosa Eugene, Eddie Ken Alden, Roane Luke Mark, Eli Carol Ariel, Earle Wade Fred, Otto Erin Elton, Orr Ramon Aaron, Andre Rene Adan, Duane Jose Eads, Chase Mike Jack, Ivan Avila Gail, Noel Asa Eugene, Hook Urena John, Lee Pete Lowell, Eddie Riley Del, Eddie Dan Arden, Earl Owen Efren, Ed Thomas Estes, Souza Jose Russ, Shane Jose Cass, Noe Kaye Eugene, Olive Gene Dion, Lea Gene Donald, Lea Nino Donald, Abe Eugene Jean, Arlie Jon Allan, Shane Rose Hass, Noe Tate Eugene, Otto Alan Anton, Chase Pike Jack, Ryan Emile Carl, Andre Jonah Dan, Abad Eric Isaac, Lea Dana Donald, Andre Hanes Dan, Ian Jamie Ernie, Lee Jewel Ezell, Ash Mike Nathan, Ashley Emil Ham, Lee Sosa Lovell, Orr Daren Aaron, Lee Howe Lowell, Noe Wade Eugene, Ali James Arias, Eddie Jon Alden, Ash Jose Nathan, Azar Eric Isaac, Ryan Amaya Gary, Orr Rosen Aaron, Lee Bone Lowell, Andre Dana Adan, Austin Omar Sam, Al Glover Edgar, Lee Fidel Odell, Adam Eric Isaac, Lee Pike Lowell, Nye Louis Owens, Luis Emile Bill, Lee Danilo Bell, Abe Carol Oneal, Lee Vito Lowell, Eddie Ben Elden, Ollie Louis Lou, Lee Ware Lowell, Lee Levi Lowell, Leal Abe Donald, Ian James Ennis, Aman Eric Isaac, Ashmore Nathan, Lee Sage Lowell, Cline Mike Nick, Noe Case Eugene, Nye Gene Eugene, Ruano Dale Carl, Noe Lupe Eugene, Leal Ike Donald, Ollie Lewis Low, Eddie Ken Ogden, Andre Gene Adan, Lee Zane Lowell, Lea Hugo Donald, Orr Darin Aaron, Lea Wade Donald, Ash Kevin Ethan, Shane Jose Kass, Noe Miles Owens, Alex Arana Sean, Abe Eugene Sean, Steve Jose Bess, Steve Case Jess, Lee Cota Lowell, Acuna Rene Juan, Roane Cole Carl, Noel Amos Owens, Andre Roney Dan, Rodrigue Andre, Ian Jesus Ennis, Ash Gene Nathan, Lee Vega Lovell, Lea Jere Donald, Lee Pate Lowell, Ott Jason Anton, Eddie Lane Oden, Al Meade Norman, Adam Alec Isaac, Alex Avina Jean, Al Lee Casillas, Ryan Ayala Carl, Alex Arena Jean, Ira Zavala Gail, Austin Omer Sam, Reese Ray Avery, Alex Emil Oneal, Lee Dale Lowell, Lee Wise Lowell, Ott Mike Santos, Noe Eugene Penn, Eddie Jan Elden, Lea Beau Donald, Andre Laney Dan, Noe Mata Eugene, Lee Gino Lowell, Andre Janes Dan, Ryan Avila Karl, Stone Rose Ross, Lee Rose Lovell, Austin Alex Sal, Orr Dominic Ron, Lee Jere Lowell, Ashley Eloy Hal, Lee Luke Lowell, Lee Lane Lovell, Ash Luke Nathan, Lee Cope Lowell, Abe Levine Jean, Ali Louis Arias, Leal Ali Donald, Lee Hite Lowell, Lee Dave Lovell, Ashley Olin Hal, Abe Malone Jean, Eddie Jan Arden, Eddie Dan Alden, Duane Leo Amado, Ali Davis Elias, Noe Lara Eugene, Lee Gene Lowell, Lee Muse Lowell, Leal Asa Donald, Lee Rose Eisele, Arlie Lane Alan, Andre Jame Adam, Ojeda Gene Leon, Eddie Ben Arden, Ira Peter Adair, Cline Mike Dick, Noe Luke Eugene, Andre Jones Dan, Lee Nava Lowell, Shane Jose Sass, Noe Lugo Eugene, Noe Reyes Owens, Reese Guy Avery, Lee Jewel Odell, Ott Jose Santos, Ryan Emile Karl, Ney Eugene Lynn, Chapa Jake Jack, Lee Lugo Lovell, Mario Jose Arms, Clare Mike Mack, Andre Reyes Day, Alex Avila Neal, Lee Rice Lowell, Austin Ames Sam, Luis Avila Bill, Noe Jose Eugene, Crane Mike Jack, Abe Eugene Dean, Reese Gene Kern, Lea Jude Donald, Otto Erin Alton, Waldo Samuel Wm, Luis Avila Will, Adan Eric Isaac, Lee Rico Lowell, Eddie Ken Elden, Eddie Ben Alden, Ott Robin Elton, Arthur Adam Tad, Andre Roland Al, Thomas Otis Ott, Andre Moniz Dan, Ash Cole Nathan, Ashley Alex Hal, Ruano Dale Earl, Lee Mike Lowell, Clare Luke Jack, Noe Dane Eugene, Acuna Dana Juan, Clare Mike Jack, Red Jamie Andre, Eddie Lewis Dew, Austin Emil Sam, Shope Jose Ross, Ott Aaron Anton, Shane Rosa Pass, Abe Moreno Jean, Lea Yoho Donald, Wylie Samuel Wm, Lear Eli Donald, Otto Ivan Alton, Cline Luke Rick
