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Look for a "tim" or "timothy" among the suspects!

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Israelite Wolfman
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Look for a "tim" or "timothy" among the suspects! The "zodiac"’s first name was "timothy" and here’s why…

I’ve decided to share this, despite dropping out of my intense interest in the case a few months ago, maybe someone who’s actually working on this case will see it and it will open his/her eyes to things we missed over the years: the zodiac’s Halloween card to Paul Avery specifically mentions that he’ll "clue him" about his name and the only text there is in the card is the "by gun, by fire, by rope, by knife" text from the wheel of death that had appeared in the Tim Holt 1940s comics, if that’s not a dead give away look at how the only word he keeps intentionally spell incorrectly is "victim" to "victom" all over his letters (he clearly took inspiration from "jack the ripper" and wasn’t dyslexic). I hope it’ll help solve the "my name is (cipher)".

Here is how I see his "clue you in" remark. The "peek a boo, you are doomed!" comment that circles the "holes" in the tree/plank where the eyes are drawn is just for dramatic effect or a private joke of his.

To see the entire solution/image try to open the image in a new tab.

Remember: this is not a Dracula-esque figure with fangs or a demonic lurking Imperfect Cell-like figure as he opted to be viewed/imagined, just some barrel-chested fat and short guy who probably was the class’ outclass dweeb/dork who was a Bernice Kohn’s cipher books fan instead of playing outside while growing up, and was also into outdated plays and typography.

Going by the letters’ vibe that is the story/case of a person who was full-time loser all his years till he (whatever age he was back then) decided to storm on innocent unarmed civilians, kill them and brag about it to feel better with his sorry ass and lame life (or just so he’d "feel a man" after being a joke all his years prior) back at his parents’ house (or some poor neighborhood rented condo) with his comic books and 1940s playboy issues he bought at the convenient store.

Why target the SFPD while most of his crimes took place outside of that city? And a very basic psychological analysis

his issues with the San Francisco Police Department even IF (and it’s a big "if") he attacked people elsewhere and prior to December 20th, 1968, seem to be a result of a past(/juvenile?) criminal record of some sort or a false arrest that made him obsessed with proving himself to be smarter than them. If so, he is in their records somewhere. Just need to find a person who fits his description (WMA 5’8"-6’0" – most likely 5’10" – and around or over a 100 Kilograms by October 1969). At worst it can be that he had no motive for hating the SFPD and his crimes were just of a nerd who was too deep into "Detective Magazine" (& other such crimes centred magazines for weird people of all ages) and the awfuly bad (nowadays speaking) stories over there made a real impact on him and aspired him to become a 1929 "Z" of his own.

There’s over a 10% chance that he had been to a shrink or went to counceling before pressing the gun at Lake Herman Road in December 20th, 1968 – if you ask me. So his name must be written in some (at least one) therapist’s records. the "zodiac" persona seems to be his craving for publicity and fame in and around San Francisco that he can not achieve or even reach with his own abilities in his field of occupation so he chose to murder innocent random people for that fame (for example: the request he had in several communications to see people wearing his crosshairs buttons so he will halt his killing spree).

Maybe his quoting of "tit willow" in the 1974 Exorcist letter after almost 3 years of silence was because of the line of "billowy wave" = hinting that he was treated somewhere with Electro-Convulsive Therapy during that time he went under the radar to heal his damaged personality/mind in order to "be a part of normal society", maybe he fell in love and wanted to stop killing. Only a guess. But it fits with the fact that in his May 8th, 1974 "badlands card" to the San Francisco Chronicle he signed the letter as "a citizen".

Was he EVER in the Military? An Army Cryptographer?

