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Zodiac 340 Code

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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AK Wilks, Subject: Zodiac 340 Code   Sat Mar 06, 2010 10:34 am

For discussion of the Zodiac 340 Code.

Proposed solutions, ideas, theories.

AuthUser, Subject: 340 possibilities   Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:01 pm

I posted this in my Introduction but wanted to post it here as well:

An update on the ciphers – I’m working with a former work mate that may actually be able to create the column transposition files that I need to continue those tests using ZKDecrypto. If/when that happens, I will be able to use anyone’s help that is willing to do so…

I’ll let everyone know if/when that happens.


calman, Subject: some 340 symbols   Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:59 am

check these symbols that are in the 340
http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/9201 … sss264.gif

http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/6971 … sss259.gif
http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/1472 … sss271.gif
they are also found in the cherokee alphabet as phonetic symbols

interesting how z may have came up with the symbols he used


AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:04 am

This is a first stage solution to the Zodiac 340. I do not know the exact origin of this version, but I think it seems to be largely what is in the 1979 FBI file, which is almost certainly the version done by Robert Graysmith, before he destroys it with his nonsense baby talk gibberish "final solution".

I think Kite and some others on the old ZK board then worked on this Graysmith version.

I do think this is the correct FIRST STAGE solution to the 340.

Nobody – not Graysmith or anyone at the ZK board – ever noticed or found or claimed the words that I mark here. Like BOMBS and LIST appearing diagonally. Two key Zodiac words – what are the odds that happens by coincidence? Then there other words noticed by Kite and myself. Forms of restraints like BARS and LEASH.

I then think this first stage solution needs a Caesar Code analysis with the 0-3-6-9 shift values that Zodiac kept giving us as clues. But that is a seperate topic.

I find it highly unlikely these words all appear by mere chance. They cannot be fabrications or forces by Graysmith because he never noticed them. So either all these happen by chance – doubtful – or they were placed there by Zodiac and this is a correct first stage solution.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:09 pm

OK, in my opinion that doesn’t make any sense, but lets see it.

I do not care much for Farmers code "solutions" – I find them to be highly subjective, abstract and often just strange. They do not follow recognized code principles and they make huge leaps in logic. GWH was not the Zodiac, he is accused of being the Zodiac by a woman with admitted mental health issues who told several people she was the daughter of JFK! The SFPD has said her story did NOT check out and the glasses were not from Mr. Stine. So if Farmer is saying his code solution gives the GWH name that just discredits his work even more. I have yet to see any evidence to suggest Penn was the Zodiac.

But if you want to post Farmer’s work on the 340, please do so. And we have topics for GWH and Penn as well.

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:42 am

I’ve only just found and read this… so, apologies if everyone’s already got it &/or has linked to it elsewhere.

It’s a guy called Thang Dao’s work toward an MSc degree in Computer Science at San Jose State Uni….. (mentions Chris Farmer’s "solutions" BTW). ……. No surprise that Dao’s work doesn’t solve the 340 :no: but it is worth taking a look at I think — especially, I guess, for all you bright sparks who really understand cipher lingo. Hopefully Dao has continued to take an interest in the Z ciphers and might even consider helping us out if someone invites him over.

http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/faculty/stamp/st … Report.pdf

bentley, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:23 am

I have studied Dao’s thesis in the past. The one thing it does prove, along with all the other in-depth analysis, cipher solving computer programs and guys with pocket protectors and huge brains that have worked on the 340 is that it doesn’t seem to help in solving it, at least so far.

This may be good news or bad news. Good news in that there may some simple twist to it (transposition) that one of us part time cipher sleuths still may stumble upon and easily solve it once the twist is discovered. The bad news is the whole thing may be a hoax, i.e. garbage, or the word puzzle that some have claimed to have solved.

