Zodiac Discussion Forum

Honorable Member
Joined: April 2, 2013 9:28 am
Topics: 8 / Replies: 620
Re: Lake Berryessa Letter???

Unless you want to say the "north bay area" extends all the way to LB. Good point. What do you think he meant by that? The only other thing…

6 years ago
Re: Ross and Kane knew each other?

Why did Ross and Kane leave behind enough evidence for people to figure out that they were murderers, surely something they would have liked to have k…

6 years ago
Re: Lake Berryessa Letter???

The thing about the pin/button was Zodiac having a joke, most likely about Belli, playing off of the real button that existed and said, "Melville…

6 years ago
Re: "Ted Kaczynski has been cleared."

I was always confused by this terminology. Why would the police care about "clearing" anyone? Their job is to find the person who committed…

6 years ago
Re: Golden State Killer Possibly caught

To circumvent the illegal use of DNA and the potential fruit of the poison tree problems i would have a go at it like this. I don’t think there would…

6 years ago
Re: Golden State Killer Possibly caught

Ancestry should work towards assisting LE, not touting this privacy nonsense to claim they will only do so when compelled by "valid legal process…

6 years ago
Re: Gaikowski Background as a Zodiac Suspect

I’ve probably said it before, but if Z was Gyke, or really any person connected to the radical left wing, it would probably be that he was a murderous…

7 years ago
Re: Upcoming Zodiac Killer movie

I so wanted to post a screencap of that scene from Parks and Recreation where Leslie wants to preserve the video rental store as a place of historical…

7 years ago
Re: The Hunt for the Zodiac by Mike Rodelli

"Hunt for the Zodiac" I found him, he works at a car dealership! But seriously, I’m happy that Mike got his book published and I truly wish…

7 years ago
Re: Police not working with each other ?

than perhaps it would be better to agree to disagree and move on. …which is what I am choosing to do now. Ok, sure go ahead and do that rather tha…

7 years ago
Re: Zodiac’s handwriting compared to Don Cheney’s handwritin

Notice his misspelling of "victem"? I’m not saying this to be dismissive, but I find it can sometimes be not too helpful to look at very co…

7 years ago
Re: Police not working with each other ?

Your arguments are incredibly unclear and do not seem to apply to any of my posts in this thread. If you would like to be more specific regarding: ยท…

7 years ago
Re: The’Patricia Hautz’ letter

If that’s the case, then PH’s letter isn’t all that unusual or mysterious. Did you read the rest of the thread, or just that post? But I’m glad this…

7 years ago
Re: Police not working with each other ?

Zreasearch, Don’t you see how that actually goes against your point? You’re arguing exactly why ALA is not a good suspect: a lack of evidence. How do…

7 years ago
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