I don’t believe he was ever in a combat position in the military or even had a millitary career while doing the killings (I believe he was working in a civilian company in San Francisco that had something to do with sailing due to his knowledge of radians and navigations and his "geographical" descriptions while directing the Vallejo PD after the Blue Rock Springs murder&/attack or describing the orientation of the bodies of David Faraday and Betty Lou Jenesen he left behind, and his directions to Napa PD about the location of Cecilia Shepard and Bryan Hartnell) but I guess anything is possible with such an annonymous person who might had been to Vietnam and lost it there. I honestly think he tried to enlist but wasn’t very good at the physical aspect of the elementary trainings due to his body structure and was moved to the clerk positions which allowed him to purchase the Wing Walkers he used in Lake Berryessa (if it’s the same guy and not a mentally illed local copy-cat or an accomplice of his who did some of the other killings we attribute to this one YET unidentified individual) in an army post BEFORE EVENTUALLY DROPPING OUT as he already had quite a long hair (that went down his forehead and sticked out the executioner mask’s eyes spot) by the Lake Berryessa murder which is forbidden by the military restrictions.

I tend to believe the Hardens’ assumption that due to the low level of sophistication and bad grammer and register of the z-408 cipher that "zodiac" was not a military trained cryptographer but an amature who learnt/picked this hobby from children or teenage sleuth magazine or book/s. Due to no possible system of decipgering for 48 years now the only logical conclusion is that the 340 cipher was probably just a nicely penned down FAKE cipher with no real key or meaning that was "given authenticity" with the erasure of the letter "K" and writting it to it’s flipped side above the blanked spot TO KEEP THE AUTHORITIES BUSY and stressed of him (he wanted to play a comic books’ arch-villain who’s a very intelligent criminal mastermind even though all points to the fact he wasn’t vastly smarter than the common Joe considering how sloppy were his crimes and that he was only saved from getting caught due to being an individual with a car as his mean of escape who attacked randomly in secluded areas in various of juristrictions while the different PDs had no mathematical/statistical method of knowing where and when will he’ll attack next time).

Was he a from Southern California originally and the Riverside murderer?

Despite it being 3 letters communication sent with double stamps on each envelope and having some mispelling in the "confession letter" (which SOME of them corresponds with the zodiac’s), I don’t buy his "sudden confession" bogus claim from the March 13th, 1971 letter to the Los Angels Times that he was the killer of Cheri Jo Bates of Riverside back in October 30th, 1966 and "many others in South California" (even if some believe that this connection scared him and is why he kept on silence for six months before referring to that) – if he was that person (FTR this case was widely covered in the American newspapers and various crime magazines in the years to follow, so he could’ve learnt of it from any of these), he wouldn’t be claiming in his communications for almost two years by then that he only began killing in Lake Herman Road. It’s clear as the sky that he was trying to fool the police and send them off his trail by masking his identity (a local to the San Francisco Bay Area as suggested by Robert Tarbox who believes he met him in 1972?) and claiming other crimes attributed to him in the media (which he followed closely and dearly to see what and if they’ve posted articles about him) as he did with Kathleen Jones.

Besides, an handwriting patterns analysis I had conducted (I’m no expert, just amature who uses his logic) not too long ago between the two authors shows that the possibility the zodiac was the self-proclaimed Riverside City College murderer of Cheri Jo Bates is very small. Here it is for your opinion:

Cracking down this case

So what we have to do from now onwards to catch the "zodiac" killer is to use the knowledge of him being a white male adult named "tim"/"timothy" alongside with what we have from behavioral and geographical profiling of the zodiac which places him as a Vallejo (also his lingo of the July 31, 1969 letter to the Vallejo Times Hearld as if he was sitting in his home in Vallejo while penning this letter down) or Benicia resident in late 1968 and around August 1969, who owned multiple weapons (of some we are aware of from the crimes themselves) he bought in arms stores under his name, and who was a working person with a steady job (who was employed during the week days and was free to "hunt" in the weekends and holidays). There you go, if we will pin all these together with NRA &/ census records we had got that son of a bitch.

