Zodiac Discussion Forum

Coffee Time
Honorable Member
Joined: June 1, 2014 8:48 am
Last seen: April 4, 2023 3:22 am
Topics: 19 / Replies: 605
RE: 4/20/1969 letter

Methinks it’s just a typo. Otherwise, you’d have a mystery letter that predates Blue Rock Springs and no mention of the “Name” letter.

3 years ago

I can’t quite wrap my head around the implication that Zodiac reused stamps. Lifting stamps is a potentially laborious process, and such an exercise w…

3 years ago
RE: Man of La Mancha

There appears to be an S.F. Examiner article from August 1969 that references this production, if anyone here has an active sub to Newspapers.com (or …

3 years ago
RE: Best Piece of Evidence For and Against Each Suspect

It’s hard to categorically rule out “average-looking white guys of a certain age who were known to frequent the Bay area,” which is probably why LE wa…

3 years ago
RE: Gary F. Poste?

“It’s not clear to me from this photograph that this is even a silhouette.” It looks like the Pilsbury Dough Boy. Might as well say they saw Zod…

3 years ago
RE: Gary F. Poste?

Literally no witness mentioned forehead scars, which tells me all I need to know.

3 years ago
RE: Zodiac Communications Authentication

RPD could have said, “The DNA of the Bates author was later found to match DNA from a Zodiac letter.” Or, “The author also confessed to writing letter…

3 years ago
RE: Zodiac Communications Authentication

RPD said “additional information was developed” about fake Zodiac letters and that someone supposedly copped to writing them. They didn’t say it was t…

3 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

Ulp, found another interesting column right here. Dwight Chapin asked readers to send in their nominations for most admirable people. Note that the li…

3 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

I found these last year. My head would explode from shock if these are legitimate letters. ?

3 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

I imagine the lab would note what they found, even if it didn’t ultimately lead anywhere. The much more detailed report from 2007 referred to trace am…

3 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

We’ve pondered the mysteries of that report for years. You have to Franken-stitch the best you can from what’s out there. My interpretation of “cells …

3 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

Yup, but the SLA letter isn’t on that list at all (why?), and the Exorcist doesn’t say “DNA found,” only “cells found.” I’m not disputing that it’s li…

3 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

Keel said that the 1978 DNA matched one of the 1974 letters. That it’s the Exorcist is speculation. As for the palm prints — people often say “THE …

3 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

Oh yeah, the “Maupin framed Toschi” angle. That was popular around here. A forgery good enough to fool the examiners, yet bad enough that Maupin could…

3 years ago
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