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Gareth Penn's California magazine article

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I finally located a copy of the California magazine where Penn using the name of George Oakes wrote about the Zodiac Killer and his suspicions etc. I have seen this article referenced many times, more than 17 :D , but I’ve never been able to find a copy of the actual article.

The quest for it has been compounded by the fact that there are varying titles of the magazine where it is published.

Butterfield mentions it on two different pages of his website but he says-

"Penn authored an article for the California’s magazine New West, written under the pseudonym “George Oakes,” and titled, “Portrait of the Artist as a Mass Murderer.” "


And Here-

http://zodiackillerfacts.com/zodiac-the … ael-ohare/

The article is in California magazine, not New West. Although, California magazine was originally titled New West.

History of the magazine- http://articles.latimes.com/1991-07-30/ … a-magazine

Then at Mike Martin’s site, he has the name of the magazine correct and the month and year correct, too, but it’s buried in a confusing sentence with three magazine titles. And he has a picture of a different magazine, a New West, next to the confusing sentence and the webpage highlighted links don’t always take you where you expect.

http://weeklyscientist.blogspot.com/200 … ght-2.html

The magazine and article are mentioned on quite a few sites but no one has posted it. The title of the magazine seems to be equally referred to as California or New West at the various sites.

I have a feeling that few have read the entire original article and any comments about it on websites are being pulled from an article written by former Vallejo Times Herald reporter Jim Laube. Martin has a copy of the Laube article posted at the above link.

Also, on Martin’s webpage under the heading The Zodiac Times, there is a link to a list of articles that Gareth Penn wrote for Ecphorizer, a SF based Mensa periodical, except that the link does not go to the list of articles! I found the list though, those Mensa people can’t fool me!

http://www.ecphorizer.com/EPS/site_cont … page_num=8

Penn has written a number of articles for the periodical and a few are Zodiac Killer related. I did not look at and read all of Penn’s articles because I’m not that into self abuse…….

Here is the magazine cover and article in its entirety. Discuss…..


Posted : February 2, 2016 2:43 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

You’ve got them all beat. Always seeking accuracy…and you find it!

Ok…first, the dog and those glasses. It looks just like the composite. 8-)

What’s up with that Zodiac outfit?

Will read this in it’s entirety, but I always find it amusing when technical math solutions tend point to murder sites we were already aware of. He’s obviously a smart man–will read up soon. Thanks Seagull!

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : February 2, 2016 3:31 am
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

Thanks for posting that, Seagull!

There’s another version that article included in the new FBI files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx2ZxP … sp=sharing <== On page 37 is a letter from New West magazine to the FBI concerning Penn’s articles. The article begins on page 38 and seems to be the original submission from Penn before the editors cleaned it up.


Posted : February 2, 2016 2:58 pm
Posts: 2547
Famed Member

Thanks Seagull!

I did not look at and read all of Penn’s articles because I’m not that into self abuse…….



Posted : February 2, 2016 6:07 pm