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Brother-in-law of Darlene Ferrin – has he ever been a suspect?



Posted : December 8, 2020 2:38 am
Posts: 1328
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Is there a reason he should be a suspect?

Posted : December 8, 2020 4:09 am
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Is there a reason he should be a suspect?

No more than four:

– went to the same school like at least one of the victims
– was related to one of the victims (brother in law)
– was living in the area where the crimes were committed (Vallejo)
– last name Paul, fully complying with the ‘bottom lid’ letter

so yes, I wonder if he was involved. I actually was pretty much surprised when I realized about him and his name being Paul. Not necessarily a suspect but a POI, for sure.

Do you have an answer regarding my question?

Has he ever been interviewed, alibi etc?



Posted : December 8, 2020 11:35 pm
Posts: 1328
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Do you have an answer regarding my question?

Has he ever been interviewed, alibi etc?


Not that I know of and probably because there was no reason to. Do you even know where he was during the time period?

Posted : December 9, 2020 12:54 am
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No reason to interrogate the brother in law of a victim? What if he was Z but no interrogation had happened at all? Actuall I am pretty sure that he was on the list (of ~2,500 people..) but at the same time had an alibi, whatsoever. But there is no report (online), yet.



Posted : December 26, 2020 1:42 am
Posts: 1328
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No reason to interrogate the brother in law of a victim? What if he was Z but no interrogation had happened at all? Actuall I am pretty sure that he was on the list (of ~2,500 people..) but at the same time had an alibi, whatsoever. But there is no report (online), yet.


You didn’t answer my question. Do you even know where he was when the attack happened?

Posted : December 26, 2020 2:30 am
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Well, I’d laugh my ass off if it wasn’t that serious:

Paul Ferrin was living at 930 Monterey Street – so it is written in Darlene’s telephone booklet:

Now guess what: IF Paul had actually been at BRS previous to such phone call, this phone booth would have been EXACTLY on his way (full Vallejo view..):

Guess at that time nobody had actually expected the phone booth later to be identified (Z even mocked around on this one..). But to answer your question: No (I wasn’t with him that night). At least he was going to school there, thus "Vallejo" might be a good answer?

And Opps: Somebody called Dean as well as Darlene Ferrin’s parents that night….:

But, around 90 minutes after the shooting, Darlene’s husband received an anonymous phone call from someone who did not say anything, but was simply breathing down the phone. Dean’s parents, Mr. & Mrs Arthur Ferrin, also reported that they also had received the same type of call that night. These calls were made an hour and a half after the incident, which means that no press had yet reported the story, so whoever made the calls was not doing so as a prank in reaction to reading about Darlene’s death.

If the calls were placed by Darlene’s killer, this would seem to imply that he knew Darlene, or more specifically, Dean and Dean’s family.

Not such a big problem if it was Dean’s brother. Where else would the assailant had those two numbers from / why else would he call Dean and/or the parents of Darlene? For a stranger one bragging call to either the parents or her husband would have been enough..

Darlene’s husband was initially a suspect in her murder. Most likely he was not very happy about his wife dating other guys. He had a water-proof alibi (working at Caesars that night). But what about his brother?


https://www.zodiacciphers.com/zodiac-ne … hone-calls


Posted : December 26, 2020 2:53 am
Posts: 1328
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Well, I’d laugh my ass off if it wasn’t that serious:

Paul Ferrin was living at 930 Monterey Street – so it is written in Darlene’s telephone booklet:

Meh, go ahead and laugh. I laugh at your kooky theories all the time. All I see is an address, nothing telling me where he was at the time of the attack. For all you know he could have been half a world away.

Posted : December 26, 2020 3:47 am
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Let’s put some facts together:

– First name Paul (bottom lid of a Scotch tape [‘St. Paul Minnesota’]
– related to the victim (brother in law)
– potential motive (solving his brothers’ situation with Dee dating other guys during marriage)
– lived in the same town (Vallejo)
– went to the same school
– had access to Dean’s and Dean’s parents telephone numbers (his brother / parents)
– lived close to victim Darlene
– had the Tuolomne/Springs phone booth on his way (if coming from BRS)

Yes, one can ignore all of this. Think I mentioned it long time ago (and over and over again): First Z should be identified – the rest shall be done in court. But maybe you have a better idea?



