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Look for a "tim" or "timothy" among the suspects!

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Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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I can understand continuous misspeling of victim,
Either to not to say the word tim or to say the word tom.

But victom could just be the writer spelling it how he pronounces the word victim.

A person who reads comics like Tim Holt or even Batman and other superheroes – if not higher forms of literature (he only quoted the 1960 [<- if I’m not mistaken] Grucho Marx’s version of the Mikado, not the theatrical one) – must’ve knew how the correct spelling of victim is. Even if he pronounced it like an idiot he wouldn’t be that dumb to write it casually so wrong in real life, and I’m not even a native speaker of English, while he was a born and raised American (the usage of "shall" instead of "will" was borrowed from American/local comic books’ high intellect villains who tend to speak in a British manner) so…

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : November 17, 2018 12:19 pm
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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I hope Richard Grinell will address this theory of mine in his site, it may be a shot in the dark but all the hints points IMHO towards that this "zodiac" loser was hinting that his name was "tim".

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : November 24, 2018 7:52 pm
Posts: 753
Prominent Member

Z also misspells words like bus (buss) and christmas (christmass)

therefore, he must have been a Nazi SS Schutzstaffel…

Tim Zimmler with a luger.

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : November 25, 2018 8:06 pm
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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For him to be influenced by Tim Holt’s comics (if that was really his source of inspirartion besides jack the ripper), and especially this issue that came out in 1953, he must’ve been in the ages of 10-16 when it came out, making him either 25 (if he was 10 by then) or 31 by 1968 – that goes fine with Mike Mageau’s description as well as Bryan Hartnell, David Slaight and the Robins kids’ description of the zodiac.

At minimum he was born in 1943, in the max he was born in 1937. Making him EITHER 76 or 82 today, if he is not dead.

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : January 5, 2019 2:40 pm
Posts: 5315
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At this point, nothing would surprise me. I think, should Zodiac (or anyone else potentially involved) be found one day, there will be ties and it will be interesting to look back and see what those were.

I feel fairly confident Zodiac thought he was spelling "victom" correctly, as he spelled it like that every time he wrote it….except with the Pines card’s paste-up–which was a cut-up version of the word. Just one of the many reasons I question that as legit.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 7, 2019 11:13 pm
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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At this point, nothing would surprise me. I think, should Zodiac (or anyone else potentially involved) be found one day, there will be ties and it will be interesting to look back and see what those were.

I feel fairly confident Zodiac thought he was spelling "victom" correctly, as he spelled it like that every time he wrote it….except with the Pines card’s paste-up–which was a cut-up version of the word. Just one of the many reasons I question that as legit.

I’m seriously doubting anyone who speaks English as his first language will think that the word that is pronounced "Vic-Teem" or "Vic-Tem" is actually "vic-tom". I don’t buy his random misspellings of words just as the investigators back in the day didn’t bought it. It’s either a nod towards jack the ripper, or just some sick "play on words" of this sick and lonely person, even if he had a family I don’t believe that he felt too attached to them, if he did – he wouldn’t go killing helpless and unarmed people on weekends and on holidays.

I believe that once you figured out that the Halloween card to Paul Avery is inspired by the Tim Holt comics, you managed to get something that is getting us very close to close in on that guy, whether if he’s still alive or not.

Bare with me for this one: Imagine that you’re a guy named timothy who was bullied all his growing-up phase for either being nerd, fat &/ short, then you manage to "get a break of being a loser" after getting a meltdown and shooting down a couple of kids on some cold December night and feeling "strong" for once in your life, after almost 7 months the "fame" about this deed began to wear-off and so does the "sense of power" that came with it, so what do you do? you go over to "hunt" young stray souls again. And this time, make sure you play it rough on the cops with teasing them off. But that wasn’t enough, now you realize that they know how you sound like and will come after you, so what do you do to keep enjoying the thrill? "act cool" of course, and write the major newspaper around letters boasting about your murders and attacks with a shtick that’ll give you the attention you seek so badly: 3 parts cipher with the threat you’ll attack again if they won’t comply with you. Short while passes after that, these "pesky" reporters nickname you "the cipher killer" but that is not what you’re about, you’re timothy who was picked on for so long till it ate you alive and messed your whole life around, instead of being that poor pathetic tim nobody wanted to hang out with in high shcool or go with to the prom you want to sound intimidating like you were the outmost evil villain who lurks at night and kills for fun, a mastermind who is "always in control", and instead of going to deal with your former bullies &/ see counseling, you sit down at home in early August of 1969 and think of a name for your killer persona; you wanna shout that you’re tim but can’t because it’ll be the end of your thrilling power trip rush, London had "jack the ripper", so what can tim be? he was the end of these poor souls, and yet a full time loser without it, it’s all about time – that of his own personal pain and "gain", so "tim" goes to "time"; but that’s not enough, then you go by the newspaper and realize that there is a "zodiac" section for the astrology readers/believers in it, you like the sound of it as if you were their "fate" and pick it up for yourself to use as a pseudonym.

