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Harvey Colliver Doc…
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Harvey Colliver Documents of interest.

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You’re right about that.

Posted : September 26, 2019 4:01 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

I don’t really want to disagree with you, however, because there are many different opinions in this case and we use those different opinions to make individual decisions, I guess I’ll post this, but know disrespect to your opinion, but I have a totally opposite one. I’ve been around a TON of people on acid and they are very capable of doing murders like that, and in my opinion whoever did those murders very much could have been on acid or any other drug for that matter; not saying they were, but they certainly could have been(my opinion). without getting too revealing out here, I think I have a pretty good idea of what WHACKY people can do.

as far as the writing, why could they not be on acid and writing the communications, most of our great musician’s of the time wrote magical lyrics because they were on acid. it just makes your neurons fire all over and pick up on stuff in an unusual way, it does not make you stupid

but then of course there is LSD-25 and there is acid made of who knows what. but still I’ve been around a lot of people on both. A lot of us were taking acid before it was even illegal.

I’ll just say I have some experience with it myself and leave it at that.

I just believe it required a very clear head for Zodiac to do what he did AND NOT GET CAUGHT. Not only not get caught we still don’t really have a clue who he was to this day. I think the guy was sober as a judge and nutty as a fruitcake.

Posted : September 26, 2019 7:31 pm
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

I just believe it required a very clear head for Zodiac to do what he did AND NOT GET CAUGHT. Not only not get caught we still don’t really have a clue who he was to this day. I think the guy was sober as a judge and nutty as a fruitcake.

I agree that LSD would not leave someone with a clear head to do what they did AND NOT GET CAUGHT. Someone nutty as a fruitcake would not have a clear head either, to do what they did and, NOT GET CAUGHT.

The zodiac was not on drugs and was sane through and through. He knew what he was doing.



Posted : September 26, 2019 7:43 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

hmmm, this is interesting, I’ll have to take a better look at this. I’m still trying to organize all this stuff as we have missing pieces and parts of these things are scattered around throughout memos here and there where Harvey has thought about them over different time periods.

This is not something one can put back together quickly. First I think we have to put together HIS alphabet arrangement and then he also uses anagrams(including antigrams), metonyms, double speak anonyms, and of course he definitely tells rebus stories, which of course means nothing he is actually talking about.

his GOBISBAC he says is Governement Business Bank. That is a laugh.

And here is another piece of rebus he keeps using, CEASAR . the coin, render to ceasar what is due to ceasar, and we assume he is talking about money… no… he is saying SIEZE HER. grab or take. and RENDER is to PAY BACK … which is also trade or BARTER and we see the BARTER with the shark rebus.

I have to blow this up, I can’t see half of what this says on here. He uses every coding rule you can imagine, even more advanced that the most lax Nations which allows you to make up your own rules so long as you are consistent and have your checks in place. He understands it perfectly and that is really all that matters. He does this so those who need to understand it will, and those he does not want to understand it, won’t. Then again, we have to realize, this is how his mind works, and sometimes people think things are more simple that they are because they are just complex and don’t realize that other people don’t think that way.

I can’t see this right off, I’m almost blind from staring at this screen so much. how is he spelling enneth on here. is that an E or and O before the T. and what is that he crossed out right before that?

then you have the process level time. along with clocktime. timeclock… watch . also Clock Time.

I’ll work on this later. right now I’m working on something else. but this should give you a start

Posted : September 26, 2019 8:19 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Someone nutty as a fruitcake would not have a clear head either, to do what they did and, NOT GET CAUGHT.

Sure they could, they do it all the time. Look at Dennis Rader. He otherwise lived a quiet, normal life.

Posted : September 26, 2019 8:20 pm
Posts: 383
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it is always good when everyone has different opinions, this way we really don’t miss anything. not all people react in the same ways in different circumstances. people in one clique under a certain set of circumstance and a certain background could act totally different than another person with a different background and another set of circumstances in their surrounding environment. So I think depending on ALL of the variables, we can each have a different opinion and still all be right. What is important is to look at every possible scenario and try them all until one fits.

Posted : September 26, 2019 8:22 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Someone nutty as a fruitcake would not have a clear head either, to do what they did and, NOT GET CAUGHT.

Sure they could, they do it all the time. Look at Dennis Rader. He otherwise lived a quiet, normal life.

I never thought dennis was a fruitcake at all. a weird sense of humor yes, but I get that kind of humor. I think "crazy" has many meanings and we label people differently. I am sure most of you think I’m a fruitcake, I’m not. but in your world you perceive me as such, in my world, I’m perfectly normal.

