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Process Church and/or Norse Myths Influences on Zodiac?

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Darla Jones
Posts: 224
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I noticed some more connections in the Process Church magazine "Mindbender Issue" that they used the dott in their ad for their Coffee House.
Also, Mary Ann DeGrimston was Scottish. I looked up Scottish spellings of words to see if there was a connection. What I found out is that there are not set rules for spelling in Scots.
http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/kno … /index.asp

There is no standard written form of Scots.

It can be daunting writing in a language whose orthography is not set in stone. But having no standard allows Scots writers great freedom. It gives flexibility to those who want to express themselves in their own dialect. And children learning to write in Scots are forced to think more carefully about spelling in general, which can lead to improvements in literacy skills.

However, there are some guidelines new Scots writers can follow to help them find their own writing style.

Be consistent
If you start a story spelling a Scots word one way, keep that same spelling throughout. Don’t begin with a noun like coo, and then go on to spell this word four different ways. Choose one spelling for each word, sticking with that spelling to the end of your story, essay, poem or play.
Only use apostrophes in Scots to show possession or to indicate a letter has been omitted, eg, Tam’s dug or It’s snawin the day. An apostrophe tells us that something is missing, but in Scots words like greetin, daein, lowpin, snawin etc, there is no missing letter g. The same applies to words like wi and o.

According to the timeline, the Mindbender issue was created in 1967 before going to the US.
1967 The first Process magazine, The Common Market issue, is printed and sold on the streets of London. The magazine is also distributed to each member of the House of Commons.
1967 Robert and Mary Ann set off on their travels through the Middle East in April, arriving in Israel in May. In June they arrive in Turkey and Robert writes the first of his apocalyptic books, completing As It Is and A Candle in Hell. Process magazine publishes the Freedom of Expression and the Mindbenders issues.
1967 Processeans from Xtul move to New Orleans and start a Chapter on Royal Street in the French Quarter. Mary Ann and Robert move to Louisiana and settle into a house in Slidell.

It reminds me of this card. Also the way that it is written makes me think of runes, which the process church was into, as well.
https://books.google.com/books?id=pKCFO … wn&f=false

Posted : April 9, 2015 8:10 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Just wondering, Darla, while doing all this research on The Process have you found that they were ever arrested for having killed anyone? Have they ever been accused or even hinted at for committing a murder? Is murder something that was part of their doctrine? Sure they spouted all sorts of satanic type stuff but so did other groups in that era, Satan was chic back then and that notion has never really died out completely.


Posted : April 11, 2015 7:46 pm
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member
Topic starter

Just wondering, Darla, while doing all this research on The Process have you found that they were ever arrested for having killed anyone? Have they ever been accused or even hinted at for committing a murder? Is murder something that was part of their doctrine? Sure they spouted all sorts of satanic type stuff but so did other groups in that era, Satan was chic back then and that notion has never really died out completely.

Yes. Actually they have been connected to at least one murder. I wasn’t sure if the 4 pi the article was referring to in Wyoming was real. But, I did a bunch of research on the members themselves, and several of them turn up in Wyoming as owners of a now defunct coffee shop.

https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid= … 1433&hl=en
http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/r … rocess.htm

"On July 13, 1970, California highway patrol picked up "two longhairs," Stanley Baker and Harry Allen Stroup, on suspicion of a hit-and-run near Big Sur. Baker not only readily admitted fleeing the scene, but added "I have a problem. I’m a cannibal ." In the pockets of both men were found human finger bones, taken from a recent victim in Montana named James Schlosser, whose mutilated remains were also missing a heart. Baker confessed to having eaten it.

Remember the times: the Tate-LaBianca murders were the summer before, and Manson and his Family members were in custody but not yet convicted. (Manson’s trial didn’t conclude until the following July.) A couple of murderous, hippie cannibals tripping around Southern California with bones in their pocket – why not? It was what the helter skelter mainstream mania was conditioning America’s consciousness to expect from its counterculture. Baker’s eager confession to crimes of which he was not a suspect suggest he may have been part of the program.

