Zodiac Discussion Forum

Trusted Member
Joined: November 19, 2013 1:36 am
Last seen: October 16, 2021 4:10 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 62
Re: Route Transposition and Phenomenon

Oh, I see, that solver works great without the need to alter settings but it also needs to run for a very long time for harder problems. What are the …

4 years ago
Re: Route Transposition and Phenomenon

@4on4off, Thanks for using my program. The ambiguity I was referring to relates to the actual (real) solution of the cipher. Entire word combinations…

4 years ago
Re: Route Transposition and Phenomenon

In general, while allowing polyalphabetism, the solution usually has ambiguous sections. Most definitely. When using it on the 340 many words pop ou…

4 years ago
Re: Route Transposition and Phenomenon

I’m attending the ACA convention today (virtually) Look forward to viewing if someone is kind enough to record it and share.

4 years ago
Re: New online tool: Cipher Explorer

He has a 2nd video where he answers questions viewers had about the first one.

4 years ago
Re: New online tool: Cipher Explorer

just a little anomaly to the pivots. maybe its been noticed before? Reminds me of a video I saw a while back, where a guy uses some logic to decode th…

4 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA being worked on by SFPD & VALLEJO PD

Hopefully we can all find out who it is soon. I’m guessing it’s someone that’s dead. If dead, most likely, I am sure there are hoops to jump through…

4 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA Uploaded to GEDmatch

Yes I am aware of that. There has been nothing in the news about the dna tests which began around May of 2018. Silence is probably a good thing. I d…

5 years ago
Re: Let’s Crack Zodiac – Episode 3 – The 408

Awesome episode! Lot’s of tidbits that I have never heard about before. The ironic thing is I had just purchased a 1st edition of the book Harden repo…

5 years ago
Re: Cipher, Code, and Secret Writing Books (pre 1970)

Hard to imagine that the 408 would have been done by someone who had read The Codebreakers, or anything like it. That cypher is much more like an extr…

5 years ago
Re: Cipher, Code, and Secret Writing Books (pre 1970)

I’m not sure if a list of cipher, cryptogram, and secret writing books published prior to 1970 have been listed yet. I heard this tid-bit about ciph…

5 years ago
Re: z340: Routes in Quadrants

not even a universe sized computer would be able to search all, let alone even a meaningful fraction of it. Not that anyone of us have access to one …

5 years ago
Re: Birdice Phillips School and the Phillips 66 bomb map

That is interesting Shawn and if you watch the video at 29 seconds in you see what could be a flash from light reflecting off something. The pic below…

5 years ago
Re: Zodiac Rush To Editor Ciphers Solved Documentary

You are most welcome. This is a good place for sure with lots of discussions on just about every aspect of the case with an abundance of different opi…

5 years ago
Re: Zodiac Rush To Editor Ciphers Solved Documentary

Kelly, Thank you for releasing the video for all to view.

5 years ago
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