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The Girl in Lovers' Lane

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A possible influence on Z years before the Lover’s Lane murders? Just came across it and found it intresting.

http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/F … LoversLane

"The Girl in Lovers’ Lane is a 1959 movie centered on two drifters, the older, experienced Bix Dugan and the young, naive Danny Winslow, who arrive in the small town of Sherman. Upon arriving, Bix starts up a relationship with an innocent young waitress named Carrie, who’s already being romantically pursued by creepy delivery man Jesse. Eventually, Bix realizes he’s going to have to leave Sherman soon, and attempts to break things off with Carrie. Things take a turn for the tragic, however, when, on the night Bix and Danny are supposed to leave, Carrie is murdered by Jesse.
For the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, please go to the episode recap page.

Abusive Parents: Bix’s backstory
Bad-Guy Bar: Well, pool hall, really.
Beauty Equals Goodness: In contrast to the generically good-looking heroes, Jesse, played by Jack Elam, is ugly as sin.
Big Brother Mentor: Bix.
Contemptible Cover: The one on this page.
Covers Always Lie: It makes the film look a lot racier than it really is. On the other hand, it also spoils the ending.
Devil in Plain Sight: Jesse. Carrie and Danny see him as the creep he is, but everyone else considers him harmless until the very end. Bix didn’t see it either, but knew he scared Carrie and that was enough for him.
Died in Your Arms Tonight: Carrie, after being attacked by Jesse, dies in Bix’s arms.
Dying Declaration of Love: Again, Carrie, to Bix.
I Wished You Were Dead: Bix feels responsible for his dad’s death due to this trope. What actually happened was that Bix punched his abusive father in self-defense, and the lout died of an alcohol-induced heart attack.
Idiot Ball: Even though the sheriff and his deputy are standing guard, they leave the jailhouse unlocked and have both their guns and the cell keys in easy access for intruders, which the lynch mob very easily takes advantage of.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Bix
May-December Romance: Danny and Sadie the hooker, going by Bix’s comments. Due to Dawson Casting, however, it doesn’t look like there’s much of a difference.
Near-Rape Experience: Bix stops one between Jesse and Carrie.
No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Carrie’s father delivers one to Bix, after Carrie’s murder. In Bix’ defense, this is because he absolutely refuses to fight back due to what happened with his father (see I Wished You Were Dead, above).
Papa Wolf: Bix, towards Danny, though he might have some ulterior motives, as seen in the YMMV tab.
Police Are Useless: Almost averted. The sheriff locks Bix in the cell to protect him from the lynch mob until he can receive a fair trial, but is useless when it comes to stopping the mob from barging in and taking the keys.
The Runaway: Danny, who left home when his parents decided to get a divorce.
Stalker with a Crush: Jesse
Took a Level in Badass: Danny beating a confession out of Jessie.
Train Escape: Our introduction to Danny"

Read more: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/F … z3cc41dReF

Posted : June 10, 2015 4:04 am