Last seen: June 6, 2023 6:47 pm
Interesting, i brought this forward on this site. A few years ago a writing expert explained that numerically most people who try to change or alter t…
I’ve read much of the police reports on the case
I thought Zodius was the name the tipster requested be published in the personal ads. Do we have the Zodius letter? Also what is the source for the cl…
I have always been interested in Zodiac using the .22 caliber Super X ammo for several reasons. One, it matches what was used at the possible Zodiac…
AK Wilks: "…both stacked bodies atop one another (and posing of any kind only occurs in 1% of murders), both used a knife to cut garments to ex…
AKWilks you are amazing! Thank you for your work here. I think it is a fascinating case. CZ85, stacked bodies occurred at the Domingos/Edwards scene,…
CZ85: Santa Barbara in ’63 would seem to point away from Ted. Could he have been there? Didn’t he write in his journal that he decided to kill years…
I have always been interested in Zodiac using the .22 caliber Super X ammo for several reasons. One, it matches what was used at the possible Zodiac…
It’s a good question and one I do not know the answer to. When I get a chance I’ll check through my materials and see if I can get an answer. I think…
Some more very interesting and compelling work by Jelberg. Remember in 1969, the publicly known "identity" of Ted Kaczynski was his job as &…
In light of the solved Zodiac 340 being revealed to involve Period 19 and diagonal sequences, bumping this to note that Jelberg in 2018 made very inte…
This thread will be open specifically for discussion of Jelberg’s work, the Nash theory and the Fibonacci sequence. Let’s have general discussion on…
You would need to ask Dave Oranchak, Jarvle, Sam or someone more knowledgeable about code methods. From what I understand, Period 19 would be one of h…
AK Wilks: Look at this great work Jelberg did on Period 19 back in 2018. He shows amazing similarities between the Zodiac 340 Code with Period 19 appl…