There are several clues in the 340 ciphertext that indicate something fishy is going on, the double plus signs, the dashes in row 10 indicating it’s possibly two parts, the U+R TO DIE in row 11, the similarity to a ZODIAC signature at the end, etc., however the most important clue that something out of the ordinary is involved is shown below. As you can see there are two strings of three characters that repeat horizontally and vertically. These are the only places where these strings appear in the cipher, and each set just happens to intersect one character away from each other (the box and the V), both reading in the same direction. IMHO, this is would be extremely unlikely to occur during normal encoding of a standard cipher, on the order of many thousands to one odds, perhaps millions to one. I believe this holds the key to the answer of the 340 cipher, be it a crossword transposition, some extra rows thrown in to confuse, or that it’s just jibberish.

It may also be important to note that these anomalies both occur 4 columns in from the side and one column from the center.

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:20 am

Yep, probably heartening news that Zcipher sleuths probably have a better chance of solving it than a super-computer or somesuch.

VERY eeeenteresting those two L-shaped strings and what they could represent? which way to look at them? are they messages or pointers? scrabbled key words? a key to unlocking the answer? is the whole cipher a set of visual "clews"???????

Something to ponder on here. folks. …….. the Z’s had 40 years of value watchin us run all over town doin "bussy work" NOT solving this one.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:38 am

Yes if anyone has contact info for Mr. Dao please invite him to sign up here. Send him a link to the site and give Morf his name.

And that goes for any other Z researcher or code researcher anyone knows who is serious in their approach to the case and would make a good member.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:44 am

The FBI file indicates the FBI crypto team that there was possible anagram use in the 340 and the Fairfield. The strange things in the 340 indicate probable anagram use. That and the fact that it needs a second stage decode involving a Caesar Code with 0-3-6-9 values is why, IMO, it has not been officially solved.

Here are some other things that can be seen in the 340:

1. A form of the name of a known murderer, code expert and bomb designer who lived in the Bay Area during the time period, a short form of his first name on the first line, last name on the last two lines. A coincidence?

2. Twice we see "LOOK". Is Z telling us to look in the cipher itself for clues?

3. "BOMB".

4. "09" appears three times, six spaces apart.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:51 am

Then we have what may be shapes in the 340.

bentley, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:12 pm

VERY eeeenteresting those two L-shaped strings and what they could represent? which way to look at them? are they messages or pointers? scrabbled key words? a key to unlocking the answer? is the whole cipher a set of visual "clews"???????

Yes, I have pondered this for many a night RTF. The easiest explanation is that these are plaintext words written both horizontally and vertically, and it could certainly be done, however there are no other indications of this in the rest of the cipher and perhaps more importantly, this should not hinder solving the cipher by conventional means if the rest of it still reads as normal (left to right, top to bottom).

One of the other possibilities I’ve considered is every other row being false. This way when he got to the rows in question he just copied the characters from the verticals just for the heck of it. It’s just a wild guess, but if you consider throwing out every other row it does eliminate some of the other questionable things, all the doubles (Ps and +s), the dashes in row 10, the ZODIAC looking signature at the bottom and of course the two strings in question. Alas, I have run this through the ZKdecrypto backwards, forwards and sideways to no avail.

There are other possibilities as well, it was coded as a scroll (starting at top left, then down the last column, across the bottom and back up to row 2, etc., for example). Again IMHO if the thing is for real and someone should stumble across the correct meaning of these two strings, perhaps along with the other things AK has mentioned, we might get somewhere.

BTW credit goes to Smithy for pointing these strings out, at least to me, though I understand one of them had perhaps been pointed out prior.

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon Apr 05, 2010 2:45 pm

Thanks Bentley. Just a quick, cursory glance at those highlighted alternate rows looks to me like there’s quite a lot of <, >, + and similar "quick to write" characters that Z might well have sketched in to add such bogus lines. Hmmmmm

Always seems to me whenever I’m using the Oranchak webtoy on the z340 that I can work something up on the first 3 or 4 rows and the last couple BUT all the lines in between are unmitigated gibberish. Ironically this has made me suspicious of whether the top and bottom rows are the bogus ones.