The criminal system’s handling of Baker suggest it got with the program, too: though he was a convicted multiple murderer and confessed cannibal who howled at full moons and had 11 makeshift weapons conviscated in custody, "administrators still saw fit to let him travel through the prison system, teaching transactional analysis to other inmates" and proselytizing for his Satanic cult. Stroup was released in 1979 and Baker in 1986, "requesting that his present whereabouts remain confidential."

Baker claimed he had been recruited into a neo-Nazi Satanic cult while in a Wyoming college, which he identified as the "Four Pi Movement," also known as the 4P. It was a splinter of the Process Church, which itself had broken away from the Church of Scientology. The name was derived from the Processean symbol of four P’s arranged in a stylized Swastika, representing Jehovah, Jesus, Lucifer and Satan. (Members "were urged to pick one that they could identify with and devote themselves to that deity.")"

Posted : April 12, 2015 6:35 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

The 4 Pi Movement was first introduced in Ed Sanders book The Family. The question remains, was the 4 Pi Movement an actual group or was it a figment of Sanders imagination? Remember that Sanders had to remove any reference to The Process from his book because what he wrote was unsubstantiated.

The only places that talk about 4 Pi are at conspiracy theory sites. Maury Terry also wrote quite a bit about 4 Pi in his book The Ultimate Evil but again Terry was a conspiracy theorist.

We do have posts on Stanley Dean Baker at this forum, just do a search. We also have the initial articles on the murder of Robert Salem, who Baker was accused of killing in SF, in the SF Chronicle chronology. The articles for that begin on April 20, 1970, iirc.

Additionally, it was learned in the trial for the death of James Schlosser that Baker claimed to be a member of the Church of Satan, not The Process. The Process and CoS were two different "churches" with widely differing views. The CoS was Anton LaVey’s church and there is evidence that the CoS did dabble in cannibalism. Read the last paragraph of Myth 2 at this site.


Here is an article that connects Baker to the Church of Satan.


Posted : April 12, 2015 9:08 pm
vasa croe
Posts: 493
Honorable Member

The 4 Pi Movement was first introduced in Ed Sanders book The Family. The question remains, was the 4 Pi Movement an actual group or was it a figment of Sanders imagination? Remember that Sanders had to remove any reference to The Process from his book because what he wrote was unsubstantiated.

The only places that talk about 4 Pi are at conspiracy theory sites. Maury Terry also wrote quite a bit about 4 Pi in his book The Ultimate Evil but again Terry was a conspiracy theorist.

We do have posts on Stanley Dean Baker at this forum, just do a search. We also have the initial articles on the murder of Robert Salem, who Baker was accused of killing in SF, in the SF Chronicle chronology. The articles for that begin on April 20, 1970, iirc.

Additionally, it was learned in the trial for the death of James Schlosser that Baker claimed to be a member of the Church of Satan, not The Process. The Process and CoS were two different "churches" with widely differing views. The CoS was Anton LaVey’s church and there is evidence that the CoS did dabble in cannibalism. Read the last paragraph of Myth 2 at this site.


Here is an article that connects Baker to the Church of Satan.

That isn’t exactly true about Sanders book "The Family" and the chapter that was taken out. The Process brought a suit against them and the US publisher backed down prior to going to court. However, they DID go to court in the UK and lost so that chapter was left in the book in print in the UK. So the only place that The Process actually went to court to have the reference to 4 Pi and The Process taken out of the book, they lost, which would infer that it could be substantiated by some means.

Posted : April 13, 2015 6:50 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Sorry Vasa, what you have assumed is largely wrong. The US publishers of the Family did admit the material about the Process was unsubstantiated and also admitted that they did not check Sanders resource material.

The law suits both in the US and UK were about money. The Process was suing both publishers for a large amount cash, they settled with the US publishers and dropped the 1.5 million dollar suit. What they did not win in the UK was a monetary judgment, they did not got to court in the UK to establish whether or not what Sanders wrote was true. The primary publisher in the US had already stated that what Sanders wrote was unfounded.

All references to the Process were taken out of the subsequent editions of The Family that were published in the UK.

Here’s a few images to show the truth of the matter. I have a copy of the UK trial transcripts, BTW.

This first image is a statement that was to be pasted in the remaining copies of the first edition that were unsold at the time the civil suits were filed. The Process material was removed from all further editions.

