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San Francisco Examiner Oct. 23, 1969

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Yes thanks for posting that Seagull.

Glurk sent me the link to Quinn’s post earlier. All nice and neatly tied up, now if only the 340 could be that simple.

I wonder if it’s interesting that Zodiac didn’t respond. I suppose there are only limited options.

1. He never saw the article.
2. He just wasn’t going to play their game.
3. He couldn’t figure out the cipher lol, that would be telling.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : April 24, 2013 7:46 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

A poster named Quinn at ZK.com found a reference to this code in the book, "The Cases That Haunt Us" by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker. Now we know the backstory…

Yes, good, I knew I’d read it somewhere!
BTW, it’s a fun book, that. (I found the material on the Zodiac unintentionally hilarious.)

Posted : May 30, 2013 9:04 pm
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

This oddity was in the the "The Stanford Daily" the next day after the "San Francisco Examiner Oct. 23, 1969" news report:

http://stanforddailyarchive.com/cgi-bin … ler——#

The Stanford Daily, Volume 156, Issue 21, 24 October 1969

Message To The Zodiac Killer
(Last Sunday, the San Francisco EXAMINER printed an impassioned message for the now-famous Zodiackiller. Below, we offer our own version of the EXAMINER’S eloquent statement). Let there be no more killing. But if you must, try Paul McCartney. Police say you are intelligent. If you are, give yourself up and face execution. You are being hunted everywhere in he state and nation. But don’t get jumpy. You are alone in this world. Have you noticed that most of your friends
have deserted you? You are as much a victim of your crimes as those whoses lives you snuffed out. Of course you do seem to be in better condition. You cannot walk the streets a free man. Of course, we have no idea who you are. But you will be caught, there is no doubt. The police have staked out every school bus in town and Melvin Belli has been made a permanent guest on every talk show in the Bay Area. You face life as a hunted, tormented animal—unless you help yourself. Surrender. We have plenty of
cages available. We ask that you give yourself up to The Daily. We offer you no protection, and no sympathy. But we do offer you the best medical help available and all the benefits your legal rights afford. We offer you the opportunity to transfer into our fine institution. We offer you a trailer in Manzanita Park. We offer you a ticket to see Stanford in the Rose Bowl. We offer you all the plastic cups we can produce with your signature and photograph. The food service has consented to feed your chocolate ice cream even if it isn’t
available. We offer you a plastic dolly. We offer you a seat in the balcony at the flicks. We offer you credit in Professor Erlich’s Population Biology course. And best of all we offer to tell YOUR STORY! Why have you killed? We will give you everything. Your horoscope for today says your anger at society is unwarranted, that you will soon come into great fortune. We offer you a subscription to Fortune magazine. We invite you to our staff meeting on Monday at noon. Lunch is free. If
you have other things to do, call the Daily anytime. Ask for anyone. We are a community newspaper. The telephone number is 321-2300 x 4632. Call collect, what the hell. Your call will not be traced. We cordially invite our neighborly newspaper The Palo Alto Times to give you a better deal. Just cut your hair and mumble kk l hate radicals." Chances are they will make a more promising overture. Just remember Mr. Zodiac, you are being hunted everywhere in he state and nation. There is no safety for you, anywhere. Craig Wilson

And then this, response to the above, was written to the editor a week later Oct 31, 1969 :

http://stanforddailyarchive.com/cgi-bin … ler——#

The Stanford Daily, Volume 156, Issue 26, 31 October 1969

Poor Taste

Editor, THE DAILY:

Your "Message to the Zodiac Killer" in my opinion is a stupid and tasteless statement. I had come to expect more sense and maturity from Stanford students. Satire is a legitimate form of social comment, but in my opinion, inappropriate when applied to mentally twisted and distorted individuals. This sort of callous insensitivity surprises and distresses me on the Stanford campus.
John I. Maurer, M.D.

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : March 31, 2015 9:42 pm
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