It seems that he DID looked like the SFPD composites, that’s why he seemed to lost his cool after murdering Paul Stine and began to communicate more (about this particular case) than his previous letters which were only sent (as it is available to the public) in July and August of 1969, yet not in September and October following Cecilia Shepard’s death. he must’ve freaked out that the public now have an idea of how he looks like and it very much bugged him. he wouldn’t be lying like a 3 years old and denying that he looks like the composites if he really didn’t, he’d be just leaving the SFPD and public to look for that mistaken appearance without referring to it. Besides, we know he’s a liar – he claimed he left no fingerprints in his crimes and we know that a bloody print of his right hand index finger was found on the cab and some other bloody prints where taken from that murder scene (the cab) as well and from his letters too (where is the "airplane cement double coating coverage" he claimed to be using on his fingers while writing the letters, huh? and his palm prints were lifted from his letters and the sweaty phone he/one of them left in Napa). So we have a general idea of his face: white, large forehead, widow’s peak, most likely reddish-brown hair. That’s the guy we’re looking for.

That’s how he looked to the Teenagers (left) and to Donald Fouke (right) at the night of Paul Stine’s murder; Below: my coloring of the sketch made upon Fouke’s description which I believe to be more accurate as it was seen from a closer range

If the guy who Robert Tarbox met in 1972 was indeed the zodiac, then we know he seems to be 40 years old as of then and of Southern French descent (Fouke felt like he was of Welsh ancestry while stopping his police car to let him cross the street) whose name doesn’t fit his look and is "Northern European" ("timothy"?) and who’s about 5’10" and heavy built but not so bold in his character (he was a scardy person, not courageous), and who seemingly (if it was indeed an authentic "Z card") a merchant mariner, despite being "articulate and seemingly educated" yet causally dressed. So that’s another path of research we need to go through to verify or dismiss that option.

The fact that ALMOST all of the letters that were postmarked were sent from San Francisco – excluding the LA Times letter that was sent in March 13th, 1971 from Pleasanton and the "Red Phantom" card that was sent from San Rafael in July 8th, 1974 – it means that this guy either work in SF and lived very close to it OR live and work in SF and that’s why he’s always communicating from there and targeting the local PD there in his countings. It could be that the two letters he sent from elsewhere were during one of his job assaingments or vacations as he never sent another that was postmarked from there (even his letter to the Vallejo Times Hearld was sent from SF despite sounding as penned in Vallejo itself: http://www.zodiackiller.com/VTHEnvelope.html ).

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : September 11, 2018 1:02 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Yes I doo want to join this thread..however my opinion is that Z s name is rather Paul than Timothy. Bottom lid of a scotch tape…if Z didn’t write his name on that one, only Paul would be a plausible answer (Scotch tape, St. Paul, Minnesota was written on those lids).



Posted : September 24, 2018 2:54 am
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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Yes I doo want to join this thread..however my opinion is that Z s name is rather Paul than Timothy. Bottom lid of a scotch tape…if Z didn’t write his name on that one, only Paul would be a plausible answer (Scotch tape, St. Paul, Minnesota was written on those lids).


Hey, which scotch tape are you referring to? I have no idea what it is… From which crime scene/letter is it?

BTW I forgot to mention it in the OP but I believe that the lumbering gait Fouke mentioned could have been a disability he suffered from before becoming a murderer, but who knows? Might just have been a result of the shooting at Paul Stine made his whole body affected by the preasure caused by the bullet going out which made his leg somewhat numb and perhaps his upper body too, or could it be just his body’s reaction in shock of being so close to be arrested by the SFPD whose car was drove by Fouke, maybe his body was about to run due to the stress but he fought this will/instinct and it seemed to Fouke as a "lumbering gait". In the 2007 documentary, Fouke had explained that it may have been the zodiac’s fear of being seen properly by him and Eric Zelms, so he turned his head down and moved uncomfortably till he climbed those stairs and pretended to be walking home, before he noticed they were out of sight and ran to the Presidio (a neighbor had called the SFPD about that time when Stine’s body was examined by the Police in the murder scene and told them he saw a "40 years old stocky white man dressed in dark clothings who was running towards Julius Kahn Park").

