Zodiac Discussion Forum

Henning Heldt
Active Member
Joined: April 9, 2014 1:43 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 19
Re: My Name is cipher

C___B___E___U__R___O__R___G___R__M__E___C___G = BRUCE McGREGOR

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

Here is another Intell U.S. Weekly Report regarding Terry Milner’s "investigation". (3 page limit on attachments?)

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

From the Second Progress Report, a witness named Terry Milner, who was the Deputy Guardian for Intell U.S. and a close friend of Bruce Davis, was doin…

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

Personaly I have no opinion for or against on the "Ceclia Shepherd’s sister Carolyn said that Ceclia recived at death threat from Scientology the…

10 years ago
Re: Bruce Davis parole

Has anyone heard if Governor Brown vetoed the Parole Board decision to free Davis? Here’s what Brown SHOULD do: He should NOT oppose the release of …

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

Please provide a source for her Sister saying she was threatened. The source is Tom Voigt. Carolyn Shepard told Tom Voigt over the telephone that Ce…

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

Sounds like someone has an axe to grind with Scientology! I’m just trying to correct some false information that permeates the internet regarding …

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

I have a full set of unredacted, unedited police reports from Berryessa, and the investigation, and there is ZERO mention of any threat against her. B…

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

Henning, a couple things. First, show proof that C. Shepard was threatened the day before her murder. If Gaul was sexually assaulted, that does not …

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

Henning, to respond to the idea that I may have some personal connection to scientology, I do not. The only thing I know about scientology is what I …

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

There is no evidence that Tex Watson was anywhere but Texas the entire month of November 1969. If you can provide that evidence then please do, other…

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

Hen wrote "That’s what happens when somebody profits off of what should be public information. Can you upload the ORIGINAL police report" W…

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

The handwritten version has even more date-switches & spelling errors. So on ONE page of your ‘debunk BD data’, we have over 20 different errors …

10 years ago
Re: Gaul & Sharp

Some of the above stuff did not transfer over well from the old site. Here are the first and second progress reports on the case. Seagull, on the…

10 years ago
Re: Bruce Davis, Scientology and Zodiac

I found a discussion at a forum geared for ex-Scientology members that says Scientology was behind the Zodiac killings with Bruce Davis being involved…

10 years ago
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