Posted : December 26, 2020 4:22 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Yes, one can ignore all of this.


I didn’t say ignore it so you must be hearing voices. I asked if you know where he was the night of the attack and you don’t.

But maybe you have a better idea?

Yeah, find out where he was the night of the attack.

Posted : December 26, 2020 4:41 am
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Why should I? Why don’t you ‘even’ answer that to yourself? Regarding "hearing voices", since when do you have that matter? Any other psychological issues you would like to talk about?

Your investigative skills are really amazing. Never met a Sherlock Holmes like you before..btw, have you introduced yourself to the board, yet? :lol:



Posted : December 26, 2020 2:11 pm
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In roughly 80% of all (solved) homicides, the victim was known or related to his or her killer. This to be seen, the murderer of Darlene Ferrin was most likely also either a family member, a friend, a neighbor or an employer. At that time, he already must have been a killer (Jensen/Faraday, CJB).

Darlene had been dating other men – in particular Mike Mageau that night – despite actually still being married to Dean Ferrin. Dean, however, had an excellent alibi for the time of her murder, as he was working that night at Caesars Restaurant. But on the first run, he was a suspect to the police.

Shortly before being attacked, Darlene responded to Mike Mageau with the words "Oh, never mind". She did NOT deny knowing the person approaching despite she had been asked if she had known him. This somewhat implies that she had indeed known her then-to-be ‘slave collector’ but did not care very much about him. This, of course, as she very obviously had already felt ‘free and separated’ from her husband Dean.

Her plan to ignore her husbands brother – with Dean being at work that time – would have gone incredibly wrong.

The motive supporting such theory (nothing else it is, so far, is it)? Jealousy and family honor. Some, if not the strongest (misinterpreted) motives to commit homicide in the world. And having killed before, it would have been an ‘easy one’ for Paul to help his brother out of his and his family’s dilemma.

In 1978, a letter arrives where Z had claimed his name to be on the ‘bottom lid of a scotch tape (..) all over California’. Deriving that information – even if the letter would not have been written by ‘Z’ [but another person knowing about Paul having killed Darlene] – gives us, with a pretty good chance, Z’s first name as ‘Paul’.

The Zodiac search went everywhere. But with Dean having an alibi and his parents not having very much motive to kill their daughter in law, the focus on the family relationships had gotten lost. Police had known Dean not to be the killer and that was it. There followed letters, ciphers, other victims to deal with. But the brother of Darlene’s husband was never a good suspect? Despite this being an evil plan ‘ending’ Darlene’s immoral behaviour with at the same time giving Dean a perfect alibi?


Tried to request some of his handwriting. We’ll see if there will be an answer.



Posted : December 26, 2020 3:44 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Why should I?

Because you are the one accusing him of being a serial killer. Accusations are easy to make. So, why did he kill Faraday and Jensen months before killing his brother’s unfaithful wife? Why did he kill Cecelia Shepard and attack Hartnell? And Stine? Were they all part of Darlene running around on his brother?

Posted : December 26, 2020 8:59 pm
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I did not. Read my post and you will know. All I asked is if he had been interrogated or not..and yes, he is a good POI. And even IF I said he was Z – proove me wrong.

Do yourself a favour and get some facts, or at least new ideas, instead. Because the case lacks of it. XMAS

Regarding Shepard/Hartnell – could have happened that Dee watched CJB’s murder. Pam said something like that, didn’t she? Wouldn’t explain Faraday/Jensen, true. Same with Stine. Agree on that not knowing about that, yet.



Posted : December 26, 2020 10:52 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Regarding Shepard/Hartnell – could have happened that Dee watched CJB’s murder. Pam said something like that, didn’t she?

Dean Ferrin’s brother attacked Cecelia Shepard and Bryan Hartnell because Darlene Ferrin might have seen Paul Ferrin kill Cheri Jo Bates?

OK, that’s enough for me. I’m out.

Posted : December 26, 2020 11:16 pm
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