I’ll spend a while this week mulling over some of the things you’ve mentioned.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:10 pm

RTF, bentley, others –

Using the webtoy, try typing in the first three or so lines of my (FBI file/Graysmith/Kite) proposed solution above, it starts with HERCEANBIGIVETHEMHELLTOO, and watch how several lines below THESEFOOLSHALLSEE will appear!

My other 340 code work gets more POI specific, as it reveals a name, so I posted it in the section for that POI:

http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … 0-t165.htm

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:49 pm

FWIW, here’s one I’ve worked on a bit lately. I call it "streetnames". It has "some" decent results I think in the right-hand section (columns 6-17), generally treating columns 1-5 as bogus…… I originally had the first line as GODAMNSTREETNAMES… and
ol’ Z says he FOTITWRONG (washington st & maple st anyone?) :o

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:44 am

I wrote a post on MB’s site about how I think that perhaps the first 14 letters may be filler and to start from the G on the top line as it looks like GOD, as in the stamp ‘In the Beginning God’. You can practically fit in anything you want on the top line, from the g to the end of the second line, it practically fills half the cipher.

I’m slowly putting in all sorts of things. The Code came after the Stine and Berryessa attacks, after he had ‘Sam’ appear with Belli on the Dunbar show, also about a month after Allen was first interviewed by Lynch (I look at nearly everything), going to look at other unclaimed attacks as well. There could be nothing in it at all or perhaps even one word on each line, who knows.

, Subject: My scrambled solution attempt for the 340 cipher   Thu May 13, 2010 11:52 pm

This is my attempt at a solution for half of the 340 Zodiac cipher.
1) The red ink is the solution
2) The pencil is how it is scrambled in the cipher
3) The black ink is the Zodiac cipher
4) I’ve included a page of the the symbol key
5) There are two errors

morf13, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Fri May 14, 2010 7:24 am

I am not really good with the CODE stuff, but I am interested to see what you guys find. Keep up the good work

AuthUser, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Fri May 14, 2010 11:51 am

This is my attempt at a solution for half of the 340 Zodiac cipher.
1) The red ink is the solution
2) The pencil is how it is scrambled in the cipher
3) The black ink is the Zodiac cipher
4) I’ve included a page of the the symbol key
5) There are two errors


I can’t see the second image. Please check the URL for it and repost.


Edit: That’s odd – after making this post it appeared. Never mind!

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Fri May 14, 2010 11:57 am

This is my attempt at a solution for half of the 340 Zodiac cipher.
1) The red ink is the solution
2) The pencil is how it is scrambled in the cipher
3) The black ink is the Zodiac cipher
4) I’ve included a page of the the symbol key
5) There are two errors


I can’t see the second image. Please check the URL for it and repost.


Edit: That’s odd – after making this post it appeared. Never mind!

I was getting ready to add a direct link to it, then I saw your edit :)

AuthUser, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Fri May 14, 2010 12:04 pm


Nice attempt – I could see Zodiac writing this message AND it would be very difficult to decipher as well….

But, even assuming that there was rearrangements of each set of 4 characters, I believe there would
have to be a pattern of repeating rearrangements to make this a valid decryption.

Still, it’s nice to see a new, unusual attempt like this being made. Thanks!


, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Fri May 14, 2010 12:15 pm


Nice attempt – I could see Zodiac writing this message AND it would be very difficult to decipher as well….

But, even assuming that there was rearrangements of each set of 4 characters, I believe there would
have to be a pattern of repeating rearrangements to make this a valid decryption.

Still, it’s nice to see a new, unusual attempt like this being made. Thanks!


