Zodiac Discussion Forum

Trusted Member
Joined: July 17, 2018 7:05 am
Last seen: September 7, 2022 10:02 pm
Topics: 6 / Replies: 44
Re: Where is the report regarding Andrew Y. Nickolatos?

Yes, I have wanted to read those reports as well. I imagine it’s a privacy issue since Andy was actually arrested, but I’m not sure how these things w…

4 years ago
Re: Zodiac’s Accent

Could someone explain to me; what is the difference between a drawl and accent ? An "accent" is simply a different way of speaking. A &q…

4 years ago
Re: the case for Martyn Green as opposed to Groucho Marx

I definitely agree that he was a proto-troll, and that he might’ve started deliberately misspelling things once the newspapers started talking about h…

4 years ago
Re: the case for Martyn Green as opposed to Groucho Marx

I think he was a bad speller. I don’t think that means he was an idiot. I also don’t think it precludes the possibility that played up the misspelling…

4 years ago
Re: the case for Martyn Green as opposed to Groucho Marx

I believe he either wrote it from memory and had misheard some lyrics, or that he tried to write it as the record was playing. The penmanship doesn’t …

4 years ago
Re: the case for Martyn Green as opposed to Groucho Marx

Also, the Zodiac uses the phrase “the girl who’s never kissed”. This phrase is only used in the Marx version, no? No. Green says this in some version…

4 years ago
Re: the case for Martyn Green as opposed to Groucho Marx

Sure thing. Here are some images of the album in question: https://imgur.com/a/bPWwwmF Here’s the audio (sorry that it’s pretty quiet, and for…

4 years ago
Re: the case for Martyn Green as opposed to Groucho Marx

Yes, the "girl who’s never kissed" line is another common point of variation. The Martyn Green Sings the Gilbert and Sullivan Song Book vers…

4 years ago
Re: List Of Killers Who Wrote Letters

"3X" (a.k.a. the "necker-killer" or "lovers’ lane killer") sent letters and ciphers to the police and newspapers after h…

4 years ago
Re: What Only The Zodiac and the Police Knew

The stick figure in the crime scene sketch could be interpreted as depicting the victim lying on her right side.

5 years ago
Re: ‘Small pencel flash light’ in the August 4th 1969 letter

Thanks, Silkweaver. The reason I asked about the context of Lundblad’s question is because I wonder whether he was bluffing — trying to goad Zodiac i…

5 years ago
Re: ‘Small pencel flash light’ in the August 4th 1969 letter

Silkweaver: I went back and read the article to which Zodiac was presumably responding. It states, "Lundblad explained the killer needed no arti…

5 years ago
Re: ‘Small pencel flash light’ in the August 4th 1969 letter

I’m one of those people who has considered that Zodiac may have been in law enforcement, or that he was at least somehow privy to details of the inves…

5 years ago
Re: ‘Small pencel flash light’ in the August 4th 1969 letter

The only thing I can think of is that perhaps Zodiac caught wind of Michael Mageau’s description of a large flashlight (was this published anywhere be…

5 years ago
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