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Ann Bernice Duncan …
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Ann Bernice Duncan – Shelley Irene Holmboe

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In his 07/31/69 letters, Z claimed to having killed three persons:

"This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass (sic!) at Lake Herman + the girl on the 4th of July near the golf course in Vallejo"
(Ferrin, Jensen & Faraday)

Z obviously was aware that Mageau had survived his attack.

On 11/09/69, less than four months later, Z claimed to having killed a total of 7 victims (bus bomb letter). This number would include Paul Stine and Cecilia Shephard, resulting in a total of five.

Therefore, Z had two additional victims between 07/31/69 and 11/09/69.

The only two victims in California I am aware about are Ann Bernice Duncan and Shelley Irene Holmboe. Thus, a conclusion might be that either both of them are definite Z victims OR that Z had killed outside of the State of California? Or that a body hasn’t been found (none matching to Z was missing)? Or Furlong/Snoozy, however Karl F Werner confessed to those..



Posted : April 19, 2018 2:40 am
Posts: 810
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Or the count had nothing to do with victims at all.


Posted : April 19, 2018 3:27 am
Posts: 2598
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Or the count had nothing to do with victims at all.


"Up to the end of October I have killed 7 people"

One female body was found near Lompoc (‘new’ information..no idea if the body was later identified..not listed as unidentified, however)



Posted : April 19, 2018 3:30 am
Posts: 2598
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Holmboe appears to have been a victim of dogs:

"A two-year-old Los Gatos girl, who was believed to have died at the hands of a knife-wielding slayer five days ago, apparently was killed by a pack of wild dogs. Santa Clara County Coroner l John Hauser said Thursday rej examination of the body of ‘Shelley Holmboe, and comparijson with pictures of other dog I iattack victims, clearly indicat-‘ jed the child was killed by I animals. Shelley’s body, which contained nearly 200 wounds, was ! found less than three miles from a spot where two San .Jose teen-age girls were killed ilast Aug. 4. They were stabbed a total of 350 times. Santa Clara County Sheriff Charles Prelsnik said the dog theory wap “as good as any we have, probably better.” But he said he was reluctant to abandon completely the stabbing line of Investigation ! because “it would be a norrible thing if we backed off now and, let a killer loose.” Shelley’s naked body — ; slashed, ripped and torn—was found in a vineyard behind her home last Sunday night. Hauser said his review showed the’ body was lying “like a rag doll that had been worried about by large and vicious dogs." Hauser said neighbors report-1 ed hearing a dog fight in the area about the time the child disappeared and noted dogs had been running wild there for some time. Three were captured Monday."

Desert Sun, Oct. 24, 1969



Posted : April 19, 2018 4:23 am
Posts: 12
Active Member

Holmboe appears to have been a victim of dogs:

"A two-year-old Los Gatos girl, who was believed to have died at the hands of a knife-wielding slayer five days ago, apparently was killed by a pack of wild dogs. Santa Clara County Coroner l John Hauser said Thursday rej examination of the body of ‘Shelley Holmboe, and comparijson with pictures of other dog I iattack victims, clearly indicat-‘ jed the child was killed by I animals. Shelley’s body, which contained nearly 200 wounds, was ! found less than three miles from a spot where two San .Jose teen-age girls were killed ilast Aug. 4. They were stabbed a total of 350 times. Santa Clara County Sheriff Charles Prelsnik said the dog theory wap “as good as any we have, probably better.” But he said he was reluctant to abandon completely the stabbing line of Investigation ! because “it would be a norrible thing if we backed off now and, let a killer loose.” Shelley’s naked body — ; slashed, ripped and torn—was found in a vineyard behind her home last Sunday night. Hauser said his review showed the’ body was lying “like a rag doll that had been worried about by large and vicious dogs." Hauser said neighbors report-1 ed hearing a dog fight in the area about the time the child disappeared and noted dogs had been running wild there for some time. Three were captured Monday."

Desert Sun, Oct. 24, 1969


They couldn’t tell the difference between knife wounds and dog maulings? Did the dogs carry knives?

Posted : April 19, 2018 4:24 pm