Not saying Zodiac "didn’t" own that book, but have you ever read it? It’s a really dry, fairly boring history book. I don’t think I learne…
The "guy in that video" is Nils Kopal, who is working in a PostDoctoral position at the Univ. of Siegen. He’s written a ton of research pap…
QT- What in the hell are you talking about? There is no ‘my’ solution, I’ve never once presented one, ever. Dave and team solved the 340, the FBI c…
Looking at it in hindsight now, with the solution known, I think you could have worked on this approach forever and not gotten anywhere. Not saying t…
I have tried getting this to work but I don’t get to the geographical coordinates near Lake Tahoe Yeah, the thing is, among this "solution’s"…
Hey glurk, want me to put the mp3 on soundcloud for posterity? That way anyone can hear it, without downloading the mp3, if they have the link. Sure, …
Never being one to disappoint my adoring fans, here’s a once-through, slightly sloppy, uke version. I’m not really set up to record instruments (I ne…
Here’s something random… A little "chip-tune" I composed, sort of a theme for a video game that never existed. What’s funny is that I was…
And to be clear, I personally and independently have verified all of this. In fact I spent hours on it, particularly because of mistakes made in the …
Apparently, QT thinks that I am Jarlve? Perhaps he is unable to read the name of who posts. Since he also seems to think the 9th letter is "J&qu…
Sorry. Either I am too stupid to follow this one or it is just nonsense. Clearly, it is the former. Can’t you even follow the simple method? Replace…
It’s REALLY simple. 1) Take the transcribed ciphertext. 2) Remove all spaces. 3) Remove all capital letters. 4) Replace 1=a, 2=b, 3=c. 4=d, etc…. 5…
I manually, using a computer, LOL, took the cipher and left out the spaces and capitals, and replaced the numbers with letters as explained, and came …
Honestly, even if you did have / found someone at FBI to send it to, you would likely get an "OK, thanks for your submission" letter. And t…
Let’s skip all the mathematics of this, and look at it from a purely visual, common sense viewpoint. Here is the text of the 340 solution from this p…