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : September 25, 2018 12:56 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

http://www.zodiackillersite.com/viewtop … f=69&t=726

‘I am the ZODIAC and I am in control of all things. I am going to tell you a secret. I like friction tape. I like to have it around in case I need to truss someone up in a hurry…I have my real name on a small metallic tape. You see, while you have it in your possession, I want you to know it belongs to me and you think I may have left it accidentally. I am athletic. It could be swim fins, or a piece of scuba gear. But maybe you play chess with me. I have several cheap sets in closets all over. I have my name on the bottom of the lid with the scotch tape….My tape is waiting for me all over California. Do you know me? I am the ZODIAC and I am in control.’

Think the letter is not available as a picture, is it? It’s said to be typewritten..well, could be a fake, too.

https://www.zodiacciphers.com/zodiac-ne … 978-letter

Where all started..I checked out approx. 80,000 names (Ricverside area) on the my-name-is-cipher..none was a match, nor was a Paul.



Posted : September 25, 2018 5:05 am
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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‘I am the ZODIAC and I am in control of all things. I am going to tell you a secret. I like friction tape. I like to have it around in case I need to truss someone up in a hurry…I have my real name on a small metallic tape. You see, while you have it in your possession, I want you to know it belongs to me and you think I may have left it accidentally. I am athletic. It could be swim fins, or a piece of scuba gear. But maybe you play chess with me. I have several cheap sets in closets all over. I have my name on the bottom of the lid with the scotch tape….My tape is waiting for me all over California. Do you know me? I am the ZODIAC and I am in control.’

Think the letter is not available as a picture, is it? It’s said to be typewritten..well, could be a fake, too.

https://www.zodiacciphers.com/zodiac-ne … 978-letter

Where all started..I checked out approx. 80,000 names (Ricverside area) on the my-name-is-cipher..none was a match, nor was a Paul.
http://zodiackillersite.com/viewtopic.p … lit=scotch


Yeah, I am familiar with that unconfirmed communication, it seems to be 99% fake to me. It looks like something Don Cheney would’ve typed down in order to frame Arthur Leigh Allen, because of the bad blood they had since Allen tried to molest his child. Look at his interviews, he will have an explanation that ties Allen to whatever bogus claim the interviewer made up on the spot.

If Paul Avery had published an article about zodiac getting killed back in 1976 and there was no comment by zodiac, it’s a weird thing and perhaps even true (never believed the 1978 and other unconfirmed communications like the Eureka card were authentic IMHO). he was all about showing off that the SFPD couldn’t even catch him, let alone killing him, and being egomaniac BUT then such an article is published in the media and he’s like "meh"? No way, Jose.

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : September 25, 2018 8:49 pm
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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I came to the conclusion that it is quite possible that the phrasing "4-teen" comes to indicate that by October 27th, 1970 the last victims to be added into the zodiac’s list were 4 teenagers, now we have to isolate them from all the murder victims in the time frame between that day to the April 20th, 1970 communication ("my name is" letter) when the "score" was 10. That’s why the 4 eyes in the left side of the letter were drawn so close to the text and outside of the "plank" on the far-left (those eyes represent the previous victims, if you’d look closely you’d see that the 4th eye which allegedly represent Cecilia Shepard is within the dark hole as to represent his dark costume from that murder).

It is also possible that the 13 letters cipher was either chosen because 13 is associated by christians with bad luck and spooky themes OR to shove it to Dr. DCB Marsh who quoted Edgar Allen Poe (whose name is also consisted of 13 letters) to stress the zodiac out for a cipher of his real name.

Also, in the "SLA letter" it seems like he wrote "Near Mr. Editor" instead of the commonly transcripted "Dear…". Perhaps he wanted to make sure/point out he was still in San Francisco.

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : November 16, 2018 7:18 pm
Posts: 753
Prominent Member

How did you deduce tim or timothy?
I dont wish to rain on anyones parade but this is the eqivilant of using a 1999 mad magazine.

If people really beleive it is of relevance might i suggest looking into the 1970 and onwards san diago comic con.