Many more are possible if you include initials, suffixes, prefixes, short words, spelling variations, nicknames, etc.
Eventually you’d find a person of interest but you can’t be sure it was by design.
Seems like a troll tactic Zodiac WOULD actually employ.
It is easy to produce names that fit. Here are 500 examples:
Makes sense, but rather than producing names out of thin air (and with too many possibilities, like you highlight – too many variables when you consider initials, suffixes, prefixes, short words, spelling variations, nicknames) … it would be more narrowing to start from a list of suspects / POI’s and then filter the list based on that criteria. I would hope that frankly law enforcement / FBI have already tried this as a tactic. But I don’t know for sure? Even if there was a list of 1,000’s of suspect or POI names, filtering based on that criteria should at least narrow the playing field.
Another take on this, would be to filter the list of names of graduates from specific schools. A good starting place might even be the students from Riverside that graduated from Ramona High School between the years of 1963-1969. That way the sample size isn’t too large. And on top of that, for this example, specifically favouring first names that start with the letter R and last names that start with the letter H (specifically due to this poem that was found at the College Library ( https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Zodiac_K … csPoem.jpg ). That poem seems authentic and is perhaps before the Zodiac gave himself the "Zodiac" moniker.
P.S. – Thanks for all your research on this case @doranchak and @morf. I only started doing an analysis of the Z340 and Z13 after watching the Hunt for the Zodiac Killer documentary that aired on History.
I think it is problematic to start with a huge pile of names that fit using that method and then assigning any significance to the ones that happen to match names of suspects. Because there are so many names to choose from, it is a bit like throwing Scrabble tiles on the floor until they spell a familiar name. It may be interesting but there was no design to the tiles that predisposed them to that particular name.
Slooowly…Alfred E Neuman is not a match (first and 11th symbol should is the same but letters are F and M, thus two different letters for the same symbol). It’s a close match but it is not. Also, most (if not all, I didn’t check it) of the previous examples do not match the cipher, e.g. Le Amado Donald. They simply do not fit into the cipher structure (srry).
It is not easy to find a (real!) name matching the cipher. I’ve searched tens of thousands of – real – names and did not even find a single one..
Ramona 3,625 names – no match!
Pacific Leandro 349 names – no match!
Pacific San Bernardino 1,852 names – no match!
Benicia 465 names – no match!
Lompoc 325 names – no match!
List with 24,800 names – no match!
Best candidates, all still with at least 1-2 errors (thus also not matching the cipher structure) were
John Everett Jr.
So far, no name matches the cipher (at least 31,416 names checked!).
Also, most (if not all, I didn’t check it) of the previous examples do not match the cipher, e.g. Le Amado Donald. They simply do not fit into the cipher structure (srry).