I am sure people think many tribal people (I don’t mean american indians/first nations) have some really crazy beliefs and culture and their customs are labeled crazy, etc… but if they were to act any other way within their culture THEN they would be considered crazy. It’s just all in the environments we are raised and what our beliefs are. people are like artwork, and when you look at them, you might think it is a really good piece or art or something off the wall. look at van gogh.. a lot of people think he was nuts from looking at some of his paintings. I just think he was complex and saw things differently. and I love STarry Night, but some people look at it and say, huh? this guy has something wrong with him.

I don’t believe Dennis was crazy, he just had a belief system going on that most people don’t have. people think he was crazy and dumb and a z copycat etc. There are people who think any belief system other than their own, are all bizarre and crazy. Can we really say which is right and which is wrong? We each believe what we believe, and if we really believe it, that is the norm for us. and those who believe the same way consider us normal, everyone else thinks we are crazy.

when a person starts practicing an unaccepted belief in a place where most of the people do not believe that way, then the person is labeled crazy by the majority. Those practicing the same belief think the person is perfectly normal. That goes for any belief. Whether it be Christian, the Occult, ancient religions, tribal beliefs etc. I think each person on the face of this earth can look at any of them and see a LOT of craziness going on in all the beliefs, but those practicing them, who believe and follow them, they don’t see anything at all crazy going on.

and don’t kid yourself, the military had some very strange beliefs, and still does, our government does some very strange things that I think is totally crazy. and I’m not talking politics.. I’m talking about what they believe is perfectly fine to do to people both known and unknown. I think a lot of this "craziness" you see out here is the result of that. you have to wonder how a lot of these sk’s end up so WHACKY? they are programmed to believe in something or a lot of times they don’t even know it, and then you end up with what our society thinks is crazy, when it was actually the powers of our society’s who made them that way.

you think killers can’t function on LSD, well our government thought so when they gave it to the soldiers. My father in law being one of them. he was OSS btw.

Posted : September 26, 2019 8:55 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

so if we look at Harvey in the context of The Zodiac complexity we (or at least I do) see that in many ways he is much like what people call the person Zodiac, and Dennis Rader and many others. btw, I do not believe The Zodiac is one person who did the "known" killings. Of course that is not a much accepted belief either, so many times I’m labeled crazy for that thought. Does that make me crazy? no, it just means I think something different than the majority of others who are out here posting about it.
Am I right? who can say? I can believe it and say it, but does it make it so in the minds of others. NO; rather it makes me "crazy".

Now do we think Harvey is crazy? I don’t. Not at all. Do I think he is mad… definitely, sometimes MAD in the sense of being angry, is considered MAD in the sense as insane. I believe he is mad/angry, and using his believe system to render unto ceasar what he believes they deserve. I believe someone deserves something for what was done to him, and in his own way he is punishing the power of society for what they did, however, in order to do that and get their attention, he has to punish individuals. At least he is choosing them according to something they have done, and not just running off into a mall or school and shooting up EVERYONE… also when you Bomb people you do hit other people as well, but so does every government on this planet, and it is called, CASUALTIES OF WAR… our government teaches us that is all fine and dandy.. so I guess if you are taught that, then it is perfectly okay in WAR.. right? so if someone is out here in a WAR with someone who just keeps ignoring them and they outnumber you and treat you like you are crap etc… then you have to GET THEIR ATTENTION SOME WAY.. = Serial Killer. victims are a casualties of war, so pick the ones who are doing something to you anyway, or pick the others to get the attention of the faction you are really at war with.

Harvey, BTK, and many others are just plain mad and fed up and they are all out here doing all of this = The Zodiac.

Posted : September 26, 2019 9:14 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

I think the authorities know a ton more than they say they do. they have to. and it is my guess they have a ton of communications and getting more all of the time. Now they can "pick up" on communications on the net, so they are out here monitoring the net. People are getting more and more crafty in their communications and the gov is trying like hell to figure this stuff out. I see it all the time.

the surfacing of all of Harveys communications etc, can tell us a lot but someone has to figure that stuff out. can the gov figure it out? can they figure out the communications that we label the zodiac killer communications and ciphers? you would think they could. and it is very possible the scribe sent them a key. but why? why did the scribe send them a key? and is it the correct key? that is the big question… so perhaps they really don’t have THE KEYS. But The Zodiac, being who they are, might have thought it funny to send a fake key (one that would still make surface sense) and keep them BUSY, while everyone else was communicating back and forth with the REAL KEYS. that is very possible. it’s very interesting to CLOCK TIME this stuff, if you will. I’m a watcher… I watch to see when the gates open and when they close. we all have a purpose in life, whether we know it or not. Some of us find it and some of us don’t. does not mean we are crazy, it just means someone has revealed to us a revelation.