Thank you AuthUser. I always appreciate your feedback. Yes, Sean on the other board mentioned
looking for a "numerical pattern" and a "definable pattern" concerning this. That is also my concern.
And my solution only works for the first half, not the whole cipher…

bentley, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Fri May 14, 2010 10:35 pm

Hi Rembrandt,

That is some great out of the box thinking. Too bad it doesn’t fly all the way through. With all the odd things going on with the 340 ciphertext it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if a solution like this turned out to be correct.

morf13, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Fri May 14, 2010 11:02 pm

Hi Rembrandt,

That is some great out of the box thinking. Too bad it doesn’t fly all the way through. With all the odd things going on with the 340 ciphertext it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if a solution like this turned out to be correct.

Some "busy work" to keep the cops occupied? I could believe it!

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Sat May 15, 2010 1:19 pm

Hi Rembrandt,

That is some great out of the box thinking. Too bad it doesn’t fly all the way through. With all the odd things going on with the 340 ciphertext it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if a solution like this turned out to be correct.

Some "busy work" to keep the cops occupied? I could believe it!

Bentley and Morf,
I wish it had worked for the whole thing, but like Auth said, for it to be correct there must be a repeated pattern…
So far it’s been the best I’ve been able to do with the 340 cipher…. The pilgrimage goes on…. ;)

Theforeigner, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Wed May 26, 2010 6:35 pm

OPORD poster "Back2good" belive she have solved the 340 cipher:

http://www.opordanalytical.com/phpBB3/v … 38&start=0

morf13, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Wed May 26, 2010 7:56 pm

Doesnt really look like a truly solved cipher to me

Theforeigner, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Wed May 26, 2010 7:58 pm

Doesnt really look like a truly solved cipher to me


Zamantha, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Wed May 26, 2010 8:27 pm

Doesnt really look like a truly solved cipher to me


i like the way B2G thought out of the box, and looked at the puzzle books. I mean you never know, and
it hasn’t been solved yet. But she keeps tryin to make the puzzle fit to Guy H. And she keeps thinking
her good friend Debbie told the truth. I mean it just doesn’t add up.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Wed May 26, 2010 8:35 pm

Yeah that does not work. They are going for crazy scrambled words.

I do use some word puzzle aspects in my proposed first stage solution to the 340, here:

This is a first stage solution to the Zodiac 340. I do not know the exact origin of this version, but I think it seems to be largely what is in the 1979 FBI file, which is almost certainly the version done by Robert Graysmith, before he destroys it with his nonsense baby talk gibberish "final solution".

I think Kite and some others on the old ZK board then worked on this Graysmith version.

I do think this is the correct FIRST STAGE solution to the 340.

Nobody – not Graysmith or anyone at the ZK board – ever noticed or found or claimed the words that I mark here. Like BOMBS and LIST appearing diagonally. Two key Zodiac words – what are the odds that happens by coincidence? Then there other words noticed by Kite and myself. Forms of restraints like BARS and LEASH.

I then think this first stage solution needs a Caesar Code analysis with the 0-3-6-9 shift values that Zodiac kept giving us as clues. But that is a seperate topic.

I find it highly unlikely these words all appear by mere chance. They cannot be fabrications or forces by Graysmith because he never noticed them. So either all these happen by chance – doubtful – or they were placed there by Zodiac and this is a correct first stage solution.

morf13, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Wed May 26, 2010 9:47 pm

When you start saying things like "well this word is PASS which rhymes with LASS", then I think you are really trying to see something that may not be there.

bentley, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Wed May 26, 2010 9:56 pm

OPORD poster "Back2good" belive she have solved the 340 cipher:

http://www.opordanalytical.com/phpBB3/v … 38&start=0

Does the "FART OOH" on row 12 not mean anything?

morf13, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Wed May 26, 2010 10:03 pm

OPORD poster "Back2good" belive she have solved the 340 cipher:

http://www.opordanalytical.com/phpBB3/v … 38&start=0

Does the "FART OOH" on row 12 not mean anything?

:lol: :lol:

Zamantha, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Wed May 26, 2010 11:34 pm

OPORD poster "Back2good" belive she have solved the 340 cipher:

http://www.opordanalytical.com/phpBB3/v … 38&start=0

Does the "FART OOH" on row 12 not mean anything?

