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Open Letter to the Zodiac

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

Thanks for the concern. If this "Open Letter" was published in the Chronicle, then it should be an easy matter to retrieve the Chronicle for that day. Surely that issue is in their archives and not just sitting in a box somewhere. Yet, I cannot get a response from the Chronicle when I ask for assistance in looking up that issue. I’m willing to pay, if there’s a service fee.

Well Graysmith said it came to the paper, he did not make it clear whether the letter was actually published in the paper. I got the feeling it was not published.

Zamantha told me she would help you if she can.


Posted : January 21, 2014 4:52 am
Posts: 69
Trusted Member
Topic starter

Thank you, Seagull, AK Wilks, and Zamantha.

It’s probably in the paper’s Zodiac box somewhere, unless Graysmith took it home.

There’s no getting any reply from him. I wrote him about this months ago.

The clock is ticking. I’m on a time limit here. So I’d really appreciate if Zamantha could ask her contact about this asap.


Posted : January 22, 2014 10:58 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

gestr I would say contact Zam via a PM. Maybe on a confidential basis you could share with her what you shared with me.

I doubt Mr. Fagan – or anyone at the Chron – will likely take the needed time to completely go through the unorganized boxes and boxes and files and files of Z related material they have, for this fairly obscure item. Meaning I understand why this item is important to you, but it is not likely to be important to the Chron.

One thing Zam has mentioned in the past, and now, is seeing if she could look through those files (she and Sandy were allowed a little access before) and see if she could find this item, and also at my request, the July 1971 "In the woods dies April…near Monticello" card from Zodiac. And who knows what else she might find, IF they allow her to do this.

So send her a private message would be my suggestion.


Posted : January 22, 2014 8:25 pm
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

The following excerpt is posted under the fair use act, as this is a non-profit website, and it is posted here only for purposes of research, education and discussion.

When Graysmith says "the paper" I think he is referring to the paper he worked at, the SF Chronicle.

I would try writing or calling them. Perhaps Zam or Sandy could ask their contact at the paper. But it might well be thrown out, or buried in a box somewhere. There is nothing to indicate the police ever had a copy, so I can’t help you with a FOIA request.

Can I ask what is your particular interest in this letter?

For me it brings to mind the book "Most Evil" and the man who claimed his father was both the Black Dahlia Killer and the Zodiac. IMO the evidence shows he absolutely was not the Zodiac and probably not the BDK either. His name was Steve Hodell?

Other than that I am not sure this is anything but a crank or hoax letter, one of hundreds the SF Chronicle got. But perhaps it is of interest to you as it matches something with your poi.

For me it brings to mind George Hunter White…especially the part about giving "killing lessons", given his background.


Posted : January 23, 2014 1:33 am
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