Look at some of the original creators :shock:

Edit: there certainly is a comic book mystic about Z :idea:

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : November 16, 2018 8:14 pm
Posts: 334
Reputable Member

"Also, in the "SLA letter" it seems like he wrote "Near Mr. Editor" instead of the commonly transcripted "Dear…". Perhaps he wanted to make sure/point out he was still in San Francisco."

It seems like you need a better copy of the SLA letter. Here ya go…

Posted : November 16, 2018 10:09 pm
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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How did you deduce tim or timothy?
I dont wish to rain on anyones parade but this is the eqivilant of using a 1999 mad magazine.

If people really beleive it is of relevance might i suggest looking into the 1970 and onwards san diago comic con.

Look at some of the original creators :shock:

Edit: there certainly is a comic book mystic about Z :idea:

As I’ve explained in the first 2 paragraphs of this topic: the only word he keeps misspelling is "victom" which should be "victim[!]" + the fact he’s giving a reference to Tim Holt’s comic book ("i’ll clue you in" + the "by gun", "by knife", "by rope" and "by fire").

I want to make my statement from earlier clearer:"It is also possible that the 13 letters cipher was either chosen because 13 is associated by christians with bad luck and spooky themes, because of it’s low probability to pick out a clear name due to the 1000s of names fitting this space opportunity OR to shove it to Dr. DCB Marsh who quoted Edgar Allen Poe (whose name is also consisted of 13 letters) to stress the zodiac out for a cipher of his real name (it may be actually standing for Poe himself or something childish like: "I won’t give it up")."

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : November 16, 2018 11:23 pm
Posts: 810
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Tim Holt’s real name is Charles John Holt.


Posted : November 16, 2018 11:51 pm
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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Tim Holt’s real name is Charles John Holt.


he was referring to that comic book issue, which is about Tim Holt the character who’s also it’s title.

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : November 17, 2018 12:02 am
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

Tim is a persona or character name. The same is true for the name Zodiac. So why would the "zodiac" choose another character name "tim"? If anything I’d think people would be jumping all over the name "tom". Not that I believe it’s his name.


Posted : November 17, 2018 2:20 am
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

Tim is a persona or character name. The same is true for the name Zodiac. So why would the "zodiac" choose another character name "tim"? If anything I’d think people would be jumping all over the name "tom". Not that I believe it’s his name.



Posted : November 17, 2018 5:16 am
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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Tim is a persona or character name. The same is true for the name Zodiac. So why would the "zodiac" choose another character name "tim"? If anything I’d think people would be jumping all over the name "tom". Not that I believe it’s his name.


Knowing how egomaniac he was, he wouldn’t dare these two things: 1) associating his true name with weakness and vulnarbility – 2 categories which "victim" fall into. Even though all he ever did was attacking and murdering UNARMED teenagers and young adults. NOT bravery at all. Let alone the possibility he feared men and therefore attacked them first (David Faraday, Mike Mageau, Bryan Hartnell) before the women victims.
2) he wouldn’t dare to write his name in such manner, he must have knew that the FBI had no problems of tracing out any "thomas"/"tom" in the Bay Area and connect the dots given to them about how he looks (height, weight, even perhaps his walking manner according to Fouke and Hartnell). As stated above: he had no intentions of viewing himself nor stating that he is a "victim", so his misspelling of it as "victom" or sending out the "tit willow song that starts after a line about "a little tom tit" wasn’t anything helpful. In fact he kept claiming, despite being a manipulative liar, that his name is hidden in the ciphers, why would he bother crafting those out if he could just write "victom" all the time and allegedly "pointing the police that this is his name"?

Edit: Mike Mageau’s surname’s spelling.

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : November 17, 2018 12:01 pm
Posts: 753
Prominent Member

I can understand continuous misspeling of victim,
Either to not to say the word tim or to say the word tom.

But victom could just be the writer spelling it how he pronounces the word victim.

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : November 17, 2018 12:04 pm
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