:lol: :lol:

Means THEY are ALL full of HOT Gas………… GEEZE, who R those guys. And poor Guy H. And how can Back2Good call Deb her good
friend, and believe in her?!??! Am I missing the Zodiac Boat, teehee*

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 2:48 am

I saw the word puzzle soloution the other day, I for on would like to congratulate Opord on their Sterling work, the plaudits they shall receive for cracking the 340 wide open with this fiendish soloution shall run the length and breadth of the country and North Korea. Gareth Penn no doubt as we speak has gone into hiding with his stack of Highlights magazines and a pencil, should the FBI track him down they shall be attacked from a great height (up the nearest tree) with paper airplanes weighed down at the nose with paper clips and airplane cement for better accuracy.

Run Gareth ,Run. Run away like a man in posession of an overdue Library book.

Rest easy peeps for I have found their secret stash of training videos, if we watch we learn, we too can be like Opord, we too can match the Elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7bRwgdL … re=related :lol!:

Quagmire, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 5:24 am

If the rules of this "puzzle" are that you start anywhere and can choose letters in any direction then the laws of mathematics prove that you can find hundreds of words in a set of letters that large. Just about every suspect can be found in there – in fact the worst fit is GWH as to spell just his surname you have to remove some letters, add some and then swap them around.

If this "solution" is correct then the phrase VAG-FART-OOH running across the middle proves that Z had a bizarre sense of humour! :lol:

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 6:51 am

Post by Cel Removed.

Quagmire, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 8:26 am

:study: Ahem, fraid not people, sure you could find many words, but what are odds of finding Hendrixson, or Gareth Sewell Penn, or the many other words which tie in with what Opord has been sayinf for 3 or 4 years? No my friends, the case truly IS solved…. Guy Ward Hendrickson and Gareth S Penn ARE Zodiac..

I’d guess the odds are the same as me having just found Art Leigh Allen, Don Cheney, Rich Gaik, Ted K, Charlie M, Leonard Lake, Otis Toole, Robert Lee Bell, etc, etc! 8)

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 9:46 am

Post by Cel removed. Cel had over 3 warnings ! We tried to play fair!

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 9:49 am


The problem is this is the 157th proposed solution, not the first.

Look at my proposed first stage solution above – it has words, IN ORDER (UNLIKE YOUR PROPOSED SOLUTION), such as THEO, SEE A NAME, BOMBS, LIST, etc. Does that "prove" my proposed solution is correct, or that THEOdore Kaczynski was the Zodiac. No, it doesn’t. It is one bit of evidence the validity of which can be debated. Do the words occur by chance, or were they placed? It can be debated.

I can tell you with the exception of one agency, all of the LE agencies I have contacted or talked to were much more interested in my other evidence – picture/sketch comps, word usage, handwriting, intellectual matches, MO matches – then they were my proposed code solutions. They see a dozens of code solutions a year, all pointing to different suspects. Amd most police are not code experts. There are code solutions out there that point to Allen, Gaikowski, Kaczynski, Manson/Davis, basically every single suspect!

Guy Hendrickson is NOT the Zodiac. He is way too old, almost twice as old as most reports, and he lived in Orange County. The SFPD did something they almost never do, which is announce that the evidence does NOT check out for him. And among the LE people I have talked to, there was ZERO interest in GWH and Penn was only mentioned briefly as an eccentric, there was no thought of him as a suspect.

There is little to no evidence pointing to Penn as a serious suspect, and nothing to suggest that "Zodiac" was a three headed monster of GWH, Penn and Debbie.

I would say "Show us the hard evidence". So far, I don’t see it.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 10:04 am

Just to experiment with this (it is kinda interesting), go to line 3 and you can get a "T", then go down to get an "E", then up for a "D". "TED!

Was Ted also in on this? And his name is in order, unlike most of the other names!

