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VTH article 7/10/2017

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VTH Article.
Article on The Zodiac Killer:
http://www.timesheraldonline.com/genera … l-the-tale

If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote

Posted : July 11, 2017 8:22 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Did you notice Tahoe how the woman stated that David Faraday was found in the Rambler. Pierre Bidou on no less than four occasions, in print and on video, stated David Faraday was discovered inside the vehicle.
In the True Crime video with Aphrodite Jones (2010) https://youtu.be/TFp9s3cwkms?t=11m9s Pierre Bidou twice mentions David Faraday being inside the car, at 11:17 and 11:45 into the video he states "The young man was still in the car" and "you see the male in the car still breathing." In the Benicia Herald zodiac-case/ article it states "Inside the car, the officers found a boy in the passenger’s seat who appeared as if “he was trying to get out” of the car. Bidou remembers seeing the shattered glass of the car window, pierced by a bullet. More poignantly, he also remembers that the boy was still breathing." Also on ‘Richard Gaikowski-The Case of the Zodiac Killer’ video https://youtu.be/j7-SPl0AlxE?t=13m17s we get a further example at 13:22 where Bidou says "The male was still halfway in the vehicle and he was showing signs of breathing."
How many times can this be stated until it begs a question.

Posted : July 11, 2017 11:57 am
Posts: 93
Estimable Member

She says that she had an encounter with Zodiac around 3 or 4 months after the murder at Lake Herman Road, but she also says that at the time Zodiac had already commited his attacks at Blue Rocks and Lake Beryessa. This is a huge discrepancy in her story.

You always hear people who claim back at the time that they had a possible encounter with Zodiac. Some of them might be truthfull and something strange happened to them – but most of this claims I feel are either hysteria or outright fabrications.

Posted : July 11, 2017 3:53 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

The description of the man seems suspiciously close the details at PH. She may very well have experienced something, but who knows if it was an innocent encounter and the man had no bad intentions, or she has simply construed the encounter as a more dramatic in her mind, in light of the fear of recent events. This probably indicates she probably traveled on Lake Herman Road subsequent to September 27th 1969. Had it been 3 to 4 months after LHR, the fear would unlikely to be that dramatic. She stated “The Zodiac had already killed the couple in Berryessa and Blue Rock Springs by then,” she said. “We were all told to stay away from that place, but, we were 16, and we decided to drive out to Lake Herman Road at 10:30 or so at night.” Well, the Zodiac Killer hadn’t declared himself the Zodiac Killer 3 to 4 months after LHR, so it’s extremely likely her encounter was in the fall of 1969, not April or May. She is recalling things with limited knowledge of the case, and therefore has simply underestimated the period between 12/20/69 and her experience.

Posted : July 11, 2017 4:23 pm
Posts: 63
Trusted Member

If her story is true as stated and they drove out there after a traumatic experience of losing a close friend, then it was a setup for something to appear to be Z-related with all the anxiety around it for them. There were a lot of people who thought they encountered the Zodiac back then that I’m sure did not. Scary times.


Posted : July 17, 2017 11:16 am