An image of the contents page in the 1st edition which shows the Process chapter as chapter 5.

The cover of a 1973 paperback edition published in the UK.

The publishing information about the 1973 UK edition that appears on the page following the title page.

The contents page of the 1973 UK edition with the Process chapter removed, the Sleezo Inputs chapter was also reworked and that is not apparent on this contents page.


Posted : April 13, 2015 8:21 pm
vasa croe
Posts: 493
Honorable Member

Ah….thanks Seagull. I have read the US court papers and have never been able to find the UK papers, nor a copy of the book, but was under the impression the UK suit went to court. Appreciate the info!

Posted : April 13, 2015 9:02 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Yes, the suit went to trial in the UK and the jury decided that the Process was not due a monetary judgment from the publishers. In the judges summation to the jury before they went to deliberate he was quite scornful of Ed Sanders and his book. Any decision on the jury’s part was not due to any sympathy expressed by the judge towards the author. So, in essence the Process did lose the trial because they were not awarded any money. The judge in his summation seemed to have equal distain for both the plaintiffs and the defendants.


Posted : April 14, 2015 3:47 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member
Topic starter

I found this article that describes the mental state of two ex-Process church members. This article also brings up the rumors that the Process Church was the group that spawned the Son of Sam murders.
http://sacramentopress.com/2008/12/29/s … -judgment/

Here’s another site’s discussion about Son of Sam and Process Church…

This link shows photos of dog corpses, so don’t click if you are sensitive!!!!!

Posted : April 15, 2015 1:05 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Darla you really need to stay away from rumors and conspiracy theories. In order to prove your theory that the Process may have had an influence on Zodiac you need to stick with facts. Other people’s opinions are not facts and conspiracy theories are big old rabbit holes.

Here is a pdf which gives a timeline for The Process’s movements, where they were and when:

http://feralhouse.com/wp/wp-content/upl … meline.pdf

This is a link to the Process’s own written material. I have downloaded the 520 page pdf but haven’t read much of it yet.

https://processchurchofthefinaljudgment … downloads/

There are so many things that have been suggested as having influenced Zodiac, from comics, to books, to movies, other crimes, I could go on and on. While we, at this forum, do not have a topic expressly devoted to influences, Zodiackiller.com does and there are 159 threads in the topic! What makes the Process, as an influence, stand out above the others?


Posted : April 15, 2015 2:28 am
Darla Jones
Posts: 224
Reputable Member
Topic starter

Just wondering, Darla, while doing all this research on The Process have you found that they were ever arrested for having killed anyone? Have they ever been accused or even hinted at for committing a murder? Is murder something that was part of their doctrine? Sure they spouted all sorts of satanic type stuff but so did other groups in that era, Satan was chic back then and that notion has never really died out completely.

I found another set of murders that are seemingly connected to The Process Church. This is the chapter that was taken out of Ed Sander’s book.
http://www.feastofhateandfear.com/archi … ders1.html

"Meanwhile, the DeGrimstons were in Los Angeles where they located a real estate operator named Aarons with offices on Robertson Boulevard who showed sympathy for the group. Father Christian aka Jonathan dePeyer claims that it was John Phillips who located Artie Aarons for them and that Phillips, a songwriter and pop singer, offered them aid and comfort.
Once a week the Process would go around and clean up and do repairs and small construction jobs at the various properties owned by Mr. Aarons. In exchange for this work service, the real estate operator agreed to permit the Process the use of a large, two-story house at 188.2 Cochrane in south central Los Angeles. It was a fifteen – to twenty-room house which now is a rest home for the aged. At that time, it was far from a rest home.
One night in early March 1968, DeGrimston called from Los Angeles and gave the Process two days to pack up and come to Los Angeles. Around March 10, 1968, a convoy of seven Process automobiles containing thirty people and fourteen Alsatian dogs journeyed toward Los Angeles. The Process moved into the South Cochrane house with all their dogs and their black turtlenecks and black pants and black capes with pictures of the devil sewn on them.
In the following week they went around to various mansions, cleaning them up, in order to pay for their rent. One such mansion that the Process work group visited while working for Artie Aarons was the John Barrymore mansion, located at 1301 Summit Ridge Drive.
It is a large, four-story mansion located several blocks down the hill from where Roman Polanski rented his house at 1600 Summit Ridge. Early in 1968, a young man from Baton Rouge, Louisiana named Kim was living at 1882 South Cochrane with a few friends of his from Louisiana. He was employed in some capacity by Artie Aarons, the owner of the property at 1882 South Cochrane.
In February of 1968 Lawrence Kim, because of the heavy freakiness-ratio at the house on South Cochrane, got permission from Artie Aarons to move into the so-called John Barrymore mansion at 1301 Summit Ridge Drive, in the Hollywood Hills.
A few days later the Process Church of the Final Judgment moved into the house owned by Artie Aarons on South Cochrane. Kim remembered that Processans would come to see Aarons. "They were trying to get him to move them over to a Pasadena property he had because it was a lot bigger and they were expecting more of the followers in or something." He already had a caretaker for that property, a woman and her son, so he was loath to turn it over to the Process."