Line 1 has KEAN. Shoule we look for someone by that name? Towards the bottom is HARLY. A name, or was Zodiac into "motorcicles"?

Under the "P" in PENN, you can get most of the letters in KACZYNSKI.

See, the problem is that using the highlights rules, you can get almost any name you want.

I think Z might have used word puzzle elements (as BTK later did), but I think it would be with rules, and it would be clearer, and the words would appear IN ORDER, such as BOMBS, LIST, THESE FOOLSHALL SEE, SEE A NAME, I GIVE THEM HELL TOO.

If you can get almost any name you want, then it doesn’t have validity as evidence.

This doesn’t have the structure, rules or feel of a correct solution.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 1:41 pm

:study: Ahem, fraid not people, sure you could find many words, but what are odds of finding Hendrixson, or Gareth Sewell Penn, or the many other words which tie in with what Opord has been sayinf for 3 or 4 years?

No my friends, the case truly IS solved…. Guy Ward Hendrickson and Gareth S Penn ARE Zodiac.
Chris Farmer still has another report coming out which will support this also.

:bounce: Hooray the case is solved, that is the important thing, we now know who Zodiac is.

I spent all day yesterday talking with FBI and district attorneys and other law enforcement and I can tell you that they are really becoming interested.

:cheers: Touch down! Look for an official solving of the case with these results to happen before too long.

I have heard this a dozen times before. The case unfortunately is NOT SOLVED! You shouldnt go around saying "the case is solved", until it actually is. Let’s let the professional LE officers make statements like that

Thank you Morf…couldn’t agree more.

:rendeer: The handwriting is on the wall. I believe you will see an official solving of the case by the end of this year. :cherry:

I won’t hold my breath.

Nothing wrong with you posting about your suspect (now suspects), but when you claim the case is solved, this REALLY bothers me. If he is basing the majority of his findings on the 340, you won’t get squat from anyone. If Farmer is so brilliant, why didn’t he find Hendrickson (x?) years ago? Hmmm..not until Debbie "comes out". Nah….

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 2:42 pm

Post by Cell deleted. We do NOT name people as suspects here. Only POSSIBLE suspects.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 3:02 pm

Gareth Penn is a living person who has never been convicted of or even charged with a crime. GWH has been cleared by the SFPD.

Be careful to phrase statements of guilt as OPINIONS, or they will be modified or deleted.


tahoe27, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 3:05 pm


You claim the case is solved and that clearly is not so.

I don’t care if you think Barney the dinosaur is Zodiac, but claiming the case to be solved is just WRONG.

Who is claiming it solved? Anyone besides Farmer? Anyone?

It shouldn’t have taken Deb to come out in order for Farmer to find what he did, yet that’s EXACTLY what happened.

Gareth Penn and Guy H. Gotta love it though. How’d those guys meet? Any proof other than the 340 and Deb that they knew each other? Did Deb ever mention Gareth Penn? Maybe it will come back to her. Ugh…

morf13, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 3:09 pm

"I don’t care if you think Barney the dinosaur is Zodiac"

Could you imagine Z walking up at Berryessa in a purple dinosaur costume, instead of a hood…not to make a joke out of the situation, but that would be weird!

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 3:32 pm

This is based on me working on this for about 10 minutes.

I found ALLEN, LEE and ALA.

I also found GAIK.

And TED.

And a few other things.

CEL, do you now see the point that I and others have made in regards to this? Or do you now consider Ted K, Gaikowski and Allen part of the plot?

Yellow marks those claimed words found on the OPORD site, red marks words I found.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 3:53 pm

I have a way of knockin’ peoples theories and I truly don’t mean to be rude when I do so. Believe me, it comes back to me with some of the things I say.