I’m here to work on communications, that is all. And harvey has some very interesting ones. It’s going to take time to get through them all and probably never will. telling a story in a language no one understands is very difficult.

Posted : September 26, 2019 9:27 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

there is a LOT more to this picture than what is inside the frame. so many times a large picture is cut down to fit the frame one has, rather than looking for a larger frame. When this is done, you lose half the meaning of the surrounding landscape

If I have a picture of a child playing on the beach as the ships roll in and the old man is fishing on the nearby wharf, and the whales and albatross are diving and flying above the horizon; and if I give someone else a copy of that picture, but they have only a tiny frame, they could cut that picture down and all they have left is a child with a bucket on the beach. You might think he is just out there building a sand castle or running to the water, his bucket to fill. you totally never see the old man on the wharf or the other things in the landscape. I say don’t put the copy of the picture in any frame at all. if you do, you won’t every get the meaning of the artist.

Posted : September 26, 2019 9:36 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

I need to get off of here. I do not want to derail this thread

Posted : September 26, 2019 9:42 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

Sara – Bob Dylan.
Love this song
this is a perfect example 1976.

we all ran to the water our buckets to fill,
while the shells fell from our hands.
it’s all so clear

writing sad eye’d lady of the lowlands for sara.
how did I meet you I don’t know,
a messenger sent you
scorpio sphynx
you gave me a map and a key to your door

so in 1992 Naso decides to kill Sara Dylan(Renee Shiparo) . why?
Naso is another "buffalo bill" Cody, not to be confused with "wild bill" Hickok( as so many people do)
probably because too many people where cutting the picture and using the small frame
leaving only the children on the beach filling their buckets.
then a message was sent to the scorpio sphynx
another map and another key to the door

I have some interesting stuff here from Naso in correspondence to me. quite a discovery .
Another very interesting guy. Is he crazy, I don’t think so. He kind of reminds me of harvey.
all these people and all these keys, so many doors but all to the same castle.
question is, who is the KING of the castle, and is the King really the one who rules? or is it his Queen?
No King of Clubs can rule without his queen of hearts. there is no Zodiac without HER.

and how many Hurricanes are still BLOWIN in the WIND?

so how many more you going to lock up???
how many more are going to die?
The clock keeps on ticking, it just keeps on tickin’, we all keep getting older, we all are Clockin’ Time.
We’re watching the watching the THE TImE CLOCK, the question is what time zone is the king and queen in?
I’m a GateKeeper. I’m watching the gates. It’s amazing what I see.

as Harvey said, "words have NO meaning" . but they always have a KNOW meaning

The Gates Of Zodiac — You need the keys to enter.

Posted : September 26, 2019 10:59 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

"I don’t want to derail this thread", then posts immediately with random song lyrics and bizarre riddles again.

Posted : September 26, 2019 11:01 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

"I don’t want to derail this thread", then posts immediately with random song lyrics and bizarre riddles again.

well then people need to stop sending invitations and bumping threads for me to read.
maybe you should ask Simplicity why HE wants me here. He’s the one inviting me.
You blame ME for answering him? He’s a wild bill hickok, but that’s not going to figure this out.
If you don’t want a buffalo Bill Cody here, then I suggest your tell your wild bill hickok to stop inviting me.

Jacob this is not bizarre RIDDLES or RANDOM song lyrics. I’m explaining something to Simplicity because HE ASKED.

I am sure there are a LOT Of things on the Z case YOU explain to someone that others do not understand, including me, but that does not mean I come along and jump all over you just because I don’t understand you. so why do that to me?
Especially when Harvey is definitely a wild bill cody and I’m speaking his language, to someone who is apparently trying to understand it. ????? ok, I don’t get what people want from me at all. please do not invite me to any more threads on this board. I’ll go discuss this all somewhere else.

And Simplicity, please quit inviting me to threads where people do not want me to be, this is getting ridiculous and very old.

also I messaged with Sandy last night and she knows who I am, so I’ll go talk to her and just bypass all of this. At least she ‘gets it".

Posted : September 26, 2019 11:18 pm
Posts: 383
Reputable Member

so on that NOTE…

I’m going, but you can’t blame me if the Golden Gate Blows to Kindgom Come.
I can tell you things, but that’s all I can do. If you do nothing about it, then I GUESS that is your fault

and Jacob, is THAT "clear" enough for "YOU". I hope so

Posted : September 26, 2019 11:36 pm
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