The information about Artie Aarons has never been disputed. They did work for him in exchange for a place to stay when they lived in Los Angeles in 1968.
In a seemingly bizzard coincidence, Artie Aarons’ power of attorney and employee, Helen Golay, was convited of murder in 2008.

http://www.vice.com/read/detective-who- … 112-v15n10
"This year, in Los Angeles, two senior citizens, Helen Golay, 77, and Olga Rutterschmidt, 75, were convicted of murder. They were both sentenced to consecutive life terms. On two separate occasions, they had taken homeless men—Paul Vados and Kenneth McDavid—under their wings, housed, fed, and looked after them for two years, then killed them with cars, hit-and-run style. They had also taken out millions and millions of dollars in dozens of separate life-insurance policies on each man. LAPD homicide detective Dennis Kilcoyne was part of a task force that broke open the case.
Do you think her millions came from illegal activities?
Absolutely. To back up a little bit, there was a man that she worked for by the name of Artie Aaron, and he was a real-estate investor, broker, just wheelin’ and dealin’. She worked for him for 15 or 16 years. And when he died in the ’80s, she ended up mysteriously owning a number of his properties that he supposedly had quick-claimed over to her. There was some civil litigation with his family members. She’s always been deceitful. So she reached a point where she owned a number of buildings within blocks of the beach in Santa Monica, and that’s a high-rent district."

Posted : May 12, 2015 3:05 am
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

http://www.care2.com/c2c/groups/disc.ht … pst=330055

Golay, a mother of three, was involved in a series of questionable real estate deals. A number involved Mr Artie Aaron, who died of cancer in 1999 at age 73. Soon after, Golay took ownership of 13 of his properties, including two worth US$1.2m, cutting out his daughter, reported the LA Times.

This is the man I presume:

Artie Aaron in the U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Artie Aaron
SSN: 555-22-1202
Last Residence:
92024 Encinitas, San Diego, California, USA
BORN: 13 Sep 1925
Died: 25 Feb 1999
State (Year) SSN issued: California (Before 1951)

http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cg … 9&ref=acom

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : May 12, 2015 6:12 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Darla, you are just messing with me now!

How does the murder of two men in 2008 by two women who as far as I can tell were never associated with the Process, although they were associated with a man who was the Process’s landlord for a couple of months 40 years earlier, translate into the Process being connected murder?

The Process never murdered anyone, they have never been accused of murdering anyone.


Posted : May 12, 2015 8:50 am
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Nobody has ever presented any credible evidence to even suggest (to a critical mind) that the Process Church or any other vaguely “satanic” or otherwise esoteric or occult society, movement or otherwise has/had murder on their agenda.

The interest which lingers stems from the ridiculous, blown-out-of-all-proportion “focus” on satanism (and its supposed wide-spread influence) which Terry and others managed to stir up in the 1980s.

It’s unfounded, sensationalist bullshit. That’s my take on it. No offense intended.

Posted : May 18, 2015 8:52 pm
Posts: 333
Reputable Member

Yeah, this stuff is so far afield from the Zodiac case it might as well be a discussion on hydroponic crop rotations on a terraformed Mars in the year 2969.

Posted : May 19, 2015 7:40 am
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