My problems begin when people act like their guy is THE guy and act as if I am ignorant because I don’t see it. Everyone with a suspect cannot have the correct guy. Or maybe the can? By the looks of the 340… :)

morf13, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 4:02 pm

I agree! Look at Dennis Kauffman, he has proven Jack was Z, over and over again. Yet, year after year, the case remains open. :suspect:

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 5:03 pm

Post by Cel removed. Does not match the goal of this forum.

Zamantha, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Thu May 27, 2010 9:05 pm

I have 2 favorite POI’s….that I look at an research. Just don’t post much about them, keep tryin to learn more. Mine are not high on the POI list, but I wouldn’t be surprised IF they are the same as some others fave POI’s. But I have no idea if I’m right, and since I have 2, well maybe only one can be the Z. I agree with Tahoe, keep posting an looking at the evidence and clews and see where they lead. They may lead to your POI, or to another. Keep and open mind. :star:

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Fri May 28, 2010 5:11 pm

Hello all,

I played a little with the proposed 340-cipher solution from Back2Good (similar to the game of Boggle!). Here’s what I decoded:

“We are nineteen northeasterners; we detonate trinitrotoluene (TNT) and make teargases in the laboratories near Nevada. Trespassers there are not tolerated”.

What’s exceptional about this text is that it has long words and every single one can be found in the cipher! Impressive no?

Shown below, each word in the text followed by a list of grid positions where the letters are found:

WE <9,14> <8,14>

ARE <3,9> <4,8> <3,8>

NINETEEN <4,12> <5,12> <4,12> <4,11> <5,10> <4,11> <3,10> <2,9>

NORTHEASTERNERS <13,14> <14,14> <14,15> <15,15> <16,14> <17,13> <17,12> <17,11> <18,12> <17,13> <16,12> <16,11> <15,10> <14,11> <13,11>

DETONATE <16,13> <17,13> <18,12> <18,13> <19,12> <18,11> <18,12> <17,13>

TRINITROTOLUENE <14,7> <14,8> <15,8> <16,8> <15,8> <14,7> <14,8> <14,9> <13,10> <12,10> <11,11> <11,10> <10,9> <10,10> <10,9>

TNT <3,13> <4,12> <3,13>

AND <4,4> <4,5> <5,5>

MAKE <16,15> <17,15> <18,14> <17,13>

TEARGASES <12,9> <13,8> <12,7> <11,6> <12,5> <13,4> <14,3> <13,2> <14,3>

IN <1,9> <2,9>

THE <3,13> <3,12> <4,11>

LABORATORIES <2,8> <3,9> <4,9> <5,8> <4,8> <5,9> <5,10> <6,10> <6,9> <7,9> <8,9> <9,10>

NEAR <2,5> <3,6> <4,6> <5,6>

NEVADA <16,8> <17,7> <18,8> <19,7> <18,6> <19,7>

TRESPASSERS <15,15> <14,15> <14,16> <13,16> <12,15> <13,16> <12,17> <13,16> <14,16> <14,15> <13,16>

THERE <15,15> <16,14> <15,14> <14,15> <14,16>

NOT <11,9> <12,10> <12,9>

TOLERATED <18,12> <18,13> <17,14> <17,13> <16,12> <17,12> <18,12> <17,13> <16,13>

And here’s the grid that was used:

I used a computer program to find all possible words that would fit in the grid. It was then easy to select only the biggest ones and make a phrase with them.

Here’s an extensive dictionary list of possible words. I’m sure with this list in hand you will all be able to do better than I did:



, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Sat May 29, 2010 8:53 pm

Thebes do you really know where Donna Lass’s body is?

Post by Cell edited!

, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Sun May 30, 2010 12:12 am

Thebes do you really know where Donna Lass’s body is?

I showed the place where I believe the Zodiac buried Donna Lass. This is based on my own personal theory. I can’t give any guaranty that she’s really there.

tahoe27, Subject: Re: Zodiac 340 Code   Mon May 31, 2010 7:18 pm

Yah, let’s hope not Thebes! Or we’ll come lookin’ for you! lol


Posted : April 7, 2013 3:59 pm