Correct. But they match when we use thenegotiator’s original premise:
placements #5, #7, and #9 must be a VOWEL (A,E,I,O or U).
Yikes. I looked at that quickly, but you’re correct. Alfred E Neuman is not a direct match – unless "N" is considered to have 2 potential values (which is problematic, BUT something that Zodiac actually did in previous ciphers if you consider the Z408 in it’s entirety). I was considering in my initial example that placements 3 and 11 would have the same character, so yeah it’d violate that rule.
Great to see that you did some digging into real names @Quicktrader. Assuming you wrote some code/scripting to do this? Did you make any considerations for middle names? Like David said, tough to account for all possibilities in the first place unfortunately.
Dovetailing on this train of thought — this brings up something I’ve been thinking about after doing my own mappings of the Z340 and Z408 –> There are individual symbols that map to multiple characters in the Z408 (if you take it into consideration in it’s entirety). So if the Zodiac went even more crazy to obfuscate the Z340 (even more than the Z408), making more symbols that have multiple potential values, it does offer little hope for eventually finding a solution to the Z340, unless the pattern he used to assign the key can be determined. This in combination with his terrible spelling (or on purpose bad spelling) is a recipe for disaster.
I find the end of the Z408 kind of interesting because I see it written everywhere as EBEORIETEMETHHPITI … but if you take the Z408 as a full cipher (that was chopped into 3 pieces only at the end). Then there are actually multiple possibilities for the ending characters given the fact that he used multiple characters per symbol throughout the entire cipher. Here are some examples of the ending unresolved last line of the Z408:
What is your thought on the ending of the Z408? Is the consensus that it is just most likely code without any meaning?
Analyzed the names with Excel (do so with most data except computation requires more). It sounds reasonable that the EBE.. is a filler or anagram, in fact I have no idea. Middle names? Sometimes, depended on how the name showed up in the list.
"I have become very upset with the people of San Fran Bay Area. They have not complied with my wishes for them to wear some nice Zodiac Killer buttons. I promiced to punish them if they did not comply"
Some others:
Yikes. I looked at that quickly, but you’re correct. Alfred E Neuman is not a direct match – unless "N" is considered to have 2 potential values (which is problematic, BUT something that Zodiac actually did in previous ciphers if you consider the Z408 in it’s entirety). I was considering in my initial example that placements 3 and 11 would have the same character, so yeah it’d violate that rule.
Great to see that you did some digging into real names @Quicktrader. Assuming you wrote some code/scripting to do this? Did you make any considerations for middle names? Like David said, tough to account for all possibilities in the first place unfortunately.
Dovetailing on this train of thought — this brings up something I’ve been thinking about after doing my own mappings of the Z340 and Z408 –> There are individual symbols that map to multiple characters in the Z408 (if you take it into consideration in it’s entirety). So if the Zodiac went even more crazy to obfuscate the Z340 (even more than the Z408), making more symbols that have multiple potential values, it does offer little hope for eventually finding a solution to the Z340, unless the pattern he used to assign the key can be determined. This in combination with his terrible spelling (or on purpose bad spelling) is a recipe for disaster.
I find the end of the Z408 kind of interesting because I see it written everywhere as EBEORIETEMETHHPITI … but if you take the Z408 as a full cipher (that was chopped into 3 pieces only at the end). Then there are actually multiple possibilities for the ending characters given the fact that he used multiple characters per symbol throughout the entire cipher. Here are some examples of the ending unresolved last line of the Z408:
ebsorwetemethhpioiWhat is your thought on the ending of the Z408? Is the consensus that it is just most likely code without any meaning?
ebsorietemsthhpiti is a viable alternative, the rest are not. The triangle on the bottom line is not represented by W anywhere on the cipher. The two letter I’s are represented by a T. You have acquired the O from something that looks like an I but isn’t – it has a wavy structure at its foot. It is believed Zodiac encrypted his cipher incorrectly when spelling "dangerous" to "dangeroue".
“I simply cannot accept that there are, on every story, two equal and logical sides to an argument.” Edward R. Murrow.
Why don’t you guys make it easy on yourselves? Just publish a page from the SF phone book.
Alfred E. Newman = MAD (magazine)!!!