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The Strange Zynchronicity of Dr Seuss…..

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I was doing some research on the suspect ‘Zode’ when I ended up down an unexpected zynchronicity rabbit hole involving Dr Seuss. Being 65 at the time of the LHR attack I understand that it is extremely unlikely that Theodore Seuss Geisel is our man, but I felt compelled to share what I had found as, on the surface, there are some very intriguing links to Z.

His name first came up when I was searching for Zode online and came across a poem entitled ‘The Zode in the Road’. Its construction is typical Seuss and nothing jumps out as relevant to the case, but I was intrigued when I saw it on a website next to another, much later poem of his – ‘The Juice’ – which is somewhat darker and tells the tale of a man protesting his innocence when accused of killing his wife. It’s apparently based on the OJ Simpson trial (hence, ‘Juice’), but seems oddly crass for a world-renowned children’s author. Almost sounded like a confession of sorts, which got my suspicious brain whirring and led to the following zynch-laden discoveries. The 2 poems can be found here:

1) His full name was Theodore Seuss Geisel – or, in numbers, 13 letters for first/last name, 18 letters for first/middle/last name = the 2 anagrams that could be Zodiac’s name. Many people do not realise that the middle name is pronounced ‘Zoice’, a small ‘Z’ coincidence but I can’t help but think of the ‘Z’ symbol on the Bates letters when I see Seuss’s autograph:

2) He was university educated in the UK (British English influence?) and lived in Southern California for a large part of his adult life, 2 hours south of Riverside. Luckily quite a few examples of his letters and cards survive for our analysis, here’s a selection of ones I found with some startling similarities to Z. Most notable are the candycane ‘f’, distinctive ‘s’, + sign ‘t’, distinctive ‘n’ and ‘r’. Also noticeable is the curvature to the baseline of some sentences, and the fact that at least two of these letters look to have been written with blue felt pens, surely quite unusual for a grown man in the 1960s?

Next post for more….

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : October 19, 2017 10:31 pm
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3rd and 4th letter example:

Note the ‘I guess’ at the bottom of these notes, very similar to the ‘SFPD = 0, Z = guess’ letter

Next post for the most intriguing bit….

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : October 19, 2017 10:34 pm
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3) Finally, he sent 2 Christmas cards in 1970 and 71, which is after the disappearance of Donna Lass, and between them the 2 cards display some odd coincidences. Both of these have been sold at auction and therefore, I assume, confirmed as genuine – therefore the fact that the first card here shows a completely different cursive script that very closely matches the ‘St Donna , Guardian of the Pines’ card is quite chilling. The second card contains hand-drawn Christmas trees, reminiscent of the Lass Christmas card – here the script is back to being very Z-like, and ends with his trademark swirly underlining. The construction reminds me a lot of the dripping pen card that ends with …’ Do My Thing!’ followed by 6 underscores.

That’s the end of my road for now. Obvious logic tells me that there can’t be anything in this, but it’s a strange set of pictures to have found, that’s for sure.

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : October 19, 2017 10:36 pm
Posts: 5315
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Certainly some handwriting similarities.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : October 20, 2017 1:11 am
Posts: 2598
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Definitely..the curly Th is different, however..



Posted : October 20, 2017 10:54 am
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It’s the Christmas cards that really interest me. It is clear that the chances of him being Z are next to zero, but these cards (verified by auction) show two very distinct handwriting styles. I would understand why an artist/author would have a ‘private’ writing style and a ‘public’ one, but the Christmas card with the neat cursive is the only example I can find where he deviates from the zodiac style; all of the examples I posted are private communications from what I can tell, so he should have no need to switch.

As far as we can take any faith in handwriting psychoanalysis, apparently the wavy/curving baseline shows someone who is emotionally unstable and losing control. Coupled with the OJ poem, I think the most likely explanation of any link to Z is that he developed a darker sense of humour as he got older and could have been responsible for a couple of sick jokes in the form of fake Zodiac letters and the card to Donna Lass’s sister. So what we might have here is a suspect for any of the forged/suspect letters rather than Z himself.

(Edited to add this further observation): More food for thought on this one; Donna Lass goes missing in September 1970, after which her sister receives a christmas card in neat cursive script including the phrase ‘Guardian of the Pines’. In 1971 Dr Seuss publishes ‘The Lorax’, who is widely referred to as ‘Guardian of the Forest’ (although not explicitly in the book). That same year Seuss sends his own christmas card to a friend in very similar and uncharacteristic cursive script. I still can’t think of a reason why a man would change his writing style for one single card. Anyone else?

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : October 20, 2017 11:15 am
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Here’s another one – his 1963 poem ‘ABC’ which is basically a set of rhyming couplets for each letter using weird and surreal animals/situations of which he was an undeniable master. The last set, for Z is quite interesting:

BIG Z, little z, what begins with Z?
I do. I am Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz as you can plainly see.

No other self-reference in the other letters, only Z. He seemed to like that one.

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : October 20, 2017 5:25 pm
Posts: 821
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I was doing some research on the suspect ‘Zode’ when I ended up down an unexpected zynchronicity rabbit hole involving Dr Seuss. Being 55 at the time of the LHR attack I understand that it is extremely unlikely that Theodore Seuss Geisel is our man, but I felt compelled to share what I had found as, on the surface, there are some very intriguing links to Z.

His name first came up when I was searching for Zode online and came across a poem entitled ‘The Zode in the Road’. Its construction is typical Seuss and nothing jumps out as relevant to the case, but I was intrigued when I saw it on a website next to another, much later poem of his – ‘The Juice’ – which is somewhat darker and tells the tale of a man protesting his innocence when accused of killing his wife. It’s apparently based on the OJ Simpson trial (hence, ‘Juice’), but seems oddly crass for a world-renowned children’s author. Almost sounded like a confession of sorts, which got my suspicious brain whirring and led to the following zynch-laden discoveries. The 2 poems can be found here:

1) His full name was Theodore Seuss Geisel – or, in numbers, 13 letters for first/last name, 18 letters for first/middle/last name = the 2 anagrams that could be Zodiac’s name. Many people do not realise that the middle name is pronounced ‘Zoice’, a small ‘Z’ coincidence but I can’t help but think of the ‘Z’ symbol on the Bates letters when I see Seuss’s autograph:

2) He was university educated in the UK (British English influence?) and lived in Southern California for a large part of his adult life, 2 hours south of Riverside. Luckily quite a few examples of his letters and cards survive for our analysis, here’s a selection of ones I found with some startling similarities to Z. Most notable are the candycane ‘f’, distinctive ‘s’, + sign ‘t’, distinctive ‘n’ and ‘r’. Also noticeable is the curvature to the baseline of some sentences, and the fact that at least two of these letters look to have been written with blue felt pens, surely quite unusual for a grown man in the 1960s?

Next post for more….

I highlighted your claim, that Dr. Seuss/Theodor Seuss Geisel was 55 years old at the LHR attack, in red.

Theodore Seuss Geisel was born 1904, so he was not 55 at the time of the 1969 LHR attack, he was 65 years old in 1969.


Theodor Seuss Geisel ; March 2, 1904 – September 24, 1991

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : October 24, 2017 2:25 am
Posts: 301
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You’re right, thank you. I shall correct the original post as it gives even more credence to the next statement that ‘it’s extremely unlikely that he is our man’ ;)

I’m still mulling over 2 aspects of this that are bothering me, these being the xmas card writings and the letters written in blue felt tip pen. On one hand I would love to suspect that he is the forger of some of the probable fake Z letters, but on the other hand would someone of that age with such a seemingly busy life really have the time or inclination for such things?

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : October 30, 2017 6:54 pm