Last seen: April 7, 2023 7:40 pm
BDHOLLAND said; "I think the Zodiac"…"dillydallies around how to describe the location he murdered Ferrin and Mageau"…"Wh…
So the correct answer is: The Wiki you quoted is wrong, or the (Wiki’s) source is quoted in such a way that (the Wiki at this time) gives a misleading…
So now you’re telling us the paragraph that you (as the OP) posted in the first post, "Her husband told police he suspected her death to be assoc…
"Her husband told police he suspected her death to be associated with her job, working at a video rental store that also handled pornographic fil…
Quicktrader said; "The time given in the letter is odd, anybody an idea why the time is given so precisely? " If it’s a date (american styl…
Jarlve said; "Do you think he transposed the parts at the plain text or cipher text level?" If the ‘pivots’ are taken as intentional, that …
I’ve only seen the youtube trailer video. Interesting, regardless of whether or not you are in agreement with her identification of a name, I note sh…
Points; The ‘Ananda’ mentioned is still in existence, although Swami Kriyananda died in 2013;
CuriousCat said; "I think Maple basically dead ends there"… Yes, and back in ’69 Maple had more & taller screening foilage in the cen…
QT said; " animals (e.g. biting, less likely but I guess some rat bit some Chinese chef..so don’t accuse the bats..)" The Epoch Times repor…
…(4) they are a police state, with more overarching ‘control’ of their citizens. ———————— Recent;
Here the source of the quote, (word-find for ‘traumatized’), from the surrounding posts on that page it is evident the source was VPD officer James De…
brubaker said; …"it would be nice to understand it a bit better." In regard to the picture, I came to the tentative conclusion that the ‘…
Music to contemplate matters Zodiac by: