Zodiac Discussion Forum

Eminent Member
Joined: July 25, 2015 6:41 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 17
Re: The Witnesses

I remember reading about the taxi robberies before Paul Stine was murdered and I’m betting someone has addressed this before but, the first poster dat…

9 years ago
Re: Zodiac, an Oakland A’s Fan??

LHR_-_SCSO_Report_46_-_Redacted.jpg I don’t know if this copy of the report will–copy. It doesn’t seem to. It’s from zodiac killer facts.com LHR p…

9 years ago

There were also differing reports from the passer-bys on Lake Herman Road that night as to how the Rambler was parked. Here’s what’s puzzled me: !. …

9 years ago

Very interesting–what you’ve shown makes sense IF you can believe all the different witness stories that came forth. One thing reading through all t…

9 years ago
Re: Emotional forensics

What a great topic! I agree–by letting loose with how we see z was motivated it can (at least) activate the imagination, allow new insights. I agre…

9 years ago
Re: Detailed analysis of the 408 solution

I’m sure there must be a post related to this question regarding the last few lines of the 408–but my eyes cross with trying to read and make sense o…

9 years ago
Re: The Blue Valiant?

I was reading this thread and remembered seeing a report that said Deputy Villarreal saw a blue 1967 Ford sedan parked around 1150pm or so near where …

10 years ago
Re: Things the confirmed Z murders have in common

So one oddity I noticed that all the confirmed murders had in common–all of the victims, in one way or another, shouldn’t have been where they were. …

10 years ago
Re: Faraday found inside the car.

Thank you for posting that portion the video–as if the Lake herman timeline is not complicated enough! I can’t see how Bideu missed the station wago…

10 years ago
Re: Faraday found inside the car.

This is an interesting thread–I also wondered about the video interviews and newspaper articles that said David was found either in or half-way out o…

10 years ago
Re: Comparing the Zodiac case to the ‘Son of Sam’ Case

I think (as Trav so nicely points out above) that Berkowitz obviously mimicked Zodiac. "I love to hunt"…"fair game", etc., etc….

10 years ago
Re: Comparing the Zodiac case to the ‘Son of Sam’ Case

Hi Barry S.–I was not painting all people with autism with the same brush as I picture/imagine z. I did not intend to offend anyone and I’m sorry if …

10 years ago
Re: The ’61 Rambler station wagon

I found the reference I was looking for–on page 16 of the Solano County report that Morf has posted at the beginning of the David F and Betty Lou thr…

10 years ago
Re: Lake Herman Rd Timeline

Hi Soze –wasn’t that the black car at the gate–and whoever was in it was talking to the guard? Did the police ever speak to the guard?

10 years ago
Re: Comparing the Zodiac case to the ‘Son of Sam’ Case

I am a newbie to the board but really want to weigh in on this. I have had limited experience with people with schizoid disorders as a rent-a-nurse a…

10 years ago
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