Last seen: July 9, 2021 6:52 am
Tom, it’s from the documentary His Name Was Arthur Leigh Allen. George Bawart – "She had a boyfriend at the time and she wanted him to feel sorr…
Ties him how? Tom was apparently told by Dave Toschi about something "extremely gross" contained in the Halloween card that linked Zodiac t…
Was it common knowledge at her college that those houses near the library were empty? If not, maybe after she discovered that her car wouldn’t start,…
It was this part of Bryan Hartnell’s interview that makes me think that Zodiac got a hair cut between the attack at Lake Berryessa and the shooting in…
If Kathy Johns was not a Zodiac victim then that would mean that Don Cheney lied about Arthur Leigh Allen. How would it mean he lied? It would mean …
Maybe Don Fouke said that Zodiac reminded him of a Welsh miner because he had certain facial features that reminded him of a Welsh person. Maybe it w…
If Kathy Johns was not a Zodiac victim, then her story is not relevant to Zodiac discussion. Right? If Kathy Johns was not a Zodiac victim then that …
So what’s the real story on where Kathleen was found? Was she found near her car or far away? If her abductor drove her around for a couple of hours…
According to Tom Voigt, there is an unreleased Zodiac communication – and physical evidence contained in the Halloween card – that definitively ties Z…
Wow, lots of Ross talk of late. The issue for me has always been the lack of a verifiable link to Vallejo, etc. He’s still on my suspect list, but he …
If Paul Stine picked up Zodiac at Mason and Geary and drove him to Washington and Cherry, then I think that Zodiac was probably sitting in the back, r…