Last seen: August 31, 2021 10:05 pm
@alonzo Well yes by my logic you can be killed by a .45 or a .22.
Any gun is a massive gun as the murdered kids found out being hit with small caliber ammo, .22 as it were.
I believe it was an inside job. I’d read or heard somewhere years ago that there was in fact a Z team, Bruce Davis was involved, but the real heavy hi…
Sitting in the front seat with Paul Stine seems to indicate being right handed. What part of shirt was taken? If he held a knife with left hand then…
You say you would could shoot right or left handed. I would never try. I am introducing a dimension to the conversation that extends to lack of a met…
I looked into ambidexterity some time ago because I write left-handed but I perform most fine motor tasks with my right hand. Turns out there are NO …
Sequence to start: R Foot on brake L Foot on clutch R Hand turning on ignition to Start R Hand putting transmission in R Hands on steering wheel for…
After hearing Episode 2 Blue Rock Springs, I have a couple of comments on state of vehicle ignition and gear. Yes I don’t believe many autos did not …
Maybe this constitutes a P NP problem with this new rule.
Let me try again. And the key is without homophones for now and not randomly scrambled though should/could be. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ BCDAEFIJKLM…
I believe gradians are used in civil. Generally with elevation? Radians in mathematics and engineering, mostly controls. Engineering also uses degre…
Per my previous comment here is a graph of R=< The dist and the angle are equal. R could be in any units inches feet miles kilometers. There are…
1. Linda was at party and Darlene Ferrin’s sister if I am not mistaken. 2. I believe the answer is yes but there was separation of the time that each…
I liked it. how should I show that? I watched clear to the end and looked for more…