Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: December 27, 2018 3:42 am
Topics: 1 / Replies: 17
Re: Washington & Maple

Washington and Maple vs Washington and Cherry: – my mind sees Maple and Cherry as streets named after trees. Then it goes to President George Washin…

5 years ago
Re: TommyT in da hayyyyyouse!!!

Hi TommyT! "JFK library has a binder that has every article printed in Vallejo on Zodiac" thanks! I remembered from an article they …

5 years ago
Re: A little bit about me

Hi Melissa, Thanks for coming in and your honesty. I hope you can find more info and understand your brother. Perhaps by looking at other serial kil…

5 years ago
Re: Hello from Fingoland

Wildly speculative conjecture? come on in . Oh thanks that sounds fun! The news says it may actually be cold enough here to snow in Napa CA tonight …

5 years ago
Re: Howdy from Oregon!

Hi and welcome! Wow to grow up with a serial killer how chilling. That pic of him is so haunting. What was he like growing up? Did you see or sense a …

5 years ago
Re: Z type graffiti

There’s a lot of graffiti in Vallejo. Unfortunately not as much police presence as they need from budget cuts. But odd that someone mentions the Zodia…

5 years ago
Re: TommyT in da hayyyyyouse!!!

Welcome TommyT! I’m CathyO. I live in Napa, so near you in Vallejo, and new on here. I play in a poker league in Vallejo so I do venture there. Have s…

5 years ago
Re: Z letters discolouration why?

Ahh good points on color I didn’t “see”it. I assumed paper was made that way. For me, it seems so awkward to wear gloves when hand writing a letter. D…

5 years ago
Re: Prints from the phonebooth

Greetings all. Question on prints taken from Napa phone booth. Is there a picture or description? Has anyone seen original file from police? Looking t…

5 years ago
Re: Greetings from Napa, this is Cathy

RE: Napa phone booth where call was placed to NPD regarding Berryessa Building Phone booth location was at 1231 Main Street. Today in 2019, and for p…

5 years ago
Re: Greetings from Napa, this is Cathy

Thanks Joku! I looked again at the ad for the "Riverside" brand tires. There’s a MW logo in it I didn’t see before, so the ad was from Mon…

5 years ago
Re: Letters to the Editor of Bay Area papers

Thank you, Morf for adding this topic. I also wondered about some of the Zodiac letter words and phrases, and wonder if they were found before, during…

5 years ago
Re: Zodiac DNA Uploaded to GEDmatch

Hmm why Sacramento? As it is the capital of the state of California, and there are several universities in the area with law schools, it could be a pr…

5 years ago
Re: Greetings from Napa, this is Cathy

Traveler and Quicktrader, thank you so much! Just something to, I think, occupy my time and keep me busy, really. My computer is so old and the screen…

5 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1438
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