Zodiac Discussion Forum

Trusted Member
Joined: November 29, 2019 4:51 am
Last seen: August 31, 2021 10:05 pm
Topics: 7 / Replies: 45
RE: What was and wasn’t found in the original raid on ALA’s property

@alonzo Well yes by my logic you can be killed by a .45 or a .22.

3 years ago
RE: What was and wasn’t found in the original raid on ALA’s property

Any gun is a massive gun as the murdered kids found out being hit with small caliber ammo, .22 as it were.

3 years ago
3 years ago
Re: Paul Avery

I believe it was an inside job. I’d read or heard somewhere years ago that there was in fact a Z team, Bruce Davis was involved, but the real heavy hi…

3 years ago
Re: Sitting In the Front Seat

Sitting in the front seat with Paul Stine seems to indicate being right handed. What part of shirt was taken? If he held a knife with left hand then…

3 years ago
Re: Sitting In the Front Seat

You say you would could shoot right or left handed. I would never try. I am introducing a dimension to the conversation that extends to lack of a met…

3 years ago
Re: Sitting In the Front Seat

I looked into ambidexterity some time ago because I write left-handed but I perform most fine motor tasks with my right hand. Turns out there are NO …

3 years ago
Re: Episodes 1 & 2 out now

Sequence to start: R Foot on brake L Foot on clutch R Hand turning on ignition to Start R Hand putting transmission in R Hands on steering wheel for…

3 years ago
Re: Episodes 1 & 2 out now

After hearing Episode 2 Blue Rock Springs, I have a couple of comments on state of vehicle ignition and gear. Yes I don’t believe many autos did not …

3 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1105
Re: + –

Maybe this constitutes a P NP problem with this new rule.

4 years ago
Re: + –

Let me try again. And the key is without homophones for now and not randomly scrambled though should/could be. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ BCDAEFIJKLM…

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1923
Re: the radians?

I believe gradians are used in civil. Generally with elevation? Radians in mathematics and engineering, mostly controls. Engineering also uses degre…

4 years ago
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