Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: April 17, 2017 8:54 pm
Last seen: April 20, 2023 2:36 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 228
RE: High Tech Family & Coed Murders – Percy, Bricca, Robison

@ak-wilks Thanks! I was actually able to get the file from Dave. Cheers

3 years ago
RE: Bates had to die letters confirmed to be a hoax

I have not seen documentation that fingerprints were recovered from any of the Riverside correspondences? If they had a DNA or a fingerprint match the…

3 years ago
RE: Bates had to die letters confirmed to be a hoax

I’m not certain either way, but in absence of a DNA match to the evidence (which Riverside Police do not claim to have in their 2021 Update) I too ten…

3 years ago
RE: May 8, a connection to Zodiac?

Yes, that masked redbellied bastard is quite attentive indeed!

4 years ago
RE: May 8, a connection to Zodiac?

Do you think this Oct 15, 69 Santa Rosa school bus bomb threat call supports the notion that the actual Zodiac (again) threatened to blow up the Santa…

4 years ago
RE: May 8, a connection to Zodiac?

I think you have already answered this. He saw that the police did not let the press print his threat on the morning of the 15th so he promptly called…

4 years ago

Considering that the Fouke/Zelms encounter was not printed in newspapers or (seemingly) acknowledged by police until the Nov12 memo, does the allusion…

4 years ago
RE: Zodiac Communications Authentication

That is how I interpreted it as well, I just don’t believe it to be true. Maybe there will be a clarification at some point. It’s certainly possible, …

4 years ago
RE: Zodiac Communications Authentication

“additional information was developed” was curious and I think misleading phrasing. I am not convinced that they took it upon themselves to involve ot…

4 years ago
RE: Zodiac Communications Authentication

If we take the representative from Riverside at their word that they have access to Zodiac DNA (which we did not know existed) and DNA from multiple Z…

4 years ago

Hi guys, a lot of this will probably be covered in your upcoming Riverside podcast and some of these are just opinion oriented but here goes. Is the…

4 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

We know that they have done more testing since this chart was compiled as this was done before the recovery of the July31 envelopes (and maybe others …

4 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

According to this SFPD DNA test chart from the 90s the only 1974 tested was Exorcist./p>

4 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

For me trying to discern the true authorship of this letter has been really interesting. Whether it was Zodiac, Toschi, some mischievous hoaxer, or on…

4 years ago
RE: SF Chronicle Aug 3, 1978 April 1978 Letter Fake

Suggestions regarding DNA evidence aside, my vote today is that Zodiac wrote this April 24, 78 letter. I am repeating myself but indenting the first l…

4 years ago
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