Zodiac Discussion Forum

Estimable Member
Joined: July 21, 2018 1:11 pm
Last seen: April 7, 2023 7:40 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 163
Re: Is the Zodiac persona misdirection to create an alibi?

BDHOLLAND said; "I think the Zodiac"…"dillydallies around how to describe the location he murdered Ferrin and Mageau"…"Wh…

5 years ago
Re: Honolulu Strangler

So the correct answer is: The Wiki you quoted is wrong, or the (Wiki’s) source is quoted in such a way that (the Wiki at this time) gives a misleading…

5 years ago
Re: Honolulu Strangler

So now you’re telling us the paragraph that you (as the OP) posted in the first post, "Her husband told police he suspected her death to be assoc…

5 years ago
Re: Honolulu Strangler

"Her husband told police he suspected her death to be associated with her job, working at a video rental store that also handled pornographic fil…

5 years ago
Re: Z Marin IJ letter

Quicktrader said; "The time given in the letter is odd, anybody an idea why the time is given so precisely? " If it’s a date (american styl…

5 years ago
Re: z340: Routes in Quadrants

Jarlve said; "Do you think he transposed the parts at the plain text or cipher text level?" If the ‘pivots’ are taken as intentional, that …

5 years ago
Re: Zodiac Rush To Editor Ciphers Solved Documentary

I’ve only seen the youtube trailer video. Interesting, regardless of whether or not you are in agreement with her identification of a name, I note sh…

5 years ago
Re: Nancy Bennallack

Points; The ‘Ananda’ mentioned is still in existence, although Swami Kriyananda died in 2013;

5 years ago
Re: Washington and Maple / Washington and Cherry

CuriousCat said; "I think Maple basically dead ends there"… Yes, and back in ’69 Maple had more & taller screening foilage in the cen…

5 years ago
Re: Survival tipps

QT said; " animals (e.g. biting, less likely but I guess some rat bit some Chinese chef..so don’t accuse the bats..)" The Epoch Times repor…

5 years ago
Re: Survival tipps

…(4) they are a police state, with more overarching ‘control’ of their citizens. ———————— Recent;

5 years ago
Re: Phone Call to Police Dispatch

Here the source of the quote, (word-find for ‘traumatized’), from the surrounding posts on that page it is evident the source was VPD officer James De…

5 years ago
Re: Eureka Card mailed 1990 to the SF Chronicle

brubaker said; …"it would be nice to understand it a bit better." In regard to the picture, I came to the tentative conclusion that the ‘…

5 years ago
Re: What music are you listening to?

Music to contemplate matters Zodiac by:

5 years ago
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