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : January 13, 2019 12:44 am
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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Very convincing discovery by a reddit user. Tim Holt issue 14. https://www.reddit.com/r/ZodiacKiller/c … _14_comic/

Gathering this info to this topic as well. Thanks to the finder on Reddit! :D :)

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : May 16, 2019 6:43 pm
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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I’m adding further eivdences which zodiac/"timothy" most likely had came across before and after becoming zodiac:

‘Rotor Reflector Review’ by Carl Andre, 1967 – possible influence (other than Bernice Kohn’s code books) to his ciphers’ design:

The "my name is" cipher most likely is based upon the letters enscribed in the temple of poseidon in Lakonia, Greece: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/zodiack … t1080.html – the resemblance is too much to be a mere coincidence. Either he studied Archaeology or greek mythology at college or that he was enthoused hobbiest who follwed the news coverage and read about history in his free time in the library/ies.

BTW about the glasses he wore the night when he killed Paul Stine – it most likely look like the ones worn by the officer who is seen here arresting charles manson: https://www.salon.com/2019/05/25/the-ap … -was-born/

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : May 26, 2019 2:39 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

BTW about the glasses he wore the night when he killed Paul Stine – it most likely look like the ones worn by the officer who is seen here arresting charles manson: https://www.salon.com/2019/05/25/the-ap … -was-born/

That cop looks Welsh. ;)

Posted : May 26, 2019 5:30 pm
Israelite Wolfman
Posts: 80
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BTW about the glasses he wore the night when he killed Paul Stine – it most likely look like the ones worn by the officer who is seen here arresting charles manson: https://www.salon.com/2019/05/25/the-ap … -was-born/

That cop looks Welsh. ;)

Who knows? Maybe now people will start looking after his identity. :D

Anyhows, I’ve made a comparison of the zodiac’s handwriting when it comes to the word "Vallejo" and the one of the hooded/maksed killer from Lake Berryessa:

And also adding this here as a possible way of nailing the location of his house by the mailing:

The website (now not available online) crackproof.com examined the Zodiac communications and their associated postmarks. This indicated that the July 31st 1969 ‘408’ letters were franked in the Central Richmond District, and the Paul Stine letter, mailed two days after the murder, was franked in the Inner Richmond District. This doesn’t mean they were necessarily posted here, but processed at this location (these letters were franked 1A and 1B). However, they were very likely posted by the killer somewhere in the northwest region of San Francisco, with Richmond being a strong possibility.

That’s my poi: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=4009

Posted : May 26, 2019 7:45 pm
Posts: 47
Trusted Member

– that of his own personal pain and "gain", so "tim" goes to "time"; but that’s not enough, then you go by the newspaper and realize that there is a "zodiac" section for the astrology readers/believers in it, you like the sound of it as if you were their "fate" and pick it up for yourself to use as a pseudonym.

except zodiac watches https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac_Watches …unless he is swiss…

or a navy seal or at least a diver

" To date, the original Sea Wolf, and its successor, the early-1970s Super Sea Wolf, are widely considered two of the most iconic commercial dive watches in history.[citation needed]

With a patented crown/stem system and improved case back design, Super Sea Wolf’s water pressure rating increased from its predecessor’s 200-meter rating to 750 meters.[4] When the 750-meter-rated Super Sea Wolf was introduced in the early 1970s, the U.S. Navy SEALs adopted it, as Zodiac announced in magazine ads of the day.[5]"

Posted : October 9, 2020 12:08 am
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